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Another Smart Move (Yea) By The WOS School Board

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What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

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What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

You are so funny. ::) Get off your pedestal.


What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

Based on your post, it appears the "WOS haters" you refer to is anyone who made a comment that did not support the "Taxi Program".

Now, not putting all WOS people in one bucket, it seems someone always brings up how great the football team is and how we (we = anyone else) are secretly trying to do things to sabotage the football program everytime we  disagrees with anything that is not pro WOS football.  (sorry, run on sentence!!) Trust me, most NORMAL people don't sit up at night and plan ways to make sure your "program will fall apart".

The fact is, it was WOS board members that voted down the bus program. It was not people from outside your town.  So, why did you think your own people did this?  Should not this be the question you ask? 

My son plays football for Lumberton peewee.  Lumberton has a reputation for "having money".  We also have a very successful football program. Have you seen the condition of our stadium?  You should see out Little League baseball field.  Our high School scoreboard was not 100% functional all year.  Its all about money.  We live with what we have.

And for your last comment, instead of telling us (WOS haters) to  "just get better and work harder", maybe you guys should get with your parents and "work harder" getting your kids to practice like everyone else does. My son plays 3 sports and it can be a pain in the  ":o" to get him to practice, but he has never missed!!

Lastly, I hope you guys resolve the problem and the buses keep running. If it keeps kids in school I do agree with it. I just hope education is somewhere in your list of priorities.........



I just call it like I see it!

If you are going to pretend that if in Silsbee they had done the same thing for the last thirty years, and all of the sudden without any notice that they were even going to discuss this, much less vote on it in a board meeting, they discontinued the service that the people of Silsbee would not get upset.  Well I have a hard time believing that of any community.


WOS does not even play Lumberton so obviously I was not talking to you.  I did not state that YOU were trying to sabotage the program, I simply stated that (you= all that think it was a great move) thought it was great idea. 

Obviously anything that affects kids in a negative manner is not a good idea, I don't care how much money it will save. 

Little League has nothing to do with School athletics.  But I have seen the Little League Football field and it seems to be growing every year, new lights, stands.  It is a very nice field as I have been there many times.

Little League has nothing to do with School athletics.  But I have seen the Little League Football field and it seems to be growing every year, new lights, stands.  It is a very nice field as I have been there many times.

Your right, little league has nothing to do with school athletics unless you think a little league program will improve the kids skills when they do reach high school.......which I do.  Lumberton has no little league football field...........we use the intermediate school practice field.

I realize WOS does not play Lumberton in high School, but if you read some post in youth football, WOS people use the "jealous" and "hater" card all the time......Seems a lot(not all) seem to think everyone is against them. Anytime you question them they come back with the, "your just mad because we win" card.  That is what caught my attention in your post. I really don't think anyone thinks that stopping a school bus route would destroy a football team. If it did, it says very little about that football team.


What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

Based on your post, it appears the "WOS haters" you refer to is anyone who made a comment that did not support the "Taxi Program".

Now, not putting all WOS people in one bucket, it seems someone always brings up how great the football team is and how we (we = anyone else) are secretly trying to do things to sabotage the football program everytime we  disagrees with anything that is not pro WOS football.  (sorry, run on sentence!!) Trust me, most NORMAL people don't sit up at night and plan ways to make sure your "program will fall apart".

The fact is, it was WOS board members that voted down the bus program. It was not people from outside your town.  So, why did you think your own people did this?  Should not this be the question you ask? 

My son plays football for Lumberton peewee.  Lumberton has a reputation for "having money".  We also have a very successful football program. Have you seen the condition of our stadium?  You should see out Little League baseball field.  Our high School scoreboard was not 100% functional all year.  Its all about money.  We live with what we have.

And for your last comment, instead of telling us (WOS haters) to  "just get better and work harder", maybe you guys should get with your parents and "work harder" getting your kids to practice like everyone else does. My son plays 3 sports and it can be a pain in the  ":o" to get him to practice, but he has never missed!!

Lastly, I hope you guys resolve the problem and the buses keep running. If it keeps kids in school I do agree with it. I just hope education is somewhere in your list of priorities.........

  Where are all the SETXsports administrators!!!  This post should be deleted at once!!  It makes WAY too much sense!  ;D

  Thanks hippy boy!


What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

This has to be the most idiotic post ever. 


What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

This has to be the most idiotic post ever. 

It definitely is grasping at straws.  If one was astute enough to look into this they'd find it was being discussed for months.  Seems to me the folks over at WOS should be more involved in their school system.  Also by this logic it is being alluded to that the kids and parents at WOS are not dedicated enough to be part of the program without this transportation. I have yet to hear how many kids this truly involves and benefits.  WOS will be fine.  The kids will still participate.  WOS's numbers are dropping thus monies are going down as well.  Maybe they just need to fire the reading or math tutorial teacher afterall we know what is more important. ::)


As one of the bus drivers that brought the kids home everyday after practice, I can tell you that it involved all but maybe 5 of the freshmen, so that would be about 25 kids, and about 15 to 20 JV and Varsity kids, so about 45 kids is all, considering WOS only has about 50 - 60 kids in the entire program I guess thats not many by some peoples standards.  I can assure you that grades do come before football there, that is why it is mandatory that every player attend tutorials.  Don't go talking about what you don't know.


I'm confused, is this a luxory just for the football team or for ALL of WOS athletics?

Its for all kids,coaches, teachers and anybody else in the area that needs a ride, bottom line parents need to tend to their kids! I bet if they want to go somewhere on the weekend they manage.

I'm confused, is this a luxory just for the football team or for ALL of WOS athletics?

Its for all kids,coaches, teachers and anybody else in the area that needs a ride, bottom line parents need to tend to their kids! I bet if they want to go somewhere on the weekend they manage.

The buses are for all kids.. If they stay after... UIL, athletics, cheerleading, whatever.. they have a ride home. And if the kids want to go somewhere on the weekends.. Most WALK to their destination!


As one of the bus drivers that brought the kids home everyday after practice, I can tell you that it involved all but maybe 5 of the freshmen, so that would be about 25 kids, and about 15 to 20 JV and Varsity kids, so about 45 kids is all, considering WOS only has about 50 - 60 kids in the entire program I guess thats not many by some peoples standards.  I can assure you that grades do come before football there, that is why it is mandatory that every player attend tutorials.  Don't go talking about what you don't know.

So you're going to be losing money here, your stance makes sense now.  And before you start spouting about tutorials read what was written.  I was being sarcastic about getting the impression folks would rather see a teacher cut before a bus ride.


Look everyone's situation is different.  I'll offer this from a purely economic standpoint.

We know a few things about the demographics of WO-CCISD.  This is not a tax-rich district.  I don't know it for fact, but I am betting the district gets state funds to make up a difference on the Guaranteed Yield.  (If I am wrong in this assumption I apologzie, feel free to correct my ignorance.) There are many low-income households populating the school.

We also know that particular demographic (low income) tends to have high drop-out rates.  If the argument that atheltics are the only thing keeping some low-income kids, who would not be able to participate without this service, is true..then it wouldnt take many to lose >$25K in state funding with the enrollment loss (depending on how big the tax income deficit is that could be as low as 2-3 kids) since that is based on enrollment.

Now, granted, much of what I just typed is "what-if".  It is however not an unlikely stretch.  My point here is not to condemn either side of the argument, but to point out the issue may well be more complex than "Cut it and save $25K." Sure you reduce expense, but if doing so you reduce income...well the law of unintended consquences could well make that a decision that will net the district LESS money.

We actually are a tax rich district. We have to give money away (robinhood) every year. The money comes from industry though.

Thank you td for being accurate about the tax base...I was trying to stay out of this since I don't live in the district. 

  One possible solution would be for the community of WO-S to find this issue SO important that they would be willing to vote for a tax hike to fund the buses.  ???

  One of the really bad things about the weak economy and the hurricane damage to the plants is that it won't be long before the plants start asking for tax cuts and lower the value of their property.  That will add up to more tough decisions.

They said at the meeting if they increased our taxes that they thought we would just have to give it away since we already get more than they allow us. So raising our taxes would only help someone else. If what they think is true and things stay the same (and I'm almost certain that they won't as far as the plants go) then they could lower our taxes to help the local economy.


is wo-s the only open campus in orange county :o i did not know this

I don't know if there are any other schools in Orange County, but the reason they are an open campus is because their state testing scores are so low, not a good thing imo.

There are 4 other districts in Orange County!

Ok my mistake, didn't make it clear enough. Thanks for making that clear td, noticed you do like to find errors in peoples posts and point them out. I meant don't know if there are any other schools in Orange county that are also open campuses.

I don't like to find errors in other peoples post and point them out. However if I post something that isn't accurate i, unlike you would appreciate someone pointing out my mistake. Don't take it personal. Do you really want to be making post that are inaccurate? I would hope not. I'm not sure how anyone would be expected to "know" what you meant. All we can do is read your post and interpret it. I for one am not a mind reader. So relax no one is on here or should I say I'm not on here to try to find mistakes in your post. But please feel free to correct any mistakes that I make because I do make them.


What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

Based on your post, it appears the "WOS haters" you refer to is anyone who made a comment that did not support the "Taxi Program".

Now, not putting all WOS people in one bucket, it seems someone always brings up how great the football team is and how we (we = anyone else) are secretly trying to do things to sabotage the football program everytime we  disagrees with anything that is not pro WOS football.  (sorry, run on sentence!!) Trust me, most NORMAL people don't sit up at night and plan ways to make sure your "program will fall apart".

The fact is, it was WOS board members that voted down the bus program. It was not people from outside your town.  So, why did you think your own people did this?  Should not this be the question you ask? 

My son plays football for Lumberton peewee.  Lumberton has a reputation for "having money".  We also have a very successful football program. Have you seen the condition of our stadium?  You should see out Little League baseball field.  Our high School scoreboard was not 100% functional all year.  Its all about money.  We live with what we have.

And for your last comment, instead of telling us (WOS haters) to  "just get better and work harder", maybe you guys should get with your parents and "work harder" getting your kids to practice like everyone else does. My son plays 3 sports and it can be a pain in the  ":o" to get him to practice, but he has never missed!!

Lastly, I hope you guys resolve the problem and the buses keep running. If it keeps kids in school I do agree with it. I just hope education is somewhere in your list of priorities.........

  Where are all the SETXsports administrators!!!  This post should be deleted at once!!  It makes WAY too much sense!   ;D

  Thanks hippy boy!

The first thing I would say is that we were at the school board meeting asking them why they did it. What came of that meeting is that it was done without accurate information. That's according to the board. That is why I am so upset about the decision. If we are in such a financial bind and I believe that we are. I probably have a different view of why we are than most. When some of our administration came back after "IKE" to do their job. Just like the rest of us had to do. Some of us never even left so we could do our job ASAP. The administration went to the board and asked for an additional $275 a day for about 10 people. On top of their normal pay. Now you tell me why would one deserve additional pay. Come do the job you are paid to do, period. Where was the financial crunch then???????? Thank goodness the board had better sense than our administration.


What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

This has to be the most idiotic post ever. 

It definitely is grasping at straws.  If one was astute enough to look into this they'd find it was being discussed for months.  Seems to me the folks over at WOS should be more involved in their school system.  Also by this logic it is being alluded to that the kids and parents at WOS are not dedicated enough to be part of the program without this transportation. I have yet to hear how many kids this truly involves and benefits.  WOS will be fine.  The kids will still participate.   WOS's numbers are dropping thus monies are going down as well.  Maybe they just need to fire the reading or math tutorial teacher afterall we know what is more important. ::)

You have no idea what you are talking about. I can only speak for myself but I promise I do know what's going on. I can tell you that it doesn't affect/effect (I can never get those straight  ;) )my kids at all. If you are going to make statements like you did maybe you should be astute enough to look into the accuracy of your statement because as far as I'm concerned based on this post, you know nothing about WOS or anything going on there. I usually like and agree with your post but you pulled this one out of the air. Maybe someone else was signed on as you  ;D


What not accurate?  This was mentioned early in the season if not before the season. (I don't feel like tracking the post down.)  Folks act like it was some backdoor deal that no one knew about when that obviously wasn't true.  Others act like the program will all but die due to the buses not being used.  And it is to the point you'd think some would rather have staff fired than to have buses run.  This is how it is coming across.  WOS will be fine.  The kids will manage getting to practice.  I probably know more about the internal central office at WOS than you'd imagine. ;)


What not accurate?  This was mentioned early in the season if not before the season. (I don't feel like tracking the post down.)  Folks act like it was some backdoor deal that no one knew about when that obviously wasn't true.  Others act like the program will all but die due to the buses not being used.  And it is to the point you'd think some would rather have staff fired than to have buses run.  This is how it is coming across.   WOS will be fine.  The kids will manage getting to practice.  I probably know more about the internal central office at WOS than you'd imagine. ;)

You may but then again you may not. How can they vote on anything without having the facts straight before they vote on it. I have said we are still staffed like a 4A or 5A school. However, I've never said keep the buses even if you have to let an employee go. Losing the buses will hurt more than just the football program (opinion). Since you know so much about the internal central office and we are in such a financial crisis, how can the administration ask for an additional $275 a day per person for about 10 people when all they did is come to work and do their job? They were already getting paid.


Lets see, $275.00 per day X 5 days = $1375 per week, = $5912.50 per month, = $70,950 per year X 10 people = $709,500 per year.  This of course, is based on a full year, but it does show how $275.00 per day can add up. 

The one common factor is that most WO-S people have an issue with the School Bus program being taken away or do not agree with the way the money is being spent. Talking about it on this forum is doing nothing but maybe relieving a little stress. If it's really that important, do something about it! Show up on a Monday with every kids parent you can find and protest! Get the parents to "picket" out in front of the school. That would get the media out if you could find enough parents. Its called legal protest. You can do it!

OR...................you can just talk about how bad it is and do nothing......

TD..............You have some good post, keep it up!


Lets see, $275.00 per day X 5 days = $1375 per week, = $5912.50 per month, = $70,950 per year X 10 people = $709,500 per year.  This of course, is based on a full year, but it does show how $275.00 per day can add up. 

The one common factor is that most WO-S people have an issue with the School Bus program being taken away or do not agree with the way the money is being spent. Talking about it on this forum is doing nothing but maybe relieving a little stress. If it's really that important, do something about it! Show up on a Monday with every kids parent you can find and protest! Get the parents to "picket" out in front of the school. That would get the media out if you could find enough parents. Its called legal protest. You can do it!

OR...................you can just talk about how bad it is and do nothing......

TD..............You have some good post, keep it up!

As I understand it the $275 for 10 people was for 10 days. That's $27,500 which would have either paid or just about paid for the buses regardless of what figures were used. Fortunately our school board had enough sense to vote this down. It just makes you go hmmmmmmmmm if we need to save money that bad.


Lets see, $275.00 per day X 5 days = $1375 per week, = $5912.50 per month, = $70,950 per year X 10 people = $709,500 per year.  This of course, is based on a full year, but it does show how $275.00 per day can add up. 

The one common factor is that most WO-S people have an issue with the School Bus program being taken away or do not agree with the way the money is being spent. Talking about it on this forum is doing nothing but maybe relieving a little stress. If it's really that important, do something about it! Show up on a Monday with every kids parent you can find and protest! Get the parents to "picket" out in front of the school. That would get the media out if you could find enough parents. Its called legal protest. You can do it!

OR...................you can just talk about how bad it is and do nothing......

TD..............You have some good post, keep it up!

As I understand it the $275 for 10 people was for 10 days. That's $27,500 which would have either paid or just about paid for the buses regardless of what figures were used. Fortunately our school board had enough sense to vote this down. It just makes you go hmmmmmmmmm if we need to save money that bad.

Although, I remain true to my previous post, I think it should be parents responsibility to get their kids to school. If the money is being carelessly spent WO-S should do something about it.  The EXAMINER is always looking for a good article!! 

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