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My son Colin wanted to thank you again for the birthday gift that you gave him.  Looks like it brought him some good luck at the plate again.  Thanks again.  You are a true class act and best of luck to our team. 

Are you doing Fall Ball this year?  How does it work in Vidor?  Can you bring a entire team?  You can PM me if you do not want people to know who you are on here.

Thanks again,

Rob Lietzke

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I won't lie.  I am really glad we won and I am super proud of the boys on our team. 

However, my hat goes off to the TC squad.  There was not another team in the tournament even close to them for the Top 2.  We managed to come out on top of both games, but they had a heck of a team.  I think TC would have been a great representative of the Golden Triangle had they won it.

We will try to represent the Golden Triangle well.  We know that we are no longer the Vidor Team but the Golden Triangle Rep. 

I want to say Thanks to everyone from TC who were so gracious and complimentary after the game tonight and all week.  I thought both everyone from TC tonight displayed super sportsmanship--and that is not always easy to do when you lose.

Congrats to everyone in the tournament.  And Lastly, thanks to Port Arthur for working so hard to make the tournament special for everyone.

Coach Hal


Great game both teams. The first and third innings were the keys. TC could not get out of the inning with 2 outs and only 2 runs for Vidor. The third inning is anybodys guess. I could not understand why TC moved all their players around to differnt positions. As soon as the Vidor coaches realized this they started hitting ground balls to kids that were not familiar with those positions.


I'm not sorry if this gets taken the wrong way.....this has been the typical train wreck you don't want to look at but cant turn away from....and none of you can see it because your all buried under the rubble.......I am embarrassed for all of you and this thread!!!  5 and 6 year old kids are playing a game....5 and 6!!  people keep saying remember the kids.....think about the kids...but from what has been posted I'm certain no on really means it. 

Competition is great for kids....but you have mentioned coaches wanting to fight......moms wanting to fight......parents yelling at their own kids as well as kids that are on the other team.......complaining about umpires in a 5&6 year old baseball game.........predicting who is going to win, again 5 and 6 years old??  former coaches saying how much "pressure??" these coaches are under to win because it's win or go home??.......WHAT PRESSURE??  THEY ARE 5 and 6??

We wonder all the time about why more and more kids quit sports at an earlyer age??

Really, we have to wonder??  Like i said you cant see it because your all under the rubble. 

I'll try to end with a little laughter although the ones that get it will say hmm.....rather then laugh.........maybe both....?

How close are we from husbands having their pregnant wives playing baseball and both mommy's and daddy's yelling at belly's because what's inside didn't make mommy run fast enough, or throw it to the right base, or hit the ball hard enough.  How upsetting it will be when every major league scout is not present at the birth to sign them up for the majors.................

Baseball is the greatest game to teach us about life but if the game is done wrong.....life gets a bad rap......Before you leave for any game....parents....take a step back..look in the mirror...say 'it's for the kids'...... and really mean it!!

Come out of the rubble?  How about you come off your high horse?  Message boards are full of "everyone is confused but me" posters -- you just joined the club.  I presume that you managed your few paragraphs without watching any of the games or talking to any of the coaches or the players for that matter.  If I am wrong, please correct me.  And, surely you should know that the comments on this thread are not necessarily indicative of the attitude everyone involved. . .

I am proud of the kids on our team and the TC team.  We focus on baseball fundamentals and teach all along the way.  I don't think competition at this age is necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, for many of these kids, they may only have a few more years of baseball anyway.  And, this is where you really stretch yourself as I am not sure that the attrition rate in baseball is related to whether games were scored or not when they were 5 and 6.  Maybe to you, it doesn't matter -- let the insinuations fly and hope that some of it sticks.  I am sure you cannot support whether the attrition rate is related to score keeping or not at this age (if so, the attrition should be different in PONY vs. LL), coaches, or if maybe some of the kids, by the time they turn 10, decide they want to do something else. 

I do wonder if this much baseball is good for a 6 year old.  I think all kids need time to play and have free time and this schedule has been a bit hectic.  I really wish that the State Tournament were next week so we could get it over with.  Anyway, we keep it light with Spongebob and stay positive with the kids. 

Congratulations to all the kids, parents, and coaches of the teams participating.  I saw almost every game.  Great job Demaro and PA.  We loved the music, goodies, and fun times (we have two good memories on that field now). 


One other thing:  I think the parents are extra-protective of the kids at this age (and defensive) because the kids are 5-6.  As young kids, the parents and grand-parents are extra-cautious in a manner that they may not be when the kids are 10.  Just my two cents.

Rob -- tell Collin he hit great tonight (I told him after the game).  And Bryce Jewell did a great job of snagging liners (Baker too of course). 

Congrats to all the Vidor kids.  They have been wonderful.  And, fyi, our other coaches are Jason Sylvester and James Odom.  Jason is great with the kids and is especially good with their hitting approaches.  James has drilled the OF over and over and I though that they did a great job today (and Wednesday).  We also had some other great volunteers from our parents at every practice (Scott Kizer, David Bowman, Todd Nunez, and a few others).  Thanks for all the support from the team moms and their work.  It has been a fun experience (my first All Star experience as a coach). 


Congratulations to Vidor and to TC. Have fun in Irving Vidor. Make the most of it. Make sure you and the kids get the full experience. We went in Shetland and again in Pinto. It's a ton of fun but easy to get caught up in winning and losing. The kids may never get to go back so make sure they enjoy the whole experience. I know yall will represent the Golden Triangle well. Have fun and good luck from Orange and td.


Well, I would first off like to tip my hat to Vidor! Like I said before- may the best team win and they did but by no means am I taking away from any of our kids at T. C.  If for some of you who dont believe that it does not matter to some of these 5 & 6 year olds, just come on over and Iwill let you have a little talk with my 6 year old (Baker #99) who just about balled his eyes out when it finally sank in that baseball was over for the year. Yes as parents we do get a little carried away at times but we all want whats best for our kids and to see them happy at all costs! Once again, congrats to Vidor, I know yall will represent us well ( golden triangle) . BRING HOME THE BACON GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  P.S.   Its  nice to be able to get on here and talk about the kids with out two towns going back and forth at each other  over stuff that apparently makes no sense at all!

    Thanks Rob for the comments you had , I appreciate every word.

    Thank you Coug for the compliments on all of our kids!!!   


Well, I would first off like to tip my hat to Vidor! Like I said before- may the best team win and they did but by no means am I taking away from any of our kids at T. C.  If for some of you who dont believe that it does not matter to some of these 5 & 6 year olds, just come on over and Iwill let you have a little talk with my 6 year old (Baker #99) who just about balled his eyes out when it finally sank in that baseball was over for the year. Yes as parents we do get a little carried away at times but we all want whats best for our kids and to see them happy at all costs! Once again, congrats to Vidor, I know yall will represent us well ( golden triangle) . BRING HOME THE BACON GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  P.S.  Its  nice to be able to get on here and talk about the kids with out two towns going back and forth at each other  over stuff that apparently makes no sense at all!

    Thanks Rob for the comments you had , I appreciate every word.

    Thank you Coug for the compliments on all of our kids!!!   

Billy:  Thanks.  By the way, not only would the poster be surprised to see how disappointed Braden (sp?) was, he would be totally surprised to see how he plays.  I don't think that some people think that 6 year olds can play like that.  He is fantastic.  We'll see you again in the future. 



About Fall Ball, I really do not know the details or if the plan is in place yet.  I will defer to the board members who might know more about it.  I think our Shetland and Pinto VP check in here from time to time.

As for me, I will move into Football mode for the fall with my middle son--Luke is my youngest son.  Luke will not play football but loves to play Soccer.  He will be back with Clint and my brother Chad in the "Vidor Soccer Academy"--ok, I made up the name, but you ought to see what Clint has done with these soccer teams in just 1 and 2 seasons time.  If you ever see how his soccer teams play, then you will know one of the big reasons why our team was so well coached this year.

I also echo the comments by Clint about our other two coaches.  Don't let them get lost in the shuffle.  James Odom has done a great job with the outfield and his son is playing second base.  Jason Sylvester is an amazing baseball guy.  His boy is our pitcher and the batter that waits 10 seconds after the ball is on the Tee before he knocks it deep in the outfield--I think he is imagining taking a pitch or two until he sees the one he likes.  Also, his son is only 5.

One thing I wanted to ask was how many "five" year olds did the teams have on them.  Our team only had one--the pitcher, Sylvester.  Our other Vidor team was about half 5 year olds and half 6 year olds.  I am just wondering how many of these boys will be coming back to Shetland next year and how many will move on.  Just curious.


To the poster(s) that said that it doesn't matter, they are only 5 & 6. I have one comment for yall. That is why my son and every other kid that takes it serious at this age will start on varsity as a freshman and your kid won't make the team until their senior year if they even make it then. There is also one other different between Pony League and Little league. Pony is more challenging and we keep score. If yall don't believe us, come watch Pony league baseball at the nearest field, whether its in Sour Lake, Vidor, Orange, Port Arthur or Groves American(now known as Jefferson County).

BTW good luck Vidor, yall have a great team and will represent the Golden Triangle well at the State Tournament.


That is why my son and every other kid that takes it serious at this age will start on varsity as a freshman and your kid won't make the team until their senior year if they even make it then.

Surely you are not serious. Do you really believe this is the way it works?


I remember the Pinto problems we had last year in TC. I will say this ,there is alot of good people in TC and I have some friends over there as well.But there was a handful of problems.

   I was at the game last night and I wouldn't say shocked because I have seen alot, but really dissappointed.There was a earlier post about the kids eating at mazzio's together and just worrying about how to team up and get more tickets.That really about sums it up.These kids just want to play ball and have fun.Win or lose on the way home they are either thinking about what Wii ,or playstation game they are going to play, and or how they can convince there parents if little Johnny from the team can stay the night with them.

  I agree the umpiring could have been better, but thats just baseball and everyage group has that.

I remember last year I coached the Pinto all stars and I met a great group of guys from Orange(TD,and Chad)and Orange's  parents. Before every game we would talk, and AFTER we called eachother.Yes they beat us and they had the better team and advanced to the State tournament. Then our Shetland  team beat Orange in the finals and advanced to the state tournament..I called up to Dallas everyday and Talked to the Orange's coach and was wishing them the best of luck and rooting them on.They to inturn the same people that got beat in the Shetland division was up in Dallas rooting our Vidor team on and vice versa.That right there folks is class and that is the way to handle youth sports . It was good to hear all the way here at home that both parents and coaches from Vidor and Orange who knocked eachother out of the finals  in different divisions were up there cheering and supporting one another.

   I will say this and then I am done.The more excited the coach gets, the more excited the parents get.The more "professional" and "calm" the coach remains, the more the fans remain calm.Coach you are ultimately responsible for your parents.If you hear a parent hollering at a kid ,and you dont say anything then that means you are approving of it.

Good luck to both teams and it should be a good one Friday!

Corey, right back at you.  We have always enjoyed playing Vidor and Groves. 

This topic is one of the reasons my son and I are not playing/coaching all-stars this year.  It got pretty ugly last year also.


That goes for me too Corey Vidor was a good group to coach and play against last year. I'm not coaching and my boys aren't playing this year either. I can say that one difference between all-stars and select ball is that the coaches get along. I have shared ideas and strategies with teams from Nederland and Bridge City. Those are the two teams that we have either scrimmaged or just gotten to know. don't get me wrong you still have a few coaches that get out of hand but most of the coaches are there to help kids regardless of where they are from. Speaking of that I would love to have kids come tryout for my team next year. I will post it when time comes. It doesn't matter to us if you live in TC, Vidor, Groves, or any of the other surrounding cities. All that matters to us is that your child want to first learn the game second want to have fun and the third thing usually takes care of itself if we (as coaches and parents) take care of the first two. The third thing being wants to win.

Hey Td I coached the allstars with Cory Last year and my baby boy played left field on the shetland team and is now playing short on this years team.What age group are you going to put together?

Ha ha ha ha, Lawdawg, you have no clue.  If you think you can project your kids future based on hisperformance as a 5 year old, you are just plain silly.  If he is a great athlete, he might make varsity as a fresh.  If not, he won't.


I have read 1 coach from each Vidor n TC , Billy Baker, Jason Sylvester, name on a cpl of occassions along with there sons. I can say I'm somewhat pround of these 2 as I coached both, 1 @ Evadale playing in Buna LL and then Vidor PONY, I had Billy at TC. I too have read about coaches comming out to argue a umps call, I would take offense if these 2 coaches WOULD NOT come out on a questionable call. A good coach owes it to the team to challenge a questionable calls and both of the 2 mentioned above have been very well schooled in the rules and how important knowing them is as a coach. Way to go Jason n Billy giving back and helping kids do something you 2 loved so much at these kids age. 



Both of the coaches you mention have amazingly talented boys as well.  You would be impressed to see what they both can do out there.  It is hard to compare the two because one is 5 and the other is 6, but no one in the tourney was better than those two boys at their age division.  It is really fun to see what these two boys and so many others can accomplish at such a young age.



I think some of the people that posts on here have yet to see this group of 5&6 year olds play.

I'd have to echo the same sentiment...  it's amazing how well some of these youngsters play.  We turned a 6-4-3 double play during the tournament which you wouldn't expect @ this age group.  But, for those that don't believe it… it happens a lot!  My son played for Groves 1 and we had one heck of a run… but, we were outplayed by TC both losses.  Hats off to those guys!  And, congratulations to Vidor… you'll make SE Texas proud.  :)


Thanks 643  and Daddy23. I think some of the people that posts on here have yet to see this group of 5&6 year olds play.

I'm not taking anything away from these kids abilities at all.  And no, I hven't seen any of them play...but be realistic...at 5/6 y/o, don't you think it's really a bit premature to be predicting their paths 8-10 years down the road?  Let them enjoy the game...let them grow into what they are destined to be....Support them..don't force them...I've seen many kids get burned out with sports before they even hit HS age, mainly because of the pressures put on them by parents/coaches.

If they are destined to play ball at the next levels, so be it...

p.s.  I didn't post to offend anyone..If I did, I apologize..I'm just trying to make a point..I've seen this happen to alot kids that my son starting playin ball with at 6 y/o..He just finished his 15 y/o Babe RUth season....and I don't see ALOT of the faces around that were playing at ages 6-12.


WHAT PART OF 5 AND 6 DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?  This is just insane!  They are CHILDREN!  The parents on this post are just like those parents pushing their kids through the beauty pagents.  They were not able to participate in anything like that as a child and are trying to live their life vicariously through their own children.  You are only hurting them and setting them up for failure.  Those that feel their children are going to be the ones to make varsity as a freshman have a rude awakening coming. 

The parents on this board should read The Creative Athlete, When to Start Sports.  Another good source is "Why Michael Couldn't Hit" by Dr. Klawans.  Coaches, why don't you look at the START SMART program, which is a 6 week course teaching young children three motor skills such as throwing, catching, and kicking.  This program was started after a study conducted at Northern Kentucky University indicated that 49% of children age 5-8 lacked the minimum skills to play organized sports.

In the good ol' days, children used to play sports with their friends.  They did not have their parents behind them talking about long-term goals or who they will play for as a professional.  Now parents are planning their child's sports careers at birth.  Why?  Do you think your child will get ahead of the competition if they start early?  Or is it the "keeping up with the Jones's" mentality?  Other kids are doing it.

Some parents don't pressure their children and want to make sure their children don't burn out, but feel like you have to in order for your child to be a successful athlete.  Where are you getting these ideas from?  The coaches?  The organization?  Half of children in sports programs will drop out by 12 and 3/4 by the age of 15. 

The American Olympians conducted studies on starting children too early.  They looked at 108 former and present Olympians and found 1/3 started competing in their sport at age 10 or younger.  However, 54% waited until they were teenagers or young adults, while 20% was over 21.

What about the physiological challenges you are placing on these children from early training?  It's much better to help a child set personal goals than competitive goals.  Children 6-8 participating in sports can help them learn how the sport is played, but it is too soon for them to understand about competition.  Competitions should never be viewed as life-and-death situations and the way you are talking about these games, that is what you are doing to these children.  The child must be taught how to win and how to lose.

Dr. Klawans states, "Having a youngster at age five hitting [a baseball] off a tee could be like reading to a six-week-old baby--it could be just too early to matter at all."

Michael DePalmer, athletic director of the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy says, "When I meet a parent of a 10-year-old who says, 'My kid just loves tennis,' I wince because that always turns out to be a parent who is pushing his child into competition."

Coaches are always looking for prodigies who will grow up to be superstars. The fact that children are winning competitions at 5 and 6 doesn't mean they will continue to do so when they are freshman. 

The University of Southern California has conducted studies showing there are few 10 year olds that will be competing successfully as a young adult.  Why?  Because the children have oversealous parents who make the sport more of a chore than just for fun.  And they have overzealous coaches that expect too much from these CHILDREN too soon. 

Noted sports psychologist Jim Loehr says that early success has its downside. " ... the ones who have the most difficulty are those who have the greatest success earliest, because they're always defending turf and having to live up to all these phenomenal claims of genius."

Ron Quinn, director of physical education at Xavier University says, "A child who appears to be a superstar at age 10 might just be more physically mature than someone else. There's no guarantee that that child at age 16 is going to be the next superstar."

What about putting your children at a greater risk for overuse injuries?  Dr. Stanitski, chief of orthopedic surgery at Children's Hospital of Michigan states, "We are seeing more and more stress fractures in children and more and more injuries caused by repetitive use."

When you start children too early, they tend to continue in the sport for everyone else and not for themselves because they do not want to disappoint or upset their family.  There are numerous studies that show athletes who start late may progress much faster than younger ones because they are often more focused and emotionally and physically mature, which allows them to have optimal practice.

Jose Canseco didn't start playing baseball until he was 13.

Guest vpfootball

That's who I want my son to look up!!! Maybe that's why took what he took to catch up to those who started at 5and6

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