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Guest ksensat

Well thats good that all the kids are signing it. I am suprised the LC kids are signing it, especially with all the controversy about the Mauriceville team playing an easier schedule (not bringing up a battle about the schedule) i just know that the kids argue about who is better in JH. Never the less, I am not knocking Coach Burke's ability, I just believe that there are a few Coaches that would be better for the job. By the way, Does Burke even want the job? He has been in the district for what 10- 15 years and never tried coming up before even when Williams was there. Maybe you guys should check before we hound this to death.

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LCM is in a great position to hire an excellent coach. I don't know who has applied but I have talked about Coach Burke, Josh Rankin is an excellent coach and young man, Coach Crouch is a great coach, as is Coach Bolton. Coach Ed Dyer an LCM guy would go a great job, as would others.I believe most all coaches are great at x and o's, but its the unseen things about a guy that separates the good ones from the great ones, let's hope LCM figures this one out. By the way Coach D Williams if you are keeping up with this, thanks for giving me my first chance to do something I love.


Since this guy will be going against some of the best coaches possible in the state on a week to week basis, can someone please post the opponents and scores of all these undefeated teams he has coached.  I want to see some of the great coaching minds he has coached against and get a feel for where he stacks up against the Newmans, Craduers, Stowers, etc.  If every jr. high coach tht went undefeated deserved to be a head coach the world would have problems.  Maybe LCM should petition for the pop warner coaches to be head coach.  They are always very successful and I bet they can scheme it up with the best of guys.  IF Burke is hired what kind offense and defense would he run, the same one as Moody?  Who would be his OC and DC?  Would he promote other Jr High coaches to run the program wiht him?  Also, kids do not always know best.  Just think about your kids, they usually look and want the easiest road and easiest way out.  Most kids do not want the hard nose, stubborn coach who is going to make them toe the line.  Coach B maybe a great guy and coach, but LCM need a coach who will hold all kids accountable, run a disciplined program, and will not bow to parental pressure.  They also need a coach who will hire great assistants because that is where the program will be won, they must hire great assistants and let them coach.


great post bearbryant!  I think some of our internet guru's are going to question the hire no matter who it is.  Rankin, Bolton, Crouch, Dyer, Burke, etc.  Some people will like them and others will start slamming them before the coach even signs a contract.  That's why we blog and they coach though. LOL.  The one thing for sure is that none of us will have a vote in who LC-M picks. 


Sorry sixman, using the words easiest road and undisciplined can never be used with Coach Burke or the MMS program. There has been every excuse known to man used to discredit the MMS football records. The truth is no one works harder,coaches in more detail,or instills more of a positive winning spirit in our kids than MMS, add supportive parents to that list and you get great results. Like I've said your opinion is your right to have, but mine is kids none of our players at MMS ever wanted the easy road, they wanted to win.


It amazes me that some of us seem to think that they know exactly what LCM needs including have a Coach with so called "experience".  I wonder how many of those "experience" supporters have any experience themselves.  Let's look at the program and begin at the beginning------before we can have a winning team or even a competitive team, we have to have players.  It seems basic to me, but many of you are overlooking the fact that we must have a coach that can bring in the players.  You can hire the greatest coach ever, but if they kids don't join the team, you just have a great Coach for appearance sake. If the kids want Coach Burke, and they are willing to jump on board to play for him----then, haven't we already passed a major hurdle that we have faced the past few years?  


Burke has discipline.  Just because he gets along with the kids and has fun doesn't mean he has no discipline.  Why do you think they enjoy him and want to work for him ??  You don't have to be a jerk to have a successful football team.  Burke is a people person.  Very good personality.  But don't think he won't make you do 200 yards of bellyflops for disrespect.  To be respected - you have to give respect.  These kids want someone who cares just as much about them and the Beat program as they do. These internet guru's probably never played a down of football but make heck of a Saturday morning quarterback criticizing everyone who is actually in the trenches.  


Sorry sixman, using the words easiest road and undisciplined can never be used with Coach Burke or the MMS program. There has been every excuse known to man used to discredit the MMS football records. The truth is no one works harder,coaches in more detail,or instills more of a positive winning spirit in our kids than MMS, add supportive parents to that list and you get great results. Like I've said your opinion is your right to have, but mine is kids none of our players at MMS ever wanted the easy road, they wanted to win.

LB the easiest road and undisciplined was not directed toward MMS kids, just kids in general.  I still want to see what teams were played during these seasons.  I have heard rumors and would like them cleared up.  So to clear the air can someone put the year, the teams they played and the score?   Is this an unfair question?


According to a Coach that is on this list and will apply for the job it has not even been posted as of Friday, see the sense of urgency, I also know that when the bears hired Coach Moody there was a certain applicant that wanted the job at LCM very badly, he pulled his name because they were taking so long.....it's ashame because he took a local 5A job and is doing an outstanding job, and before you ask how I know this I talked to this certain coach on numerous occasions before this happened.

Now let's get back to who we would like: I have heard Rankin,Bolton,Burke,Crouch,Alverez so list in order your pick as to who would be the best.


I just know that last go around we hired the "experienced" coach and all the kids pretty much dropped out of football once they hit high school.  I will take a motivator over that any day.



According to a Coach that is on this list and will apply for the job it has not even been posted as of Friday, see the sense of urgency, I also know that when the bears hired Coach Moody there was a certain applicant that wanted the job at LCM very badly, he pulled his name because they were taking so long.....it's ashame because he took a local 5A job and is doing an outstanding job, and before you ask how I know this I talked to this certain coach on numerous occasions before this happened.

Now let's get back to who we would like: I have heard Rankin,Bolton,Burke,Crouch,Alverez so list in order your pick as to who would be the best.

Guest tigersvoice

Burke has discipline.  Just because he gets along with the kids and has fun doesn't mean he has no discipline.  Why do you think they enjoy him and want to work for him ??  You don't have to be a jerk to have a successful football team.  Burke is a people person.  Very good personality.  But don't think he won't make you do 200 yards of bellyflops for disrespect.  To be respected - you have to give respect.  These kids want someone who cares just as much about them and the Beat program as they do. These internet guru's probably never played a down of football but make heck of a Saturday morning quarterback criticizing everyone who is actually in the trenches.  

I do not know Coach Burke personally, so this is not a put down of him.  I would ask the question that if Coach Burke has stayed at the Jr. High level this long, then is that his comfort level?  There are many great PEOPLE across our nation that are involved in coaching.  That's on the beginning level, the intermediate level, the upper level and the ultimate level.  Not all aspire to win a highschool state championship nor are they posturing to win a NCAA National Championship.  Thank God for the many Coach/Educators that get their rewards from seeing boys that they taught and helped turn into good football players at the higher levels and what is more important, continue to be good students and citizens throughout their lives.  How many Coach Lombardi's, Coach Landry's, or Coach Walsh's are there out there compared to the Coaches that want to go home to their families at night. 


Good point Tigersvoice!!  From what I understand, he has been at the Middle school so long because he enjoyed it but is wanting more now.  He did have chance with Moody but choose to stay down due to the mess going on at high school.  Can't say I blame him.  They were changing coaches faster than some change their unders!!!! :)  I think he has been waiting for the right time to go up and make a difference. 


Fair question, We have just taken so much stuff about this I get on edge about it. Some years the schedule was better than some.My last year was 2006,we played a great schedule, went undefeated and allowed 6 points.Believe me these kids are excellent and we have had great coaches many who are now varsity coaches around the state. Some players who have gone through mms are Hunter Gonzales, Preston Armstrong,Zach Sonnier,Zach Blanchard all who started as soph and freshman this season on the varsity. Through the years there have been players like Billy Ford Ty Ford, Josh Rankin,Buster Ascol, Beau Hale Jake Rowell ,Jonathan and Alan Friend all college players,Jake and Beau in baseball but they played football at mms. This is just off the top of my head, I know I am forgetting some,and there are to many varsity starters to mention,and don't forget  this is coming from a very small school.Sorry to come off the way I did ,but when a staff and players work as hard as we did and put as much in it as the parents did, when people discredit it well that can work on you. I have been a player and a coach and have studied the game all my life because I love it, Coach Burke, his staff, and players are legit and didn't back into anything.


The boy's and girl's athletes already have a petition going around to have Coach Burke from Mauriceville get the job.  They also have a group that wants to go before the board and ask for Burke personally.  The kids obviously have a lot a faith and trust in this guy to go to such measures.  Who to say this guy can't get the job done.  Just because some think they need a high profile coach to come in doesn't necessarily mean they have the kids best interest in mind.  The kids know who they want to play for and who can get the job done.  It appears that Burke is their #1 choice.  Why can't the kids have a say in the matter?

The kids don't know what the other options are so how would they know who they want to play for????????


LOL!!!!!!  This has gone from crazy to rediculous to idiotic.  I can tell you from experience there is only one way to get kids out for a sport and keep them out.....W   I   N.......Yes, they may all come out at first bcause they get what they want.....but when it comes down to it, if the team is not winning, they will not stay out......everybody wants to be a part of a winner.....I have heard hire this guy because there is a petition and put these business guys on the selection committee because they know what's up.....Am I the only one that thinks they should create a committee with people that have direct affects by this hire......There will be applicants (not me) that will meet everything you are asking for and have great credentials......What do you do MMS panther fan?   What if a position that is in direct correlation to your's came open and they hired someone that the only experience they had was an internship.....Or, for whoever wanted those business men on a committee, your new boss was hired by someone that had no clue about your business or how to run it......I am an LC-M graduate and I want to see them return to a respectable program.....

And I have never seen a petition work when it comes time to hire.....In fact, it tends to hurt the applicant


bellsion1 -- I am too a graduate from LCM.  I love my Bears & Panthers!!!  I see exactly what your saying.  But I also have stated before -- we got the "qualified" guy who you stated was not a fit for LCM.  Could not agree with you more on that!!!!!  But my point is -- Burke is a good fit for MMS.  Why not give it a shot??  I am telling you -- it is a hornets nest at the high school because of Moody.  I agree when I think it was you -- said we need a house cleaning up there.  I see what your saying about hiring a intern -- I would not like it one bit but I also have been surprised at some people I have doubted in their abilities!!  I think this could be the case. 


I am not saying to hire Burke or not to.  Whenever you hire you are taking a chance that it will not work out.  You improve your chances of it working out though if you have parameters that fit your district and know they have been through the fire. 

I can tell you that if Burke comes with Larry B's seal of approval, that would be enough for me to hire him as a top assistant.  However, not having faced some of the things he would have to face not only as a HC but also as an AD, he would be difficult to hire in that position.  I know you support athletics and want the best for the kids.  But "we" have to trust in our decision makers to do the right thing.  Hopefully they will.  Even when Coach Moody was hired, I am sure it wasn't done with the idea he would fail. 


I too know LB very well and agree with him!!! He knows his football!!!! :) We will see how this plays out.  I think the idea about the businessmen committee was looney!!! :)  I hope our district will look at all candidates and do what they feel is a right fit and who will work hard for our BEARS!!!!!!!!  Pick someone who will stay for the long haul, knowing that coming in will be an uphill battle because of the challenges left by Moody.

I know Burke too - I think he could do the AD job..... got faith ellison!!! :) 


If I remember correctly the majority of the community wanted David Williams to leave.  Then the community gets a guy they wanted or who they thought they wanted in Moody.  Now the community was screaming for Moody's head and he is gone.  Whoever is hired will be judged and ridiculed by the community, for not living up to expectations.  Somebody's baby will not be playing enough and it will be the coaches fault.  Somebody's baby will be a turd and it will be the coaches fault.  The new coach will dismiss someone from the team and it will be the coaches fault. Unless the community and school agree to hire a coach who will get great coaches to come to LCM and to establish discipline and accountabliity LCM will not be successful.  The numbers and wins will come when things are being done right at the High school and Jr. High Level.


I think that discipline and work ethic philosophy are important criteria points for the new hire.  If the lone criteria is experience, then we may miss the whole boat on this one.  The interview process should include all the points in order to find the person able to motivate the team and to win not just compete.  Sure kids will play for a winner, but you gotta have the kids first to become a winner.  It will be hard for an outsider to come in and rally the troops.  Though a petition seems naive, at least we have an interest  in the program from the kids again.  That's something.....

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