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My name is George Rodgers and I am the equipment manager for the Vidor Junior Football Association.  I am on the board for vjfa and was on the board last year when several members of the vjfa board were asked to step down from the vjfa board and were allowed to finish the season coaching their teams.  I cant tell you that I know who vidor pirate 75 is but I can touch on the fact that last year we had 5 teams with pads with at least 20 kids per team plus or minus a few so that is roughly around 100 kids.  When we opened our storage building after the past board had left and formed their current league we only had around 58 helmets and a little over that in shoulder pads.  If you do the math and take away from the handful of people that had their own equipment that leaves close to half of our shoulder pads and helmets unaccounted for when it all said and done.  Now I can tell you that when I approached the past equipment manager for a list of equipment handed out last year he said he didnt have a list.  I do know that since vp75 is saying that he is seeing our equipment over at the other league I think vjfa willl most definatley look into this accusation.  Secondly I can tell you this that if you dont believe people are deceiving people here is some proof, go to vpifa.net and go to the section that list their board members and click on the word NAME after board postions and before Home # it takes you to the VJFA website and page for our former president.  I think people need to open their eyes and realize that there are some shady people in this world.  vp75 if you are truly real you can contact Chris Comeaux our current president and Im sure he would love to get any info you have on the equipment.  We at vidor junior football are just glad that we are back to playing true vjfa football.  

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oh and by the way guys....we did hold registrations almost every weekend in June and July and advertise several times in the paper so people should have seen that we were still alive...lol.....and I will be honest and tell you that we did indeed have some people say that they heard we were combined with the other league until they saw our advertisements....


Pirate fan, I think we are saying the samething. I know the other organization advertised, thats why I find it hard to believe piratefan 75. We all have choices, choose wisely. Hopefully thats what we are teachng our kids.

Also, for some folks to write things that are not true or even scretch it some to make a youth organization look bad is not an example.

Good luck

Guest tchawks99

My name is George Rodgers and I am the equipment manager for the Vidor Junior Football Association.  I am on the board for vjfa and was on the board last year when several members of the vjfa board were asked to step down from the vjfa board and were allowed to finish the season coaching their teams.  I cant tell you that I know who vidor pirate 75 is but I can touch on the fact that last year we had 5 teams with pads with at least 20 kids per team plus or minus a few so that is roughly around 100 kids.  When we opened our storage building after the past board had left and formed their current league we only had around 58 helmets and a little over that in shoulder pads.  If you do the math and take away from the handful of people that had their own equipment that leaves close to half of our shoulder pads and helmets unaccounted for when it all said and done.  Now I can tell you that when I approached the past equipment manager for a list of equipment handed out last year he said he didnt have a list.  I do know that since vp75 is saying that he is seeing our equipment over at the other league I think vjfa willl most definatley look into this accusation.  Secondly I can tell you this that if you dont believe people are deceiving people here is some proof, go to vpifa.net and go to the section that list their board members and click on the word NAME after board postions and before Home # it takes you to the VJFA website and page for our former president.  I think people need to open their eyes and realize that there are some shady people in this world.  vp75 if you are truly real you can contact Chris Comeaux our current president and Im sure he would love to get any info you have on the equipment.  We at vidor junior football are just glad that we are back to playing true vjfa football.  

I dont get it..I did that and it showed some guy name doug..why would if you click on "name" why would it bring it to his name? I thought VPIFA was new?? i guess I am confused?

here is the deal....last year two people from VJFA were voted off the board for wrong doing against Lonestar and VJFA..during the months following the end of the VJFA season these two along with several others created a new league in town VPIFA and joined STJFL.  The people vp75 is speaking of is the new league formed from the people who got their feelings hurt. Does that help?

Guest tchawks99

I just did it and it brings you to VJFA page..holy cow!

Guest tchawks99

do VPIFA and VJFA share a website?? why would it bring you to VJFA homepage??



My name is George Rodgers and I am the equipment manager for the Vidor Junior Football Association.  I am on the board for vjfa and was on the board last year when several members of the vjfa board were asked to step down from the vjfa board and were allowed to finish the season coaching their teams.  I cant tell you that I know who vidor pirate 75 is but I can touch on the fact that last year we had 5 teams with pads with at least 20 kids per team plus or minus a few so that is roughly around 100 kids.  When we opened our storage building after the past board had left and formed their current league we only had around 58 helmets and a little over that in shoulder pads.  If you do the math and take away from the handful of people that had their own equipment that leaves close to half of our shoulder pads and helmets unaccounted for when it all said and done.  Now I can tell you that when I approached the past equipment manager for a list of equipment handed out last year he said he didnt have a list.  I do know that since vp75 is saying that he is seeing our equipment over at the other league I think vjfa willl most definatley look into this accusation.  Secondly I can tell you this that if you dont believe people are deceiving people here is some proof, go to vpifa.net and go to the section that list their board members and click on the word NAME after board postions and before Home # it takes you to the VJFA website and page for our former president.  I think people need to open their eyes and realize that there are some shady people in this world.  vp75 if you are truly real you can contact Chris Comeaux our current president and Im sure he would love to get any info you have on the equipment.  We at vidor junior football are just glad that we are back to playing true vjfa football.  

I dont get it..I did that and it showed some guy name doug..why would if you click on "name" why would it bring it to his name? I thought VPIFA was new?? i guess I am confused?

Yeah that was what we asked why would you have that on your page if your VPIFA and not VJFA.

Guest bucwheat

wow..I just went there too and that is kinda weird..



Is it possible for us to get back to talking about the kids?  I think a great week in youth football is getting wasted because people can't seem to get along.  

It was a long break that "IKE" gave us, but there did not seem to be a big drop off in the performance of our teams.  

What teams impressed you this weekend?  

Guest bucwheat

Is it possible for us to get back to talking about the kids?  I think a great week in youth football is getting wasted because people can't seem to get along.  

It was a long break that "IKE" gave us, but there did not seem to be a big drop off in the performance of our teams.  

What teams impressed you this weekend?  

I agree..

do VPIFA and VJFA share a website?? why would it bring you to VJFA homepage??


i can tell you this...we are in no way affilliated with VPIFA.  I just want some to see that some of what vp75 was saying can be proven.  They only way I can think that it might be there is to make some think we are affilliated with each other...imagine that if you think we are how easy it would be to trick others into thinking we were as well....thats our former presidents email who is still with VJFA and not with the new VPIFA.  .....

Guest bucwheat

Orangefield pee wee lost but was a good game..

  could have went either way..

Guest vpirate75

Look guys I just wanted everyone to know something in vidor isfishy.  I can only tell you what I have seen and heard.  Im not going to tell people who told me these things or tell you who my kid is and what team he plays on.   I think piratefan, Mr. Rodgers, and Mr. Comeaux for the emails.  I know i will be back there next year and forgive me for not catching on sooner.  Guys for both leagues play hard and win.


Are we still hashing out the bad blood in Vidor from last year???  Look guys its simple, stop it with all the finger pointing.  There was obviously a problem last year.  One group went one way, while the other group chose to stay with VJFA.  Everyone should be happy that your child has a place to participate in football. 

You only have one shot at enjoying watching your kid grow up so why don't everyone take a step back and remember why you choose to be involved in Youth Football/ Cheerleading.  Is it to feed your own ego or is it to provide your child with a fun and safe atmosphere to participate in youth sports?  If it is to feed your own ego than by all means please continue slinging mud, but please do it somewhere else. 

This thread was meant to discuss STJFL Week 2.

Pee Wees

Lumberton White 27?

Vidor Gold          0

Lumberton White is very well coached and have a very "cool" offensive scheme(cool is the only word I could come up with, Ive never seen it before).  It had us completely puzzled the entire game.  We didn't show much, but our kids left the game with their heads up so I guess thats all that really matters.

Congratulations to all the teams on a good week of football.


Vidor Black JR's   6

Lumberton White 0

I see that our PRESIDENT won again. I have a question for any STJFL members.  How or why do you let a league that has stacked teams and stolen uniforms play in your league.  It wasnt until recently that I found out that the league (VJFA) my son played for last year was still in existence.  I would never in a million years have let him play for (VPIFA) if I wasnt lied to by many of the board members here in VPIFA told that they were VJFA that they had just changed the name and that VJFA had been desolved.  I came on here and found posting from VJFA members who are not desolved but very much still in existence.  This organization has lied to me and many other parents and I find that very disturbing.  These are kids and I feel that they are being used as pawns in a delutional mans game.  I can tell you this my son will not be back here next year.  Sorry about the rant but Im just saying a lot of peoples thoughts

Legitimate questions can't and won't be answered here.  If you had or have legitimate concerns, the time to voice them would've been when Vidor applied to the STJFL for membership.  They have been accepted and all who chose to approach the STJFL were listened to.  Now is not the time to ask these questions, simply because they have a winning weekend.  If there are concerns, please feel free to mail a letter to the STJFL, or better yet, ask for permission to come to the meeting and be scheduled on the agenda during the open floor.  That is the correct way to handle problems.  All associations are in place for this year, but that doesn't mean that any association can't be removed during the next season...and that goes for ALL members of the STJFL, I AM NOT singling out Vidor at all, I am simply stating the facts.


To whom this may concern; All youth football leagues, little league, pony, etc. have issues. Some more than others. But when adults are not working for the kids and working on their own agenda, selfishnesss, or jealousy thats when things are unpleasant. If any city has issues the facts need to be gathered and handled in house. I agree, we should be talking about the games and the kids.

Families make decisions to play where they want based on many reasons. Why don't we get past this.

Any association that decides to leave a league and join another good luck. But in the end it what they learn to go to the next level and ultimately Friday night. Enjoy youth footbal no matter where you play and watch them grow to play Friday nights.


Are we still hashing out the bad blood in Vidor from last year???  Look guys its simple, stop it with all the finger pointing.  There was obviously a problem last year.  One group went one way, while the other group chose to stay with VJFA.  Everyone should be happy that your child has a place to participate in football. 

You only have one shot at enjoying watching your kid grow up so why don't everyone take a step back and remember why you choose to be involved in Youth Football/ Cheerleading.  Is it to feed your own ego or is it to provide your child with a fun and safe atmosphere to participate in youth sports?  If it is to feed your own ego than by all means please continue slinging mud, but please do it somewhere else. 

This thread was meant to discuss STJFL Week 2.

Pee Wees

Lumberton White 27?

Vidor Gold          0

Lumberton White is very well coached and have a very "cool" offensive scheme(cool is the only word I could come up with, Ive never seen it before).  It had us completely puzzled the entire game.   We didn't show much, but our kids left the game with their heads up so I guess thats all that really matters.

Congratulations to all the teams on a good week of football.

did they get really low to the ground and crowd around the center so you couldnt see who was getting the ball? if so they did that last year and after the 1st quarter we made adjustments and blew up their game plan 8)


Hello all,

My name is Paul Heidleberg and is this is my first post on this forum.  I believe this should be an area where folks share positive comments regarding their kids' football experiences.  However, I was told about the inaccuracies being written on here so I'd like to set the record straight this one time.

I, along with several others, started a new football league in Vidor (Vidor Pirate Intermediate Football Academy) because we didn't like the direction and actions of VJFA and Lonestar.  This is what we felt was necessary to ensure a quality football program for our kids.  We did a lot of advertising and people were allowed to make a choice.  Some stayed with VJFA and Lonestar but most chose to play with VPIFA and STJFL.

We've put a tremendous amount of time and effort into building VPIFA and we're proud of our accomplishments.  We know we can't please everyone....but we're trying to.  Our board is full of hard-working, dedicated folks.  We have a fantastic facility that we call "the Cove".  And we're very proud to be affiliated with STJFL.  I believe these are the reasons the majority of Vidor's kids play football with us.  Our focus is on teaching football, motivating them to work hard, being good role models, and ensuring our kids have fun.

Having said that, please allow me to clear a few things up.  VPIFA does not have any stacked teams.  The proof is with the coaches.  Ask them if they feel like their team has less talent than another.  Believe me, a coach would be the first to tell you if they were on the short end of that stick.

When we walked away from VJFA, we left with nothing.  We didn't steal jerseys or other equipment as was suggested by vpirate75.  Now, I have no way of knowing if a kid is wearing VJFA equipment as it all looks the same.  The problem here is that VJFA didn't do a very good job of collecting their equipment at the end of last season.  However, I will keep my eyes open and, if I see a kid in possession of VJFA property, I will encourage them to return it.

I can assure you that VPIFA has never suggested that we're merging with VJFA.  Our message was clear...we are no longer affiliated with them and we absolutely don't want people to think that!  VPIFA has also never suggested that VJFA would dissolve because I knew Coach Chris Comeaux would be able to put a team together.  Chris is well-liked and has a big fan base in Vidor.  However, I heard those same rumors just like everyone else but you should know that those rumors didn't originate from us.

There's nothing "fishy" going on at VPIFA.  We're just a group of people doing the best we can to provide our kids a fantastic football experience.  As with any new organization, there will certainly be a few bumps in the road.  But overall, we think we've done a great thing for Vidor kids.  We have nothing to hide here.  I'd be happy to discuss anything that we've done with anyone who'll listen.  Everyone needs to realize there's always another side to every story and you shouldn't believe everything you hear or read in this forum.

To those who've heard negative comments about VPIFA, feel free to contact me directly.  I'd prefer to discuss these matters face-to-face rather than spew this junk on a forum that's supposed to be highlighting the efforts of the little football players and cheerleaders of SE Texas.


Paul Heidleberg

VPIFA President

Guest bucwheat

Good post....Now lets talk about some football..


Guest tchawks99

wooo weee......son this is gonna be a interesting place to be today ....



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