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Another Smart Move (Yea) By The WOS School Board

Guest wos grad

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Guest stircrazy

Since WOS is in the playoffs EVERY YEAR wouldn't the extra money they make off of FB games pay for the bus trips. I think the 35,000 figure is a little high . However if the board will not reconsider then Coach Hooks will find a way for something to be done for ALL the athletes at WOS not just the FB players. I am sure that the coaches ,parents and players will come up with a solution that will keep these kids in school . I for one pay taxes every year to WOSISD and have never had a kid at the school. I get no vote for board postions because I do not live in the district yet my school taxes are close to 4000.00 per year. I pick my kids up from there activities which can be bad for me at times but I still do it. I know some of the kids at WOS will have to carpool with friends to get home but this will only make them a stronger team . I also know that both gas and diesel are both cheaper right now so maybe they reconsider or find a way to fix this problem created by the politics at WOS. Good luck Coaches.

Why do you pay school taxes but dont get to vote for school board?

We have a business in the district and you do not get to vote if you don't live there. Also same for city council,mayor and things like that. We live outside of the city boundaries.

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I wonder, does WOS provide rides to and from school to it's athletes during two-a-days that usually start before the school year?

I have a suggestion to take care of the whole situation, make all students NOT involved in extra-curricular activities stay until those who are get finished then send them all home together. The school could provide them with a massive tutor/homework program and maybe then the grades in the school would become top notch, how about that?

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  What will happen and the school board knows this is that Coach Hooks and his assistants will now be forced to run a taxi service at a personal cost to the coaches and their families. Because these coaches(as most coaches are) are so committed to the kids they serve and their programs they will do this and not complain. The coaches now will get home to their families 1-1.5 hours later than usual. They will do this because they know its in the best intrest of their program and the KIDS.

  At least its good to know someone puts the kids first.

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Apples and Oranges....

Silsbee: Economically Disadvantaged- 43%

          At Risk- 41%

          African American- 18%

          White- 77%

East Chambers: Economically Disadvantaged - 47%

                     At Risk - 45%

                     African American - 10.7%

                     White - 65%

WO-S: Economically Disadvantaged - 78%  

         At Risk - 59%

         African American - 65%

         White - 27%

You cannot compare these districts. The bus service is something that has been provided of decades, not just to sports but to other extra-curricular activities as well.

I am not disputing these numbers. But I would like to know where you got them for my own benefit. Thanks

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Your missing the point. Yes there MAY be a handful of VARSITY players with a car, but not enough to get their teammates home. What about the Freshman and JV who cannot even drive. And the whole reason the transportation is provided is because the parents, or any most cases parent is not there to pick their child up. Once again don't punish the kid for the mistakes of the adult.

Either way it goes, the school has to save money somehow.  Financially, the school may be inept, but that still does not change anything.  Money has to be appropriated accordingly so these students can have a school to go to.  The last thing you want is for the school to start cutting the salaries of the teachers/coaches/faculty in general because they may not have quality personnel to assist these kids in being successful.  A situation like this requires an evaluation of the whole picture.

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Those numbers came from aeisitonline, TEA and Silsbee's district webpage. They are from the 2007 school year as 2008's has not been released. Your can search any district's demographics through TEA if you know where to look.

I believe the most glaring number is almost 80% of the kids in WOCCISD are economically disadvantaged. It is a unique situation that most schools and towns do not have to deal with.

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I agree with what your saying. The financial future of the school must be a top priority. But do you understand that if just 3 or 4 students leave because of this, then the district is losing more money than the amount they are spending on transportation.

Why would any student leave because of transportation, according to this thread Newton would be the only other choice for a ride. 

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Districts that have worse conditions/situations manage to persevere through these adverse conditions.  West Orange-Stark has tradition on its side.  As opposed to schools that do not perform well athletically, these kids want to go out and play football successfully because the expectations of classmates, parents, and even themselves.  They will manage to overcome this "bump in the road" and continue to have a successful football program.  Also, most coaches have to shuttle kids home after practice and games because a shuttle service is not in place in most districts.  I realize that the amount the board says it cost them seems a little steep, they have to still cut unnecessary costs.

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Name me a district with these same conditions and I will check the numbers. And no, most coaches do not shuttle kids home. It is a major liability to their livelihood (accusations, lawsuits, etc). I realize some coaches do it, but to say that most do is reaching. I guess if you are not from within the situation, you cannot grasp how bad it really is.

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This situation exists everywhere.  There are countless Title I schools that face these same issues from varying school sizes.  The economy is in the tank so quit feeling sorry for yourself because fear the WO-S football program declining.  It will be fine; this is a societal issue that has reared its ugly head and needs to work itself out.  Also, coaches do a lot more behind the scenes work, other than shuttle players, to make a program successful, and they will do what it takes to continue to make that program successful in an ethical manner.  The last time I checked, there are areas much worse than Orange, TX.  They are a good program with good leadership and will overcome this adversity.  If they cannot, then they are using this situation as an excuse, and they do not care about keeping it up.

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Guest Silsbee88


Those numbers came from aeisitonline, TEA and Silsbee's district webpage. They are from the 2007 school year as 2008's has not been released. Your can search any district's demographics through TEA if you know where to look.

I believe the most glaring number is almost 80% of the kids in WOCCISD are economically disadvantaged. It is a unique situation that most schools and towns do not have to deal with.

One thing that you might want to know is that the economically disadvantaged number is Silsbee is higher that advertised as well in other districts I'm sure.  The number of economically disadvantaged in the WOS is probably pretty accurate.  The way this number is derived is by the number of students that take advantage of free and reduced lunches.  At WOS there is no distinction between a free and reduced and a full fare paying student.  At Silsbee there are several lines in which to purchase lunch and the free and reduced in limited, thereby creating a stigma for some students.  These students will go without before being designated free and reduced.  Now the Silsbee administration is currently seeking a plan to allow the free and reduced students to freely choose what line they purchase out of which will not create such stigma.  The problem is with the state monitoring what they can and cannot have.  

Along the lines of cutting transportation cost for after school extra curricular activities, I have to agree that the school districts sole purpose is to educate kids!  But, I also know that if it were not for athletics some students would get involved in the wrong things after school.....and YES, athletics is the driving force for some students to succeed in school (LIKE IT OR NOT)! This is not taught by their teachers and coaches nor is it dealt down by the administration of school districts..... It is a fact of life.  This comes from years of repression and single parent families trying to make it.  Some of these students do not see the long-term effects of no or little education and simply feel that they cannot make it (unless they can be a STAR ATHLETE).....  I am making no excuses, just stating what you will learn if you talk to these students and really get behind their thoughts.  

Now, the state has been changing school districts financial accountability, and one of the changes has been that 65% of the money that is spent in the district must to directly to the classroom to educate kids.  That gives the district only 35% to spend of transportation, athletics, maintenance etc.  The district has no choice but to cuts cost outside the classroom where they can.  I agree that the district needs to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers, but we have to do what is right for student body as a whole.  I do know that there are several students in Silsbee that have to get a ride with friends, relatives and I do know that we have coaches that take students home from time to time.  The way I see it this decision should be made by the number of students that take advantage of the service and the number that would otherwise not participate!

One thing to BucFan, apparently you are not economically disadvantaged nor do you understand the stressors in these family's lives.  When times are tough for the middle and upper income class, they are far more stressful for the lower income families.  I only mention this b/c you made mention that your kids are involved in academic extra curricular and at no time have you expected transportation for these events.  Both of my kids participate in both athletic and academic events and I do not expect transportation either, but I do know that there are several VERY BRIGHT students in our district that would help our academic UIL teams, but they cannot participate because they have no means of transportation unless they catch the bus!!!!!  So please know that not everyone is as fortunate as you or I!

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Those numbers came from aeisitonline, TEA and Silsbee's district webpage. They are from the 2007 school year as 2008's has not been released. Your can search any district's demographics through TEA if you know where to look.

I believe the most glaring number is almost 80% of the kids in WOCCISD are economically disadvantaged. It is a unique situation that most schools and towns do not have to deal with.

One thing that you might want to know is that the economically disadvantaged number is Silsbee is higher that advertised as well in other districts I'm sure.  The number of economically disadvantaged in the WOS is probably pretty accurate.  The way this number is derived is by the number of students that take advantage of free and reduced lunches.  At WOS there is no distinction between a free and reduced and a full fare paying student.  At Silsbee there are several lines in which to purchase lunch and the free and reduced in limited, thereby creating a stigma for some students.  These students will go without before being designated free and reduced.  Now the Silsbee administration is currently seeking a plan to allow the free and reduced students to freely choose what line they purchase out of which will not create such stigma.  The problem is with the state monitoring what they can and cannot have.  

Along the lines of cutting transportation cost for after school extra curricular activities, I have to agree that the school districts sole purpose is to educate kids!  But, I also know that if it were not for athletics some students would get involved in the wrong things after school.....and YES, athletics is the driving force for some students to succeed in school (LIKE IT OR NOT)! This is not taught by their teachers and coaches nor is it dealt down by the administration of school districts..... It is a fact of life.  This comes from years of repression and single parent families trying to make it.  Some of these students do not see the long-term effects of no or little education and simply feel that they cannot make it (unless they can be a STAR ATHLETE).....  I am making no excuses, just stating what you will learn if you talk to these students and really get behind their thoughts.  

Now, the state has been changing school districts financial accountability, and one of the changes has been that 65% of the money that is spent in the district must to directly to the classroom to educate kids.  That gives the district only 35% to spend of transportation, athletics, maintenance etc.  The district has no choice but to cuts cost outside the classroom where they can.  I agree that the district needs to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers, but we have to do what is right for student body as a whole.  I do know that there are several students in Silsbee that have to get a ride with friends, relatives and I do know that we have coaches that take students home from time to time.  The way I see it this decision should be made by the number of students that take advantage of the service and the number that would otherwise not participate!

One thing to BucFan, apparently you are not economically disadvantaged nor do you understand the stressors in these family's lives.  When times are tough for the middle and upper income class, they are far more stressful for the lower income families.  I only mention this b/c you made mention that your kids are involved in academic extra curricular and at no time have you expected transportation for these events.  Both of my kids participate in both athletic and academic events and I do not expect transportation either, but I do know that there are several VERY BRIGHT students in our district that would help our academic UIL teams, but they cannot participate because they have no means of transportation unless they catch the bus!!!!!  So please know that not everyone is as fortunate as you or I!

Awesome post, Silsbee88. Coming from you, I know the truth has been spoken. Thank you for your post.

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One thing that I have not seen mentioned in all of this is the parents.  I know, I know, you're going to tell me that they are busy working...but I will counter that this is an assumed statement.  Why?  I have coached in the Pop Warner system before, and I can tell you that there was a large percentage that would drop their kids off, and then expect someone else to give their kids a ride home.  They weren't at work, they EXPECTED the service.  However, what bugged the hell out of me was that they wouldn't attend their kids games.  Too many times I have seen the look on a kids face as they look at the sidelines or the stands looking for a familair face, and they weren't there.  Now some of my parents who were always there for your kids, at practices and at games...THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!...You guys probably pick up your kids after practices anyway, and have supported them throughout...No, this is about parents who have barely cared throughout their kids playing days.  This is about the parents who will have a kid who WILL get into trouble because they (the parents) don't care...how about accountability?  Why hold everyone else accountable for the laziness of a few?...

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One thing that I have not seen mentioned in all of this is the parents.  I know, I know, you're going to tell me that they are busy working...but I will counter that this is an assumed statement.  Why?  I have coached in the Pop Warner system before, and I can tell you that there was a large percentage that would drop their kids off, and then expect someone else to give their kids a ride home.  They weren't at work, they EXPECTED the service.  However, what bugged the heck out of me was that they wouldn't attend their kids games.  Too many times I have seen the look on a kids face as they look at the sidelines or the stands looking for a familair face, and they weren't there.  Now some of my parents who were always there for your kids, at practices and at games...THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!...You guys probably pick up your kids after practices anyway, and have supported them throughout...No, this is about parents who have barely cared throughout their kids playing days.  This is about the parents who will have a kid who WILL get into trouble because they (the parents) don't care...how about accountability?  Why hold everyone else accountable for the laziness of a few?...

I don't know how much accuracy this statement has but for arguments sake lets say the parents are lazy and just don't pick up the kids. Do we punish the kid for that? Not if I get a vote. I can't tell you how many kids I have taken home. Get there and their parents are home. Does that mean I stop taking them home? Of course not. Don't lose focus on the fact that this is not the kids fault.

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Hardin, Anahuac, Coldspring, Cleveland...just to name a few.  These schools have a high amount of economically disadvantaged students from various races/ethnicities.

Hardin: Econ. Disadvantaged - 50%

          At Risk - 37%

          AA -  3 %

          white - 88%

Anahuac: Econ. Disadvantaged - 50%

              At Risk - 45%

              AA - 20%

              white - 54%

Coldspring: Econ Dis. - 59%

                At Risk - 47%

                AA - 24%

                white - 70%

Cleveland: Econ. Dis. - 69%

              At Risk - 54%

              AA-  14%

              white - 51 %

Nice try, but still no where near 80% economically disadvantaged. The demographics in these districts are not even close to the ones already listed for WO-S.

Like I said, it's hard to comprehend the situation from the outside.

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I would like to say that football is not put above everything else. With that being said it is very important and keeps alot of kids in school and actually provides them with an education.

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree that "football provides them an education". Colleges graduate maybe 50% of the football players, and also take into account many of the athletes take the simplest classes available. Students should attend school to get an education, "athletics" should not be the motivating factor to keep kids in school. Some schools simply don't get this. 

You say that athletics should not be the motivating factor to keep kids in school but for many kids IT IS the only factor in keeping them in school.  THAT IS REALITY.

Also, in most schools athletics usually takes up about 3% of the school budget.

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  I agree 100%. The parents need to step up and be responsible. But if they don't and many won't, once again you are punishing the child because the adults mistakes. So sad....

In many cases, that just won't happen.

You all are right...we are punishing the kid for the parent's behavior...but at the same time, are we excusing it?  Before you all think that I was heartless about the kids, I wasn't.  I would take them home, and swallow my tongue, even when I was getting a severe tongue lashing from the wife about the liability issues and the like.  Hey, plain and simple, I wanted the kids to play, have a place to go after school.  However, it burned me to take a kid home, and see the parents just sitting there watching TV, instead of supporting their kid. 

Tell you the truth, I hope the buses keep running...but, what also needs to happen is maybe a $3.00 a week "extracharricular bus fee" chargable to ANY student that is using the service.  Exemptions could be made if a parent can produce a work schedule that prevents them from picking up their child. 

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Guest stircrazy

One thing that may be looked at is the county does have public transportion buses. I do not know if they run at night but it might be that the county could provide the same service (which will not make them happy). I would have thought that the WOS Board would have had the ----- to study this issue and look for alternative ways to fund it before eliminating it without a PUBLIC forum. Kinda CLASSLESS on their part.

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