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VIDEO...News Report/Coaches Brawl In LL Game


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Brawl Breaks Out during Pee Wee Football Game

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November 19, 2008 - 6:56 PM

News Staff

A weekend brawl involving coaches for a youth football league could lead to criminal charges.  Authorities say it happened Saturday at the Lumberton Youth Football field.

Authorities say coaches from Lumberton and Bridge City got into a fight during a game involving the pee wee league of 7 and 8 year olds.

Parents and board members of the football league intervened and broke up the fight.

Mike Minton of the Lumberton Youth Football League told KFDM it got out of hand quickly.  He says fortunately there were board members on hand to break it up and there were no injuries.  He says the children were pulled away quickly and protected.  Minton says that type of behavior will not be tolerated.  He says the Southeast Texas Junior Football League has already taking action including issuing lifetime suspensions.

Sgt. Kenneth Powell of the Lumberton Police Department tells KFDM, investigators have received a videotape of the incident but have not yet looked at it in depth.  Powell says once they review the tape closely, the department will file whatever charges are appropriate.

If you have video of the altercation, contact KFDM News by calling (409) 895-4664 or emailing [email protected]

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Coach banned after brawl at Pee Wee football game

By Julie Shehane

An unidentified Lumberton coach has been permanently banned from the Pee Wee football league and could face criminal charges after authorities allege he assaulted a Bridge City coach Saturday during a game.

The incident happened during a 7-and-8-year-old first year tackle home game against Bridge City being played at Lumberton Middle School.

Injuries were reported as minor, according to Mike Minton, president of the Lumberton Youth Football and Cheerleading Association.

Lumberton Police Chief Danny Sullins said the incident involved several coaches and parents and could lead to criminal charges.

Read more in Thursday’s Enterprise.

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Let it go. 

Disagree....sometimes as responsible adults we have to pay for our actions. This in my book falls under one of those things. When your dealing with peoples kids..you better be prepared to face the music for your actions. Im sure it's different if you know the parties involved...but lets be honest...If you saw this on youtube from some league in someplace else...you'd be saying to yourself...that guy is a total jerk and should be dealt with accordingly.

I dont know what happened....dont care what happened but if ya fist fight at a pee-wee league game no matter what the sport....or at a elementary school play etc...you should face the consequences of your actions.

This is a bad thing for stjfl and hopefully people can realize this was the action of some hotheaded jerk living his life through his sons pee-wee football play and will not reflect on the positive things this league has going.

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its a free country,play the tape.if you don't like it don't watch.if you are involved should have had more self control. don't make the problem worse by trying to hide and cover things up.

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Let it go. 

Disagree....sometimes as responsible adults we have to pay for our actions. This in my book falls under one of those things. When your dealing with peoples kids..you better be prepared to face the music for your actions. Im sure it's different if you know the parties involved...but lets be honest...If you saw this on youtube from some league in someplace else...you'd be saying to yourself...that guy is a total jerk and should be dealt with accordingly.

I dont know what happened....dont care what happened but if ya fist fight at a pee-wee league game no matter what the sport....or at a elementary school play etc...you should face the consequences of your actions.

This is a bad thing for stjfl and hopefully people can realize this was the action of some hotheaded jerk living his life through his sons pee-wee football play and will not reflect on the positive things this league has going.

On the other hand... The man is a volunteer that spent a tremendous amount of his own time and money to be invloved in a mostly thankless job of teaching kids the game of football. In an instant he had a reaction that I'm sure he wishes he could take back as well as all the other responsible parties. The STJFL has addressed the issue and those involved have accepted their punishments and I'm not sure the value of continuing the topic.

Sad to notice that this thread was reopened by the same moderators who originally closed it... who also happen to be members of the media. Guess we didn't need to talk about it anymore until it could improve ratings or grab some attention from higher levels.

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What you fail to understand is that the threads were closed due to the fact it was all hear say and no media had yet covered it.  Now that the main stream media has covered the incident and it has been released to the news outlet it can be opened here.

What you also fail to realize is ratings do not doing anything for us, AT ALL.  this is a privately owned board, the rules are posted and it is run the way the owner sees fit.

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I admit that I havn't read all the rules and certainly not trying to get myself banned from your site. It just seems that some of the admins have a power to open and close topics and sometimes use that power in a self serving manner.

For example KFDM-COOP seems to have the power to:

1. Open a locked topic, that nobody else can post to.

2. Ask folks to send video which one can only assume would be used for KFDM.

3. Lock the topic again so nobody else can post to it.

That's all about the ratings... May not help your site AT ALL, but that's how your site is being used.

I do understand it's a privately owned board and you run it the way you see fit... Just funny is all.

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Let it go. 

Disagree....sometimes as responsible adults we have to pay for our actions. This in my book falls under one of those things. When your dealing with peoples kids..you better be prepared to face the music for your actions. Im sure it's different if you know the parties involved...but lets be honest...If you saw this on youtube from some league in someplace else...you'd be saying to yourself...that guy is a total jerk and should be dealt with accordingly.

I dont know what happened....dont care what happened but if ya fist fight at a pee-wee league game no matter what the sport....or at a elementary school play etc...you should face the consequences of your actions.

This is a bad thing for stjfl and hopefully people can realize this was the action of some hotheaded jerk living his life through his sons pee-wee football play and will not reflect on the positive things this league has going.

On the other hand... The man is a volunteer that spent a tremendous amount of his own time and money to be invloved in a mostly thankless job of teaching kids the game of football. In an instant he had a reaction that I'm sure he wishes he could take back as well as all the other responsible parties. The STJFL has addressed the issue and those involved have accepted their punishments and I'm not sure the value of continuing the topic.

Sad to notice that this thread was reopened by the same moderators who originally closed it... who also happen to be members of the media. Guess we didn't need to talk about it anymore until it could improve ratings or grab some attention from higher levels.

The fact that he is a volunteer makes the situation even worse you cannot condone this kind of behavior, like you say he is a volunteer not like his job was on the line. He is in no way teaching these kids the proper way to play the game or react to adversity.
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What you fail to understand is that the threads were closed due to the fact it was all hear say and no media had yet covered it.  Now that the main stream media has covered the incident and it has been released to the news outlet it can be opened here.

What you also fail to realize is ratings do not doing anything for us, AT ALL.  this is a privately owned board, the rules are posted and it is run the way the owner sees fit.


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This is bad for youth sports everywhere. The authorities have evidence, let it go. These are two wonderful towns. Why slander their names for the sole purpose of entertainment? Why have people look down on youth volunteers for the sole purpose of entertainment? Because a handfull of people could not control themselves? If you have any video of this, do Lumberton, Bridge City, and all people involved in youth sports a favor, and keep it too yourself. How many times does this happen in a season? There are so many good things that come out of youth sports to let 1 bad incident crumble it all up. We, as league officials, do everything we can to rid our leagues of problems like this but sometimes things fall through the cracks. There is no reason that Mike Minton should have to go on tv and defend his league or himself for that matter, after all the years of volunteering and young lives he's impacted. We come on this forum and talk a little smack, air out some frustrations, and say things that probably need to be said, and things that probably do not need to be said. But it is a forum, supposedly freedom of speech, yet when things get a little heated you lock it down. Now there's a good news story on here and all of a sudden we need to talk about it. My opinion is, this is bad for everyone. If I had a video of it, I'd burn it...

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This is bad for youth sports everywhere. The authorities have evidence, let it go. These are two wonderful towns. Why slander their names for the sole purpose of entertainment? Why have people look down on youth volunteers for the sole purpose of entertainment? Because a handfull of people could not control themselves? If you have any video of this, do Lumberton, Bridge City, and all people involved in youth sports a favor, and keep it too yourself. How many times does this happen in a season? There are so many good things that come out of youth sports to let 1 bad incident crumble it all up. We, as league officials, do everything we can to rid our leagues of problems like this but sometimes things fall through the cracks. There is no reason that Mike Minton should have to go on tv and defend his league or himself for that matter, after all the years of volunteering and young lives he's impacted. We come on this forum and talk a little smack, air out some frustrations, and say things that probably need to be said, and things that probably do not need to be said. But it is a forum, supposedly freedom of speech, yet when things get a little heated you lock it down. Now there's a good news story on here and all of a sudden we need to talk about it. My opinion is, this is bad for everyone. If I had a video of it, I'd burn it...

Well said Big Poppa!!!

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I have seen two videos.  One shows a BC coach hitting a Lumberton coach in the head while being held in a head lock by another BC coach. He hit him twice before another Lumberton coach put him in a head lock and restrained him.  I think there is plenty of fault to go around. I have heard(now this part is hear say) of several Lumberton coaches being suspended or put on probation, while a couple that were involved in the brawl received no punishment. If that is true, the "good ole boy" network is alive and well in Lumberton. I have not heard much of any of the BC coaches and their punishment. Why not?

As for talking about it, I think it should be talked about. Sweeping it under the rug really does nothing. I have been a coach. Coaches get all the grief and complaints from parents but very seldom are given ANY credit for a job well done. We all volunteer knowing we assume a lot of responsibility with little or no recognition.  Of the over 2000 people that have viewed this thread, how many have sent an email to a coach thanking him for a job well done? However, now that something bad has happened, EVERYONE has to chime in and say how bad it is. I agree, it is bad, but instead of taking 5 minutes to post a comment, why don't you ALL take 3-4 months out of your busy schedules and COACH A TEAM, WORK A CONSSESSION STAND, or CLEAN A FIELD.

P.S. For those of you that do volunteer, this was not directed at you!

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This is bad for youth sports everywhere. The authorities have evidence, let it go. These are two wonderful towns. Why slander their names for the sole purpose of entertainment? Why have people look down on youth volunteers for the sole purpose of entertainment? Because a handfull of people could not control themselves? If you have any video of this, do Lumberton, Bridge City, and all people involved in youth sports a favor, and keep it too yourself. How many times does this happen in a season? There are so many good things that come out of youth sports to let 1 bad incident crumble it all up. We, as league officials, do everything we can to rid our leagues of problems like this but sometimes things fall through the cracks. There is no reason that Mike Minton should have to go on tv and defend his league or himself for that matter, after all the years of volunteering and young lives he's impacted. We come on this forum and talk a little smack, air out some frustrations, and say things that probably need to be said, and things that probably do not need to be said. But it is a forum, supposedly freedom of speech, yet when things get a little heated you lock it down. Now there's a good news story on here and all of a sudden we need to talk about it. My opinion is, this is bad for everyone. If I had a video of it, I'd burn it...

Well said, it is ashame that people can't let the authorities do their job without towns and innocent people being drug through the mud.

STJFL immediately took a stand and punished both parties within their limits of authority, and the police were working on it but now the media is just making a bad situation worse, they are even requesting video, now what good can come of that.

There were probably some shots fired somewhere last night but they choose to spend their time on this.


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Well said, it is ashame that people can't let the authorities do their job without towns and innocent people being drug through the mud.

STJFL immediately took a stand and punished both parties within their limits of authority, and the police were working on it but now the media is just making a bad situation worse, they are even requesting video, now what good can come of that.

There were probably some shots fired somewhere last night but they choose to spend their time on this.



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I said it once before and I'll say it again, after the situation is investigated thoroughly and the league itself metes out their punishment, I feel this being on LISD property shoul be dealt with too. They should bar these individuals from any UIL event in opinion, this person or persons should not be allowed to come to events around here.

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IN the end, all the coaches will NOT be terrorists, none will be an ex-astronaut wearing a diaper..the league, the kids, the media, and the coaches will move on and when we all get old and have Alzhemier's or if the world ends in 2012 (whichever comes first) this won't matter very much. Sad that it happened, but it is a fact in life in sports sometimes good men get in bad situations. Doesn't make it right and it should be punished, but in the end it is just another grain of sand in the beach of life. Let's not make it the same level as global warming.

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I said it once before and I'll say it again, after the situation is investigated thoroughly and the league itself metes out their punishment, I feel this being on LISD property shoul be dealt with too. They should bar these individuals from any UIL event in opinion, this person or persons should not be allowed to come to events around here.

Good Idea!!! Let's also toss in a trespassing charge for those pesky kids on the playground I saw this weekend... They shouldn't be there when schools is not in session.

BTW Dragon: I heard the world was gonna end in 2012... so this might not matter much.  ;)

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Of the over 2000 people that have viewed this thread, how many have sent an email to a coach thanking him for a job well done?

My son has been fortunate in the two years he's played football, basketball and baseball to have some of the most awesome coaches!  I make sure that WE thank each coach at the end of the season.  It's a thankless, time consuming job, for sure.  I appreciate each and every good coach out there and dread the day when one of my kids gets a bad one.

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