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is Bronson a Senior or Junior? Are there any schools looking at him or has he signed with someone?

Senior.  Already signed with McNeese to play football and baseball.  He could have a future in either.  His uncle played 8 seasons as a DB for the 49'ers.


i know lott personally and he would be the first to tell you that he does not throw 90.  he may touch it ocassionally but thats it hes a mid 80's lefty with not that good of offspeed to go along with it.  good h/s pitcher though, needs to go juco and develop then he may have a chance to go D1.  Also there is no 3A kid out there polished enough to go straight to pro-ball.  not knocking anybody but come on.  if they were to even get sniffed in the draft and sign it would be a nightmare and would be a ridiculous move on the families part.  when you think you see talent, make sure you judge them on a professional level and then you will reassess your thoughts.  remember no knocks on anybody, just reality.


i know lott personally and he would be the first to tell you that he does not throw 90.  he may touch it ocassionally but thats it hes a mid 80's lefty with not that good of offspeed to go along with it.  good h/s pitcher though, needs to go juco and develop then he may have a chance to go D1.  Also there is no 3A kid out there polished enough to go straight to pro-ball.  not knocking anybody but come on.  if they were to even get sniffed in the draft and sign it would be a nightmare and would be a ridiculous move on the families part.  when you think you see talent, make sure you judge them on a professional level and then you will reassess your thoughts.  remember no knocks on anybody, just reality.

well I don't think you know Lott personally cause he definitely wouldnt tell you that he touches 90 ocassionally he's low 90's some times upper 80's but mostly 90's and i have seen it with my own eyes and i can name all the games i seen where he hit 92 and sat there 3 to 4 innings so i don't know where your getting your sources as far as the d-1 signing go he has many offers from top d-1 schools but just hadn't made a decision yet on where he wants to go and i know this because i know him personally


This is an example of where I had my information confirmed from this summer.  If he is throwing 90s now, that is different than I knew...of course, you would think there would be a huge buzz on that kind of velocity out of a LHP...for him, I hope so...I just haven't heard it:

2007 Sunshine South Showcase

  Player: Albert Lott

Position: LHP

Height: 6-2

Weight: 220

60 Yd: 7.52

OF Velo: 

IF Velo: 

1B Velo: 79

C Velo: 

Pop Time: 

Fastball: 84


Slider: 75




FB Range: 81-82

PG Grade: 8.5

Sparq Vertical: 

Sparq Shuttle: 

Sparq Thirty: 

Sparq Powerball: 

Sparq Rating:


As far as this goes since your going on stats from last summer ross hales wasn't at 90 either he was at mid 80's topping out at 87 so no disrespect to you MIF04 but if your going to put stats on here from the summer of last year just be right on everything


lol ok your right with your awesome baseball assessment skills....if so it was a juggs gun which reads harder than the true stalker....never has he or any1 in that district sat at 92 for 3 innings, maybe touched    maybe, thats a joke....haley is really the only1 with the "stuff" to even somewhat contend in pro-ball right now.......in realist terms, if he is 6"3  230lbs. and sits at that then he would be a top 4 rounder and make upwards of 180 grand, is that happening, NO, so you now have no case, hang it up


As deep as the talent base is, I can't see any going straight to the Pros in our geographic area.  Yes, there are a couple that properly coached in JUCO could make the move after a couple of seasons.

Sorry, but the chances are rare as hens teeth to jump a needed notch: an go Pro from HS ball.


lol ok your right with your awesome baseball assessment skills....if so it was a juggs gun which reads harder than the true stalker....never has he or any1 in that district sat at 92 for 3 innings, maybe touched    maybe, thats a joke....haley is really the only1 with the "stuff" to even somewhat contend in pro-ball right now.......in realist terms, if he is 6"3  230lbs. and sits at that then he would be a top 4 rounder and make upwards of 180 grand, is that happening, NO, so you now have no case, hang it up

you are so funny i got a bigger question for you buddy um do you live with this kid or answer any of his phone calls or even talk to his coach about whats going on with him , i'm 100% sure that you don't do any of those things so this arguement is over and done so hang it up partner and first, the games where i seen him sit at 92 it was on a stalker second, the other time it was at a camp that the astros were at and pro scouts carry stalkers.


first of all, this post was about mlb prospects--not albert lott.  is he a prospect?  maybe.  time will tell.  as far as him throwing a 90 mph fastball, this is true.  can we please put this to rest?  i know albert personally and he will tell you that he's an upper 80's thrower.  does that mean anything?  again, only time will tell.  so please let it go.  second, i will say this... there are scouts that are talking to albert.


I think my post did show that DD's performance was in 2007 summer showcase.  And Ross Hales was upper 80s...which means he was 5-8 mph more than Lott...plus he signed with A&M off his spring/summer.  I'm not saying was DD is, or is not, throwing now...just I haven't heard it and I showed where I got my information.  I know the kid and his family.  They're good people and I wish them the best...whether it be in the draft or in college.


Good info MIF04 and rite on the $$ if you'll also look back most that do get drafted are usually signed with a D1 and a JUCO school in the early signing period or at least with a JUCO. With the new rules, projectiblity is somewhat out the window for a team to 'draft-follow-sign' a player that grows as expected with a season in JUCO.   

That's actually a good point that I forgot...the end of "draft and follow" with JUCO kids may have a material impact.  Since this is the 1st year, how much of an impact remains to be seen.

I have a question...maybe you guys can help me out. I understand or I'm aware of some of the rule changes not all. My question....A player is drafted in the late rounds by say the Astros but does not sign, goes to Juco instead. Do the Astros hold a right to talk/negotiate with that player before the next year's draft and before any other MLB club does ?

This is off MLB draft rules. Didn't realize MLB club can't draft the player again if he didn't sign unless the player consents.

"A Club generally retains the rights to sign a selected player until 11:59 PM (EDT) August 15, or until the player enters, or returns to, a four-year college on a full-time basis. A player who is drafted and does not sign with the Club that selected him may be drafted again at a future year's Draft, so long as the player is eligible for that year's Draft. A Club may not select a player again in a subsequent year, unless the player has consented to the re-selection.

A player who is eligible to be selected and is passed over by every Club becomes a free agent and may sign with any Club until the player enters, or returns to, a four-year college full-time or enters, or returns to, a junior college. "


DD Lott is definitely a mlb prospect. He is the rawest talent i've seen thus far.  And yes i've seen him hit 92 more than once. Did it in the cold. And who ever is knocking this kid, they will be the same ones knocking on his door for his autograph. 


Although I've never seen Lott pitch and just read where he's a LHP, being Left handed you will get the same looks throwing a consistant 88 as a RHP throwing 90-92 a good example is Josh Girdley from Jasper as he was consistant at 87-88 . >adminbaberuth< concerning redrafting the same player, this too must be part of the new rule cuz mine was drafted by the Yankees back to back in 98-99, the first time we (I) was told after rite after his last HS game he would be taken after the 25th and then again with a call the nite before. The second time we were in Grand Junction when we got the news the Yanks had redrafted him. I'm sure not all are notified BUT if your a prospect the Orgs. will do some checking on signability among several other things. If drafted in any rnd and If playing in the MLB is what he's after, a yr at a JUCO would be his quickest way in barring injury not to mention opening doors to more D1 schools. IMO a player with + tools should sign with both D1 and JUCO and if drafted make the desicion then, hopefully Lott will have a decision to make come then. 


DD Lott is definitely a mlb prospect. He is the rawest talent i've seen thus far.  And yes i've seen him hit 92 more than once. Did it in the cold. And who ever is knocking this kid, they will be the same ones knocking on his door for his autograph. 

Hey, Einstein. Don't really think anyone is "knocking" Lott. We are all baseball fans here. I would imagine that we all wish Lott the best. Some of us that are around "baseball people" and hear the 'chatter' from the baseball circle just aren't hearing what the numbers should produce. That's all.

Mr. Lott, if you read this forum, best of luck to you, be it college or pro ball.


What a great first post...

DD Lott is definitely a mlb prospect. He is the rawest talent i've seen thus far.  And yes i've seen him hit 92 more than once. Did it in the cold. And who ever is knocking this kid, they will be the same ones knocking on his door for his autograph. 

I surely didnt meen to dought his ability and would surely hope he does get drafted, my comment was he is 'uncommited' and if you would look at the history of the draft you would mite find a few drafted boys that are uncommited in the last 10-15 yrs. Seems as if a lot of guns been on him for him to be uncomited??

Go to school and get some education. Early rounds = big money, I understand that. I would take it. Later rounds, stay in school, hit the books, get a degree, develop your skills, and if you got something left then you go for it. Ask MIF04, i bet you he agrees.


i love albert and hes a great kid and a really raw talent, nobody is knocking him or i would be the first to defend him.....im just saying that the draft is in a month and after that we'll see if he has 200 K in his pocket, just proving my point.....nothing against the kid lol my gosh hiddentalent, how many times do we have to say it....."sitting" at 92, no possible way im sorry never convince me or my eyes who have seen him mid to upper 80's.....now if he had a good breaking ball and a change up to go with it he would definately be a prospect but until that happens, we'll see......sweet life hiddentalent


i love albert and hes a great kid and a really raw talent, nobody is knocking him or i would be the first to defend him.....im just saying that the draft is in a month and after that we'll see if he has 200 K in his pocket, just proving my point.....nothing against the kid lol my gosh hiddentalent, how many times do we have to say it....."sitting" at 92, no possible way im sorry never convince me or my eyes who have seen him mid to upper 80's.....now if he had a good breaking ball and a change up to go with it he would definately be a prospect but until that happens, we'll see......sweet life hiddentalent

LOL wow you guys are hilarious on here i didn't say you were knocking him i just said that the kid did sit and 92 in a couple of games, whether you seen it or not then thats on you and what you are missing you would have to see it like others to believe it thats all and i feel his slider he throws goes good with what he throws


first of all, this post was about mlb prospects--not albert lott.  is he a prospect?  maybe.  time will tell.  as far as him throwing a 90 mph fastball, this is true.  can we please put this to rest?  i know albert personally and he will tell you that he's an upper 80's thrower.  does that mean anything?  again, only time will tell.  so please let it go.  second, i will say this... there are scouts that are talking to albert.

i agree lets put this too rest

Guest baseball25

People just don't realize how hard it is to get to that level, just becasue you throw hard doesn't mean your going to get there...... there has been several great players around this area that has not made it and as of rightnow the past couple of years the talent has been down from what it was years past. I mean you have sullivan,girdley,fletcher,gray,tate,yates brother,cooksey,moye, floyd,sanders,tucker and i'll say my self. I could name more and these guys were in a 5 year span. The talent now does not compare to these guys and look where they are at now. Girdley,fletcher,sullivan were the 3 best pitchers I ever  faced and the pitchers that are pitching around the area this year can't hold these 3 guys jocks and can't hold alot of those guys I names I mention. Just talk about going to the juco level or div 1 level and when they get there then you can talk about mlb prospect becasue I am telling its hard to get there.


People just don't realize how hard it is to get to that level, just becasue you throw hard doesn't mean your going to get there...... there has been several great players around this area that has not made it and as of rightnow the past couple of years the talent has been down from what it was years past. I mean you have sullivan,girdley,fletcher,gray,tate,yates brother,cooksey,moye, floyd,sanders,tucker and i'll say my self. I could name more and these guys were in a 5 year span. The talent now does not compare to these guys and look where they are at now. Girdley,fletcher,sullivan were the 3 best pitchers I ever  faced and the pitchers that are pitching around the area this year can't hold these 3 guys jocks and can't hold alot of those guys I names I mention. Just talk about going to the juco level or div 1 level and when they get there then you can talk about mlb prospect becasue I am telling its hard to get there.

thanks alot for that, its hard to make it at any level. after this i hope we put it to rest.But for you Hidden Talent, and Skills123

for the last time Lott does not sit at 92 mph, I wish that was true, but he can, and has gotten up to 92 more than once. With that being said mid 80s is over with. Now him getting drafted, really the best thing is for him to go to college and develop his stuff. Scouts not only like his pitching but his hitting also far as projection.the kid hit homeruns the opposite way and is hitting above avg. He is a big kid who can play firstbase also. Its all about projection.And if you know baseball you will know he can play it..........

Guest Bulldog

Being Left-Handed you really don't have to throw 90....just being consistant with your location throw 85-88 will get you somewhere in the Pros.....(minnors, MLB, etc.)

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