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Renaming Of Mustang Stadium

Reported by Sports Department

July 30, 2006 - 7:08PM


These are responses to our KFDM poll asking viewers: Should West Orange-Stark's Mustang Stadium should be renamed Dan R. Hooks Stadium, after the Mustangs head football coach?

i am very much in favor of the renaming. I am a 27 year resident of orange and graduated from wos in 1984. To rename the stadium in honor of DAN RAY HOOKS is the number one way to show our appreciation for all coach hooks has done for our city, school, and kids. Not only has he established one of the top football teams in the state but he has brought to us the overwhelming PRIDE to say we are from west orange-stark. Bringing pride to a community is no small task and he's done it for 27 years.

As a black man and taxpayer in WOCCISD, I am embarrassed by Mrs. Martin's actions. If her race and coach Hooks' race were reversed, there would be cries of racism, and rightfully so. He is a great man who has done much for the school. Please ignore this ignorant attempt to erase him from our history. The board MUST re-name the stadium after Dan R. Hooks.

Dan Hooks deserves to have this stadium named after him. I have known plenty of former players whose lives were changed for the better after playing for Coach Hooks. Shirley Martin, on the other hand, starts fights in board meetings and mocks people who speak against her opinion. She has no good reason for her position other than that she doesn't like Coach Hooks or high school athletics in general. There will never be another Coach Hooks in Southeast Texas, much less at West Orange Stark. Because of Coach Hooks, people around Texas know the name West Orange-Stark. It's only fitting that people coming to the stadium know HIS name long after he has retired. He has given the school a legacy. He deserves one of his own.

As far as most fans are concerned, this should not even be an issue. All present board members besides Shirley Martin were in favor of the re-naming, and she is known as a divisive force on the board. Her reasons for opposing the stadium are personal, while those who seek to honor Hooks are doing it not only as a token of personal appreciation, but as a way of recognizing a man who has done more for West Orange-Stark than any other single person. His credentials are obvious: two championships, four finals appearances, the top winning percentage in the state and countless players who have gone on to better lives as a result of his influence. Next year, WO-S, a 3A school, will have six players actively playing at the Division 1 level (Franks at A&M, Chavis at Missouri, Beasley and Thomas at UT, White at UH and Franks at Texas Tech). Even if he does not reside in West Orange CISD, he has done more for the school and the community than any other individual. Opposing this honor is purely a spiteful action by a board member who only attends meetings occasionally and has had to pay a fine recently for threatening another board member during a meeting.

Absolutely in favor of the renaming of the football stadium Dan Hooks Stadium. Can't think of a more appropriate name considering all the things Mr. Hooks has done for West Orange students and not only the football program. He has been a dedicated coach and mentor and if every person that has crossed his path had a vote, you would not be able to count them all.

Hopefully our school board has the good sense to do this!!!

I am definitely FOR naming the Stadium after Coach Hooks. He has been, is and will always be one of the most positive things that comes from WOS. In this day and time when there are so few positive things, let's sing someone their praises (who by the way is MOST deserving) while they still can enjoy them.

If you are going to name a stadium after a coach, then Dan Hooks is certainly as deserving as anyone. I just wonder what the rush is to do it now.

It seems funny to me naming a stadium after someone that is still using the stadium. The attempt to do it now seems more like hero worship rather than respect. The year after he retires would be a great curtain call for him to return for the honor. They could probably get a record standing room only crowd to come out and see Dan on the field once again and take a final bow. It could be a great added attraction to a homecoming game.

Rename the stadium? Sure. To do it now? I wouldn't if it was my call.

Yes, it should definitely be renamed... As Yankee Stadium is known as the house that Ruth built, Mustang Stadium is recognized by most as the house that Coach Hooks built. He has one of the best records of all time for any coach of high school football in the state of Texas and his resume includes the accomplishment of leading WOS to surpass Odessa Permian as the winningest team in Texas; he has shown tremendous loyalty to the district; and he is an all-around great person and tremendous role model. He deserves it!!!!

I don't even understand why this is an issue. Shirley Martin insists on dragging this district through the mud every chance she gets and will continue to do so until something is done to rid the district of this cancer. Dan Hooks is a great coach, and an even better person. I wish I could say the same about Shirley Martin. I am absolutely FOR renaming Mustang Stadium after Dan R. Hooks.

The people should be allowed to name it whatever they wish.

The people should be allowed to name it whatever they wish...Buddy

I am against renaming the stadium, he's a coach and has done what he was suppose to do, so have the Mustangs. To me your giving D. Hooks something and taking it away from the Mustangs. Thanks


Dan Hooks has helped countless numbers of youths over the years. They have looked at Coach Hooks as not only their coach, but as a father figure as well. Naming a stadium after Coach Hooks, is the least the community can do to pay tribute to such a fine Coach and even better man. Jim

I am 100% FOR changing the name of Mustang Stadium to Dan R. Hooks Stadium. It is absolutely ridiculous that it is even being opposed at all. Daniel

Our vote is for renaming the stadium after Coach Dan R. Hooks.

As many others have commented, it has brought attention to the cancer that Shirley Martin brings as an advocate of others. Ms. Martin is simply a mouthpiece for a very disgruntled man. The voting citizens of WOCCISD must wonder why this woman detests everything positive about the board and district she serves. She never finds anything good with WOC, only negative.

That is her reason once again for her despicable remarks made in a recent board meeting.


In response to your poll question about whether or not Mustang Stadium should be renamed Dan R. Hooks Stadium, my answer is a resounding yes.

I am a recent graduate of West Orange-Stark High School, and I have seen firsthand how Coach Hooks has transformed struggling boys into strong young men. There are no other individuals in the district or even in the community that I believe deserve this honor more than he does. It is only fitting that the man who in essence created Mustang Stadium- its atmosphere, its fans, and of course its winning tradition- should be the proud reciepient of its new moniker.K.S.




Yes, it should definitely be renamed... As Yankee Stadium is known as the house that Ruth built, Mustang Stadium is recognized by most as the house that Coach Hooks built.

True but Yankee Stadium is still Yankee Stadium. It is not Babe Ruth Stadium or The House That Ruth Built Stadium. He needs to try another analogy.

Guest GoStangs

LOL... It's an introductory statement, not the reason for re-naming the place. :)


I think folks as you see here said what we thought they would say..90% positive.

Id say 99% positive with Shirley Marting being th 1% reciprocal.


Well I am just fed up with all of this. Especially the fact that we have to take score in these Foosball games and even anounce a winner. I think every one should get the same color medal and we can just name the stadium "A Happy Place in Utopia"...wouldnt it just be magical.... :roll:


Well I am just fed up with all of this. Especially the fact that we have to take score in these Foosball games and even anounce a winner. I think every one should get the same color medal and we can just name the stadium "A Happy Place in Utopia"...wouldnt it just be magical.... :roll:

LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

Foosball is tha Debil!!!! :lol:


I think we are all getting a little tired to hearing about the name of the stadium.. It's suitable to name it after one of the best football coaches to coach the GAME..IMO 8)


I think we are all getting a little tired to hearing about the name of the stadium.. It's suitable to name it after one of the best football coaches to coach the GAME..IMO 8)



sounds good but they maybe short of doing it since there budget is short of money due to nontax paying people.

LMAO again....every ones a comedian today :lol:

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