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I am not only defending our Buna Juniors, but the Senior boys too. They deserve the win if the coaches drop the ball. If you want to look at anyone for fault look at Deweyville coaches not Buna. They did the right thing. They followed the rules. Deweyville Senior boys did win 39-0, but look to your coach for explaination. That is the ones that lost the game for you, not Buna coaches.


im not taking anything away from the rule....in fact one of our vidor teams did the same thing last year....im just saying that if it becomes a point that the forfeit win means somoene that beat Buna already misses a chance to make the playoffs then it might be an issue....personally i think you should win all your games for this reason

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I am not trying to take any thing away from the JR buna team they came out and played there game and won . It was a very good game, kids from both sides helping each other up , Very good sportsmanship from both teams . No excuse from the Pirates Buna JR were the better team.

As for the SR forceing the Forfit. If this is how they think you win a ball game OH well I Perfer to teach the kids 2 go out and win on there own then they know that they deserve it, And this is not toward the kids because they did not make the decision IMO I think the buna coach should have let it go but he did not so I am done with this subject it will not make any diffrence deweyville will still take first in there div.and move on...........


You know you act like our Buna Senior Coaches are cheating. Don't forget the rules of the game. It is the Deweyville Coaches that are in the wrong not ours. They came out ready to play, and they did. Even though the win was already in our pockets they played Deweyville yesterday. I say hold your heads up high Buna Senior Coaches, you done the right thing. Rules are rules, don't forget that. We have the best coaches for both Flag, Junior, and Senior teams around.



You know you act like our Buna Senior Coaches are cheating. Don't forget the rules of the game. It is the Deweyville Coaches that are in the wrong not ours. They came out ready to play, and they did. Even though the win was already in our pockets they played Deweyville yesterday. I say hold your heads up high Buna Senior Coaches, you done the right thing. Rules are rules, don't forget that. We have the best coaches for both Flag, Junior, and Senior teams around.


I am not sure what all this is about, Fact is I let my son go to alto in my truck and forgot to get my cards and that is my fault not anyone else's, it is all on my shoulders.

I did not ask Buna to let me slide and they did play when they didn't have to and I thank them for giving my kids a game.

As far as the playoffs this is Buna's only win Vidor could be the only team affected but they won against Buna so it will not affect them going in 4th place and when I beat old Marty next week we will still go in #1 as always.

Great game Buna and thanks again! Also congrats to the Jr. team you played an outstanding ball game.

P.S chill out 4410 nothing is hurt, it will be okay and we are still going in first so shut up!


You know I can't help but ask myself is 39 to 0 considered running up the score even on a forfeited game? Or was this just the way you respond to such an incident? I think maybe someone needs to ask a few questions because we also have rules reguarding the score. Did the Pirates pull out their starters or continue to beat down the opposing team? I am sure these questions would be asked if the roles were reversed. So what do you all think? ??? ???


You know I can't help but ask myself is 39 to 0 considered running up the score even on a forfeited game? Or was this just the way you respond to such an incident? I think maybe someone needs to ask a few questions because we also have rules reguarding the score. Did the Pirates pull out their starters or continue to beat down the opposing team? I am sure these questions would be asked if the roles were reversed. So what do you all think? ??? ???

I would invite you to ask the Buna Sr. Coach, or better yet Mark Poole the Buna President email me and I will give you his number. At 32 we put in our subs and scored again then with other subs and linemen got to the 2 yard line and did not score, we also gave up the ball the second half.

If I were bitter it could have been a-lot worse.

I had a 21 to 6 score with EC who is really struggling this year, I think games like that show our character, and I clearly stated that all was my fault and Buna did nothing wrong, so don't be a hatter cause you lost to us.


You know I can't help but ask myself is 39 to 0 considered running up the score even on a forfeited game? Or was this just the way you respond to such an incident? I think maybe someone needs to ask a few questions because we also have rules reguarding the score. Did the Pirates pull out their starters or continue to beat down the opposing team? I am sure these questions would be asked if the roles were reversed. So what do you all think? ??? ???

I would invite you to ask the Buna Sr. Coach, or better yet Mark Poole the Buna President email me and I will give you his number. At 32 we put in our subs and scored again then with other subs and linemen got to the 2 yard line and did not score, we also gave up the ball the second half.

If I were bitter it could have been a-lot worse.

I had a 21 to 6 score with EC who is really struggling this year, I think games like that show our character, and I clearly stated that all was my fault and Buna did nothing wrong, so don't be a hatter cause you lost to us.

Thanks Claude your post was right on  I think This hollybgood is just a crap starter that wants to whine about the score of a real football game He would probably rather every body just forfeit to him because he has know idea what he is doing much less talking about

I think maybe someone needs to ask a few questions because we also have rules reguarding the score. Did the Pirates pull out their starters or continue to beat down the opposing team? I am sure these questions would be asked if the roles were reversed. So what do you all think? 

Since I am the Lonestar member that investigates and recommends sanctions or fines against any association for infractions of our rules to the rest of the Board, I am who you are talking about when you suggest that questions be asked. I might remind Holly that Buna has already run the score up twice this season on weaker opponents. 44-0 points against Warren and 45-6 against Mauriceville. Suppose I start another investigation to include the Deweyville game and include the two instances from Buna. Would that make you happy? Would you like to be the person that brought this up and forced action against D-Ville that would also cost your association $300, suspension and probation for the coaches and putting the association on notice? Please call and demand an investigation and equal justice to be meted out. The truth is that it makes it easier on me when the rules are dealt out without looking at the merits of each case. The truth is that EVERY SCORE OVER 30 POINTS IN THIS LEAGUE IS INVESTIGATED BY ME AND I MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD CONCERNING THAT INVESTIGATION. You are right about one thing Holly, the questions would be asked if the roles were reversed because I'm the one asking them. I do not have favorites and I push the rules down EVERYONE'S throats equally. Perhaps you should talk to Mr. Poole or Mr. Golden to find out if I do my job. Ask if I have dogged them about their scores. Ask the coaches or admin in Silsbee if they have paid fines and been on probation? Ask Mauriceville and H-F. Ask the president of East Chambers, (oops, too late, he's history), ask Vidor about whether or not the Board at LJF plays hardball when it comes to this league and its rules. Fairness is what my job is all about and I look at every issue and make decisions based on the facts and not on WHO. But, if you want me to start dealing out justice based on something as simple as a point on the scoreboard, Buna's gonna get a letter from me and they are going to really appreciate you bringing up the spectre of Deweyville getting a break when your own organization has been the biggest violator of that same rule this season. In your own words, Holly, "So what do you all think?" 

As for "frawg" with his hippo mouth and humminbird behind, it IS all about the kids to me. I don't have a kid in this league and have no other reasons for doing any of this. You were at the Coach's Meeting but lack the guts to do anything more than shout from the crowd. You call a man's name then have the stones to show your face or be as honorless as you show to be. Every youth organization has faceless, mindless jawbones that can run their heads but disappear when the hard stuff needs doing. Stand and be counted or put a sock in it. 


Thanks for your reply CaptainClaude. I was not at the game and had no idea if the starters were pulled or not. You answered the question in which I asked. And yes I do believe that does show your charachter. I know personally that sometimes you can pull your starters and still score on the opposing team. Sometimes you just can't help but ask questions.



Thank you for your reply Muckelroy, I am sorry that you took offence to my question. I was not implying that you have not done your job, I was simply asking a question. As parents all we hear about is the 30 point rule, since I wasn't at the game I thought it was a good question to ask. I am fully aware of Buna's history with running up the score, but it's my understanding that the junior team also pulled out their starters and still continued to score against the weaker opponents. I really don't think it is necessary to bring action against anyone considering this is just my opinion and has nothing to do with the Buna coaches. I personally feel as though this 30 point rule is ridiculous. How are you supposed to teach the kids to be competitive when you basically punish your starters for scoring too many points. These kids work all season long to WIN, some games they win and some games they loose. Some seasons they may go undefeated and some seasons they may not win a game. We have basically the same kids over and over each season they start in flag and play every year throughout the Jr and Sr divisions. Winning as well as loosing is something everyone has to accept. Why not let every kid play to their full potential year to year and improve, because when these boys get into JR High and High School football there is no mercy on the other team. Isn't that what youth football is about teaching these kids the fundamentals of the game?


You can teach them the game without running up the score and embarassing the other team, now if it cannot be helped. And its not punishing the starters its just giving the other team a chnce to make a game out of it, STJFL we have a 28 point rule, my sons team had to do it this weekend in their 40-14 win


Muckelroy you are such a hypocrite. ::)

how many times you going to change your screen name?

  You are a joke..A two hour speech on "it's about the kids" and all that crap you posted is a joke.

  someone did stand up on here and you are threatening them (there organization) with a fine..how professional..

  yea stand up and be counted so I can be threatened with a fine against my organization, because I challenged ones authority..


It looks to me that Lone Star is pointing out what fines they can give and why. I went on-line and reviewed their bylaws and how surprised was I to see how many of their own rules they break. Is the Lone Star board not subject to their own rules and fines. The only reason that a league will not stand up to the Lone Star Board is because they use scare tactics and fines to shut a leagues mouth. If you want to bring a subject up we will investigate it, but we will look at what you have done and there will be a fine. If you do not pay your fine then you are kicked out of Lone Star or the kids do not play till the fine is paid. I want you to know that Lone Star is for the kids though, and not about what we can fine you for and get your money. I have sit back and watch Lone Star impose their fines and scare tactics for several years now, what a joke! Hey we support the kids though, and want them to play ball. I have been in the bleachers listening to LONE STAR BOARD MEMBERS talk bad about other teams and coaches. Not only did I here but so did other parents and this has been more than one time. Reading the bylaws or whatever they call them is that not breaking your own code of conduct? I was just curious, please correct me if I am wrong. I am sure that our kids would be proud of how Lone Star imposes their staff of power among all who serve them. Where did this board learn to run things? I guess from the Previous Soviet Union.


It looks to me that Lone Star is pointing out what fines they can give and why. I went on-line and reviewed their bylaws and how surprised was I to see how many of their own rules they break. Is the Lone Star board not subject to their own rules and fines. The only reason that a league will not stand up to the Lone Star Board is because they use scare tactics and fines to shut a leagues mouth. If you want to bring a subject up we will investigate it, but we will look at what you have done and there will be a fine. If you do not pay your fine then you are kicked out of Lone Star or the kids do not play till the fine is paid. I want you to know that Lone Star is for the kids though, and not about what we can fine you for and get your money. I have sit back and watch Lone Star impose their fines and scare tactics for several years now, what a joke! Hey we support the kids though, and want them to play ball. I have been in the bleachers listening to LONE STAR BOARD MEMBERS talk bad about other teams and coaches. Not only did I here but so did other parents and this has been more than one time. Reading the bylaws or whatever they call them is that not breaking your own code of conduct? I was just curious, please correct me if I am wrong. I am sure that our kids would be proud of how Lone Star imposes their staff of power among all who serve them. Where did this board learn to run things? I guess from the Previous Soviet Union.

::) :'(

Guest headnocker

I think maybe someone needs to ask a few questions because we also have rules reguarding the score. Did the Pirates pull out their starters or continue to beat down the opposing team? I am sure these questions would be asked if the roles were reversed. So what do you all think? 

Since I am the Lonestar member that investigates and recommends sanctions or fines against any association for infractions of our rules to the rest of the Board, I am who you are talking about when you suggest that questions be asked. I might remind Holly that Buna has already run the score up twice this season on weaker opponents. 44-0 points against Warren and 45-6 against Mauriceville. Suppose I start another investigation to include the Deweyville game and include the two instances from Buna. Would that make you happy? Would you like to be the person that brought this up and forced action against D-Ville that would also cost your association $300, suspension and probation for the coaches and putting the association on notice? Please call and demand an investigation and equal justice to be meted out. The truth is that it makes it easier on me when the rules are dealt out without looking at the merits of each case. The truth is that EVERY SCORE OVER 30 POINTS IN THIS LEAGUE IS INVESTIGATED BY ME AND I MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD CONCERNING THAT INVESTIGATION. You are right about one thing Holly, the questions would be asked if the roles were reversed because I'm the one asking them. I do not have favorites and I push the rules down EVERYONE'S throats equally. Perhaps you should talk to Mr. Poole or Mr. Golden to find out if I do my job. Ask if I have dogged them about their scores. Ask the coaches or admin in Silsbee if they have paid fines and been on probation? Ask Mauriceville and H-F. Ask the president of East Chambers, (oops, too late, he's history), ask Vidor about whether or not the Board at LJF plays hardball when it comes to this league and its rules. Fairness is what my job is all about and I look at every issue and make decisions based on the facts and not on WHO. But, if you want me to start dealing out justice based on something as simple as a point on the scoreboard, Buna's gonna get a letter from me and they are going to really appreciate you bringing up the spectre of Deweyville getting a break when your own organization has been the biggest violator of that same rule this season. In your own words, Holly, "So what do you all think?"  

As for "frawg" with his hippo mouth and humminbird behind, it IS all about the kids to me. I don't have a kid in this league and have no other reasons for doing any of this. You were at the Coach's Meeting but lack the guts to do anything more than shout from the crowd. You call a man's name then have the stones to show your face or be as honorless as you show to be. Every youth organization has faceless, mindless jawbones that can run their heads but disappear when the hard stuff needs doing. Stand and be counted or put a sock in it. 

                         i cant believe it.  you as a board member get on here and talk to people the way you do?  It shows how much class you have and why bring up things from the past ?

I Thought this page was put on here to talk about the game of football. If all you want too do is whine and B---- ;Please make your own Page for whiners and gripers and stay off the pages that people want to talk about football on. Now can we get back to the last week of regular season. This year there is no real dominant team in any Div. It could be any body's year, LETS TALK FOOTBALL.

Guest vpfootball

BTW, if you stand up to Lone Star and if you are a board member they will demand your league to remove you are be kicked out of the league. Maybe that's why VJFA went from the biggest organization last year to one of the smallest in  Lone Star. Good job Lone Star, great job yall did..

Guest vpfootball

Very mature of you by saying that..but what else would I except from Lone Star..BTW this is not Paul I play for VJFA...


I would have personally waived the card check, that's just me. If I had forgotten mine and you would have made me forfeit, I would have tried to score 100 on ya just because your implying that I'm cheating. Personally, I think it was chicken


It looks to me that Lone Star is pointing out what fines they can give and why. I went on-line and reviewed their bylaws and how surprised was I to see how many of their own rules they break. Is the Lone Star board not subject to their own rules and fines. The only reason that a league will not stand up to the Lone Star Board is because they use scare tactics and fines to shut a leagues mouth. If you want to bring a subject up we will investigate it, but we will look at what you have done and there will be a fine. If you do not pay your fine then you are kicked out of Lone Star or the kids do not play till the fine is paid. I want you to know that Lone Star is for the kids though, and not about what we can fine you for and get your money. I have sit back and watch Lone Star impose their fines and scare tactics for several years now, what a joke! Hey we support the kids though, and want them to play ball. I have been in the bleachers listening to LONE STAR BOARD MEMBERS talk bad about other teams and coaches. Not only did I here but so did other parents and this has been more than one time. Reading the bylaws or whatever they call them is that not breaking your own code of conduct? I was just curious, please correct me if I am wrong. I am sure that our kids would be proud of how Lone Star imposes their staff of power among all who serve them. Where did this board learn to run things? I guess from the Previous Soviet Union.

We learned to run things as we went along as this board is the very board who also created STJFL and brought you UIL realistic football. STJFL is a great league as I believe this one is even though we are not perfect, and no one is forcing you to be here so if you don't like it leave.

We have never fined anyone who didn't need it and never will, stop crying and fix the reason you were fined.

It is amazing that the Board gets ripped like over VJFA when the entire League body agrees to take a stand.

Do you not ask questions of your President and Board members who are involved in these decisions?

Every decision made as a Board is brought to the body and as of today they have never disagreed so if we are that horrible tell your President or who ever they send to the next meeting to inform us on what we need to do differently, and if we do not meet your requirements elections are in January!


I would have personally waived the card check, that's just me. If I had forgotten mine and you would have made me forfeit, I would have tried to score 100 on ya just because your implying that I'm cheating. Personally, I think it was chicken .

Thank you B. E. I just new some one would see this the way I do. I thought it was very chicken


BTW, if you stand up to Lone Star and if you are a board member they will demand your league to remove you are be kicked out of the league. Maybe that's why VJFA went from the biggest organization last year to one of the smallest in  Lone Star. Good job Lone Star, great job yall did..

dont speak about something that you dont have a clue about...as far as us being the smallest in Lonestar ...if you were here before we grew to 9 teams  then you will see that we like things like they are...we went back to our roots when VJFA was respected by all who played for us and by the league that VJFA helped found...you evidently do not play for VJFA or it would be obvious to you that we are better off without those who wanted to go against Lonestar rules...in fact as it stands right now we have 2 out of 3 teams in the playoffs which is better than the previous years before the split...so unless you have the guts to say who you are then keep your mouth shut....Claude I can tell you that I have checked all the coaches emails addresses and and the parent email addresses from last year and this year and this person is not listed....so in my opinion he is not VJFA


BTW, if you stand up to Lone Star and if you are a board member they will demand your league to remove you are be kicked out of the league. Maybe that's why VJFA went from the biggest organization last year to one of the smallest in  Lone Star. Good job Lone Star, great job yall did..

dont speak about something that you dont have a clue about...as far as us being the smallest in Lonestar ...if you were here before we grew to 9 teams  then you will see that we like things like they are...we went back to our roots when VJFA was respected by all who played for us and by the league that VJFA helped found...you evidently do not play for VJFA or it would be obvious to you that we are better off without those who wanted to go against Lonestar rules...in fact as it stands right now we have 2 out of 3 teams in the playoffs which is better than the previous years before the split...so unless you have the guts to say who you are then keep your mouth shut....Claude I can tell you that I have checked all the coaches emails addresses and and the parent email addresses from last year and this year and this person is not listed....so in my opinion he is not VJFA

Thanks, 4life but you know it doesn't matter as you and I have dealt with people like this for years only to determine you just can't fix stupid!


BTW, if you stand up to Lone Star and if you are a board member they will demand your league to remove you are be kicked out of the league. Maybe that's why VJFA went from the biggest organization last year to one of the smallest in  Lone Star. Good job Lone Star, great job yall did..

dont speak about something that you dont have a clue about...as far as us being the smallest in Lonestar ...if you were here before we grew to 9 teams  then you will see that we like things like they are...we went back to our roots when VJFA was respected by all who played for us and by the league that VJFA helped found...you evidently do not play for VJFA or it would be obvious to you that we are better off without those who wanted to go against Lonestar rules...in fact as it stands right now we have 2 out of 3 teams in the playoffs which is better than the previous years before the split...so unless you have the guts to say who you are then keep your mouth shut....Claude I can tell you that I have checked all the coaches emails addresses and and the parent email addresses from last year and this year and this person is not listed....so in my opinion he is not VJFA

Thanks, 4life but you know it doesn't matter as you and I have dealt with people like this for years only to determine you just can't fix stupid!

well i know you know VJFA as a majority is Lonestar for life

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