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.............. To teach them to "just what someone tells you to if they are in authority no matter what" is scary.  In this day of time with teachers sleeping with students, getting molested, abducted, etc...........that could be a very dangerous teaching.


From no shirts to child molesters, getting abducted and teachers sleeping with students?

If nothing else, some of you can sure go off an a tangent or have a vivid imagination. Some will also go to any end to make an argument, no matter how far fetched. Some people also have a problem with others in charge or authoritarian figures. I guess that makes the world an interesting place.

As far as the shirt thing, I think there will be some discussion this week, the kids will be allowed to go to whatever homecoming events are planned and there will probably be some "written rules" (for those that think verbal isn't good enough) on conduct at sporting events. It may very well be that no shirts will be allowed but with rules like not having baggy pants with underwear showing (saggin'?), what message or design can be painted, noise made/devices, verbal issues like profanity, conduct unbecoming, etc.

Then everyone will live happily ever after.


i just cant imagine what would have happened if a pricple told me to put my shirt back on and i refused. the pricple would not have to worry about me because it would have been handled at home with the business end of a belt.

but today the kids are always right and what ever they want is ok


.............. To teach them to "just what someone tells you to if they are in authority no matter what" is scary.  In this day of time with teachers sleeping with students, getting molested, abducted, etc...........that could be a very dangerous teaching.


From no shirts to child molesters, getting abducted and teachers sleeping with students?

If nothing else, some of you can sure go off an a tangent or have a vivid imagination. Some will also go to any end to make an argument, no matter how far fetched.

Excessive ?  Well, so is there punishment!


Oh my TVC,  Looks like I might not have been as un educated as you believe, looks to me that more people see it as I stated, challenge the authority with checks and balances, and what better time to do it than the here and now.  And I do believe that the only way to keep the students out of the game, if they were poperly dressed as the "administration" believes, would be a restraining order without discriminating or showing prejudice towards these students.


I wonder what she would do if the visiting students showed up painted? Alot of kids do the painting at games now.

I asked her that question.

Very good point!

I agree.

I would hope the same rules would apply to visiting students!!  Alot of schools apply the same dress code that they have at school for all extra curricular events.

I was in the meeting at the school the following Monday, "ALL visitors can show up painted without shirts, SHS students can not."



Some of your rationales are killing me. You would think the Gestapo came in and interrogated students with a whip. This is probably how it went down.

School Official: "Put your shirts on or leave."

Students: "Okay."

Students a bit later: "Oh well, the game is almost over, let's take our shirts off anyway."

School Official" "Since you did what we told you not to, you need to leave. By the way, since you       

                    are students, you can't come to the homecoming dance this week."

Posters have then made this out to be the need for checks and balances, restraining orders, opening kids up to obey all orders like robots and thereby potentially being victims of child molesters, Bright Line rules, these are "good kids", discrimination, people can't be asked to leave if they didn't break the law, this isn't drugs, this isn't a perfect world, etc.

All this from school administrators telling kids to leave if they don't keep their shirts on. Whew!!!!


No, it went like this:

End of 3rd quarter :"  Put your shirts on and if you take them off you will be thrown out of this game"

10 minutes later, they were kicked out.

48hrs later.......he decided to add more punishment. Homecoming is October 24th.



HAHAHAHAHAH!....back at ya buddy!

Feel free to find it completely menial if you choose....But, allow us the same freedom to attach as much importance as we care to the issue...

By the way, I removed my other post(s) to simply avoid the "useless" arguments...I just hope someone with a brain joins the discussion in Silsbee this week and comes up with a solution...like maybe giving the Scrubs their own section by the band so noone will be "bothered" by a little noise at a football game and, perhaps, amending the Student Handbook to address the issue in the proper manner...I'm done here...Will return to discussing football! G-Day!


If the rules are amended to add that students must follow dress codes at all events pertaining to school, why don't we make it where everyone attending the game has to go by the same codes.  then we need to send home a handbook to every citizen that might participate or attend an event.  to extend this, why don't we extend the rule to every county in every state, in every country.  Why don't we turn this contry of democracy into a dictatorship, where is Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, or maybe even Jugo Chavez when you need them?  I agree with rules if they are made clear and visible for everyone to see, but to make it up as you go is crazy!  A parent or legal guardian IMO is the only one to have that right and it should only pertain to their child, unless it could directly lead to a child being injured.


If the rules are amended to add that students must follow dress codes at all events pertaining to school, why don't we make it where everyone attending the game has to go by the same codes.  then we need to send home a handbook to every citizen that might participate or attend an event.  to extend this, why don't we extend the rule to every county in every state, in every country.  Why don't we turn this contry of democracy into a dictatorship, where is Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, or maybe even Jugo Chavez when you need them?  I agree with rules if they are made clear and visible for everyone to see, but to make it up as you go is crazy!  A parent or legal guardian IMO is the only one to have that right and it should only pertain to their child, unless it could directly lead to a child being injured.

completely right


ok...said I wouldn't post again but I'm afraid I was taken out of context...When I said amend the Student Handbook, I wasn't suggesting that I feel it should be amended...I was simply implying that before the principal creates a rule on the fly, maybe he/she should instead follow proper channels...In other words, don't come out in the 3rd quarter and decide that shirts are required when that has never been a rule before....If I hadn't removed my other posts, this would've probably been obvious...I agree completely with KVille99 and vidor pirate...see, Raiders and Pirates can agree...Now, I will try my best to avoid this argument!


Well RiverBottomBoy09...you've got about 5 days to find out...get the ball rolling and I'm sure you will find some support...Good luck with that one!


It appears that everyone is overlooking the real issue here.  The students were not banned from the game for not wearing shirts.

They were told by administration more than once during the game that they had to wear shirts.  They made a decision to deliberately disregard what they had been told and were then told to leave the game.  It is called insubordination and disrespect.  Unless things have changed, there are usually consequences when students disregard what they have been told by teachers or administrators.  I totally support the SCRUBS and their desire to bring school spirit to the field on Friday nights.  My question is do they have to remove their shirts to do this?  I have noticed several of the SCRUBS wearing T-shirts with SCRUBS on the front and "a cheerleaders inspiration" on the back.  Can they not support our football team (since that is their purpose right?) wearing shirts?

It appears to me that a few of the SCRUBS are making this about them and not about school spirit. 


I was at this game and all the ones before it.

The "Season Ticket" holders next to the scrubs have been complaining for awhile.  This is where the problem began and I don't care who says it didn't.  This is where I sit and I can hear everything that goes on.  The students made a choice.  The rules changed on them and they did not think it was fair.Choice made now deal with the consequences.

Give the students their own section.  Don't sell tickets for "their" section (and please do not tell me there is no room for it, I am there every game.)

This is something most of us enjoy and believe it is a great beginning to getting the huge piece of wood out of some "citizens" nether regions (Love that statement by the way) and keeping our kids at the game or any school functions and out of rehab, jails and god forbid caskets.

I am tired of this discussion and will say one thing more....

These great kids disobeyed a school official (no matter how screwed up their thinking was) and will have to pay the consequences. 

You want to see what makes this country great?? 

See if the banding of these students, parents and whoever else cares, makes sure that this does not happen again.  See if the response matches the punishment.  Everybody is talking about rebellion and revolution, fine.  Throw the "tea" in the "river" and let's support our football team.


This fight is over. Take it from a current SCRUB, its over. We now have a sponser & guidelines to become a legitement school organization. We are allowed to stand in the "Student Section" and we can make all the noise we want.... We just MUST keep our shirts on. Yes, at first we were angry and wanted to protest the new rule, but there is nothing we can do to change it, believe me, we tried. So can this please stop being an issue because at SHS its OVER. Thanks.


This fight is over. Take it from a current SCRUB, its over. We now have a sponser & guidelines to become a legitement school organization. We are allowed to stand in the "Student Section" and we can make all the noise we want.... We just MUST keep our shirts on. Yes, at first we were angry and wanted to protest the new rule, but there is nothing we can do to change it, believe me, we tried. So can this please stop being an issue because at SHS its OVER. Thanks.

Great news!  After Silsbees team outstanding performance against WOS, we all need to be Scrubs....with shirts on, of course!  Go Tigers!

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