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The search is on for new PN-G head coach...Interviews Start In Jan./Feb. 9 Hire

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Guest rykerx144

few things the article left out.masters is required and the hire date set is feb 9th.

Requiring masters is a good thing, that should eliminate a bunch there.

Requiring a masters is stupid and ignorant.  Are you telling me that if there was a coach/AD without a masters that did a great job at another school as a coach/AD  and would be the best fit to come in and get PNG back on track that you think it's a good thing you don't hire him because he doesn't have a masters?  Get off your high horse.  That's ridiculous!

I'm fed up with this kind of talk.  Look, a school district has a right, as a representative of the people, to set requirements as they deem important to them at the time.  Does a masters make them a better coach?  Of course not.  But I bet a WHOLE BUNCH  of you folks are union members, that perform a craft.  Does being a union member make you a better craftsman?...NO it doesn't, regardless of what the union tells you.  What that means is that you bought a book, and now you can operate under the union label.  I know many very skilled craftsmen, including myself, who have turned down offers to join the union, but they aren't less of a craftsman because of it either.  With that being said, there are still companies that will ONLY HIRE UNION CRAFSTMEN...PERIOD.  Why?  Because it's part of their requirements...PERIOD.  So all you guys that are trying to portrait that PNG thinks they are holier than thou, just don't get it.  It's not because they think they are better than anyone else,  it's just a simple requirement.  If you folks can't get past that, I feel sorry for ya.  If ya'll were inteligent enought to understand all of this, you might be on a school board yourself...but you're not!

Didnt buy my book, earned my book through a five year apprenticeship program.

Your analogy makes no sense. Companies who hire Union craftsmen are under contracts that state they will hire union craftsmen and the union will supply those craftsmen to do the work.

PNG is writing the contract for this position and can put whatever kind of language and hiring stipulations they want in that contract.

Having a masters is like saying you are going to make all intelligent post on this board just because you are a moderator. You already proved that wrong.

one point taken away from PNG pround and two points awarded to roughrider...lol

LOL its funny how some of you have taken exception to your job being talked about yet have no problem talking about the qualifications of people who work in a field that you know nothing about.

I guess if I changed my screen name to "Vince Lombardi" then I would be an expert to talk about the subject bearbryant.

No maybe if you were a current or former high school football coach. 

Well Bear, I hope you get the PNG job. You got your masters?

3 hrs away from it .   I wasn't slamming you guys, just having a little laugh. 

you have no ideal how much any of us know about coaching? That was a very unintelligent remark for someone with a Masters!   Which proves my point, obviously having a masters doesnt make you any better at making an intelligent post any more than it would help them be a better coach

That is why you cant put to much stock into what you read on a public on a message board. It could be anybody saying anything. It could be the town drunk, or a twelve year old kid. With out a persons name attached , you can not check to see if that person has any creditability. We know Coop has creditability because we know who he is.News paper guys have creditability because there names go with there article. No offense to anybody. heck my name not on here so I do not have credibility. But I do not critique or bash anybody. I believe if you critique some body you should put your name so we can see if you know what your talking about. Stepping off of soap box

I have no problem telling anyone who I am!  My name is Aaron Tippett I just moved to Groves about 6 months ago, I have lived in Kirbyville for several years.  I worked for the Jasper County Sheriffs Office for almost 14 years as a deputy then an investigator, after leaving there I worked at the kirbyville school district for several years as their school police officer.  I have been a fan of high school football my whole life and loved the job in Kirbyville because I pretty much worked out of the coach's office.  You can ask anyone in Kirbyville I was at most practices and just about every sporting event Kirbyville had whether it be baseball, softball, track, volleyball or tennis.  Most of the kids at Kirbyville called me Coach instead of Officer.  So have I ever been a coach?  NO but I think i know a little bit about what a coach does and what it takes to make a good coach? 

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My screenname is pretty close to my real name and obvious to anybody locally that coaches.

Aaron Meaux. It is even on my email address. I've been coaching High School football for about 13 years and I love to get on this website and listen to all of the info. It makes my day. ;)

I do believe it would make it alot nicer if everyone would have to step out from behind the curtain and say their name. That would kind of make it alot easier to know if you are arguing with a kid or a drunkin' "AL BUNDY"  :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D ;D :D ;D :D ;D

"Christmas is not the time for regrets. That's what anniversaries are for." Al Bundy

Guest rykerx144

I do believe it would make it alot nicer if everyone would have to step out from behind the curtain and say their name. That would kind of make it alot easier to know if you are arguing with a kid or a drunkin' "AL BUNDY"  :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D ;D :D ;D :D ;D

"Christmas is not the time for regrets. That's what anniversaries are for." Al Bundy

I agree ceauxch

LoL  love the quote!  Bundy is a hero of mine......i have three idols that i try to live my life by:  al bundy, joe dirte, and archie bunker!!!!!

Guest rykerx144

I can tell by some of the previous post that ceauxch is the real deal!!  If my memory serves me right I have not agreed with all his post but I know he knows what hes talking about!!! LOL  but thats what this forum is about, if we all just agreed all the time this would be boring, Im very impressed with the amount of adults on here that you can actuallly have a conversation with without having to deal with the 12 year old kids. 


few things the article left out.masters is required and the hire date set is feb 9th.

Requiring masters is a good thing, that should eliminate a bunch there.

Requiring a masters is stupid and ignorant.  Are you telling me that if there was a coach/AD without a masters that did a great job at another school as a coach/AD  and would be the best fit to come in and get PNG back on track that you think it's a good thing you don't hire him because he doesn't have a masters?  Get off your high horse.  That's ridiculous!

I'm fed up with this kind of talk.  Look, a school district has a right, as a representative of the people, to set requirements as they deem important to them at the time.  Does a masters make them a better coach?  Of course not.  But I bet a WHOLE BUNCH  of you folks are union members, that perform a craft.  Does being a union member make you a better craftsman?...NO it doesn't, regardless of what the union tells you.  What that means is that you bought a book, and now you can operate under the union label.  I know many very skilled craftsmen, including myself, who have turned down offers to join the union, but they aren't less of a craftsman because of it either.  With that being said, there are still companies that will ONLY HIRE UNION CRAFSTMEN...PERIOD.  Why?  Because it's part of their requirements...PERIOD.  So all you guys that are trying to portrait that PNG thinks they are holier than thou, just don't get it.  It's not because they think they are better than anyone else,  it's just a simple requirement.  If you folks can't get past that, I feel sorry for ya.  If ya'll were inteligent enought to understand all of this, you might be on a school board yourself...but you're not!

Didnt buy my book, earned my book through a five year apprenticeship program.

Your analogy makes no sense. Companies who hire Union craftsmen are under contracts that state they will hire union craftsmen and the union will supply those craftsmen to do the work.

PNG is writing the contract for this position and can put whatever kind of language and hiring stipulations they want in that contract.

Having a masters is like saying you are going to make all inteligent post on this board just because you are a moderator. You already proved that wrong.

Roughrider,  My post may not be as "uninteligent" as you think.  In no way am I condeming or critisizing the union (that's a whole different subject), but back when Central mall was being built and I was installing the flooring in a bunch of the stores, the union steward would come by and inform us that we had to be in the union in oreder to work at this job site.  When I told him there was no union for my craft, he said that I either fell under the jurisdiction of the carpenters, or the painters (he wasn't sure).  When I asked what I had to to join the union, he said I could pay $350 for a book (at the time), and I would be "In the union".  Then I asked him if he was going to "test me" to make sure that I knew what I was doing, and he said "no".  I replied that "in this case, being a union member didn't make me a better craftsman, that all they wanted was my money", and he didn't disagree at all.  I'm sure things are run differently now, but that was I was told back then.

I'm totally aware that most people pay the price for the training, and that union label is well earned, but the point I'm trying to make was that, just like the example of Central Mall,  the "title" didn't make me better,  but it was just one of the rules that people had to play by (incidently, we just started going to work at night, and the stewart never saw us again).  And, like posted earlier, in PNGISD, the AD is an administrative position, and in this case, the masters is required.

Guest Brubaker

Wonder how folks will look at modern unions in 5-10 years after we see the impact of what the UAW did to the Big 3 automakers.  Although in all honesty it's the lack of balls by the leadership of those corporations that has allowed that to happen.  Both my grandfathers were hard working hard nosed union guys, so I have a healthy respect for them, but some don't have a win-win in mind when they make decisions.


Since I don't know you name 1992 what position did you play so I can figure it out?

orangebloods should give you your answer if you look hard enough...I know you'll have time.    ;)


Are you workin right now? I think you were a 2nd baseman on the angles in Groves American.

dont know about the angles....but yes to the ranger butt kicking angels.    ;D


few things the article left out.masters is required and the hire date set is feb 9th.

Requiring masters is a good thing, that should eliminate a bunch there.

Requiring a masters is stupid and ignorant.  Are you telling me that if there was a coach/AD without a masters that did a great job at another school as a coach/AD  and would be the best fit to come in and get PNG back on track that you think it's a good thing you don't hire him because he doesn't have a masters?  Get off your high horse.  That's ridiculous!

I'm fed up with this kind of talk.  Look, a school district has a right, as a representative of the people, to set requirements as they deem important to them at the time.  Does a masters make them a better coach?  Of course not.  But I bet a WHOLE BUNCH  of you folks are union members, that perform a craft.  Does being a union member make you a better craftsman?...NO it doesn't, regardless of what the union tells you.  What that means is that you bought a book, and now you can operate under the union label.  I know many very skilled craftsmen, including myself, who have turned down offers to join the union, but they aren't less of a craftsman because of it either.  With that being said, there are still companies that will ONLY HIRE UNION CRAFSTMEN...PERIOD.  Why?  Because it's part of their requirements...PERIOD.  So all you guys that are trying to portrait that PNG thinks they are holier than thou, just don't get it.  It's not because they think they are better than anyone else,  it's just a simple requirement.  If you folks can't get past that, I feel sorry for ya.  If ya'll were inteligent enought to understand all of this, you might be on a school board yourself...but you're not!

Didnt buy my book, earned my book through a five year apprenticeship program.

Your analogy makes no sense. Companies who hire Union craftsmen are under contracts that state they will hire union craftsmen and the union will supply those craftsmen to do the work.

PNG is writing the contract for this position and can put whatever kind of language and hiring stipulations they want in that contract.

Having a masters is like saying you are going to make all intelligent post on this board just because you are a moderator. You already proved that wrong.

one point taken away from PNG pround and two points awarded to roughrider...lol

LOL its funny how some of you have taken exception to your job being talked about yet have no problem talking about the qualifications of people who work in a field that you know nothing about.

I guess if I changed my screen name to "Vince Lombardi" then I would be an expert to talk about the subject bearbryant.

No maybe if you were a current or former high school football coach. 

Well Bear, I hope you get the PNG job. You got your masters?

3 hrs away from it .   I wasn't slamming you guys, just having a little laugh. 

you have no ideal how much any of us know about coaching? That was a very unintelligent remark for someone with a Masters!   Which proves my point, obviously having a masters doesnt make you any better at making an intelligent post any more than it would help them be a better coach

That is why you cant put to much stock into what you read on a public on a message board. It could be anybody saying anything. It could be the town drunk, or a twelve year old kid. With out a persons name attached , you can not check to see if that person has any creditability. We know Coop has creditability because we know who he is.News paper guys have creditability because there names go with there article. No offense to anybody. heck my name not on here so I do not have credibility. But I do not critique or bash anybody. I believe if you critique some body you should put your name so we can see if you know what your talking about. Stepping off of soap box

I have no problem telling anyone who I am!  My name is Aaron Tippett I just moved to Groves about 6 months ago, I have lived in Kirbyville for several years.  I worked for the Jasper County Sheriffs Office for almost 14 years as a deputy then an investigator, after leaving there I worked at the kirbyville school district for several years as their school police officer.  I have been a fan of high school football my whole life and loved the job in Kirbyville because I pretty much worked out of the coach's office.  You can ask anyone in Kirbyville I was at most practices and just about every sporting event Kirbyville had whether it be baseball, softball, track, volleyball or tennis.  Most of the kids at Kirbyville called me Coach instead of Officer.  So have I ever been a coach?  NO but I think i know a little bit about what a coach does and what it takes to make a good coach? 

I watch Walker Texas Ranger sometimes, and I have a neighbor who is a cop so I believe I know about the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guest rykerx144

Im not even going to respond to that ignorance????

Has anyone confirmed that Calallen's Phil Danaher has applied and will be presented to the hiring commitee???

He does have masters, this could be their sleeping duck!!!!




I've had Phil Danaher in the back of my mind as a possible choice.  But I am curious what his age is.  Does anyone know?


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