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Wow! Was worried I'd get lambasted for that one...Appreciate the fair response to what I feel is a legit opinion on my part...Also, the forgiveness quote has been proven time and again...all you need to do is look down the road to WO-S to find a successful coach who pretty much gets away with whatever...(even when he runs afoul of the UIL)...I know you're right on this but I don't have to like it. I like to win to but I'll take a good coach who instills the right qualities in his players over a "great" coach who may not do the same (not a reference to Hooks/never played for the man)...that's just me though.

On another note, I had the opportunity to cover LC-M during its playoff run several years ago when Ohmey (not sure if I spelled that right) was QB and LC-M was running the wishbone at will over its opponents. I liked the head coach (Was it Williams?) and felt he did a great job with the program but I remember him telling me that it actually started at the Youth level with a youth program that ran the wishbone. By the time the kids made it to high school, according to him, they had it down to a science and ran it flawlessly. Is this still the case or did LC-M finally abandon the wishbone? Just curious...

Anyway, don't mean to make light of the situation...I don't know Moody from Adam nor do I keep up with LC-M football...I simply (as already stated) have grown used to fans turning on the coach when times are bad so it has left a sour taste in my mouth....Maybe, in this case, it is time for a change...Not sure.

LC-M had a "Vince Young" type of quaterback in Omey...highly mobile, and the wishbone threat was multi pronged because of this...if there was another QB out there like him, LC-M would be a legitimate threat for playoffs in 20-4A. 

The thing is, I truly beleive that LC-M has the building blocks for success...but like Coach Williams said, it starts with the youth programs.  I don't think those youth programs stopped putting out quality kids, I just think the talent pool was squandered.  The comptetitive Frosh and JV programs, post baseball departures, give testament to the fact that the talent was there...

Getting back to the youth programs, I was privledged to coach the little dudes in flag football in the Orange County Pop Warner organization.  I can legitimately say I got to coach Jacoby Franks, Trey Franks, Seth Thomas, and Earl Thomas, among others.  Did I get to teach them all the moves that made them stars? LOL...Oh, HECK NO!...That is natural talent, along with a high school coach who rrrreeeeaaallllyyy knows his stuff.  But along with that were parents who regarded hard work as important and not the designation of their kids as "stars".  I think as a coach, you have to look at the team as a whole, and not see individuals, but one unit, with one heart...even if it's only "student body left" or "student body right".

Hopefully, the next coach will find the heart of the bear, strengthen it and motivate it...Coach Moody has lost his chance for that...

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Sounds like you know of what you speak...Nuff said...Good Luck to the Bears! Whatever happened to Williams? I was just a young sportswriter at the time and felt intimidated by many area coaches...Most were complete jerks (and, along with the abysmal pay, my reason for leaving the newspaper world) but there were a few who stand out as class acts (at least to me - Williams/LC-M, Kevin Johnson/LUMBERTON/VIDOR, McKeller/WARREN).

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It is very painful to see the Bear program in the shape it is in. When the current head coach leaves, how about bringing in someone that is familiar with the programs and the school, and community. There is a coach out there that is fits that mold, and has been successful as a head coach, and I feel could get that program back on track. The kids would play hard and would be tough both physically, and mentally. I just hope this thing gets turned around in a hurry.

Sounds like yall need to get someone as far away from that as possible get some new blood and then have a board willing to back him up when he start P.O. ing mommies and daddies

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Wow! Was worried I'd get lambasted for that one...Appreciate the fair response to what I feel is a legit opinion on my part...Also, the forgiveness quote has been proven time and again...all you need to do is look down the road to WO-S to find a successful coach who pretty much gets away with whatever...(even when he runs afoul of the UIL)...I know you're right on this but I don't have to like it. I like to win to but I'll take a good coach who instills the right qualities in his players over a "great" coach who may not do the same (not a reference to Hooks/never played for the man)...that's just me though.

On another note, I had the opportunity to cover LC-M during its playoff run several years ago when Ohmey (not sure if I spelled that right) was QB and LC-M was running the wishbone at will over its opponents. I liked the head coach (Was it Williams?) and felt he did a great job with the program but I remember him telling me that it actually started at the Youth level with a youth program that ran the wishbone. By the time the kids made it to high school, according to him, they had it down to a science and ran it flawlessly. Is this still the case or did LC-M finally abandon the wishbone? Just curious...

Anyway, don't mean to make light of the situation...I don't know Moody from Adam nor do I keep up with LC-M football...I simply (as already stated) have grown used to fans turning on the coach when times are bad so it has left a sour taste in my mouth....Maybe, in this case, it is time for a change...Not sure.

LC-M had a "Vince Young" type of quaterback in Omey...highly mobile, and the wishbone threat was multi pronged because of this...if there was another QB out there like him, LC-M would be a legitimate threat for playoffs in 20-4A. 

The thing is, I truly beleive that LC-M has the building blocks for success...but like Coach Williams said, it starts with the youth programs.  I don't think those youth programs stopped putting out quality kids, I just think the talent pool was squandered.  The comptetitive Frosh and JV programs, post baseball departures, give testament to the fact that the talent was there...

Getting back to the youth programs, I was privledged to coach the little dudes in flag football in the Orange County Pop Warner organization.  I can legitimately say I got to coach Jacoby Franks, Trey Franks, Seth Thomas, and Earl Thomas, among others.  Did I get to teach them all the moves that made them stars? LOL...Oh, HECK NO!...That is natural talent, along with a high school coach who rrrreeeeaaallllyyy knows his stuff.  But along with that were parents who regarded hard work as important and not the designation of their kids as "stars".  I think as a coach, you have to look at the team as a whole, and not see individuals, but one unit, with one heart...even if it's only "student body left" or "student body right".

Hopefully, the next coach will find the heart of the bear, strengthen it and motivate it...Coach Moody has lost his chance for that...


it does start with the youth programs and i can tell yall even in the youth program nobody percieves LCM as a threat, were building on the hope that 1 day we will get a coach that will run a balanced team instead of run,run,pass,punt, weve got alot of talented kids esp in the QB recivers position along with RB,TB,TE position and our HS varsity players come out and encourage the kids even come to the Jr MCM game along with some of the band and the Indian spirit and sometimes to the playoffs, i just dont see this happening in Bear country and this is coming from a former bear played in the Willliams era

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elhector1...you say that "we can somewhat forgive this if the football team is at least competitive"...this just after claiming that he has not performed his duties and has been a roadblock to the success/improvement of other athletic programs within the district...Maybe that's the problem at LC-M...It sounds like success on the field wipes away a lot of sin...In this case, there's just no "wiping" taking place.

I too hate to see a program struggling and I know little about the current situation at LC-M but I always get a little suspicious when a sleuth of fans start calling for the coach's resignation during a dry spell...I have seen many good coaches lose their jobs over the years due to a few "die-hard" fans when noone (not even Vince Lombardi) could have won with the talent base the coach had to work with. Sometimes, it's just not in the cards...

Wish ya'll well...Hope you come on and beat everyone in 20-4A, except the Raiders, of course!

Tell me though, if that happened, would you still be calling for Moody's head or would he be the Hero of LC-M?

I'm not from LCM but I think it would help if he were a part of the community. At least coach Williams was out shaking hands and kissing babies. I'm not sure many people even know this man to walk up to him and talk to him.

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It is very painful to see the Bear program in the shape it is in. When the current head coach leaves, how about bringing in someone that is familiar with the programs and the school, and community. There is a coach out there that is fits that mold, and has been successful as a head coach, and I feel could get that program back on track. The kids would play hard and would be tough both physically, and mentally. I just hope this thing gets turned around in a hurry.

Sounds like yall need to get someone as far away from that as possible get some new blood and then have a board willing to back him up when he start P.O. ing mommies and daddies

Moody is not from this area.  He is from El Campo.  About 4 hours from Orange after you cross Houston.

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no matter where you are from.... you gotta "kiss the babies."  ESPECIALLY,  if you are not winning.  Many a losing coach has stuck around longer than their record should allow because they were well liked.  My opinion is that the AD has to be seen throughout the district... at middle school football games, freshman volleyball, tennis, school board meetings, junior high pep rallies.    But, has TD would say...  that's just my opinion.

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LCM has some solid athletes not playing football.  I have spoken with several parents of those athletes and they are disenchanted with Moody.  They refuse to play for him.  They don't believe in his competence as a head coach.  And, as previously stated here, his promotion of other LCM teams has been very poor. 

Every other LCM team either made the playoffs or were in contention.  You can't simply say that LCM doesn't have the athletes to compete, because they do. Does LCM have a football system in place that is in the same league as Nederland or WO-S???  I don't think so.  Those programs are teaching the same system at Jr. High that is used at the High School level. 

Moody's coaching staff seems to change every year.  Why are the assistant coaches consistently leaving?? Why, as previously posted, are the football players quitting the team???  The LCM community stood behind Coach Williams during some losing spells.  But Moody has clearly lost the grass root support at LCM.  This season has been a long, painful good-bye.

I respect the LCM football players.  They are trying and I applaude their effort.  Hang in there, guys because things will get better. 

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LCM has some solid athletes not playing football.  I have spoken with several parents of those athletes and they are disenchanted with Moody.  They refuse to play for him.  They don't believe in his competence as a head coach.  And, as previously stated here, his promotion of other LCM teams has been very poor. 

Every other LCM team either made the playoffs or were in contention.  You can't simply say that LCM doesn't have the athletes to compete, because they do. Does LCM have a football system in place that is in the same league as Nederland or WO-S???  I don't think so.  Those programs are teaching the same system at Jr. High that is used at the High School level. 

Moody's coaching staff seems to change every year.  Why are the assistant coaches consistently leaving?? Why, as previously posted, are the football players quitting the team???  The LCM community stood behind Coach Williams during some losing spells.  But Moody has clearly lost the grass root support at LCM.  This season has been a long, painful good-bye.

I respect the LCM football players.  They are trying and I applaud their effort.  Hang in there, guys because things will get better.   

I am a long time LCM supporter with 3 children in the LCM school district.  Everyone in Bear Country is clearly disappointed with the competitiveness of the football team and some of the reasoning has been well chronicled on this site.  Some make great points and some just vent.  I believe a big portion of the problems will take of themselves within this school year, BUT this isn't going to be an overnight fix though.

I know a lot of the kids and players read this site as well as adults.  I too want to congratulate and applaud those young men that continue put forth the effort and fight their way through a tough situation.  As I've sat in the stands at every LCM game, at some point my attention is drawn to the sidelines as well as the field to check attitudes, body language, demeanor, and the character of players (and coaches).  It's easy to pick out the young men who I think will be successful in life.  They are the ones who are still putting forth effort, still working hard through adversity, and still playing because they want to and don't let other peoples thoughts and words back them down. I hope these kids continue to work hard and improve. 

Go Bears!!

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great post Slam...  i agree with you 100%.

by the way, LCM volleyball is very exciting to watch... i believe they still only have one district loss.  Even if you know NOTHING about volleyball, go watch.  i guarantee you will enjoy it.

Regardless winning/losing, I would like to see all the sports supported at every high school.  Is there anything more exciting as a high school athlete than competing in front of a full house... in front of your friends and family?  For most of these athletes, this is the last time they will compete in front of an audience...

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If I were coaching this team what change would I make:

1. Move players up from 2nd to first and see what they can do.

2. Change coach plan to something else ( what is being done now is not working)

3. Do what I can to motivate my players to give 120% all the time and don't tell a player he is selfish for wanting to help.

4: Practice like it is a game all the time.

5. More fundamentals

6. Have Players that are working harder move up the chart.

I hope this gets to stay and I would like other thoghts

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This fix is going to have to come from inside the LC-M field house... Coaches and Athletes... and from the community... Attitude... you have to believe in what your doing before anything works.... 100%  100% of the time... encourage, instill, teach, go back to fundamentals. Find something that works and build off of it. Doesn't have to be fancy, no big bang. Just something that works... I sure hope they can get it together. The Vidor fans know how this feels as much as some of the other teams around here. I hate to see a community, and young men and women go through a drought like this. It affects the whole community, because everywhere you go someone is asking the question "Whats going on in LC-M?". The longer it goes the harder it gets to dig out. I just hope they can pull out of the tail spin soon. Good luck to you Bear fans. Don't leave them young men on that field alone. Go stand behind them win or loose. Let them know their effort is appreciated. Most of these young men are harder on themselves than any coach, dad, friend, uncle or fan could ever be. Just let them know they are appreciated and that they are supported and things will come around. You do not know how 5 little words can turn an attitude around "You did a good job."

Just my thoughts. No blame being insinuated at anyone.

I still say Saturday Headline reads....

Bears Wake Up Moody... Pimp Slap Lions!

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Guest stircrazy

Several things need to change in order for LCM to be competitive in FB.

1) To many COACHING CHANGES . In every sport at LCM. Not enough EXPERIENCED COACHES stay .

2) JH program needs a mix of older and younger coaches that are willing to TEACH FOOTBALL.

3) LCM needs a coach who is not afraid to "BUCK" the system. SBoard needs to quit babying these kids and let a coach TOUGHIN' EM UP.

4) Parents need to let a coach TOUGHIN' EM UP.

5) If you hired a OC you need to LISTEN to him sometimes and ADJUST on the field. OC calls plays and HC calls what he wants and say's that will never work. ASK PLAYERS IT HAPPENS!

6) CHANGE the whole ATTITUDE at the school. You have to be able to make these kids BELEIVE they can compete.

I am sorry to say that I do not think that the current AD can do these things. Although we knew it was going to hard for LCM to win this year because of youth they should be able to COMPETE with many schools in the district. 21-0 in the 1st quarter in multiple games is bad . I hope it gets better soon because this effects the school as a whole.

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Guest abovetherim


Wow! Was worried I'd get lambasted for that one...Appreciate the fair response to what I feel is a legit opinion on my part...Also, the forgiveness quote has been proven time and again...all you need to do is look down the road to WO-S to find a successful coach who pretty much gets away with whatever...(even when he runs afoul of the UIL)...I know you're right on this but I don't have to like it. I like to win to but I'll take a good coach who instills the right qualities in his players over a "great" coach who may not do the same (not a reference to Hooks/never played for the man)...that's just me though.

On another note, I had the opportunity to cover LC-M during its playoff run several years ago when Ohmey (not sure if I spelled that right) was QB and LC-M was running the wishbone at will over its opponents. I liked the head coach (Was it Williams?) and felt he did a great job with the program but I remember him telling me that it actually started at the Youth level with a youth program that ran the wishbone. By the time the kids made it to high school, according to him, they had it down to a science and ran it flawlessly. Is this still the case or did LC-M finally abandon the wishbone? Just curious...

Anyway, don't mean to make light of the situation...I don't know Moody from Adam nor do I keep up with LC-M football...I simply (as already stated) have grown used to fans turning on the coach when times are bad so it has left a sour taste in my mouth....Maybe, in this case, it is time for a change...Not sure.

LC-M had a "Vince Young" type of quaterback in Omey...highly mobile, and the wishbone threat was multi pronged because of this...if there was another QB out there like him, LC-M would be a legitimate threat for playoffs in 20-4A. 

The thing is, I truly beleive that LC-M has the building blocks for success...but like Coach Williams said, it starts with the youth programs.  I don't think those youth programs stopped putting out quality kids, I just think the talent pool was squandered.  The comptetitive Frosh and JV programs, post baseball departures, give testament to the fact that the talent was there...

Getting back to the youth programs, I was privledged to coach the little dudes in flag football in the Orange County Pop Warner organization.  I can legitimately say I got to coach Jacoby Franks, Trey Franks, Seth Thomas, and Earl Thomas, among others.  Did I get to teach them all the moves that made them stars? LOL...Oh, HECK NO!...That is natural talent, along with a high school coach who rrrreeeeaaallllyyy knows his stuff.  But along with that were parents who regarded hard work as important and not the designation of their kids as "stars".  I think as a coach, you have to look at the team as a whole, and not see individuals, but one unit, with one heart...even if it's only "student body left" or "student body right".

Hopefully, the next coach will find the heart of the bear, strengthen it and motivate it...Coach Moody has lost his chance for that...

LC-M had a Vince Young type QB in Omey? That is a little over the top. He was a very good HS QB but so was Buster Ascol. He was a All State DB as well. The Bears had some very good RB's like CM. There were other talented players on the LC-M teams of the mid 90's and the coaching staff was solid.

I totally 100% believe there is still football talent in North Orange. For some reason it isn't showing up on Friday nights the past several years.

Where are the Cazzy Francis', Homer Rhodes', Derek Anderson's, Don Kemp's, Richard Pannell's, Eric Peveto's and so on suiting up for the Bears?  

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Guest abovetherim

For me, this is hard to believe because you are basically saying he (Coach Moody) is willing to lose and play his "pets or favorites". One thing about coaching at all level from HS to the NFL is if you aren't successful (winning) on the field you will not be employed for long. 

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Guest stircrazy

The leading rusher for LCM is Soph. Blake Perry. He has 190 yards or so and 4.8 ypcarry. In the 2nd half he had only 2 carries and sat out most of the time. Although they were down 49-0 at half he still should have been in there. How about airing it out . What do you have to lose? I think Ned went home and got the 8th grade to finish the game.

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