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I have had no respect!

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I will like to offer the respect I have not given Lumberton in the past.  The defense won the game Friday for the TRAIN and all props go to you guys.  It was kind of unique how Central stayed in the game by the most part on pure talent but the kids did not lose this game.  I beleive any and every team with a decent coach and good talent should be able to beat Central.  Lumberton has that and more.... CHOO CHOOOOO

On a more personal note.

No I am not a coach, but I am a student of the game.  It seems as if the coaching staff in Jaguar Land don't even care to be prepared for a game.  The passing game isnt the biggest issue, maybe we can't pass, but surely we should be able to put the kids in a situation to win.  Yes the defense is exceptional but any coach with a half a brain can dail up plays to beat a team the blitze EVERY down, Just like the Lumberton coaching staff did (Great Job).  Lumberton did not line up on the first two downs of any series with saftey help.  There was nine in the box with close gaps with the corners playing outside of the receiver.  With a little time the slants and short routes could have been there... Ever heard of a three step drop?  And there is no way the on forth and one from your own 20 that you should except a delay of game penalty while your entire football team (Just waiting staring at the sideline) is waiting on guidance from its leaders (coaches). Then, the very next series, goes and call a delayed hand off while in the endzone!  To have to call a timeout after recieving a kickoff is ridiculous as well.  They seem to have no clue about coaching offense.  Adjustments are an important part of the game and I have not seen an IN GAME adjustment from Central.

I say all that to say this... Talent and speed makes you competitive, coaching wins the games....  Friday Central was out coached... Like a pop warner coach going against Mack Brown!

Keep on trucking Lumberton... Great game!

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This is whats been happening at Memorial all along.Soulja you have witnessed it with me and patitan for yourself. Man it is hard to watch a coach do such a horrible job and the kids suffer.

I sat with yall and witnessed it.  I just never realized how it makes you feel untill I see our kids going through it.  I now feel you and Titan's pain.
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Don't get me wrong, its one thing to have a game plan and not be able to execute it, and not having a game plan at all.  There is a such thing as having a hand-full of set plays for certain situations. 2 and short, 3 and long, bad field position, good field position, hurry up, consume clock, etc.  And even if you cannot complete a pass the attempts must be there to keep the defense aware of the possibility.  Through the first three quaters of the Lumberton game Central attempted 2 passes.  One on third and long from its own 25 yard line against an all out blitze, and the other on fourth and 35 from Lumberton's 45 yrd line with the back-up, running specialist QB in the game.  Respectively one was a sack and the other was a duck both were used on obvious pass downs.  The craziest thing was the fact that even though the run was not producing yards they never tried anything different.  I would rather go down in defeat with a game plan and no execution, than to luck utterly clueless.

I am a devoute Central fan but I have a hard time watching BAD football.  Even in 2006 when we had great talent all over the field it was still hard watching BAD football.  Now I love to go watch Brook, Ned, Stark, and even Lumberton (there blocking schemes looked like poetry in action) because its GOOD football.  I actually see a game plan, adjustments, and execution.

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Don't get me wrong, its one thing to have a game plan and not be able to execute it, and not having a game plan at all.  There is a such thing as having a hand-full of set plays for certain situations. 2 and short, 3 and long, bad field position, good field position, hurry up, consume clock, etc.  And even if you cannot complete a pass the attempts must be there to keep the defense aware of the possibility.  Through the first three quaters of the Lumberton game Central attempted 2 passes.  One on third and long from its own 25 yard line against an all out blitze, and the other on fourth and 35 from Lumberton's 45 yrd line with the back-up, running specialist QB in the game.  Respectively one was a sack and the other was a duck both were used on obvious pass downs.  The craziest thing was the fact that even though the run was not producing yards they never tried anything different.  I would rather go down in defeat with a game plan and no execution, than to luck utterly clueless.

I am a devoute Central fan but I have a hard time watching BAD football.  Even in 2006 when we had great talent all over the field it was still hard watching BAD football.  Now I love to go watch Brook, Ned, Stark, and even Lumberton (there bocking schemes looked like poetry in action) because its GOOD football.  I actually see a game plan, adjustments, and execution.

Amen on all that!
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Now it's my turn...when I originally began posting, I did it to challenge ever "SO Called" Central Fan.  I love football as I know a lot of you do!  What I saw was an opportunity missed...Lumberton was good and yes they loaded the box on us...but that is the nature of this offense!  They will run and run and RUN!  You could load 10 in the box and Central would continue to Run the ball....you may not like it but that's why we sit in the stands instead of coaching on the sideline.  When I heard Central was running this offense...I started looking at Navy/Georgia Tech to get an idea of what to expect!  Obvisously those are college teams with talented kids on another level.  The Jags do have to be able to take advantage of the short passing game but even more so...they have to be able to exucute!  On the 4th and 1 call the Jags should have punted right away, they were too close to their own endzone to go for it!  When I asked  what the deal was, my brother said the coaches were trying to get a measurement from the sideline official and while they were making their case the clock started rolling!  Instead of wasting another timeout they took the 5 yarder and punted!  

When I found out they were showing the game on TV I set my TIVO and watched it when I got home!  Lumberton had 4 or 5 big plays...a screen, two big Hannah runs, and the big stop on the play in our endzone when they got the TD...on that play I bet there was a blocking error...It looked like they left the DT unblocked!  The play they called I think was the same one Charlie had been getting his yards on!  Sure...it would have been nice to see a QB Sneak or FB play to get some push!  

As I said in an earlier post I would not be surprised if Lumberton came away with the win...I think Central just wants to get the ball rolling...and get the offense going in the right direction!  Central moved the ball...but they gotta eliminated the mistakes that kept em out the endzone!  In this district you gotta get what we can get...so back to the drawing board...I still like what we got!  I really just wish our fans weren't so wishy washy!  We show up late and leave early...that sucked as a player to look in the stands and not see anyone there or see people leaving early...People thought the game was over against Lumberton and as soon as we were down by 2 TDs people were rolling out only to came back once we scored!  

Lumberton's fans are up cheering regardless of what goes on...us, we're too busy trying to be the OC and complaining about our program!  I still Love y'all...just saying my peace!

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Guest rykerx144


I dont think the fans are leaving because of the players or any disrespect to the kids.  Of the thousands of fans that attend a football game only a few hundred are players parents and family that will stay to the in support no matter what.  The rest are there to watch football, and like you read in the previous quotes its hard to watch bad football. I can tell you this because I am a fan of football. I attend games with no relationship to the players or coachs and I am just there to watch football and I can tell you I cannot sit and watch a great bunch of good kids that I know are talented and dont have the leadership to excute on the field. Its frustrating and I cant sit through it.

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Now it's my turn...when I originally began posting, I did it to challenge ever "SO Called" Central Fan.  I love football as I know a lot of you do!  What I saw was an opportunity missed...Lumberton was good and yes they loaded the box on us...but that is the nature of this offense!  They will run and run and RUN!  You could load 10 in the box and Central would continue to Run the ball....you may not like it but that's why we sit in the stands instead of coaching on the sideline.  When I heard Central was running this offense...I started looking at Navy/Georgia Tech to get an idea of what to expect!  Obvisously those are college teams with talented kids on another level.  The Jags do have to be able to take advantage of the short passing game but even more so...they have to be able to exucute!  On the 4th and 1 call the Jags should have punted right away, they were too close to their own endzone to go for it!  When I asked  what the deal was, my brother said the coaches were trying to get a measurement from the sideline official and while they were making their case the clock started rolling!  Instead of wasting another timeout they took the 5 yarder and punted!  

When I found out they were showing the game on TV I set my TIVO and watched it when I got home!  Lumberton had 4 or 5 big plays...a screen, two big Hannah runs, and the big stop on the play in our endzone when they got the TD...on that play I bet there was a blocking error...It looked like they left the DT unblocked!  The play they called I think was the same one Charlie had been getting his yards on!  Sure...it would have been nice to see a QB Sneak or FB play to get some push!  

As I said in an earlier post I would not be surprised if Lumberton came away with the win...I think Central just wants to get the ball rolling...and get the offense going in the right direction!  Central moved the ball...but they gotta eliminated the mistakes that kept em out the endzone!  In this district you gotta get what we can get...so back to the drawing board...I still like what we got!  I really just wish our fans weren't so wishy washy!  We show up late and leave early...that sucked as a player to look in the stands and not see anyone there or see people leaving early...People thought the game was over against Lumberton and as soon as we were down by 2 TDs people were rolling out only to came back once we scored!  

Lumberton's fans are up cheering regardless of what goes on...us, we're too busy trying to be the OC and complaining about our program!  I still Love y'all...just saying my peace!

That is one thing I love about the Vidor "faithful' Fans... Not the ones that only show up because Vidor has been doing well, but the fans that go every Friday night no matter how bad we are doing or how well we are doing... They get there early and leave when the clock is at 0:00. No matter what the score is the people I sit with week in and week out do not leave our seats until it is over... And there are alot of fans from Lumberton that are the same way. Support your community and your schools ... not when things are going well, but when things are going bad that is when they really need your support.

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I happen to be one of those fans that stayed the whole time.  A lot of them couldn't bear it and left.  I saw all of what there was to see, and I didn't like it. 

Hopefully we learned a lot and we put up a better showing against the Bulldogs this Friday.

I know you stay Soulja and I won't question your fanhood anymore as I did when I first began posting...I was just sharing my side of it!  When it was tough against Vidor I remembered people leaving...and while their people were screaming and yelling and stomping and doing whatever they could to let their team know we got your back...all I could hear was us screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING...YOU COACHES SUCK...THROW THE BALL!"  If this is the atmosphere we have for HS games....Lamar might not have a sellout anytime soon!

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Guest band of brothers

This thread was started for a reason, so pay attention, and understand that being on this forum is fun and we are all able to talk noise and just talk high school football, because we all love the game. I'm a raider fan, have been for a while, through all the ups and downs. so when people start to show respect...give back the same, and don't ruin it for everyone else. when I hear the central fans speak about last fridays game, I can understand without a doubt what you guys are going through, it's tough! because we have gone through the same thing year after year. but now we have something to be proud of, a good coaching staff that believes in our boys. we all expect the guys on the field to be good sportsman, so lets do the same on here! I appreciate the thread and wish the best for central!

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Cowboy... It is nothing wish washy about my fanhood... I watch Central and I have a nephew starting at the Brook, blood is thicker than mud, so I have more pull for me to watch him.  However, I pull away often because I need my dose of Jaguar... I have been watching Jaguar ball since 88 and root for them when they are down as well as up... But I am a student and fan of the game...

The two schools you named, Navy and Tech (produced CALVIN JOHNSON with a medicore QB) don't just run, run, run... They run, run, run, pass, Just look at the stats Navy more than Tech.  It is heavily run favored, 80% (5.4 ypc) Tech with 11 pass attempts a game and 90% (5.7 ypc) Navy with 4 pass attepts a game.  But Navy averages 11 yrds per completion with a qb rating of 177 so teams have to respect that.

And The first thing I said was it is not about the passing game, its about preparation and execution.... I am a football fan and it is hard to watch [glow=red,2,300]BAD[/glow] football....  Be honest with yourself Cowboy, the coaches should have plays for every situation prepared and not blowing at least 3 TO a game on avoiding delay of game infractions.  Whoever heard of a delyed hand off in the endzone?

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This thread was started for a reason, so pay attention, and understand that being on this forum is fun and we are all able to talk noise and just talk high school football, because we all love the game. I'm a raider fan, have been for a while, through all the ups and downs. so when people start to show respect...give back the same, and don't ruin it for everyone else. when I hear the central fans speak about last fridays game, I can understand without a doubt what you guys are going through, it's tough! because we have gone through the same thing year after year. but now we have something to be proud of, a good coaching staff that believes in our boys. we all expect the guys on the field to be good sportsman, so lets do the same on here! I appreciate the thread and wish the best for central!

I don't know about you...but I'm having fun...We'll be fine!  I love talking noise, but every now and again you gotta set em str8!  You're right...being a Lumberton fan I sure hasn't easy, but you've held on b/c of your love for football and "GOOD CLEAN FUN!"  I'll be one of the 1st ones to talk noise about another team and if you beat us...you get your props!  

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Cowboy... It is nothing wish washy about my fanhood... I watch Central and I have a nephew starting at the Brook, blood is thicker than mud, so I have more pull for me to watch him.  However, I pull away often because I need my dose of Jaguar... I have been watching Jaguar ball since 88 and root for them when they are down as well as up... But I am a student and fan of the game...

The two schools you named, Navy and Tech (produced CALVIN JOHNSON with a medicore QB) don't just run, run, run... They run, run, run, pass, Just look at the stats Navy more than Tech.  It is heavily run favored, 80% (5.4 ypc) Tech with 11 pass attempts a game and 90% (5.7 ypc) Navy with 4 pass attepts a game.  But Navy averages 11 yrds per completion with a qb rating of 177 so teams have to respect that.

And The first thing I said was it is not about the passing game, its about preparation and execution.... I am a football fan and it is hard to watch [glow=red,2,300]BAD[/glow] football....  Be honest with yourself Cowboy, the coaches should have plays for every situation prepared and not blowing at least 3 TO a game on avoiding delay of game infractions.  Whoever heard of a delyed hand off in the endzone?

This is GT's 1st season running this style offense, when Chan Gailey was their w/ Johnson...yeah they were pass happy...(wouldn't you be with that dude!)  And as far as you watching your kin folk...you good!  But those schools do run, run, run...but they also excute...we had around 11 passing attempts but only completed 4 balls...we gotta catch the short stuff so we're not forcing ourselves to hang our hat on the long ball!  We're both saying the same thing...it's about exucution...and I think we'll use this game to get better...however...I do think we can win out! 

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I would love to see them win out, I would love for the coaching staff to look more prepared, and I would love to beat on the bench and spell JAGUARS!  J..... A.... G..... UARS!!!  I just can't phantom a coach not doing his homework... That why I try and give Kenny Harrison at Memorial some love too... All they have to do is seem ready and not burn TO after kickoffs and on delay of game infractions so much!  Its all about perseption...

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I dont think the fans are leaving because of the players or any disrespect to the kids.  Of the thousands of fans that attend a football game only a few hundred are players parents and family that will stay to the in support no matter what.  The rest are there to watch football, and like you read in the previous quotes its hard to watch bad football. I can tell you this because I am a fan of football. I attend games with no relationship to the players or coachs and I am just there to watch football and I can tell you I cannot sit and watch a great bunch of good kids that I know are talented and dont have the leadership to excute on the field. Its frustrating and I cant sit through it.

I kind of take exception to this. L-Town has been an extremely bad team before and yet the fans for the most part show up and stay. Me personally, I stay until the last tick unless we're blowing out a team, then I might head out with 10 seconds left. BTW, although I love my niece and appreciate the band, I'm there for the football. I was shocked at how few fans Central had at kick off, although more showed up, Beaumont is just not far enough away for that few people to be there for kick off.

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I called myself leaving Beaumont at 7:10, which I know was stupid anyway.  I found that there was a long line of traffic from the 69/96 fork all the way to the stadium in Lumberton.  I missed a couple of minutes in the first Quarter.  It's crazy because the traffic jam was for people coming and going from Walmart. 

Jag fans were there, but a lot of them left late in the third and early into the 4th.

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Guest tigersvoice

I called myself leaving Beaumont at 7:10, which I know was stupid anyway.  I found that there was a long line of traffic from the 69/96 fork all the way to the stadium in Lumberton.  I missed a couple of minutes in the first Quarter.  It's crazy because the traffic jam was for people coming and going from Walmart. 

Jag fans were there, but a lot of them left late in the third and early into the 4th.

Sometimes you might be better served to take the 96 North exit and go to the Chance "Something" cut off - it's the traffic light that has the Lumberton Municipal Offices on the right, Crawdad's Convenience Store/Exxon on the left.  Turn left there and proceed to Hwy. 69.  Make a left on Hwy. 69 and come in from the back way.  Just a thought.

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I called myself leaving Beaumont at 7:10, which I know was stupid anyway.  I found that there was a long line of traffic from the 69/96 fork all the way to the stadium in Lumberton.  I missed a couple of minutes in the first Quarter.  It's crazy because the traffic jam was for people coming and going from Walmart. 

Jag fans were there, but a lot of them left late in the third and early into the 4th.

Sometimes you might be better served to take the 96 North exit and go to the Chance "Something" cut off - it's the traffic light that has the Lumberton Municipal Offices on the right, Crawdad's Convenience Store/Exxon on the left.  Turn left there and proceed to Hwy. 69.  Make a left on Hwy. 69 and come in from the back way.  Just a thought.

I know what you are talking about.  It's W. Chance cutoff.  I don't know why I didn't think about that.  Thanks.
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I called myself leaving Beaumont at 7:10, which I know was stupid anyway.  I found that there was a long line of traffic from the 69/96 fork all the way to the stadium in Lumberton.  I missed a couple of minutes in the first Quarter.  It's crazy because the traffic jam was for people coming and going from Walmart. 

Jag fans were there, but a lot of them left late in the third and early into the 4th.

Sometimes you might be better served to take the 96 North exit and go to the Chance "Something" cut off - it's the traffic light that has the Lumberton Municipal Offices on the right, Crawdad's Convenience Store/Exxon on the left.  Turn left there and proceed to Hwy. 69.  Make a left on Hwy. 69 and come in from the back way.  Just a thought.

I know what you are talking about.  It's W. Chance cutoff.  I don't know why I didn't think about that.  Thanks.

And, if you want to miss the traffic on 96, you can also take the Mitchell Rd exit just before the Y. Turn right onto Mitchell Rd then immediately turn left on Village Creek Parkway (or Old Silsbee Hwy as us oldtimers still call it) and take it all the way to W. Chance (it dead ends into W. Chance).  Turn left at the stop sign and go to the light at W. Chance and 96 and cross there. Going this way you miss all the traffic lights and the speed limit is 50.

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I called myself leaving Beaumont at 7:10, which I know was stupid anyway.  I found that there was a long line of traffic from the 69/96 fork all the way to the stadium in Lumberton.  I missed a couple of minutes in the first Quarter.  It's crazy because the traffic jam was for people coming and going from Walmart. 

Jag fans were there, but a lot of them left late in the third and early into the 4th.

Sometimes you might be better served to take the 96 North exit and go to the Chance "Something" cut off - it's the traffic light that has the Lumberton Municipal Offices on the right, Crawdad's Convenience Store/Exxon on the left.  Turn left there and proceed to Hwy. 69.  Make a left on Hwy. 69 and come in from the back way.  Just a thought.

I know what you are talking about.  It's W. Chance cutoff.  I don't know why I didn't think about that.  Thanks.

And, if you want to miss the traffic on 96, you can also take the Mitchell Rd exit just before the Y. Turn right onto Mitchell Rd then immediately turn left on Village Creek Parkway (or Old Silsbee Hwy as us oldtimers still call it) and take it all the way to W. Chance (it dead ends into W. Chance).  Turn left at the stop sign and go to the light at W. Chance and 96 and cross there. Going this way you miss all the traffic lights and the speed limit is 50.

Sweet!  I'll remember that in 2010 when we return to Raider stadium.  Thanks.
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