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I will mix the good and the bad as I go...

The good is that a huge number of girls had a great Tourney and I talked to many of them and they really enjoyed the games.

The bad things is some Coaches chose to not play some of the very late pool games at night but did not bother to notify the Tournament Director.  Amazingly the teams who found they were without their scheduled opponent were quickly matched with a team in the same predicament    lol  and  Umpires found himself reassigned at the last minute.  LESSON: Coaches SHOULD CALL IN IF THEY DECIDE NOT TO PLAY A POOL GAME so the schedules can be revised sooner.  It was not a bad problem.  Only one team that I know of did not end up with an opponent when they arrived at the field as was schedule.

The Umps were the same ones that called the-- Manville, LaPorte and Pasadena HS Tourneys-- that I attended the last two years over in the Greater Houston area--good ones.  They were qualified but just not the ones that a few wanted to be the-- anointed --from out of town.  The SAD THING WAS THAT NO ORANGE OR JEFFERSON COUNTY UMPs were invited by either UIC; thus, hotels bills swamped the cost basis of the tourney.  The TD thought they were being called as requested....The good-ole-boys, out-of-town empires, should not be called in UNTIL all the qualified local UMPS locally are invited to call-- on any of the games.  I ran into Leroy "Snake" a LOCAL great HS UMP and he said that he and many others would have loved to have had the chance to call these local games.

The food by the GTS folks and the Bridge City Strutters was the best I have even eaten at a ball field.

Both groups made a lot of money for their projects.  Other groups chose to bring in their own coolers of food and drinks for their parents, team and siblings and that was all right too.

There were many Police drive-thru, stationary Police, EMS, Stand by Ambulance, Emergency Response cooling trailer, plenty of ice and drinks plus the fields were worked on by a caring crew.

One thing that proved impossible--the Tournament Director--put everyone on an HONOR SYSTEM to pay the entry fee located down inside the complex and SADLY a large group just did not pay the $10.00 fee for the Tourney.  That omission of paying  was totally unexpected!

I visited with reps from ULL, Head Coach from McNeese, and LamarStateCollege-Port Arthur.  I understand that there were others there.  The Seahawk Hospitality Hostesses(team) invited girls to come to their tryouts as the years go by.  Many girls even young ones plan to do just that; at their own appropriate age-time.

One thing I will say is vital for the Complex is that the metal shade covers be replaced over all the stands!  Parents were quite tired of sitting in 94 degree constant heat and not every one brought shade tents.

I thought is was a good tourney for the girls.  And I am not at all surprised that folks that did not attend that strongly support their chosen Association got on here and tried to rip this thing apart!  To them, I would say a lot of folks and children had a good time in Beaumont this weekend. 

It was interesting-- just one Example: wrong info was given to a Pink Diamond(New Brunsvel) team and one of their Pitches left on a trip with her Grandparents.  They were hunting for another pitcher (with help) they located Megan Whitten a fire-balling Sophomore from Pineland, TX who did a superior job.  She was looked upon favorable by several college Coaches who were taking notes for the future.  We got to see a lot of pickup Pitchers and others from all over that joined teams to augment their Pitching staff.  Lifetime friends were made I am sure.

Beaumont is big enough to have a variety of types of viable Tourneys.

Don't go on bogus wishful-thinking statements--if you were not in attendance--it was truly a great outing for a lot of children, many who maybe do not have money to travel great distances to play ball at another safe place.  I left just a little early but it looked like good stout teams for Corpus Christi(STE Thunder) and Sudden Impact (I think from Greater Houston) were going to battle it out for the 18 U Championship.

To StirCrazy---thank you for admitting you were not there-- on the next thread down

Guest stircrazy

Come on EASTTX . Tell the truth about this thing . It could have been a very good thing BUT!!!!!

1) NO LEADERSHIP from TD or UIC. I don't care what tourny you are at if you don't have that it will not be good.

2) EXCUSSES,EXCUSSES,EXCUSSES- not my fault,can't control this . Bull! If you are big enough to get the money then you are big enough put on a QUALITY EVENT.

3) Changing bracket game schedules because--- My girls are hot, I don't like the team I am playing, I would like to play at night, BLA BLA BLA. Once the bracket is set GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME. FINAL!!!!

Although I was not there I did have a young one there. SOME umpires made up rules as they went. Not ASA nor NAFA nor anyones rules. Just out of the blue rule making.

My only hope is that this has not screwed things up for those of us who do try to put on QUALITY tournys in BMT and Orange. EASTTX if you want to promote this area like I know you do, make sure this guy does not come back here and make sure that everybody knows that he DOES NOT REPRESENT our area or our LOCAL teams in any way. Try to do a little damage control so softball here does not dry up.


I have to say from what I heard and I was in Ft Worth at another tournament this was tournament was BAD!  You can say what you want.  This was a terrible for Beaumont!  Talked to Rusty at around 2:30.  He was at home.  That is all I can say at this point.  We have a lot of work to do get people back to Beaumont. 

Look for something soon!


Ok I am not going to respond to everything East Tx said above but I want set the record straight once and for all regarding the Umpire situation regarding the lack of local Umpires.I can tell you that almost EVERY local Umpire was contacted regarding this tournament..and I can tell you that each one of them either because of having to work their real jobs,family obligations,not returning calls or just plain didnt want to Umpire.Now as far as Snake goes.....Snake was not called because he is near impossible to reach by phone and he just recently lost his cell phone and nobody has the new number yet.Now as far as no local umpires this tournament that statement is untrue....one local Umpire from beaumont was there on friday and saturday and also an Umpire from Orange Umpired all 3 days.


We can do alot to put on a good tournament....but its time for the city to step up and do some dang work out at College Street ! The fields are terrible. I don't where the money went after the hurricane but it did not go to repairing the fields as they should be. The City needs to take a look at other complexes and see what the complex should really look like ! The Fields in Fort Worth were awesome. And they were very user friendly. Bottom line... the fields and the complex in general need alot of work.

Guest WeedBegone

I have to say from what I heard and I was in Ft Worth at another tournament this was tournament was BAD!  You can say what you want.  This was a terrible for Beaumont!  Talked to Rusty at around 2:30.  He was at home.  That is all I can say at this point.  We have a lot of work to do get people back to Beaumont. 

Look for something soon!

Do these types of events --require audits?  Sounds like this is something that needs to be looked at.  We do have our problems getting things promoted hear --especially at the county.  Looks like instead of getting better--its in an out of control tailspin.  Great idea, good location, just cant seem to get someone to manage it.  The county tends to just want to rent it as it is.  

Guest WeedBegone

We can do alot to put on a good tournament....but its time for the city to step up and do some dang work out at College Street ! The fields are terrible. I don't where the money went after the hurricane but it did not go to repairing the fields as they should be. The City needs to take a look at other complexes and see what the complex should really look like ! The Fields in Fort Worth were awesome. And they were very user friendly. Bottom line... the fields and the complex in general need alot of work.

I totally agree---I think it is time to get a group together to visit some council members.  Whats funny, the parks and recreation equipment storage is within hitting distance of field G.  Each field has adequate water lines, but the crews cant find the shut off valves--or least they will tell you that.  It amazes me as to how they can not see what needs to be done to get these fields in better shape.  Dont take the crew to other cities--take a couple of council persons.  -Good observation CC


I will mix the good and the bad as I go...

The good is that a huge number of girls had a great Tourney and I talked to many of them and they really enjoyed the games.

The bad things is some Coaches chose to not play some of the very late pool games at night but did not bother to notify the Tournament Director.  Amazingly the teams who found they were without their scheduled opponent were quickly matched with a team in the same predicament   lol   and  Umpires found himself reassigned at the last minute.  LESSON: Coaches SHOULD CALL IN IF THEY DECIDE NOT TO PLAY A POOL GAME so the schedules can be revised sooner.  It was not a bad problem.  Only one team that I know of did not end up with an opponent when they arrived at the field as was schedule.

As screwed up as the schedule was, no wonder they had no opponent.  It is the TD's job to keep

all that kind of stuff from happening.

The Umps were the same ones that called the-- Manville, LaPorte and Pasadena HS Tourneys-- that I attended the last two years over in the Greater Houston area--good ones.  They were qualified but just not the ones that a few wanted to be the-- anointed --from out of town.  The SAD THING WAS THAT NO ORANGE OR JEFFERSON COUNTY UMPs were invited by either UIC; thus, hotels bills swamped the cost basis of the tourney.  The TD thought they were being called as requested....The good-ole-boys, out-of-town empires, should not be called in UNTIL all the qualified local UMPS locally are invited to call-- on any of the games.  I ran into Leroy "Snake" a LOCAL great HS UMP and he said that he and many others would have loved to have had the chance to call these local games.

Lets get this UIC mess cleared up.  The TD did not contact a local UIC until the week of the

scheduled tournament for any confirmation.  That by pure accident.  I had e-mailed the TD to find out who

the UIC was going to be and given a name.  I called that individual.  He was totally schocked.  So I suggested

that he contact the TD.  They talked and the TD told the guy what he was paying and what he was not going

to offer when it was brought up that rooms, food and water would be required.  During the week of the tourney

the TD contacted another UIC, paid him almost 4 times more than he originally offered the first guy, gave in to

rooms, food and water.  The final UIC contacted me and told me that if those conditions were not meet then

there was no way he could get umpires.  I totally agreed.  I even offered to assist on Friday, since a lot of the

umpires could not get off early enough from their real jobs.  Was never contacted.  The first contacted UIC

even called the final UIC and told him he would try and get people for him, but we are talking Wed.  Most

umpires have already committed elsewhere this late, or just don't want to work.

No, the local umpires, which are far fewer than you realize, had nothing to do with the conditions and chaos

of this tournament.

The food by the GTS folks and the Bridge City Strutters was the best I have even eaten at a ball field.

Both groups made a lot of money for their projects.  Other groups chose to bring in their own coolers of food and drinks for their parents, team and siblings and that was all right too.

The food is always good at college street, because people that care make sure of that.  Whether

it be GTS/Bridge City, or the Orange Crush folks.

There were many Police drive-thru, stationary Police, EMS, Stand by Ambulance, Emergency Response cooling trailer, plenty of ice and drinks plus the fields were worked on by a caring crew.

This was not scheduled under the original format.  It was made a condition made by the new


One thing that proved impossible--the Tournament Director--put everyone on an HONOR SYSTEM to pay the entry fee located down inside the complex and SADLY a large group just did not pay the $10.00 fee for the Tourney.  That omission of paying  was totally unexpected!

DUH, if you are going to charge, then you need someone to handle these things.

I visited with reps from ULL, Head Coach from McNeese, and LamarStateCollege-Port Arthur.  I understand that there were others there.  The Seahawk Hospitality Hostesses(team) invited girls to come to their tryouts as the years go by.  Many girls even young ones plan to do just that; at their own appropriate age-time.

Those mentioned teams are usually there, as they should be.  Look at the talent that has gone

out of this area, and will continue to do so until Lamar wakes up.

One thing I will say is vital for the Complex is that the metal shade covers be replaced over all the stands!  Parents were quite tired of sitting in 94 degree constant heat and not every one brought shade tents.

I thought is was a good tourney for the girls.  And I am not at all surprised that folks that did not attend that strongly support their chosen Association got on here and tried to rip this thing apart!  To them, I would say a lot of folks and children had a good time in Beaumont this weekend. 

Try standing in the field or behind the plate in that type heat for 6-7 or whatever games, all decked

out in full gear.  Part of the game.

It was interesting-- just one Example:  wrong info was given to a Pink Diamond(New Brunvel) team and one of their Pitches left on a trip with her Grandparents.  They were hunting for another pitcher (with help) they located Megan Whitten a fire-balling Sophomore from Pineland, TX who did a superior job.  She was looked upon favorable by several college Coaches who were taking notes for the future.  We got to see a lot of pickup Pitchers and others from all over that joined teams to augment their Pitching staff.  Lifetime friends were made I am sure.

again these are situations are supposed to BE handled by the TD and Staff, not UIC or Umpires.

No one has ever said that these tournaments are  not good for the area, the gals or the fans.  It is just that

more thought needs to put into what is need when you attempt to run a tournament of this magnitude.

Someone that knows what they are doing.  I have been to RL's attempted tournaments in Houston.  

Beaumont is big enough to have a variety of types of viable Tourneys.

Don't go on bogus wishful-thinking statements--if you were not in attendance--it was truly a great outing for a lot of children, many who maybe do not have money to travel great distances to play ball at another safe place.  I left just a little early but it looked like good stout teams for Corpus Christi(STE Thunder) and Sudden Impact (I think from Greater Houston) were going to battle it out for the 18 U Championship.

Know one is throwing wishful-thinking statements.  I hope all the "children" had a great time.

They should have at a function this large. However, much, much more care should have taken in

the presentation of this tournament.

Finally, it was tasteless of the TD to make the statements he did at the opening

ceremonies.  How could he even think that a UIC could be responsible for a National tournament being

cancelled, but to stand up and make that statement shows the type TD the tournament was dealing




The Umps were the same ones that called the-- Manville, LaPorte and Pasadena HS Tourneys-- that I attended the last two years over in the Greater Houston area--good ones. They were qualified but just not the ones that a few wanted to be the-- anointed --from out of town.  The SAD THING WAS THAT NO ORANGE OR JEFFERSON COUNTY UMPs were invited by either UIC; thus, hotels bills swamped the cost basis of the tourney.  The TD thought they were being called as requested....The good-ole-boys, out-of-town empires, should not be called in UNTIL all the qualified local UMPS locally are invited to call-- on any of the games.  I ran into Leroy "Snake" a LOCAL great HS UMP and he said that he and many others would have loved to have had the chance to call these local games.

Wrong!  Manville uses the Galveston TASO chapter, while LaPorte and Pasadena use Houston.  I guess us "out-of-town" umpires all look the same to you.

Also, let's clear up the whole concept of "inviting" umpires to work a tournament.  We are independent contractors.  We provide a service for a fee.  You don't honor me with an "invitation" to work any more than you do the guy who works on your car, does your taxes, or cleans your pool.  NEVER forget that!

I was not at the tournament but do respect the comments and opinions of some of the experienced people on this board.  Once I heard who the new UIC was, I suspected it would not go well.  It sounds to me (like the majority of your posts) that this was a case of "garbage in - garbage out". 


I know every one wants to boast softball in the golden triangle but to back a tour. this bad will do nothing but hurt.I was there and it was horrible started off Fri.we get to our 11:00 pool game and some one else is playing it went to the director he said i will fix it next thing we know he is headed for the parking lot.I chase him down and was told "I cant do this it is to much if you don't like it just get your money back".Well knowing we would not get our money back we showed back up Sat morning to play in the worst called game i have ever been a part of it was so bad one of the umpires told slam after the game " i am sorry we have to do better than that"as for the Field conditions they were horrible I never seen any one work on them the whole weekend the pitchers mounds were about 8 inches below the rest of the field.Then for a kicker the MC Elite were up to there old tricks and had to forfit 2 games for using players that were to old when is someone going to step up and not let this clown coach.This guy is an bad for softball! Back to this tour. hopefully this guy will never put a tour. on in this area again maybe we need to plead with Ronnie and Bart to put something like this on next year so people will continue to come and play softball in are area.


From the perspective of a coach who had a team playing in it (Note: I will only speak for the 18U side, although I did hear some horror stories from the other age divisions):

  • No complaints about the umpires in my games.
  • The fields were horrible. I don't know who or if someone was going to maintain the fields, but it didn't happen.  Sand 3 inches deep, home plate protruding 3 inches above playing fields (only 1 that I saw, and that's 1 too many), no 200' fences, lights not working and no netting protecting the fans from foul balls
  • 75 minute Pool games which made the games end so late on Friday (Saturday AM). Should have been 60 minute pool games, which is what most teams are accustomed to playing, particularly in a Large weekend tournament.  Last pool game would have started around 8:30 Friday night instead of 12:30 Sat AM.
  • Our 1st pool opponent (New Mexico Crush) was a no show.  Another opponent was quickly reassigned to play us without delay. As TD, I think I would have called the New Mexico Crush and verify that were going to show before I prepared the schedules (I am assuming that they had not paid in advance).
  • TD was not prepared for teams not showing. You better have a game plan and tools ready for no shows.
  • What is an "Honor System" for gate fees? Never saw any signs directing you to where to pay or that it was on an "Honor System". That's about the stupidist thing I've ever heard of.
  • No thought, planning or checking of original brackets. I caught several instances where Losers from the Winners bracket were scheduled to play in the losers bracket before their game ever took place. I informed the TD of the error to save him some major grief later on and was chastised as a being a troublemaker.
  • One team was never placed in the bracket. They ended up having to begin their play in the losers bracket.
  • No tournament official updated the bracket. I updated it when I could.
  • MC Elite Sicotte ('nuff said)
  • By far the poorest/strangest tournament I have ever played in
  • East TX did not share whatever it was he was drinking with the praticipating coaches


From the perspective of a coach who had a team playing in it (Note: I will only speak for the 18U side, although I did hear some horror stories from the other age divisions):

  • No complaints about the umpires in my games.
  • The fields were horrible. I don't know who or if someone was going to maintain the fields, but it didn't happen.  Sand 3 inches deep, home plate protruding 3 inches above playing fields (only 1 that I saw, and that's 1 too many), no 200' fences, lights not working and no netting protecting the fans from foul balls
  • 75 minute Pool games which made the games end so late on Friday (Saturday AM). Should have been 60 minute pool games, which is what most teams are accustomed to playing, particularly in a Large weekend tournament.  Last pool game would have started around 8:30 Friday night instead of 12:30 Sat AM.
  • Our 1st pool opponent (New Mexico Crush) was a no show.  Another opponent was quickly reassigned to play us without delay. As TD, I think I would have called the New Mexico Crush and verify that were going to show before I prepared the schedules (I am assuming that they had not paid in advance).
  • TD was not prepared for teams not showing. You better have a game plan and tools ready for no shows.
  • What is an "Honor System" for gate fees? Never saw any signs directing you to where to pay or that it was on an "Honor System". That's about the stupidist thing I've ever heard of.
  • No thought, planning or checking of original brackets. I caught several instances where Losers from the Winners bracket were scheduled to play in the losers bracket before their game ever took place. I informed the TD of the error to save him some major grief later on and was chastised as a being a troublemaker.
  • One team was never placed in the bracket. They ended up having to begin their play in the losers bracket.
  • No tournament official updated the bracket. I updated it when I could.
  • MC Elite Sicotte ('nuff said)
  • By far the poorest/strangest tournament I have ever played in
  • East TX did not share whatever it was he was drinking with the praticipating coaches

I do agree to all above.  Crush (Jaynes) played 9 games (7 W/2L) and our girls had a great time.  We did not have a single problem with the Ump's other than occasional missed call.  Even DuMan makes mistakes.  The Ump's that called our games were very friendly and happy to be there.  The fields were as bad as in the NAFA Sectional last week.  I don't remember any field crews there either.  Field J, K, L are always the worst. The problem points to Beaumont Parks Department.  A visit by all local teams and media to the City Council should help fix this problem.  Last thing I want to add is that those who were not in attendance this weekend seem to be doing most of the negative talk.  Hey, not all of us are fortunite enough to go to a ASA Gold tournament.  We were happy to have someone put a tournament on local so our girls could go and play.  All this negative talk from those that did not go is like crapping on our girls that went.  Quite trying to ruin a good weekend for those that did go and had fun. 

I guess Parks and Rec will have to shut the fields down for another two year maintenance cycle to get them fully up to snuff.  I was really disappointed to see the conditions based on all the work that was supposedly done.

I was at Complex II all weekend, and those fields were like sand dunes.  Field E had a home plate that was easily four inches above the dirt.  Just a little digging and you found the concrete base.  Field D had a nice batter's box, with a corner of the the turf-covered board fully exposed.  Pitching plates were bad as well.

Girls had fun, were able to play all their games, no field-related injuries.  Lots of delays looking for umpires, but that was about it.


I went into this thing expecting the worst, based on the previous track record that I had heard, and hoping for the best.  I needed to fill a gap in my schedule, and I accomplished that, picking up 9 games over 3 days.

I actually got an extra pool game, with the TD covering the umpire cost, against MC's bunch so they got all of their pool games in.  We were offered ANOTHER pool game, but it was going to be too late in the evening, after too big a break (9:30pm offer, after finishing a 3:30pm pool).


- Water in the dug-outs never materialized . PERIOD!

- The fields are beaches, which is NOT the TD's fault

- There was NO field maintenance on J, K, or L, NEVER (except for the P&R crew before the 1st game each day).  Warming up before the first pool on Friday, there was a couple of guys unloading lawnmowers and drags off of a trailer.  I don't where they went, but they left J K L to never return.  That IS the TD's fault.

- Too many changes in Pool and Bracket times, on top of original scheduling errors.

- TD was VERY hard to find, as was replacement UIC, before his "wreck", and I do hope that he really did have a wreck (not a cover-up) and that he is OK.  I wish no harm on anyone!


- Got in 9 games, with minimal travel and no hotels.  The talent level was a mix - Some very good teams, and some very weak teams (  ::) yeah, I know, that's what some of you say at times after you play us as well lol  ;D )

- I had ZERO, NONE, NIL, NADA problems with the umpires.  They were all very professional, and called good, consistent games.  Had one at the plate who wouldn't call low, but it was consistent.  Had one who didn't call an obstruction when he should have ( I TOLD him "Pappa would have called it" and he said "Yep, He would have!"  I told him "Bart would have called it", and he said "Nope, He wouldn't have!"  I told him I was gonna tell on him, and now I have ! ! !  :D  j/k)

- Concessions at J K L ( GTS 16U McCain) did an outstanding job, the prices were reasonable, and the food was GOOD!  I didn't make it to the other pods to sample theirs.....

- I heard NO badmouthing of the local teams / umpires / former (supposed UIC) or anybody else for that matter.  I WAS told by the TD late Friday evening that he admitted he had bitten off more than he could chew.  Instead of lining up some help for various functions, he tried to cover it all himself, and it just didn't work - He was overwhelmed.

I know there were a few teams who were pretty disappointed in this thing in the 18U group, but I got the impression they didn't travel much, and weren't used to being in "big" tournaments.  Having done this for a while, I know things pop up, and there are snags at times - Some of that is expected.  BUT, there were really more problems than there should have been.  I don't think the reputation of Beaumont softball was tarnished too terribly bad - Those that know our area and know us know we are better than this!

In the end, was I glad I played in this?  Certainly!  The good far outweighted the bad, at least for us!


Can anyone give me any info. on the guy (edit) who ran this tournament?  All I know is his name is Rusty.  He and I have a few things to discuss about the gate fees.  His phone goes strait to voice mail, his email address has been canceled, and the website is gone.  This guy (edit) basically takes (edit) lots of money from people and vanishes for a while.


Can anyone give me any info. on the guy (edit) who ran this tournament?  All I know is his name is Rusty.  He and I have a few things to discuss about the gate fees.  His phone goes strait to voice mail, his email address has been canceled, and the website is gone.  This guy (edit) basically takes (edit) lots of money from people and vanishes for a while.

I saw him at the Beaumont Hooter's at 10 p.m. Sunday buying rounds for the house.


Can anyone give me any info. on the guy (edit) who ran this tournament?  All I know is his name is Rusty.  He and I have a few things to discuss about the gate fees.  His phone goes strait to voice mail, his email address has been canceled, and the website is gone.  This guy (edit) basically takes (edit) lots of money from people and vanishes for a while.

I saw him at the Beaumont Hooter's at 10 p.m. Sunday buying rounds for the house.

Whether Slugo is kidding or not, Rusty has done this before in Houston.  East Tx can defend him all he wants, but

this guy is serious trouble with a capital T.


Not much mentioned about the guy who had the wreck.  Why is that?  I thought that was some of the reason things were so messed up.  

We had an OK experience.  Yes, it was like playing on a beach.  The only thing I had a real problem with was the lack of shade over the bleachers.  I realized it was because of the hurricane but in this area in this heat,  that should be fixed asap if the park is to be used in the summer.

The Umps did a good job with our games.  No outrageous calls.

When we got there Saturday at 7am for out 8am game on field J, the posting said our game was at 11:00am on some other field.  So the rearranging was a bit confusing.  I would have expected it to be that way if it had been raining.

As for the MC Elite or Texas Elite or what ever they call their selves now..I heard that he picked up extra pool games.  Doesn't that screw up the schedule?  That team was a sad sight.  There were a whole two people in their stands.  Every tournament he has new players.  Its like a revolving door.  I guess its good for him because he does not give the players their money back once they figure him out and leave the team.

But all and all our weekend wasn't as bad as some of the other teams was.

Guest WeedBegone

Can anyone give me any info. on the guy (edit) who ran this tournament?  All I know is his name is Rusty.  He and I have a few things to discuss about the gate fees.  His phone goes strait to voice mail, his email address has been canceled, and the website is gone.  This guy (edit) basically takes (edit) lots of money from people and vanishes for a while.

I saw him at the Beaumont Hooter's at 10 p.m. Sunday buying rounds for the house.

Whether Slugo is kidding or not, Rusty has done this before in Houston.  East Tx can defend him all he wants, but

this guy is serious trouble with a capital T.

I'd suggest that we turn this Rusty guy in to the Beaumont Better Business Bureau --but i can already see they have bigger fish to fry--

ie---City Parks and recreation

      Ford Park  and lack of recreation

      Beaumont Independant School District  

      Honest Rusty's used car sale lot.



As far as the gate fee, since I didn't see anyone taking money to get in, I figured that when they changed from Ford park that that was changed also.  After our first game there was someone taking money, so we went and got extra money to get back in before our next game but when we went back in no one was there collecting money.  So as far as I'm concerned it wasn't the honor system and people being dishonest, it was who ever was in charge of that. They had it all screwed up.


Not much mentioned about the guy who had the wreck.  Why is that?  I thought that was some of the reason things were so messed up.  

. . . . .

We carted the UIC (not TD) around from complex to complex for him to get things straightened out.  Actually his job was made real tough by the schedule that was presented to him by the TD. He was actually having to do the TD's work by rearranging the schedule and do it on the fly so that he could get the umpires in the right place. Yes, there were some umpire scheduling problems, but he was never given a schedule that wasn't screwed up.

And yes Livesoftball, I agree, the earlier comments about the "Gate Fee Honor System" was the mother of all STUPID comments!

All in all, I got out of the tournament what I wanted, play some games in my own backyard on an open weekend.  I just feel for the teams who came in from out of town to play in this.


Can anyone give me any info. on the guy (edit) who ran this tournament?  All I know is his name is Rusty.  He and I have a few things to discuss about the gate fees.  His phone goes strait to voice mail, his email address has been canceled, and the website is gone.  This guy (edit) basically takes (edit) lots of money from people and vanishes for a while.

Not his first rodeo, and won't be his last,  unless everyone stays away from any of his functions.


Thanks for the ^5 East TX....The pitcher from Pineland...her name is Ragan Whitton.  2 year 1st team and looking to play on a local team for college exposure...

CRUSH tryouts coming up in August.

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