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I do not believe they have a website...i did hear that the board will have quite a few new faces this coming year...i would be interested in fall ball info as well


The 13-year-old all stars are:

Alex Bass (ned)

Chase Balsamo (groves)

Jonathon Breuer (groves)

Cody Meaux (ned)

Trent Shoefstall (ned)

DJ Tarver (ned)

Brandon Self (ned)

Justin Rice (ned)

Aaron Sampere (ned)

Koby Couron (ned)

Vaughan Campbell (ned)

Dylan Johnson (ned)

Ryan Nelson (ned)

Zach Taylor (ned)

Bryce Whaley (ned)

Coaches are Stewart Shoefstall, Wendell Meaux, and Kevin Couron

Their first game is against Wharton on July 12 at 12:00 in Lake Jackson


Thats probly why they wont go very far. So what if there are alot of Nederland kids on the team, its allstars now. Its about winning baseball games, not where a kid is from. Two of the best players in the league, who arent from Nederland, were left off the team. Had a kid hit over .400 on the season not make it. Just when I thought things were going to start being turned around over there with the whole new board and alot of the selfish people leaving, this happens.

Props to Senior Babe Ruth though. Both their 16 year old allstars and 18 year old allstars won their state tournaments this weekend and will be moving on to regionals in a couple weeks. That 18 year old team could win the whole thing. An 18 year old team thats made up of 5 Nederland, 5 PNG, 2 West Brook, and 4 Vidor guys.

Everyone also needs to realize that Nederland Babe Ruth and Mid-County (senior) Babe Ruth are two completely seperate organizations. At Senior Babe Ruth theres none of the constant fighting between the adults who are supposed to be their for THE kids, not THIER kids. All the coaches stay every year, until they turn 65, and they also make up the board.

Maybe its time for "little" babe ruth to take a page out of senior babe ruths book and get things turned around over there.


Yahtzee, which 2 players are you referring to that were better than some of the ones that made it but didnt?  I assume you are saying they didnt make it because they were not from Nederland?


No, Im not saying they didnt make it because they're not from Nederland although from the looks of things that might be the case. Im just saying 2 allstars are not on the roster. I know most of the kids in this group and the missing 2 are way above alot of this team. Its not my place to name names because neither of the missing kids are my own, but if you had anything to do with that 13 yr old league this past season you should know who they are.


I know a little about the 13 year olds because I was at every game that the Braves played except for 2 since we were out of town. I know we had to sign a waiver stating that we wanted our son considered for allstars and that we were going to be in town and didn't have vacation plans during the allstar season.  So, maybe there was a conflict with them, or maybe their coach didn't nominate them, or maybe it was attitude ... I could go on and on with reasons.  I know that some (if not most) are pitchers and possibly having to play 5 games in 3 days, you need a lot of pitchers and catchers, as usually they can play other positions as well. As far as the ratio goes, lets think about this for a minute.  Out of the 50 or so 13 year olds that played this season, the vast majority was from Nederland.  I can only think of about 10-12 that were from Port Neches, Groves, or some other town.  Two of those quit during the season because they would never come to practice and got mad when they had to sit the bench.  So it stands to reason that most of the team would be from Nederland.  The kid that got the award for having the highest batting average was from Groves and he is on the allstar team.  The other Groves boy is one of the pitchers from the Express.  Having been at most of the practices, I am very impressed with all the boys and think they have a decent shot at winning in Lake Jackson.  They are good, getting better, having fun, have great attitudes, etc.  They scrimmaged the 14-year-old team last Friday and held their own pretty good against them.  I don't know the "score" because I had to leave in the middle and go pick up my boys from out of town because we were a host family for the 17-18 tournament.  I am proud of the team that we have and wish them all the best.  Go 'Dogs!


You're missing the point here. Why is it about where the kids are from? It shouldnt be, and it cant be if any of the allstar teams are going to be successful. Its about the best players being there, and the best players being on the field. A good manager can "manage" attitude and not just throw a good ball player out of the mix because they would rather not deal with it.

And to compare this 13 yr old team to the 14 yr old team is an absolute joke. The only thing that might be better on the 13 yr old team is the coaching staff, but as far as the level of play and talent its not even close. Im not sure what the "score" was the other day or if the entire 14 yr old team was even there, but in the end it probably wasnt even close. If it was an actual game that meant something it wouldnt have been for sure.

And honestly, whats with the "Go 'Dogs" comment? Its not the Nederland Babe Ruth Bulldogs... Am I the only Nederland person that can see this? Its sad how short-sighted most of you "dogs" are.


How funny that you should mention the Go Dogs comment.  I intentionally put it there.  Why??? Because it the team's name, decided on by ALL the boys.  By the way, I am one of the Groves' boys moms, so your reasoning is laughable.  And as far as the scrimmage goes, I said they held their own, which in my opinion means they can and should do pretty good against boys their own age.  Now, in looking back at most of your other posts, I have decided that you get on here to rant against Nederland people in general,  and knowing that, I am no longer going to waste my time and breathing talking to you about this.  Once again, good luck to the 13-year-old babe ruth allstar team (The Dogs)!!


Personally I don't know why your panties are in a wad about their being more kids from nederland at age 13.....in the 'NEDERLAND' Babe Ruth League   I think it's simple.

I would think driving age has a lot to do with why there are more Nederland kids in the younger groups and more of a variety of kids that take part in the 16-18 groups.  Moms and dads having to drive sons to nederland from BC, Orange, Vidor etc......even if you let them ride with someone, you still have to worry about them getting there and getting home.  Not that worry stops when they drive (probably more)......but unless they are working in the summer they don't have to worry about being late to a practice because they have a car or a team member from their town they can ride with, and parents don't have to miss work for practice

.........and maybe i missed out on the conversation of a player being "overlooked" because of an attitude problem..........but if I'm expecting kids to listen (ALL KIDS) no matter how much talent a kid has, they should be expected to abide by the rules of practice as well as ball games.  I'm not going to take a kid to a game that is going to "misrepresent" himself, his parents, me, the league, the city, plus the city he's from.  Kids don't realize how many 'invisible patches' they wear on their sleeve.

Parnets should be the one "managing" the attitude leaving the skill work to the coaches.

Unless your getting a million a week no volunteer has to put up with anyone who does not listen.......period.

the part i have a problem with is faulting kids when they don't have a ride to get to practice on time or at all.  They can't drive themselves.  I would think most coaches would have a plan in place to help out, but again, these are people volunteering their time and they only have so much of it (time) themselves.

with all of that said I have nothing to do with Babe Ruth other then being a past player that loved every minute of it!!  sorry your experience has not worked out........


I agree with everything you said besbolbendygud.  One of the boys that quit our team lives right around the corner from us and didnt get to play the position he wanted, so he never went to practice.  He had plenty of offers for rides.  The other kid that quit played Babe Ruth,  Pony, and select, so he was never at practice either.  My son threw his helmet once in a game and the coach had a fit, and I am glad, because if he hadnt I was on my way to pull my kid for his attitude.  I know most of my son's Groves friends played Pony in Port Neches.  It would have been way more convenient for me if he had also, but he wanted to play Babe Ruth.  My experience has been great over there and I have no complaints, and my son didnt play all the time and certainly didnt play the position he wanted all the time.  We have had a great time, and I expect it to continue long into the summer with this allstar team.


No, Im not saying they didnt make it because they're not from Nederland although from the looks of things that might be the case. Im just saying 2 allstars are not on the roster. I know most of the kids in this group and the missing 2 are way above alot of this team. Its not my place to name names because neither of the missing kids are my own, but if you had anything to do with that 13 yr old league this past season you should know who they are.

Yahtzee....I personally watched numerous games this year at that ballpark and can come up with 1 kid that might should have been considered for that all star team. BTW..he was a Nederland boy. Not real sure of these 2 non-Nederland boys that you are referring about. From the look of things, the names posted on this board seem pretty fair based on the talent pool in this age group. Mid-County Babe Ruth has always been known for its integrity during tournament play ie. "The Best 9 Play". I will make this statement, this is the 1st year that I'm concerned about Little League daddy-ball infecting this 13 yr old league. Bottom Line...."The Best 9 Better Play"!!!


No, Im not saying they didnt make it because they're not from Nederland although from the looks of things that might be the case. Im just saying 2 allstars are not on the roster. I know most of the kids in this group and the missing 2 are way above alot of this team. Its not my place to name names because neither of the missing kids are my own, but if you had anything to do with that 13 yr old league this past season you should know who they are.

Yahtzee....I personally watched numerous games this year at that ballpark and can come up with 1 kid that might should have been considered for that all star team. BTW..he was a Nederland boy. Not real sure of these 2 non-Nederland boys that you are referring about. From the look of things, the names posted on this board seem pretty fair based on the talent pool in this age group. Mid-County Babe Ruth has always been known for its integrity during tournament play ie. "The Best 9 Play". I will make this statement, this is the 1st year that I'm concerned about Little League daddy-ball infecting this 13 yr old league. Bottom Line...."The Best 9 Better Play"!!!

The "Best 9" SHOULD always play, but thats usually not the case in todays world NHS82. There will always be fathers who go to great lengths to make sure their son makes a team or gets to play (when they obviously shouldn't). But I digress....

This is the first year that some of these kids are actually playing "REAL" baseball, ie 90ft basepaths and so on. Utilizing experience in these instances is not only smart, but necessary. It has come to my attention that a few of the players have played on some successfull select teams (Sampere, Balsamo, and Bass). This is about the age where leaders emerge, and these 3 especially need to step up into that role, and guide their teammates through the tournament.

Some dads/other coaches have also mentioned the batting order being somewhat "lacking", and that some kids were obviously playing out of position. Hopefully, the coaches can drop the Little League politics and put the "Best 9" on the field, so these kids can be in the best position to win.

Good luck fellas


just my two cents.........I am going to guess that the best players are all shortstops.......I would hope dads would be able to tell there kids that get moved to other positions......... that if you can play shortstop, you can play anywhere on the infield at any time......i would say anywhere on the field, personally.  I would also hope those that have to play rightfield who use to play left and center would be told if you can play one outfield position you can play them all at anytime.  i would love the luxury of having three great kids that can play shortsop and two great kids that are centerfielders.........bet i could find spots for them.........

And as far as the batting order.......again I'm guessing all season long all of these guys batted 1 through 4 and some are going to be down about having to bat 5 to 9......all you need to be prepared to tell them is if you batted one threw four you can bat anywhere and what each number hitters job is........

5.....is like your second 4 spot who gets it done when 4 spot can't

6.....is your RBI guy

7,8....guys who fight to get on base and score/ give top of order chance to come back to the plate

9.....(called second leadoff) he can lay a bunt down on a dime, hit and run, and scratch and claw to bring the top of the order back to the plate.....even with two outs

Parents also need to know......there only going to be upset about where there playing or where they are batting IF YOU LET THEM........If they see you are mad at their position they will feed off of you.....if they over hear you talk about it.....their ears will pop up.........You should have a 'positive' reason for why they are where they are on the field and in the batting order ready for them to hear, if they show they are upset..........I mean if their chosen to wear an all-star uni.....that's an honor itself....if they get some PT....that's icing....no matter where they are at..........

Good Luck Dog's......this from an injun...lol

Guest gladiator2

That's a pretty good post, as you said kid's feed off of parent's negative energy. Most people must realize when All-Stars are selected that someone that should make it will not due to daddy ball or popularity. I've seen year after year kid's that should make it don't make it due to the other coaches being good friends with one another or popularity. Personally, I never believed in voting for a kid that did not deserve to make it. If a kid is a average baseball player and his father is a manager, most of the time he will make All-Stars. I have witnessed just a couple that did not make it. I witnessed one year a kid that should have made it, did not due to the kid's vote. Although this kid got all of the manager's vote and the other kid got 3 out of 4 coaches votes, he did not make the team due to more kid's voting for the kid that should not have made it. It does not matter where it was at, it happens everywhere and every year. My son will play Babe Ruth.  I did not recognize a certain kid's name on the list but I guess politics take priority or maybe he had an off year. Who is going to be the shutdown pitcher on this team to be able to help this team play deep into the summer. It takes a lot of very quality arms to win that first tournament. Good Luck!!

Guest vpfootball

You nailed it...I wished everyone looked at it like that. Good post!


Well said.  I have been telling my son that all year long.  Prior to this year he has almost always played 3rd.  He mainly played right field this year when he wasnt pitching. I told him a couple of weeks ago that they called the guys that rode the pine all during the all star season, but was on the winning team, champions (just like the ones that played all the time).  His coach has said from the first practice that every guy was there for a reason, whether it was to be DH, relief pitcher, pinch runner, whatever, they all made the team for a reason. 


Now if the kids in little league could understand this concept. I keep telling them that if they don't believe me that they need to learn several positions if not all of them just wait till they get to high school, it will be a wake up call. I truely believe kids all the way until they reach high school need to learn several positions. When little Johnny who was the star short stop gets to high school and is beat out by someone and he doesn't know or understand the other positions, guess what little Johnny is on the bench and mommy and daddy are pissed because he was an all star all the way through little league. There's more to baseball than to be the pitcher or shortstop. That's my two cents and opinion.

Guest yankee fan

:oWOW THAT IS SO TRUE!!! it's sad that only a handful of people understand this.

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