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HJ White beat  Capt.Claudes team pretty bad..dont you notice him not on here today giving us his stats and a breakdown of his coaching career?


way to go hawks...Sorry I didnt congratulate you before..we on the other hand took a butt whippin..

    Where is Capt.Claude??? is he out on the plank scratching his head or is he locked in his room watching film?? come on out capt.claude..would love to hear the stats like you always give us..lol

I can promise you he is doing that, I also know he can take a whippin ALMOST as well as he can give them.


HJ White beat  Capt.Claudes team pretty bad..dont you notice him not on here today giving us his stats and a breakdown of his coaching career?


way to go hawks...Sorry I didnt congratulate you before..we on the other hand took a butt whippin..

    Where is Capt.Claude??? is he out on the plank scratching his head or is he locked in his room watching film?? come on out capt.claude..would love to hear the stats like you always give us..lol

He is not on here because he does not wine & Cry when he gets beat, deweyville just looks for a way to improve you know alot of yall could learn a lot from that coaching staff the only thing they were pissed about is that B E knelled the ball, they believe that if you can beat them 100 to 0 then do it because they can take a lose just as will as a win, so the rest of yall need to stop all of your wining & crying AND PLAY SOME FOOTBALL



Man, ya'll need to chill out! It was 7-6 at half time. I think you guys take what Claude says the wrong way. The man has been coaching youth football for almost 20 years. He intimidates me and I out weigh him by about 200 lbs. HJ has an exceptional group of young men this year along with some great coaching and I'm not talking about me. Deweyville jumped on us 1st like they always do. They are an excellant group of young men, and hoping and praying every week that they get beat does not seem right to me. The team consist of children for pete sakes. Those kids are tough football players and they are well coached. This was the 1st real game of the season, my bet is, Cap'n Claude and the boys don't loose another one. TCHAWKS, your not a very good representative of our association. Anyone can get on here and hide behind a screen name and type stupid sh!@ to piss people off, but it takes a special person to get out on the field and donate his time to the youth of his community. And there should not be a target on his back just because some jealous a22hole wants to sit in front of a pc and get his rocks off. Why don't you do us all a favor and grow up.

Guest tchawks99

HJ White beat  Capt.Claudes team pretty bad..dont you notice him not on here today giving us his stats and a breakdown of his coaching career?


way to go hawks...Sorry I didnt congratulate you before..we on the other hand took a butt whippin..

    Where is Capt.Claude??? is he out on the plank scratching his head or is he locked in his room watching film?? come on out capt.claude..would love to hear the stats like you always give us..lol

He is not on here because he does not wine & Cry when he gets beat, deweyville just looks for a way to improve you know alot of yall could learn a lot from that coaching staff the only thing they were pissed about is that B E knelled the ball, they believe that if you can beat them 100 to 0 then do it because they can take a lose just as will as a win, so the rest of yall need to stop all of your wining & crying AND PLAY SOME FOOTBALL



 ..I believe it was capt.claude's words.."you got smoked",...


Man, ya'll need to chill out! It was 7-6 at half time. I think you guys take what Claude says the wrong way. The man has been coaching youth football for almost 20 years. He intimidates me and I out weigh him by about 200 lbs. HJ has an exceptional group of young men this year along with some great coaching and I'm not talking about me. Deweyville jumped on us 1st like they always do. They are an excellant group of young men, and hoping and praying every week that they get beat does not seem right to me. The team consist of children for pete sakes. Those kids are tough football players and they are well coached. This was the 1st real game of the season, my bet is, Cap'n Claude and the boys don't loose another one. TCHAWKS, your not a very good representative of our association. Anyone can get on here and hide behind a screen name and type stupid sh!@ to piss people off, but it takes a special person to get out on the field and donate his time to the youth of his community. And there should not be a target on his back just because some jealous a22hole wants to sit in front of a pc and get his rocks off. Why don't you do us all a favor and grow up.

B E thanks for the post HJ has an out standing team yall played hard and won the game hands down, know doubt yall will have a outstanding year I just get tired of people bashing d-ville and i am not even from there. Good luck to yall look forward to wathing your team play some more ball


HJ White beat  Capt.Claudes team pretty bad..dont you notice him not on here today giving us his stats and a breakdown of his coaching career?


way to go hawks...Sorry I didnt congratulate you before..we on the other hand took a butt whippin..

    Where is Capt.Claude??? is he out on the plank scratching his head or is he locked in his room watching film?? come on out capt.claude..would love to hear the stats like you always give us..lol

He is not on here because he does not wine & Cry when he gets beat, deweyville just looks for a way to improve you know alot of yall could learn a lot from that coaching staff the only thing they were pissed about is that B E knelled the ball, they believe that if you can beat them 100 to 0 then do it because they can take a lose just as will as a win, so the rest of yall need to stop all of your wining & crying AND PLAY SOME FOOTBALL



 ..I believe it was capt.claude's words.."you got smoked",...

Dude, why don't you take that tc hawks off your screen name. Your an embarrassment. I'm ashamed that anyone from the organization we put so much work into can get on a public forum and just put little kids down like that. You really have a problem.


HJ White beat  Capt.Claudes team pretty bad..dont you notice him not on here today giving us his stats and a breakdown of his coaching career?


way to go hawks...Sorry I didnt congratulate you before..we on the other hand took a butt whippin..

    Where is Capt.Claude??? is he out on the plank scratching his head or is he locked in his room watching film?? come on out capt.claude..would love to hear the stats like you always give us..lol

He is not on here because he does not wine & Cry when he gets beat, deweyville just looks for a way to improve you know alot of yall could learn a lot from that coaching staff the only thing they were pissed about is that B E knelled the ball, they believe that if you can beat them 100 to 0 then do it because they can take a lose just as will as a win, so the rest of yall need to stop all of your wining & crying AND PLAY SOME FOOTBALL



 ..I believe it was capt.claude's words.."you got smoked",...

I am right here TC, I did get smoked this weekend if you play long enough you will get beat.

I told Barry's team last year in Deweyville this was there year and it is, they are well coached as they are a talented group of big physical kids, way to go Hawks!! TC I know it hurts cause you can't win or coach or even come out from hiding but don't be a hater.        PS. I have been watching tape (alot) cause I did get pounded but I can admit it and you are right it doesn't happen much.. D-ville will be back!




I remember now why I was not posting on this board for a long time now. I believe I am going to crawl back under my rock and just read again. The bashing and all that is all good as long as it is fun and no one takes offense. But when someone simply don't care about hurting or offending other people that just isn't right. And no Corey and Jeromy this post isn't directed to just you.... I have been reading other post and it's the same thing whining and bitching. There are a lot of people out there that would rather sit in the stands and critique others who ( for free) get out and put a helping hand in. If not coaching, cleaning up the fields after games, working the concessions, doing fund raisers and such. If everyone was to look at what happens in their own organization and then step back and ask themselves "Do I want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?" Then there wouldn't be so much bashing going on. But it is easier to sit back and bitch than get out and help the organization that you fund with your registration money. These organizations do not run on their own! They work because people get out there and bust their ASS most of the year so that a few kids can get out and play a GAME. WIN LOSE OR DRAW isn't the most important thing. What is important is children learning to play a complicated game, stay healthy and at the end of the day go up to mom and dad and ask the simple question " Hey did you see me ( fill in the blank ) ?" But most of the time they run up to ask the question and get well the coaching sucks, or the refs beat us... instead of that there are a few words you could better with and they are " Son/Daughter you did a good job!" You would be amazed of how much a kid will shine the rest of the way with some positive reinforcement other than hearing someone bash not what the coached called but how the kids played. When you bash a coach you are ultimately bashing the children that were on the field trying to execute what he is being taught..... Encourage him be a team player and unless you get out and help don't criticize something you either know nothing about or care to pass on to children that would love to learn it.

With that said I will slide back under my rock and let you blood suckers have your pity bash wars! There are good people, men and women and former players and cheerleaders, that try to make all this work and it doesn't take but 1 bad apple to make the whole damn day a bust because they want to moan about this or that.... GROW UP or GET OUT! You are here by choice no one is making you be here. Oh wait maybe your CHILD likes to play but doesn't want to here the bitching so he doesn't play hard cause nothing ever satisfies someone he lives his/her life through their children.....

( back under rock until futher notice )




I remember now why I was not posting on this board for a long time now. I believe I am going to crawl back under my rock and just read again. The bashing and all that is all good as long as it is fun and no one takes offense. But when someone simply don't care about hurting or offending other people that just isn't right. And no Corey and Jeromy this post isn't directed to just you.... I have been reading other post and it's the same thing whining and bitching. There are a lot of people out there that would rather sit in the stands and critique others who ( for free) get out and put a helping hand in. If not coaching, cleaning up the fields after games, working the concessions, doing fund raisers and such. If everyone was to look at what happens in their own organization and then step back and ask themselves "Do I want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?" Then there wouldn't be so much bashing going on. But it is easier to sit back and censored than get out and help the organization that you fund with your registration money. These organizations do not run on their own! They work because people get out there and bust their butt most of the year so that a few kids can get out and play a GAME. WIN LOSE OR DRAW isn't the most important thing. What is important is children learning to play a complicated game, stay healthy and at the end of the day go up to mom and dad and ask the simple question " Hey did you see me ( fill in the blank ) ?" But most of the time they run up to ask the question and get well the coaching sucks, or the refs beat us... instead of that there are a few words you could better with and they are " Son/Daughter you did a good job!" You would be amazed of how much a kid will shine the rest of the way with some positive reinforcement other than hearing someone bash not what the coached called but how the kids played. When you bash a coach you are ultimately bashing the children that were on the field trying to execute what he is being taught..... Encourage him be a team player and unless you get out and help don't criticize something you either know nothing about or care to pass on to children that would love to learn it.

With that said I will slide back under my rock and let you blood suckers have your pity bash wars! There are good people, men and women and former players and cheerleaders, that try to make all this work and it doesn't take but 1 bad apple to make the whole dang day a bust because they want to moan about this or that.... GROW UP or GET OUT! You are here by choice no one is making you be here. Oh wait maybe your CHILD likes to play but doesn't want to here the bitching so he doesn't play hard cause nothing ever satisfies someone he lives his/her life through their children.....

( back under rock until futher notice )



thanks comeaux well said i think eveyone need to read this

Well Comeaux most of my posts are in good fun and everyone knows me on here.I don't hide behind a screen name.Like some people do

 I stated my opinion on a forum where you discuss things.( i thought that is what a fourm is for) I guess I am guilty as charged for having an opinion. If everyone agreed on everything then it would be a perfect world.I still stand by how I feel and that won't change..

Like I said most of my posts are in good fun to people I know who are friends of mine.and by the way like you said its for the kids and not the "coach".If you are out there for yourself and not the kids you need to get out. That's why I made the earlier post about running up the score..yes it's football but remember your not running up the score on the other coach, you are doing it to the kids.with that said I stick by my opinion and that wont change. But I believe I will find a rock next to comeaux and let all the cowards come on here under there fake names and talk trash. and you know who you are.I will say this,I atleast had the nuts to state my opinion and stick up for what I thought was right,whether you agree or disagree.Some of you want to say it but dont have the ..uh..well you know... ;)


  Well said Comeaux and Piratefan, Like I said in my previous post that Youth football is for the kids, I appreciate the opportunity to be able to coach these young men and the ONLY reason I devote my time is because of them. I stick by my opinion on the subject of trying to run up the score with 2 minutes left in a game, and that coaches should be held responsible for there actions. I think the only reason for someone to do this is to FUEL there Ego. So I going to let this subject rest and climb under the BOULDER with Comeaux and Piratefan. ;D


I've been watching the Forum for a while and I have got to say that there is a massive difference from those that are involved in the Lonestar league and those that critisize them and the coaches of different teams. I'm afraid that the booger-eating morons from Vidor that proclaim themselves as authorities on who, what and how the Youth football leagues operate and how they SHOULD operate are shaming the town of Vidor one more time. Festering pustules that insult 83 as a "has-been" are obviously bowel worms that have no business even shining that man's shoes. He was putting together the Vidor association when they were still being a disappointment to their parents and friends instead of all of Vidor. They should apologize to 83 and quit embarrassing the good people in Vidor. Tools.

20-0. Wow. Wadda beating. Deweyville got beat that bad but they aren't on here whizzin' down their legs and pointing fingers at the HJ coaches. Mauriceville got beat and they don't have their women screaming and pointing fingers. If you let the 2cd or 3rd string kids run something other than straight dives then according to the stool samples on here then you are guilty of disrespecting the kids of Vidor and their coaches. Too bad. If a coach has his 2cd string running their normal offensive package, regardless of what plays are in that package, and the scores are 10 points BELOW the League rules then that coach shouldn't be subjected to the Vidor Village Idiots and their toothless philosophy. Football games are also the places that teams work on their game strategy and get their work in with the 2cd and 3rd string players. Lonestar put a limit on points scored and doesn't restrict how a coach works under that limit. If Silsbee put 32 points on Vidor in the first quarter and then ran gimme plays for the next three quarters then that would be more of an embarrassment than a 20 point game. 83 and Coach Comeaux represent Vidor well and are respected around the league for their contributions. Hearing from a couple of purple helmets that claim to be from Vidor cheapens their contributions. 


yall are complaining about a 20-7 deficit? our Jr tackle team got beat 33-6 and they are not complaining, we beat Ned 35-0 and thats with our 2nd string in and running every single play, WOS beats the crud outta just just about every team they play.

Guest tchawks99

I've been watching the Forum for a while and I have got to say that there is a massive difference from those that are involved in the Lonestar league and those that critisize them and the coaches of different teams. I'm afraid that the booger-eating morons from Vidor that proclaim themselves as authorities on who, what and how the Youth football leagues operate and how they SHOULD operate are shaming the town of Vidor one more time. Festering pustules that insult 83 as a "has-been" are obviously bowel worms that have no business even shining that man's shoes. He was putting together the Vidor association when they were still being a disappointment to their parents and friends instead of all of Vidor. They should apologize to 83 and quit embarrassing the good people in Vidor. Tools.

20-0. Wow. Wadda beating. Deweyville got beat that bad but they aren't on here whizzin' down their legs and pointing fingers at the HJ coaches. Mauriceville got beat and they don't have their women screaming and pointing fingers. If you let the 2cd or 3rd string kids run something other than straight dives then according to the stool samples on here then you are guilty of disrespecting the kids of Vidor and their coaches. Too bad. If a coach has his 2cd string running their normal offensive package, regardless of what plays are in that package, and the scores are 10 points BELOW the League rules then that coach shouldn't be subjected to the Vidor Village Idiots and their toothless philosophy. Football games are also the places that teams work on their game strategy and get their work in with the 2cd and 3rd string players. Lonestar put a limit on points scored and doesn't restrict how a coach works under that limit. If Silsbee put 32 points on Vidor in the first quarter and then ran gimme plays for the next three quarters then that would be more of an embarrassment than a 20 point game. 83 and Coach Comeaux represent Vidor well and are respected around the league for their contributions. Hearing from a couple of purple helmets that claim to be from Vidor cheapens their contributions.   


I think some people are taking things a little too far on this forum. Mauriceville did get soundly beat 20-0 by a solid H-F football team. No we are not crying as the coaching staff from H-F showed alot of class as the game ran out by kneeling the ball and running the clock out. I do not think it is proper to try and score more points when you can end the day with a win and go home. I feel you also have to remember these are volunteers that sometimes get wound up in the excitement of the moment. I unfortuntely have done this myself. As I have started gaining more expierence as a coach I hope I never do it again. This type of scoulding is what you open up to yourself and your organization when you forget the big picture "The KIDS"! Also, as a critic of H-F's MPR practices I would like to state for the record, " I WAS DEAD WRONG AND APOLOGIZE ". Larry had the best system for playing all his kids that I have ever seen. All kids were basically played by halftime! And if you think his big roster is going to hurt him you will be just as wrong as I was. On another note there was not one piece of trash left on the visitor sideline of our field. There was plenty that my parents and fans left. Congrats to Larry and his staff. All I can say is I hope to see you again this year with a more prepared ball team!

Thought for the Moment -  Nothing cleanses the soul like getting the hell kicked out of you!

Marty Marion


Guest tchawks99

HJ White beat  Capt.Claudes team pretty bad..dont you notice him not on here today giving us his stats and a breakdown of his coaching career?


way to go hawks...Sorry I didnt congratulate you before..we on the other hand took a butt whippin..

    Where is Capt.Claude??? is he out on the plank scratching his head or is he locked in his room watching film?? come on out capt.claude..would love to hear the stats like you always give us..lol

He is not on here because he does not wine & Cry when he gets beat, deweyville just looks for a way to improve you know alot of yall could learn a lot from that coaching staff the only thing they were pissed about is that B E knelled the ball, they believe that if you can beat them 100 to 0 then do it because they can take a lose just as will as a win, so the rest of yall need to stop all of your wining & crying AND PLAY SOME FOOTBALL



 ..I believe it was capt.claude's words.."you got smoked",...

I am right here TC, I did get smoked this weekend if you play long enough you will get beat.

I told Barry's team last year in Deweyville this was there year and it is, they are well coached as they are a talented group of big physical kids, way to go Hawks!! TC I know it hurts cause you can't win or coach or even come out from hiding but don't be a hater.        PS. I have been watching tape (alot) cause I did get pounded but I can admit it and you are right it doesn't happen much.. D-ville will be back!

come on claude lighten up..i was just messin with you.. ;)
Guest tchawks99

I think some people are taking things a little too far on this forum. Mauriceville did get soundly beat 20-0 by a solid H-F football team. No we are not crying as the coaching staff from H-F showed alot of class as the game ran out by kneeling the ball and running the clock out. I do not think it is proper to try and score more points when you can end the day with a win and go home. I feel you also have to remember these are volunteers that sometimes get wound up in the excitement of the moment. I unfortuntely have done this myself. As I have started gaining more expierence as a coach I hope I never do it again. This type of scoulding is what you open up to yourself and your organization when you forget the big picture "The KIDS"! Also, as a critic of H-F's MPR practices I would like to state for the record, " I WAS DEAD WRONG AND APOLOGIZE ". Larry had the best system for playing all his kids that I have ever seen. All kids were basically played by halftime! And if you think his big roster is going to hurt him you will be just as wrong as I was. On another note there was not one piece of trash left on the visitor sideline of our field. There was plenty that my parents and fans left. Congrats to Larry and his staff. All I can say is I hope to see you again this year with a more prepared ball team!

Thought for the Moment -  Nothing cleanses the soul like getting the heck kicked out of you!

Marty Marion


good post marty..  excellent..
Guest tchawks99

hey who was the coach from Vidor I assume it was a jr.coach.They tied Silsbee and he was waving a towel and throwing his hands up like rocky?  he thought he won the superbowl and it was a tie..he forgot to even play oevrtime he was so excited..

  not making fun I just thought it was funny..The silsbee parents did too..

  I think we all need to take  a step back smell the roses and remember everyone has differences..not everyone will always see things eye to eye..

  "hey Adrian"". Adrian!!!! ""Adrian we tied""!!! ;D :D


im not the towel waving coach but i am one of the coaches from the Vidor junior team....he was prolly excited just like the rest of us that we just scored 18 points in the 4th quarter to tie...yes we didnt play the overtime but what can we say...the refs and the coaches from silsbee brain farted too....lol

Guest tchawks99

im not the towel waving coach but i am one of the coaches from the Vidor junior team....he was prolly excited just like the rest of us that we just scored 18 points in the 4th quarter to tie...yes we didnt play the overtime but what can we say...the refs and the coaches from silsbee brain farted too....lol

I am not making fun..the way my friend described it..(you have to know my friend) was funny..thats all..congrats on the come back..



just another note...we have scored more points in the first two games then we have in the last two seasons.....excited yes we were way excited....i hope he gets tendonitis in his wrist by the time the season is over...lol.....and next time i bet we remember the overtimes....lmao

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