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the authorities dropped the ball on this one..I mean the authorities as mayor,judge,county officials..

  Onstead of sticking out there chest and patting thereself on the back  from Gustav they should have been more decisive in this one.Very dissappointed  in them

I haven't noticed one official sticking his/her chest out and saying how great Gustav was but maybe I missed something.

Now they have called an evacuation with more than enough time for everyone to get out even though the storm still shows it hitting about 150 miles away. Exactly what other outcome are you looking for?

Four days ago I said that if an evacuation is to be called, it would be at 6:00AM on Thursday. They are right on schedule.... although I will admit that I didn't think it was coming. But, they called it at the time that it needed to be called.

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Guest tchawks99

you think they will be able to get all the sick ,patients,special needs and 211 people out before it hits...? It is just my opinion tvc..thats all..just because someone dont agree with you doesnt mean they are wrong.my opinion they should have called it yesterday evening..alot of people like Bullets cant leave there job until they have an official evacuation.

   so you make the people decide whether to take care of there family or get in trouble witht there job in case no evacuation is called.

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Be safe and patient on your evacutions everybody!  If you are staying as i am good luck and maybe we will end up ok!  As always with us SE Texans if you need a helping hand when this is over we all are here to help!  I don't think that any part of this country can or will respond like we do!  Look at Rita!  WE worked to get things back in order and did!!!  Good luck and be safe!

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We left yesterday evening. I don't trust our emergency officials in a case like this - not with two little ones at home. I listened to Coop! We might not get hit at home, but we're also not there now, where my dad is, who called and said, "The city is falling apart. People are panicking, the lines at Wal Mart are all open and 10 people deep, and the wait for gas is 20 minutes." The emergency folks dropped the ball on this one bigtime.

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Guest tchawks99

We left yesterday evening. I don't trust our emergency officials in a case like this - not with two little ones at home. I listened to Coop! We might not get hit at home, but we're also not there now, where my dad is, who called and said, "The city is falling apart. People are panicking, the lines at Wal Mart are all open and 10 people deep, and the wait for gas is 20 minutes." The emergency folks dropped the ball on this one bigtime.

not according to TVC..

  I agree I don't trust them either ..They dropped the ball BIGTIME..

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Were goin 2 mississippi any word on traffic?

Wife and kids left this morning 6:30'ish headed to Mississippi.  Last I talked to them they were in Baton Rouge (on the Brdge) with no problems (I could here my boy in the background saying "Mom, look at Tiger Stadium" ;D).  Good luck!!

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Were goin 2 mississippi any word on traffic?

Wife and kids left this morning 6:30'ish headed to Mississippi.  Last I talked to them they were in Baton Rouge (on the Brdge) with no problems (I could here my boy in the background saying "Mom, look at Tiger Stadium" ;D).  Good luck!!

Thanks...sounds like you taught your boy right lol

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Newton is a mad house right now, traffic backed up and long lines at the gas pumps.  If you are coming from Orange MAKE SURE you have enough gas to get you closer to Lufkin because the pumps here will dry up fast.  Several of the stations were out of gas just from Gustav.  No plans as of yet to evacuate this area but I don't think it will be very long before it happens.  Good luck everyone..........

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If folks don't have plans to leave, I'd suggest those plans be made.  I was planning on staying, but the information I'm getting is causing me to at the very least have a plan to leave tomorrow if need be.  This isn't the sky is falling, this is just simple planning based on further shifts to the east that could happen, they've continued to happen for a day now.

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Silsbee Walmart was wild at 7:30 this morning.  They only had little gas cans(2 gal) but at that time lots of water.  The gas line was out to the highway (30 min. wait according to a friend).  All the lines were open and they were restocking the shelves as fast as they could.

Just up graded to warning not watch anymore.

We are preparing to stay but prepared to leave at the last minute if necessary.  

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Local duty got passed off to me...LOL...I'm here for the longhaul so I'll try to answer everything under his supervision.

Congratulations.  ;)

Seriously, we appreciate all that you guys do for us. You can find better info. on SETEXAS than on any of the actual weather sites.

Hope everyone is safe.

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Guest tchawks99

How much of a storm surge will affect Anahuac, especially near Turtle Bayou?

depends on the size of the storm...

    if its bigger then CAT 3 there will be no more turtles in turtle bayou..

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For those of you who are staying...

This, by all means, is no attempt to try and convince people to stay, but I was in highschool when Alicia hit Galveston back in 83. It was also a large storm with 115 mph winds when it came ashore. We stayed and I can remember thinking, "this isn't as bad as I thought it would be". I remember we got some rain and some wind, but nothing like I (we) were expecting. We did not get near the storm surge that was predicted. It was later said that it was because of all of the good marsh land we have in this area as it acts as a barricade against the surge. Below is the link to Hurricane Alicia:

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I'm only posting this for those of us who can't leave, all is not lost. Maybe this will put you a little more at ease. I think that, due to Rita, we tend to over-react a little when it comes to Hurricanes. I, personally, feel it is almost more dangerous to be on the road right now then dealing with the "potential" of 80 mph winds. Remember, we had 80 mph winds with Humberto last year and everyone made it OK. Again, I'm not trying to convince anyone to stay, just trying to make folks feel a little more at ease. The best way to judge how we will fare is to look at similar situations that have occured in the past. Alicia is a good model for that.

Now, if it does turn toward us, get out! We have a model from 3 years ago how devastating a direct hit from one of these can be.

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