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Another Smart Move (Yea) By The WOS School Board

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Well we have the board member saying one figure and Hooks saying another.  Which one is right?  Anyway, as for as being different, you might need to explain.  I lived close to one school and far from other.  Both times I had to find my own way home.  

Was not there.  Speaking in general.  Saving $35,000 a year is a good thing.

what year did you play at wo-s

That is what Coach Hooks was saying... It was not even close to 35,000..more like 10,000. And I had to find my way home as well, but the situation is a little more different here.


Well we have the board member saying one figure and Hooks saying another.  Which one is right?  Anyway, as for as being different, you might need to explain.  I lived close to one school and far from other.  Both times I had to find my own way home.  

Was not there.  Speaking in general.  Saving $35,000 a year is a good thing.

what year did you play at wo-s

That is what Coach Hooks was saying... It was not even close to 35,000..more like 10,000. And I had to find my way home as well, but the situation is a little more different here.

I'm not so sure how long ago that was smitty or was it even at night. Times have changed. Things are different. Not to mention I bet you would have appreciated a ride home.


Who said I didn't have a ride?  You're missing the point.  We took care of the situation ourselves.  Again, what's wrong with saving the school district a little money?  Oh, yes, it did get dark then also.

Well we have the board member saying one figure and Hooks saying another.  Which one is right?  Anyway, as for as being different, you might need to explain.  I lived close to one school and far from other.  Both times I had to find my own way home.  

Was not there.  Speaking in general.  Saving $35,000 a year is a good thing.

what year did you play at wo-s

That is what Coach Hooks was saying... It was not even close to 35,000..more like 10,000. And I had to find my way home as well, but the situation is a little more different here.

I'm not so sure how long ago that was smitty or was it even at night. Times have changed. Things are different. Not to mention I bet you would have appreciated a ride home.


i need to ask this. dose girls sports get into this also,are is it all sports at wo-s that get took home SAFE.it would kill me to know that a kid got raped are shot  that had no ride home and you and i know it happens


Its unforunate that these kids don't have a ride.  However, the problems that they face are not unique to that district.  There are kids in that situation every where in every district, including Ned.  The number quoted is not really relevent to the discussion, they bottom line is that the district is attempting to save budget money. The TEA is cracking down on the accountablity of the districts for thier respective budgets, and a certain percentage has to go to the classroom.  If the budget shrinks, those percentages have to be brought in line , and outlays like this will get the axe.  My suggestion is maybe some boosters or a local church, that may already have a small bus donate thier services to these kids to allow them to participate.  The churches already have the liability insurance to cover them. 

Side note:  TD, I understand what you are saying about the sign.  The school must go through a bid process and get a ceritain number of bids.  If that was the lowest or the only bid, that is the one they have to accept.  Some companies will jack up thier bids because they know the school has to take one of them.


Its been going on so long people have come to believe it is their right to have a ride home at all hours when it certainly is not a right, it was something nice they could do and afford at one time but times are not the same. People expect a free ride now days  whether its from fema or anybody else that will give them something. Thats why this country is in the shape its in today.jmo


Wow, most students within the WOS school district reside within a  6-8 mile or less radius, all in the city of Orange, What about Buna, Orangefield, Vidor, LCM, Deweyville and other schools in the immediate area.  They have students that reside as far as 20 to 25 miles away from their perspective schools.  They also have single mothers and fathers that reside in these school districts as well.

What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district.

Are you saying that they go outside there district to provide rides to students


Wow, most students within the WOS school district reside within a  6-8 mile or less radius, all in the city of Orange, What about Buna, Orangefield, Vidor, LCM, Deweyville and other schools in the immediate area.  They have students that reside as far as 20 to 25 miles away from their perspective schools.  They also have single mothers and fathers that reside in these school districts as well.

What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district.

So TD, I'm curious, a student that does not live within WO-S district boundaries can still attend school there?  I'm a grad of WO-S an am considering moving my family back so my son can play football there but really wanted a few acres of land outside the city.


Who said I didn't have a ride?  You're missing the point.  We took care of the situation ourselves.  Again, what's wrong with saving the school district a little money?  Oh, yes, it did get dark then also.

Well we have the board member saying one figure and Hooks saying another.  Which one is right?  Anyway, as for as being different, you might need to explain.  I lived close to one school and far from other.  Both times I had to find my own way home.  

Was not there.  Speaking in general.  Saving $35,000 a year is a good thing.

what year did you play at wo-s

That is what Coach Hooks was saying... It was not even close to 35,000..more like 10,000. And I had to find my way home as well, but the situation is a little more different here.

I'm not so sure how long ago that was smitty or was it even at night. Times have changed. Things are different. Not to mention I bet you would have appreciated a ride home.

from smitty  I had to find myself a way home after practice every time.  What's the problem? 

You said you didn't have a ride, that's who!  In an earlier post you said you had to find a ride home. You aren't keeping up with your own post. There is nothing wrong with saving the school district money. The thing is if they lose 3 kids because of this they are losing money not saving it.


Its unforunate that these kids don't have a ride.  However, the problems that they face are not unique to that district.  There are kids in that situation every where in every district, including Ned.   The number quoted is not really relevent to the discussion, they bottom line is that the district is attempting to save budget money. The TEA is cracking down on the accountablity of the districts for thier respective budgets, and a certain percentage has to go to the classroom.  If the budget shrinks, those percentages have to be brought in line , and outlays like this will get the axe.  My suggestion is maybe some boosters or a local church, that may already have a small bus donate thier services to these kids to allow them to participate.  The churches already have the liability insurance to cover them. 

Side note:  TD, I understand what you are saying about the sign.  The school must go through a bid process and get a ceritain number of bids.  If that was the lowest or the only bid, that is the one they have to accept.  Some companies will jack up thier bids because they know the school has to take one of them.

No bid process. Called one company and left it at that. I'm not a board member and really don't want to be one. However, if I were I would have to put a little more effort in it than that. Just as they didn't know what the real number was on the busing. I think the number is important. They could actually end up losing money rather than saving money if kids drop out.


Its been going on so long people have come to believe it is their right to have a ride home at all hours when it certainly is not a right, it was something nice they could do and afford at one time but times are not the same. People expect a free ride now days  whether its from fema or anybody else that will give them something. Thats why this country is in the shape its in today.jmo

I agree with some of that but it's the parents you are talking about and you would be punishing the kid because of the parents actions.


Wow, most students within the WOS school district reside within a  6-8 mile or less radius, all in the city of Orange, What about Buna, Orangefield, Vidor, LCM, Deweyville and other schools in the immediate area.  They have students that reside as far as 20 to 25 miles away from their perspective schools.  They also have single mothers and fathers that reside in these school districts as well.

What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district.

Are you saying that they go outside there district to provide rides to students

I can't say where the buses run and where they don't run. What I'm telling you is that we have an open campus and not all kids have to live in the school district.


Wow, most students within the WOS school district reside within a  6-8 mile or less radius, all in the city of Orange, What about Buna, Orangefield, Vidor, LCM, Deweyville and other schools in the immediate area.  They have students that reside as far as 20 to 25 miles away from their perspective schools.  They also have single mothers and fathers that reside in these school districts as well.

What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district.

So TD, I'm curious, a student that does not live within WO-S district boundaries can still attend school there?  I'm a grad of WO-S an am considering moving my family back so my son can play football there but really wanted a few acres of land outside the city.

It's an open campus and as I understand it you do not have to live in the school district to go to school at WOS.


is wo-s the only open campus in orange county :o i did not know this

Skipper, I'm not sure about that. I do know that LCM is not an open district.


This really bothers me that we have such an issue that divides.  I can see both sides of the arguement but the issue that I have is the argument that we just assume if a kid can't play sports he or she is going to wind up on the street.  if that is the case then they really are not there for an education and after the playing days are over will wind up there anyway according to that.  I agree that the parents should play a role in getting them home.  I too have given rides only to show up at the house and the parent sitting around drinking a beer and it really ticks me off, so let's just enable that ability by continuing to bankroll it at the school.  If the parent can't be there becasue of work then I am sure that other parents would not mind helping, but if the reason the kid needs a ride is because Dad and Mom just don't want to come get them then get the kid out of that environment.  Let's quit making excuses for the parent and hold them accountable, that's what being a parent is about!


Wow, most students within the WOS school district reside within a  6-8 mile or less radius, all in the city of Orange, What about Buna, Orangefield, Vidor, LCM, Deweyville and other schools in the immediate area.  They have students that reside as far as 20 to 25 miles away from their perspective schools.  They also have single mothers and fathers that reside in these school districts as well.

What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district.

Are you saying that they go outside there district to provide rides to students

I can't say where the buses run and where they don't run. What I'm telling you is that we have an open campus and not all kids have to live in the school district.

Well I can see why the school, dropped the after school bus rides if they were providing rides to students that reside outside the school district.  Even though an open campus, I believe that there tax revenue comes from citizens that reside within there school district.


i can see both sides of this argument. But if a parent chooses to live OUTSIDE of the school district, they should be ready to be hauling their kiddos to school functions. 

Coach Hooks has a heart for these kids and he knows FROM EXPERIENCE that this will  be the only chance some of these kids have to escape a life some of us know nothing about.  We should all have that big of a heart!!  But on the other side of the coin....our society has proven time and again that it's way more beneficial to let someone take care us and our children.  AND that is getting passed on to the next generation. We need to teach our students that anything worth having is worth working hard for.  The student can find a way to school and practice if he or she wants it bad enough.  The question is: How do we teach our students work ethics, not how do get them to and from games.

Now, off my soapbox and onto my vote:  Continue the bus route.....these students and this school is worth it!!!!


Its the parents responsibility, I don't care where you are from.!!!! 

I worked retail all my life and worked a lot of nights. This was ok in a two parent family. When I got divorced, I took a significant pay cut and got a Monday - Friday job. I also got joint custody and my son lives with me 50% of the time. I now bring him to all his practices(plays 3 sports) and pick him up everyday after school. He's also my fishin buddy! With the decrease in my salary, we cant do as much but I'm with him all the time. My house is up for sale so I can buy a smaller one that I can afford.

I bring this up not to be "super dad", but to show that people can do whatever they want if their priorities are right. I'm sure most parents(even single parents like me) could find a way to get their kids to practice, if that's the priority!


Chippy, thank you!  This the answer I've been waiting for.  Until now, nothing has been said about parent responsibility.  People here keep saying that things have changed from the past.  Well let me say this: the responsibility of the parents never change!  Good post!!

Its the parents responsibility, I don't care where you are from.!!!! 

I worked retail all my life and worked a lot of nights. This was ok in a two parent family. When I got divorced, I took a significant pay cut and got a Monday - Friday job. I also got joint custody and my son lives with me 50% of the time. I now bring him to all his practices(plays 3 sports) and pick him up everyday after school. He's also my fishin buddy! With the decrease in my salary, we cant do as much but I'm with him all the time. My house is up for sale so I can buy a smaller one that I can afford.

I bring this up not to be "super dad", but to show that people can do whatever they want if their priorities are right. I'm sure most parents(even single parents like me) could find a way to get their kids to practice, if that's the priority!

Guest Silsbee88

Its the parents responsibility, I don't care where you are from.!!!! 

I worked retail all my life and worked a lot of nights. This was OK in a two parent family. When I got divorced, I took a significant pay cut and got a Monday - Friday job. I also got joint custody and my son lives with me 50% of the time. I now bring him to all his practices(plays 3 sports) and pick him up everyday after school. He's also my fishin buddy! With the decrease in my salary, we cant do as much but I'm with him all the time. My house is up for sale so I can buy a smaller one that I can afford.

I bring this up not to be "super dad", but to show that people can do whatever they want if their priorities are right. I'm sure most parents(even single parents like me) could find a way to get their kids to practice, if that's the priority!

One thing I would like to point out is that alot of "single parent" families are composed of MOTHERS and KIDS,  no all are fortunate enough to still have a DAD involved.  I say this because alot of the single parent families we are discussing are WOMEN and economics tell us that a women considered "uneducated" and I mean without college degrees cannot find these 8-5 M-F jobs and make enough to much less pay the rent.  I say if the parents of the students want to have this service provided, then offer it as a fare.  This way the district will not be expected to cover the cost, which TEA is pushing limits the district can spend outside the classroom, and the parents will not have to worry about their kids getting home safely!  The most important thing we have is the safety of our kids!!!

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