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Tom Halliburton never ceases to amaze me. What is his motive for such an opinionated article when we are talking about a man's livelihood? I can understand the PNG faithful being unhappy with the coach and the season, but this article is extremely unprofessional in my opinion.


It's typical Halliburton.....even in an article that is about Matt Burnett, Halliburton still finds a way to praise Nederland while dogging Matt.  Believe me the PNG faithful could care less about what Halliburton thinks at this point.  But the way he put down this class of seniors is inexcuseable!  :-[


Tom Halliburton never ceases to amaze me. What is his motive for such an opinionated article when we are talking about a man's livelihood? I can understand the PNG faithful being unhappy with the coach and the season, but this article is extremely unprofessional in my opinion.


For the board member who wants to relive the glory days of the 70s how about a reality check.  The game has changed but more importantly so have the kids.   What is it with this entitlement attitude a lot of programs have?  Far too often you read about how "good" certain groups of kids were in the pop warner leagues whether it be football,baseball,basketball, etc.  I see all the time on these forums of folks wanting the coach's head because" this group of kids won at (fill in the blank lower level.)  It is ridiculous. A lot of towns are cyclical.  You'll see years of doing well followed by years of being down.  Few teams stay on top forever.  The whole mid-south Jefferson county seems to be down to some degree.  Nederland, while still in the playoffs, has not been as dominant as in recent years.  Port Arthur doesn't seem to be able to be consistent nor does Ozen.  Maybe just maybe it isn't the coaching in these areas maybe other factors are in play here.  No that can't be it obviously these rag writers and former players know better than anyone else.


One thing I want to point out is the world "column" on the Port Arthur News' website. This means this is not a news story and is Tom Halliburton's opinion.

Whether you agree or disagree, we sports writers and journalists are paid to have opinions. It takes a lot of courage to right what you feel knowing many people who read it will only criticize you. I applaud people in this profession who can write an opinion column, put his name and headshot to it and stand by his opinion. There is no hiding from it behind false names and it is out there in the open for anyone to read. I have done it myself on many issues and will continue to do it because of people like Tom and Bob who have taught me to not care if what you write will cause friction. Be a man, write your opinion and feel great you have this liberty to do so in this country.

Kudos Tom for giving your opinion whether anyone else, or I for that matter, agree or not.


PNG fans need to be thankful all of the glory years they have had. Look at Michigan this year and there new coach. I believe teams come in cycles. The Indians coaching staff and kids worked very hard. You will have these kind of years. Look at how many years Lumberton suffered with their football program. The problem with Indian fans is that y'all are spoiled rotten. Changing coaches might help or not help. Ya ll just may be in the downward cycles for a few years. Life goes on and it is not the end of the world.


My question is this... If Coach Burnett is fired and PN-G loses for the next 10 years will you be able to find any of them Burnett Haters? When a new Head coach comes in he will put his own system into effect. Starting all the way down into the Jr. high Level. That means for the most part your Srs that year are sacrificial lambs... With only a couple of months to learn a complete new system and UIL only allowing a certain amount of time to prepare the system will not be in full effect until the end of the 2nd year maybe the start of the 3rd year of his tenure. So you have to ask yourself, Is letting Burnett go really the answer? Or will it only cause more problems and more hard feelings? These are just my views on it. I wish Coach Burnett and PN-G good luck in finding their stride again. You do not know what you have until you don't have it anymore.... The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.


When Dayton moved back to 19-4A, were they removed from the record books of 20-4A? I could have sworn there was a three way tie for first last year. That's what I love about Halliburton- he never lets the facts get in the way.


'' Give me good players and I can beat anybody''''''   Good players are not given to you, you develope them through good underclall programs......enough said...


I seem to recall articles before the season where MB was quoted as saying how much talent was returning on the offensive side of the ball and now they had no talent? He lost some favor with me there. I hope he makes some changes with the OC and offensive philosophy and rights the ship.

And again all you outsiders that think you know about PNG football and us being spoiled, you don't know! Matt has 3 winning seasons in the last 9 years since D.Long and company left. That's 3 seasons of winning more than 5 games in 9 years. And in 15 years they have had 6 playoff appearences under Matt. Not as great as it appears. Trust me folks if Nederland goes to the playoffs only once in the next 4 years they will be asking for Nuemans head! Same goes for Lumberton after a few more playoff runs with Crueder.


One thing I want to point out is the world "column" on the Port Arthur News' website. This means this is not a news story and is Tom Halliburton's opinion.

Whether you agree or disagree, we sports writers and journalists are paid to have opinions. It takes a lot of courage to right what you feel knowing many people who read it will only criticize you. I applaud people in this profession who can write an opinion column, put his name and headshot to it and stand by his opinion. There is no hiding from it behind false names and it is out there in the open for anyone to read. I have done it myself on many issues and will continue to do it because of people like Tom and Bob who have taught me to not care if what you write will cause friction. Be a man, write your opinion and feel great you have this liberty to do so in this country.

Kudos Tom for giving your opinion whether anyone else, or I for that matter, agree or not.

Why give kudos for giving his opinion?  That's his job.  Let's give kudos to the garbage man also for dumping that trash can.

Same thing.


Haliburton is ALWAYS wanting to put insults to PNG.  And, as said, he always finds a way to give Nederland praise. Whether its his job or not, his opinion or not, he should not be putting down high schoolers in his article.  I bet he feels really proud of himself.  Speaking of losing his job, Haliburton  has caused many PA News scubscribers to quit getting the paper because his columns are not informative at all, and because of his prejudice against other teams in the district, maybe PA News should consider getting rid of him and hiring someone that at least knows how to write an unbiased sports article.  I don't give credence to anything he says or writes.  The only good use for a sports article written by Haliburton is to line the bottom of your bird cage!


look MB was and is a great football coach. Is time has paased tho, no denying he has had sucess, but has some like to call him needs to hang it up. I dont thing they will fire the guy because just like lyyod carr case at michigan you cant fire some one with that magnitude. so im sure they will ask him to resign or he will get premoted some how. Any ways when he leaves every body on the offensive side of the ball needs to get the "boot" to. Sorry guys running the same 5 plays over and over again wont work. When in the stands You can Call 28 or 29 sweep and be right 90 percent of the time, its time for a change! look at all the great HS teams around they Spread the ball out and do something called Passing. Thats my piece i just want to hear Cheerokee after a touchdown not just a victorious 3 yard gain!! OUT!


Haliburton is ALWAYS wanting to put insults to PNG.  And, as said, he always finds a way to give Nederland praise. Whether its his job or not, his opinion or not, he should not be putting down high schoolers in his article.  I bet he feels really proud of himself.  Speaking of losing his job, Haliburton  has caused many PA News scubscribers to quit getting the paper because his columns are not informative at all, and because of his prejudice against other teams in the district, maybe PA News should consider getting rid of him and hiring someone that at least knows how to write an unbiased sports article.  I don't give credence to anything he says or writes.  The only good use for a sports article written by Haliburton is to line the bottom of your bird cage!

I agree - personally I could care less what his opinion is - I don't value it what so ever.  And I think I will add this particular paper to the stack to take to the Humane Society - they will at least get some use out of it.  

Don't forget...we are not only spoiled fans but according to TH we are ignorant, as well.  Not to mention the things he said about the kids.  


Amen NDMWarrior, Where did he get his info. It was a closed door session ,which means it's private and not supposed to be discussed. IF it was a school board member, we need a name. The meeting was attended by MB and the school board only. Also he mentioned how many players were nominated for the super team. How about mentioning how many were nominated from the other teams. Why just MB. Nobody respects or wants TH opinions and I wish we had 22 Gizzi's he is a hell of a football player. I for one am canceling my paper. TH can read it when he is eating donuts with Ned and his top secret source he always quotes.


One thing I want to point out is the world "column" on the Port Arthur News' website. This means this is not a news story and is Tom Halliburton's opinion.

Whether you agree or disagree, we sports writers and journalists are paid to have opinions. It takes a lot of courage to right what you feel knowing many people who read it will only criticize you. I applaud people in this profession who can write an opinion column, put his name and headshot to it and stand by his opinion. There is no hiding from it behind false names and it is out there in the open for anyone to read. I have done it myself on many issues and will continue to do it because of people like Tom and Bob who have taught me to not care if what you write will cause friction. Be a man, write your opinion and feel great you have this liberty to do so in this country.

Kudos Tom for giving your opinion whether anyone else, or I for that matter, agree or not.

Why give kudos for giving his opinion?  That's his job.  Let's give kudos to the garbage man also for dumping that trash can.

Same thing.

Actually yes you should. Are you out there dumping trash unless you are a trash man? I am a type of person who gives honor to anyone's line of work as long as it is legal and ethical. Someone has to do the jobs.


Cant stand this anymore.

Folks I want you to carefully consider how many good young men MB and his coaches have helped in life situations. I didnt say how many got scholarships for football I said life...... These men that you call coaches are also the men and women we trust with our kids lives. They spend a lot of time with our kids and many of these kids are given guidance and receive support from not just coaches but people who matter to them.

Give the coaches more than just credit for coaching and winning football games these coaches not just at PNG but all over our area care about what happens to these kids after football and to think about dismissing a coach just for a losing season you better be careful for what you wish for.

I happen to have two coaches in my family and I can tell you for a fact how much they care for these kids and its not just because they are athletes. They are people who will deal with life after sports and the coaches worry about them.

Coach Burnett you have my support because you do the right thing. A champion can be built but the champions heart has to come with the players.

Be proud PNG and wrap fish with the article and throw it in the trash.


As bad as the trustees want to replace Matt B. They will not choose to break his contract if he has one more year left. Now after saying that. I would love to take him as Def. Coord. Think he'd come over?


Cant stand this anymore.

Folks I want you to carefully consider how many good young men MB and his coaches have helped in life situations. I didnt say how many got scholarships for football I said life...... These men that you call coaches are also the men and women we trust with our kids lives. They spend a lot of time with our kids and many of these kids are given guidance and receive support from not just coaches but people who matter to them.

Give the coaches more than just credit for coaching and winning football games these coaches not just at PNG but all over our area care about what happens to these kids after football and to think about dismissing a coach just for a losing season you better be careful for what you wish for.

I happen to have two coaches in my family and I can tell you for a fact how much they care for these kids and its not just because they are athletes. They are people who will deal with life after sports and the coaches worry about them.

Coach Burnett you have my support because you do the right thing. A champion can be built but the champions heart has to come with the players.

Be proud PNG and wrap fish with the article and throw it in the trash.



One thing I want to point out is the world "column" on the Port Arthur News' website. This means this is not a news story and is Tom Halliburton's opinion.

Whether you agree or disagree, we sports writers and journalists are paid to have opinions. It takes a lot of courage to right what you feel knowing many people who read it will only criticize you. I applaud people in this profession who can write an opinion column, put his name and headshot to it and stand by his opinion. There is no hiding from it behind false names and it is out there in the open for anyone to read. I have done it myself on many issues and will continue to do it because of people like Tom and Bob who have taught me to not care if what you write will cause friction. Be a man, write your opinion and feel great you have this liberty to do so in this country.

Kudos Tom for giving your opinion whether anyone else, or I for that matter, agree or not.

Why give kudos for giving his opinion?  That's his job.  Let's give kudos to the garbage man also for dumping that trash can.

Same thing.

Actually yes you should. Are you out there dumping trash unless you are a trash man? I am a type of person who gives honor to anyone's line of work as long as it is legal and ethical. Someone has to do the jobs.

How about this quote from the article:  "Here's some proof that PN-G lacked such performers in 2008. First, a 5-5, 135-pound cornerback (Tyler Gizzi) led the Indians in tackles. That's a wonderful compliment about Tyler but it's a pathetic comment about the performance level Burnett received from his larger-sized defenders."

Why would anyone give "kudos" to a sportswriter who would slam the performance of high school kids by labeling it with terms like "pathetic?"

The sportswriter is so brave to write an article and label the performance of high school kids as pathetic! 

These are not college or professional athletes.  They are kids who still live at home with their moms and dads! 


As bad as the trustees want to replace Matt B. They will not choose to break his contract if he has one more year left. Now after saying that. I would love to take him as Def. Coord. Think he'd come over?

DOgs don't need him or want him over here..............you on that whacky weed? :'(


i think TH needs to watch how he words things. I thought to be a writer you had to know how to put things in words. But on the other hand to MB defense he did not have the talent level that a PNG team is used to. And contrary to some of you arm chair quarterback beliefs you dont just make talent. TH was correct with most of his comments it was just put in poor taste. It was wrong to refer to high school kids as pathetic. It might have been just the best that they could do against superior teams. Good luck to all involved and GOD BLESS cause some of you need it.


One thing I want to point out is the world "column" on the Port Arthur News' website. This means this is not a news story and is Tom Halliburton's opinion.

Whether you agree or disagree, we sports writers and journalists are paid to have opinions. It takes a lot of courage to right what you feel knowing many people who read it will only criticize you. I applaud people in this profession who can write an opinion column, put his name and headshot to it and stand by his opinion. There is no hiding from it behind false names and it is out there in the open for anyone to read. I have done it myself on many issues and will continue to do it because of people like Tom and Bob who have taught me to not care if what you write will cause friction. Be a man, write your opinion and feel great you have this liberty to do so in this country.

Kudos Tom for giving your opinion whether anyone else, or I for that matter, agree or not.

Why give kudos for giving his opinion?  That's his job.  Let's give kudos to the garbage man also for dumping that trash can.

Same thing.

Actually yes you should. Are you out there dumping trash unless you are a trash man? I am a type of person who gives honor to anyone's line of work as long as it is legal and ethical. Someone has to do the jobs.

How about this quote from the article:  "Here's some proof that PN-G lacked such performers in 2008. First, a 5-5, 135-pound cornerback (Tyler Gizzi) led the Indians in tackles. That's a wonderful compliment about Tyler but it's a pathetic comment about the performance level Burnett received from his larger-sized defenders."

Why would anyone give "kudos" to a sportswriter who would slam the performance of high school kids by labeling it with terms like "pathetic?"

The sportswriter is so brave to write an article and label the performance of high school kids as pathetic! 

These are not college or professional athletes.  They are kids who still live at home with their moms and dads! 

I agree TOTALLY!  When you start criticizing kids in the press, its time for YOU to find another job!  Haliburton has ALWAYS put down PNG, whether it is with the staff or the kids!  He seems to enjoy any negativity he can bring forth about PNG, and does it every chance he gets...even going so far as to put down the kids with terms like "pathetic". Totally unacceptable!

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