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Select Last Name First Name Age City Record

Abraham Alberta A. 90 Galveston 558

Addison Abner 83 Galveston 564

Adkinson Michael Aaron 61 Galveston 215

Alaniz Sharon 32 Galveston 49

Alaniz Sterling 13 Galveston 52

Alexander Deborah 58 Baytown 153

Alexander Paul 60 Galveston 315

Allen Ricky  52 Crystal Beach 608

Allen Kathy 50 Crystal Beach 609

Anderson Esther 77 Galveston 67

Anderson Bob 55 Boliver  195

Antao Victor 65 Galveston 235

Arcos Terla 10 Webster 278

Arenas Lupe Joseph NULL Galveston, Webster 189

Arguello Cruz Rosa Estella 27 Galveston 568

Armond Michael 45 Crystal Beach 57

Armond Timothy 39 Crystal Beach 62

Arnold Sherry Lyn 68 Pt. Bolivar 547

Arnold Charles 67 Pt. Bolivar 549

Arrambide Marion Violet 78 Port Bolivar 282

Atkins Kenneth 61 Galveston 228

Ausberry Ronald 57 Galveston 26

Austin Ted 56 Crystal Beach 274

Auzston Michael NULL Galveston 245

Backstrom Blanton 74 Galveston 559

Bailey Don 66 Galveston 46

Baker-Campbell Sally 48 Galveston 619

Ballesteros Armando 47 Galveston 8

Ballesteros Antonia 70 Galveston 9

Ballesteros Antonia 35 Galveston 11

Banton Alexis Christine 7 Gilchrist 7

Beck John 75 port boliver 589

Belcik  Bea 84 Galveston 122

Belcik Ben 45 Galveston 123

Berry Edmond 90 Galveston 309

Bertolino Rose 76 Galveston 491

Bivens Lloyd Wayne 45 Galveston 298

Bonner Lillian 85 Galveston 457

Boudloche Becky 60 Boliver 81

Bouse Robert 68 Boliver 276

Bouse Jerrie 65 Boliver 277

Brewster Carl 51 Galveston 27

Brown Gini 80 Galveston 540

Burnett Harvey 57 La Marque 109

Burns Leticia 65 Galveston 99

Caldwell Earnest G. 78 Galveston 167

Campbell Donald 71 Galveston 241

Carswell Isiaih 75 Galveston 238

Carter Juanita 94 Galveston 172

Castleberry David 70 Galveston(westend) 188

Chaeres Maria Isabel 13 Houston 232

Chaeres William 16 Houston 231

Chaeres Isabel 42 Houston 227

Chapman Danielle 32 Galveston 424

Chapman Joel 15 Galveston 425

Chapman Addison 12 Galveston 426

Cinsinero Sara 70 Galveston 387

Clark Truitt 46 Galveston 111

Cockrell Dorothy 79 Galveston 201

Cockrell Ronald 35 Galveston 591

Cockrell Diane 50 Galveston 595

Coleman Marvin NULL Houston 125

Collins Dennis 54 Galveston 599

Cooper Evans Nichole Marie 20 Houston 414

Corner Margaret 75 Baytown 506

Covington Michael P. 48 Crystal Beach 259

Cross Dr David 57 Galveston 330

Dalehite Henry 75 Galveston 313

Davis Don E. 72 Galveston 94

Davis William 83 Dickinson 204

Davis Allie 5 Pasadena 530

Davis Bryan 3 Pasadena 538

Davis Clayton 2 Pasadena 543

Day Jay 51 Galveston 518

Day Laura 50 Galveston 519

Day Lilian 3 Galveston 520

Dazey/Sields Tina Nicole 28 Galveston 422

Destin Albert 51 Galveston 612

Doss Janice 63 Boliver 119

Dott Dr. Sharon 57 Galveston  327

Drain Jennie 50 Galveston 464

Drouasadale Ben 47 crystal beach 239

Duckett Jesse Lee 55 San Leon 386

Duke Ronnie 57 Galveson 585

Dunn Glynnis 70 Crystal Beach 13

Ep Derrick 15 Galveston 173

Ep Jamal 13 Galveston 176

Ep Lily Mae 63 Galveston 178

Ettenger Gail 58 Gilchrist 6

Evans Elise 40 Galveston 71

Evans Ruth 75 Galveston 463

Fisher Walter  70 Port Bolivar 45

Flores David 53 Galveston 159

Flores Jo An 26 Galveston 198

Flores Victoria 81 Galveston 428

Flores Juanita 55 Galveston 429

Forrester Don 38 Galveston 25

Franklin Joseph 23 Galveston 394

Franklin Fred 88 Galveston 533

Freeman Steve 71 Gilchrist 249

Freeman Sue 69 Gilchrist 250

Fulton David 45 Galveston 610

Gall Lewis NULL Dickinson 329

Garcia Oscar 48 Galveston 537

Garrett Robert 92 Texas City 498

Garza Charles 42 Port Boliver 104

Garza Jose Antonio 65 Galveston 236

Garza Doris 37 Galveston 579

Gatson James 45 Galveston 128

Gatson Eddie 50 Galveston 129

Gloria Ellisor 79 Galveston 441

Gonzales Victor 40 Galveston 600

Gonzales David 88 Texas City 604

Gonzalez Josephine JoAnn 21 Galveston 389

Goodwin Marty Ray 35 Boliver 154

Goodwin Cindy 50 Crystal Beach 517

Gozissom Richard 61 Crystal Beach 325

Grabien Harold 77 Texas City 192

Gray  Susanne 19 Galveston 51

Green Maurice 67 Galveston 64

Gremillion Gloria Mitchell 82 San Leon 390

Gremillion  Jeffery 47 San Leon 393

Grogan Kenneth NULL Galveston 208

Guidry David 60 Galveston 302

Guzman Steven 3 Galveston 205

Hall James 52 Galveston 74

Hamilton Willie 83 Galveston 326

Hamilton Edgar NULL Galveston 461

Hammons Michael 6768 Houston 545

Hardy John D. 72 San Leon 155

Harwell Cheryl 40 Crystal Beach 147

Henson James 6566 Rollover Pass 627

Herrera Patrick 21 Galveston 438

Hill Tommy Lynn 69 Houston 160

Hines Chester A. 54 Galveston 495

Hines Thelma Beatrice 63 Galveston 496

Holcomb III Steve 54 Fresno 105

Hunter Lois 73 San Leon 586

Irban Mavis 70 League City 164

James Virginia 66 Galveston 224

James Dale 76 Galveston 226

James Angelique 16 Galveston 383

Jarvis Brian 58 Galveston 311

Johnson Brett 47 Galveston 581

Johnson Brett 47 Galveston 582

Johnson-Wilson Ann 50 Galveston 573

Jones James 32 Galveston 47

Jones Jack  69 Galveston 97

Jones Rose 72 Port Boliver 101

Jordan Patsy 56 Galveston 138

Jordan Salis 20 Galveston 140

Kahla  Todd 39 Bolivar 365

Kahla Winston 54 Port Bolivar 505

Kanaway Gladys 80 Houston 353

Kangeter David 53 Galveston 17

Kelly Mary 79 Galveston 522

Kenney Belle 93 Galveston 209

Kenney Donald 67 Galveston 210

Kilgore- Willians Carrie 49 Galveston 332

Kim Danny 29 Houston (City of Seabrook) 272

King Bill W. NULL galveston 273

Kirsten Barbara 50 League City 196

Kraft Johnny 70 Galveston 501

Kupsa Micheal H. 50 Galveston 120

Kwasnaza (Kay) Judith 54 Galveston 216

Kwasnaza (Kay) Lucas 24 Galveston 219

Lamell  Carl 40 Galveston 377

Lamell  Dejavon 6 Galveston 378

Lamell  Kim 30 Galveston 382

Lamoyea Lisa 44 San Leon 376

Lane Willie 15 Galveston 243

Lawrence Leon 80 Galveston 592

Lawrence Idesta 75 Galveston 607

Lee  Anthony Lawrence 28 Bay City 392

Lennox George 52 Galveston 407

Leuertan Doris 82 Galveston 439

Leverton Doris 82 Galveston 478

Licerio Raymond 65 Galveston 458

Licerio Angel 65 Galveston 462

Lnu Pam 40 Crystal Beach 380

Lyons Sandra 66 Galveston 139

Macrunnel John 40 crystal Beach 379

Martinez Demetira 11 Galveston 431

Mattheis  Luther 35 San Leon 521

Matthews Brady 60 Galveston 269

McBride Edris 60 Crystal Beach 508

McCartney Mike 55 Baytown 507

McCauley Robert 56 Galveston 89

McCray Billy 80 Baytown 453

McDonald Dwayne 54 Galveston 597

McLemore Jan 50 Gilchrist 207

McNeil Robert L. 25 Hitchcock 289

McZeal Phyllis 40 Galveston 303

Mendoza Edna 31 Shepherd 63

Moore Wesley 55 Crystal Beach 504

Morris Ruth 82 Galveston 234

Moseley Charles 55 Crystal Beach 72

Moseley Rita 55 Crystal Beach 75

Moseley Herman 48 Bolivar Peninsula 434

Moser Nina L. 44 Galveston 493

Narcisse, Jr. Samuel 8 Galveston 528

Nevelow Eugene 91 Galveston 322

Newman Jody 55 Humble 450

Newman Leroy 60 Humble 451

Overlin Jeffery Todd 45 Dickinson 358

Oviatt Amanda NULL Bacliff 452

Oviatt Morgan 31 Bacliff 455

Owens Roy 48 Bolivar 126

Pace John 60 Galveston 576

Paflozish Geraldine 54 Galveston 281

Parker Donna 45 Boliver Island 149

Parodie Janie 50 Houston 197

Parris Geraldine 54 Galveston 142

Parris Eneizer 88 galveston 145

Patel Ali 56 Galveston 523

Peek Ester 50 Boliver Island 488

Pendergraft Helen 75 unknown 557

Perussina Maryann 81 Galveston 370

Perussina Angie 81 Galveston 553

Phillips  Ray Dominik 11 Galveston 55

Pickard Rachel 38 Galveston 534

Pierce Anastasia and Kelly (sisters) 25 Crystal Beach 320

Place John 61 Galveston 571

Pugh David 57 Galveston 618

Ramos Ruben 75 Galveston 456

Rasmussen A.J. 86 Galveston 121

Rea Charmaine & Eileen(mother) 55 Dickinson 144

Redmond Jeffrey 54 El Lago 524

Ritterhouse Ronnie 54 Galveston 256

Roberts Landon & Sandra 68 Lake Jackson 133

Roberts Joe Wayne 50 Bolivar Peninsula 499

Roberts Kathleen 75 Galveston 542

Rodriguez David 17 Houston 230

Rodriguez Carlos 20 Port Bolivar 552

Rogers Larry 68 Gilchrist 490

Rogers Mary Alice 70 Gilchrist 492

Romero Mary Jane 78 Galveston 514

Ronald Duke 53 Crystal Beach 169

Ross Lilian Dixon 87 Galveston 471

Ross George Ronald 38 Pasadena 565

Ruiz Ernand 33 Galveston 328

Russo Candy 80 Galveston 96

Russo Candy 80 Galveston 556

Salazar Armando 37 Galveston 473

Salazar Arthur 50 Galveston 475

Salazar Abel 60 Galveston 479

Sanchez Elezar 51 Shepherd 50

Sanchez Chris 51 Galveston 374

Sanders Georgia 80 Galveston 306

Sargeant Rose Mary 73 Galveston 446

Scarborough Tommy 48 Bacliff 59

Schlagenhauf Kathy Ann 43 Hitchcock 319

Schultz Jessica 27 Galveston 255

Schutz Carl 60 Galveston 569

Schutz Judy 60 Galveston 570

Shaver Susan 45 Crystal Beach 2

Shaver Herman 80 Crystal Beach 43

Shaver Herman 85 Crystal Beach 136

Shukane Frank 61 Galveston 502

Silva Joe 72 Galveston 190

Sims Gladys 76 Bacliff 158

Sims John 66 Bacliff 161

Singleton Deshundra NULL Galveston 355

Singleton Vanessa 38 Galveston 539

Site Cecilia NULL Galveston 107

Slocomb Corine 80 Galveston 391

Smith Walter 65 Galveston 220

Smith Sam H. 60 Gilchrist 290

Smith Amanda 57 Hitchcock 295

Smith Mandy 57 Galveston 314

Solley John A. 35 Galveston 284

Stallone Helen L. 85 Galveston 418

Stark Kathleen L. 52 Galveston 554

STARKY Mildred 96 Crystal Beach 285

Stelly Mayrece 76 Beaumont 340

Stephens Pauline 90 Galveston 531

Stone Charlie 60 Galveston 21

Storck Edith 72 Galveston 203

Strange John Allen 55 Galveston 185

Strickland Magdellena 49 Port Boliver 68

Stuckey, Jr. Wayne 46 Bacliff 494

Sunseri Mary Francis NULL Galveston 516

Talbot Larry 68 Baytown 95

Tarrant Donna Dee 60 Port Bolivar 427

Tarrant Donna Dee 60 Pt. Bolivar 484

Taylor Amanda Renee 26 Pasadena 529

Thibodeaux Jerry 53 Galveston 466

Thibodeaux Wayne 54 Galveston 467

Thomas Bill Wm. 80 Galveston 4

Thomas Wilamae 63 Galveston 193

Vallier Emmanuel 45 Galveston 240

Vallier Lawrence 52 Galveston 244

Van Pelt Dennis 52 Bay City 156

Van Vurren Hans 71 Galveston 316

Vargas-Rangel Celespino 56 Galveston 352

Victoria Nancy 80 Galveston 409

Victorian Diane Marie NULL Galveston 468

Villanueva Gladys 22 Houston (City of Seabrook) 252

Walker Robert 70 Galveston 445

Walker Robert 70 1309 23rd St. 472

Walker David 65 Galveston 572

Walker Joann 61 Galveston 578

Walton Sandy D. 54 Gilchrist 260

Ward Mel 78 Galveston 166

Washman John 75 Port Bolivar 566

Wathen James 84 Galveston 548

Weaver Thomas 54 Galveston 242

Weaver Patrica Ruth (Dr.) 74 Crystal Beach 292

Webb Kinnard 57 Galveston 237

Weber Ken 53 Galveston 435

Weber Ken 53 Galveston 482

Webster Libby 48 Galveston 485

Wells Earnest  45 Galveston 291

Whatling Edward 70 Galveston 544

White Oliver 57 Galveston 131

Whitner Calvin O'Neal 84 Galveston 146

Williams Gerald 50 Galveston 66

Williams Emmett 14 Galveston 69

Williams Marian 84 Houston 474

Williams Shane 30 Port Bolivar 262

Williams Wilbert 92 Galveston 476

Williams Wilbert 92 Galveston 440

Williams Marian 84 Houston 442

Wilson George 72 Bolivar 433

Wilson George 72 Galveston 480

Wilson Charles 50 Galveston 574

Wilson Goldie 20 Galveston 575

Wilson George 71 Galveson 584

Winters Margaret 78 Galveston 536

Wolf Ingeborg 86 Galveston 333

Xolchen Esrain 23 Galveston 347

Yakopec Rudy 71 League City 360


i was looking at this list, and there have been a total of 701 people placed on it.  there are no updates on how many of those people taken off the list were found alive.


I just got off the phone with one of the Deputy Constable Rodney Kahla and he informed me that several of the names on the list posted above have been accounted for and some of them never were missing.  His brother and uncle's names are on the list, but were not missing.


I just got off the phone with one of the Deputy Constable Rodney Kahla and he informed me that several of the names on the list posted above have been accounted for and some of them never were missing.  His brother and uncle's names are on the list, but were not missing.

i can't help but feel that those you speak of will be more than balanced out by people who are missing but haven't been placed on the list.


Searching Continues in Chambers County as Death Toll Rises

The discovery of a third body this weekend near Galveston Island has raised the number of confirmed hurricane Ike victims to 36 in Texas, and searchers in Chambers County expect the numbers to rise when they finish checking debris fields.

Today law enforcement officers and volunteers converged on the Southern part of the county, sifting through debris that washed up with Ike's surge.

Three cadaver dogs and their handlers searched a little more than a mile of grass and wood.

They say the task is large, and it takes time to get through all of the debris.

"We feel good in that we've covered most of the debris piles up to this point. We've hit everything that we've come across," says Texas Game Warden Bobby Jobs.

"The reason we do this is because there's families out there that want to know what happened to their loved ones. Hopefully if we do find somebody, they'll have closure," says Detective and K-9 handler Mark Holmes with the Port Arthur Police Department.

Game Wardens, law enforcement and volunteers will return to Chambers County this weekend to continue looking for victims.

One body has been found in Chambers County, that of Gail Ettenger. She lived in Gilchrist and was a contract worker at the Exxon Mobil lab in Beaumont.

The body of the 58 year old woman was found on September 23rd in a debris field in Southern Chambers County.

See archived 'Local News' Storie


178 remain on the list, with a total of 871 having been placed on the list at one time or another.  i had noticed a 7 year old girl who was the 7th person placed on the list, and she has been removed.  i hope they found her alive and safe, but if they didn't, i don't suppose we'd hear about it. 

  • 5 weeks later...

at one point or another, there have now been over 900 people on this list, and 59 are still listed as missing.  No word on what happened to the other 850.  As far as I know, the highest deathtoll in any article i could find for Texas was 33.  I've heard a lot of rumors, and if even 1 out of 5 of them are true, you could multiply that toll by 5 and it might still be short.  This whole thing still reeks of a coverup.  I've talked to a firefighter who personally found/witnessed five or more bodies being found in Orange.  I never heard a word about any of those victims in the media.  I guess we are also supposed to assume that even though a huge chunk of Bridge City stayed for the storm, only a single person died when most the town was underwater.  Also, i guess we should assume that only 2 or 3 bodies were found in and around Crystal Beach and Gilchrest, even though hundreds stayed, and probably 90% of the homes there were destroyed.  Anybody else have any thoughts on this?


at one point or another, there have now been over 900 people on this list, and 59 are still listed as missing.  No word on what happened to the other 850.  As far as I know, the highest deathtoll in any article i could find for Texas was 33.  I've heard a lot of rumors, and if even 1 out of 5 of them are true, you could multiply that toll by 5 and it might still be short.  This whole thing still reeks of a coverup.  I've talked to a firefighter who personally found/witnessed five or more bodies being found in Orange.  I never heard a word about any of those victims in the media.  I guess we are also supposed to assume that even though a huge chunk of Bridge City stayed for the storm, only a single person died when most the town was underwater.  Also, i guess we should assume that only 2 or 3 bodies were found in and around Crystal Beach and Gilchrest, even though hundreds stayed, and probably 90% of the homes there were destroyed.  Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

Yeah...something just ain't right.  With the amount of devastation that occurred in Orange County and down on Bolivar and with the number of people who did not evacuate, I find it hard to believe that the "confirmed" deathtoll is 33.  It would be a miracle if only 33 people died as a result of IKE.  A cover-up or, to be PC, a "dissemination of misinformation" seems quite obvious to me.  I just feel for those families who are still missing loved ones and not being given any information or hope.

  • 3 weeks later...

Woman is 19th Confirmed Hurricane Ike Victim

Comments 0 | Recommend 2

November 25, 2008 - 11:33 AM

Jennifer Heathcock

The body of a woman found in Galveston County brings to 19 the number of confirmed victims of Hurricane Ike.

Sightseers discovered the body last Thursday on Goat Island off the coast of the Bolivar Peninsula.

The body was taken to the Galveston County Medical Examiner's office Friday.

The medical examiner says the woman drowned.

Investigators are trying to identify the body.

  • 1 month later...

45 still missing from Hurricane Ike


January, 1, 2009

The following people are still listed as missing since Hurricane Ike on the Web site of the Laura Recovery Center as of Jan. 1.

Christopher Andrews, 39, Galveston

Marion Violet Arrambide, 78, Port Bolivar

Harry Bingham, 61, Crystal Beach

Israel Briceno, 62, Galveston

Rose Brookshire, 72, Port Bolivar

Reynaldo Capote, 42, Galveston

Robert Lee Clay Jr, 65, Galveston

Diane Cockrell, 50, Galveston

Margaret Cordova, 55, Galveston

Robert Dailey, 45, Galveston

Glennis Dunn, 70, Port Bolivar

Frank Elizondo, 58, Galveston

Oscar Garcia, 48, Galveston

Charles Allen Garrett, 42, Port Bolivar

Norman Green, 53, Galveston

Kenneth Grogan, 97, Galveston

Jacqueline Johnson, 53, Galveston

Mary Joliet, 55, Galveston

Thomas Lane, 44, Galveston

Daniel Patrick Mansour, 66, Dickinson

Dessie Martin, 42, Galveston

Kelly McCain, 40, Houston

Robert L. McNeil, 25, Hitchcock

Laurie Mitchell, 40, LaMarque

Cecelia T. Nowell, 71, Houston

Janie Parodie, 50, Houston

Ali Patel, 56, Galveston

Helen Pendergraft, 85, Galveston

Ramon Ramos, 59, Galveston

Cora Robb, 66, Galveston

Terry Rodgers, 57, Galveston

George Ronald Ross, 38, Pasadena

Ernand Ruiz, 33, Galveston

Tommy Scarborough, 48, Bacliff

Jessica Schultz, 27, Galveston

Carolyn Scott, 36, Galveston

Susan Shealy, 51, Crystal Beach

Cecilia Site, unknown, Galveston

Mayrece Stelly, 76, Beaumont

Magdalena Strickland, 49, Port Bolivar

Jeraldine Thomas, 54, Houston

Sandy D. Walton, 54, Gilchrist

Robert Ormand Williams, 54, Crystal Beach

Dorlene Wiseman, 37, Galveston

Esrain Xolchen, 23, Galveston

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