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See Aggie you don't really know, so you just take a guess, an uneducated on at that and put out false information.  The buses are for any after school event.  If the sponsor or coach of the club, sport or what ever it is calls the bus barn and arranges a bus it was provided.  They even run a bus for the kids in after school detention, I might add they are still doing this. 

So aggie before you go guessing as to what is going on please get you facts straight.  Like I said earlier in this post, just because you are from silsbee don't hate on WOS.  I know you are hoping that they will lose some kids and that will give you an edge in the coming years.

But as someone stated in all of your post, you are always negative to WOS. Just quit Hating man, they are just kids.

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See Aggie you don't really know, so you just take a guess, an uneducated on at that and put out false information.  The buses are for any after school event.  If the sponsor or coach of the club, sport or what ever it is calls the bus barn and arranges a bus it was provided.  They even run a bus for the kids in after school detention, I might add they are still doing this. 

So aggie before you go guessing as to what is going on please get you facts straight.  Like I said earlier in this post, just because you are from silsbee don't hate on WOS.  I know you are hoping that they will lose some kids and that will give you an edge in the coming years.

But as someone stated in all of your post, you are always negative to WOS. Just quit Hating man, they are just kids.

It amazes me at how much "HATRED", some of the people who post on this web sight, have for the kids who work their tails off to entertain us on friday night. It makes me sick.

Why do Some WO-S posters think We (we = anyone not WO-S) have an underlying agenda to sabotage the football program? This is WO-S's mess, not anyone Else's. We did not take your buses away.....YOU took your buses away. In all the post that I have read, there is one common factor...........No one wants to punish the kids.  Everyone either SUPPORTS the school boards decision or disagrees. No matter what side we take, it was WO-S that gave us either option.

The SCHOOLBOARD made the decision to take away the buses and obviously supports their own decision.  So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters, maybe you should focus your anger and concern to your own schoolboard? They must be "haters" as well.


See Aggie you don't really know, so you just take a guess, an uneducated on at that and put out false information.  The buses are for any after school event.  If the sponsor or coach of the club, sport or what ever it is calls the bus barn and arranges a bus it was provided.  They even run a bus for the kids in after school detention, I might add they are still doing this. 

So aggie before you go guessing as to what is going on please get you facts straight.  Like I said earlier in this post, just because you are from silsbee don't hate on WOS.  I know you are hoping that they will lose some kids and that will give you an edge in the coming years.

But as someone stated in all of your post, you are always negative to WOS. Just quit Hating man, they are just kids.

If it is for all kids, I am more inclined to keep it. Band, C/X, Drama, all need rides from time to time...



Nowhere in my post will you find the word everybody, I was talking to one person, Aggie.  If you go through all of the topics on here dealing with WOS you will find that he never has anything positive to say about WOS.  As a matter of fact he started a post just to stir up WOS. 

Please don't put words into my post, I did not state that everyone was a hater as you have said.  But your reaction to a post that was not directed to you leaves little doubt as to where you stand.

If it does not concern you ignore it.  It was not directed to you, so what is your problem.

You stated "So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters"

Please tell me where in my post is says that.


You know, I have mixed emotions on this question....$25,000 is almost enough to hire a new 3rd grade teacher or a reading teacher, or a physics teacher...On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with taking a kid home after practice.... Does this transportation also extend to band kids? C/X Debate kids? Kids who stayed late working on an Art Club project? Transportation on Saturday after a kid get in from a UIL Academic meet? Does it carry kids home after they work on a community NHS project?

My guess would be no.

Once again your guess is wrong. Keep stirring though.  ::)


You know, I have mixed emotions on this question....$25,000 is almost enough to hire a new 3rd grade teacher or a reading teacher, or a physics teacher...On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with taking a kid home after practice.... Does this transportation also extend to band kids? C/X Debate kids? Kids who stayed late working on an Art Club project? Transportation on Saturday after a kid get in from a UIL Academic meet? Does it carry kids home after they work on a community NHS project?

My guess would be no.

If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go....

It's not a know. Einstein was just guessing so he can stir the pot.  Aggies shouldn't you be on the basketball forum?

Shouldn't you also speak of what you know instead of just saying things. A wise man once told me if you keep your mouth shut then people will only think you are an idiot but when you open your mouth you remove all doubt!!!!!!! I'm just saying.


See Aggie you don't really know, so you just take a guess, an uneducated on at that and put out false information.  The buses are for any after school event.  If the sponsor or coach of the club, sport or what ever it is calls the bus barn and arranges a bus it was provided.  They even run a bus for the kids in after school detention, I might add they are still doing this. 

So aggie before you go guessing as to what is going on please get you facts straight.  Like I said earlier in this post, just because you are from silsbee don't hate on WOS.  I know you are hoping that they will lose some kids and that will give you an edge in the coming years.

But as someone stated in all of your post, you are always negative to WOS. Just quit Hating man, they are just kids.

It amazes me at how much "HATRED", some of the people who post on this web sight, have for the kids who work their tails off to entertain us on friday night. It makes me sick.

Why do Some WO-S posters think We (we = anyone not WO-S) have an underlying agenda to sabotage the football program? This is WO-S's mess, not anyone Else's. We did not take your buses away.....YOU took your buses away. In all the post that I have read, there is one common factor...........No one wants to punish the kids.  Everyone either SUPPORTS the school boards decision or disagrees. No matter what side we take, it was WO-S that gave us either option.

The SCHOOLBOARD made the decision to take away the buses and obviously supports their own decision.  So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters, maybe you should focus your anger and concern to your own schoolboard? They must be "haters" as well.

I can only speak for myself but I don't think everyone that disagrees with WOS is a hater. I do think that Aggies is a hater. He runs his mouth about something he knows nothing about just to stir the pot. I would expect more out of a moderator much less an Administrator.

I think you have made your points and your opinions and we have agreed on somethings and disagreed on others but it has been civil between the two of us. Aggies just tries to stir the pot.


You know, I have mixed emotions on this question....$25,000 is almost enough to hire a new 3rd grade teacher or a reading teacher, or a physics teacher...On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with taking a kid home after practice.... Does this transportation also extend to band kids? C/X Debate kids? Kids who stayed late working on an Art Club project? Transportation on Saturday after a kid get in from a UIL Academic meet? Does it carry kids home after they work on a community NHS project?

My guess would be no.

If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go....

It's not a know. Einstein was just guessing so he can stir the pot.  Aggies shouldn't you be on the basketball forum?

Shouldn't you also speak of what you know instead of just saying things. A wise man once told me if you keep your mouth shut then people will only think you are an idiot but when you open your mouth you remove all doubt!!!!!!! I'm just saying.

Abraham Lincoln said that...Dang you're old  :D


See Aggie you don't really know, so you just take a guess, an uneducated on at that and put out false information.  The buses are for any after school event.  If the sponsor or coach of the club, sport or what ever it is calls the bus barn and arranges a bus it was provided.  They even run a bus for the kids in after school detention, I might add they are still doing this. 

So aggie before you go guessing as to what is going on please get you facts straight.  Like I said earlier in this post, just because you are from silsbee don't hate on WOS.  I know you are hoping that they will lose some kids and that will give you an edge in the coming years.

But as someone stated in all of your post, you are always negative to WOS. Just quit Hating man, they are just kids.

It amazes me at how much "HATRED", some of the people who post on this web sight, have for the kids who work their tails off to entertain us on friday night. It makes me sick.

Why do Some WO-S posters think We (we = anyone not WO-S) have an underlying agenda to sabotage the football program? This is WO-S's mess, not anyone Else's. We did not take your buses away.....YOU took your buses away. In all the post that I have read, there is one common factor...........No one wants to punish the kids.  Everyone either SUPPORTS the school boards decision or disagrees. No matter what side we take, it was WO-S that gave us either option.

The SCHOOLBOARD made the decision to take away the buses and obviously supports their own decision.  So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters, maybe you should focus your anger and concern to your own schoolboard? They must be "haters" as well.

I can only speak for myself but I don't think everyone that disagrees with WOS is a hater. I do think that Aggies is a hater. He runs his mouth about something he knows nothing about just to stir the pot. I would expect more out of a moderator much less an Administrator.

I think you have made your points and your opinions and we have agreed on somethings and disagreed on others but it has been civil between the two of us. Aggies just tries to stir the pot.


   You are a stand up guy. The post AggiesAreWe made about WO-S posting I think was a joke gone bad. I know we disagree on that. We have agreed and disagreed on somethings, but that's what debate is all about. Keep up your post and your strong opinions!!  You do look at both sides of the fence and I respect that!!   ;)



Nowhere in my post will you find the word everybody, I was talking to one person, Aggie.  If you go through all of the topics on here dealing with WOS you will find that he never has anything positive to say about WOS.  As a matter of fact he started a post just to stir up WOS. 

Please don't put words into my post, I did not state that everyone was a hater as you have said.  But your reaction to a post that was not directed to you leaves little doubt as to where you stand.

If it does not concern you ignore it.  It was not directed to you, so what is your problem.

You stated "So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters"

Please tell me where in my post is says that.

Where do I start.......First, this is a public forum, so if you want to speak to one poster you have two options.....email or private message.  If you choose to post on the PUBLIC forum you open yourself up to replies to your post.

Second......I guess because I have seen "Hater" so many times from WO-S concerning this buss program it kinda sticks in your head. Then I see two post saying the same thing.........I would of apologized BUT see my third comment.

Third......You stated, "But your reaction to a post that was not directed to you leaves little doubt as to where you stand". Where I stand??  Why do you think I'm taking sides?  Is it because I'm a "hater"? I hope not because that might put you in that bucket I was talking about earlier.

Finally.........I stated very clearly in all my post that I hope the program continues. It's for a few reasons. The main is the kids. The second reason is I don't want to hear excuses if you guys loose a game next year  :) :) . 


First, Your right it is a public forum, please just don't put words into my post, you can attack me all you want as long as you stick to what I said. ;D

Second, You can't lump everyone in to one catagory, that is called profiling. ??? ???

Third, I was just guessing as was aggie, did not mean to stir you up. I never said you were a hater. Besides you all ready put me in the bucket in your post regarding this issue. :o :o

Finally, I never said anything about your post, so why are you getting so defensive?  Us losing could happen, but not likely! ;) ;)


First, Your right it is a public forum, please just don't put words into my post, you can attack me all you want as long as you stick to what I said. ;D

Second, You can't lump everyone in to one catagory, that is called profiling. ??? ???

Third, I was just guessing as was aggie, did not mean to stir you up. I never said you were a hater. Besides you all ready put me in the bucket in your post regarding this issue. :o :o

Finally, I never said anything about your post, so why are you getting so defensive?  Us losing could happen, but not likely! ;) ;)

Well, never intended to attack you. Just calling out points as I see them.  I'm not getting defensive, just backing up my post when needed. Profiling is a different subject that I would not dare bring up here.

Honestly, I think there may (and I'm using may VERY conservatively) be a few out there that are haters of WO-S. But at the end of the day,  I think that 99.9% of the community wants to see every school district be successful. Don't let one or two people get ya down. If the buses don't run..........WO-S will figure out a way to be successful.  I have no doubt! It may be tough, but it will all come together.


You know, I have mixed emotions on this question....$25,000 is almost enough to hire a new 3rd grade teacher or a reading teacher, or a physics teacher...On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with taking a kid home after practice.... Does this transportation also extend to band kids? C/X Debate kids? Kids who stayed late working on an Art Club project? Transportation on Saturday after a kid get in from a UIL Academic meet? Does it carry kids home after they work on a community NHS project?

My guess would be no.

If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go....

It's not a know. Einstein was just guessing so he can stir the pot.  Aggies shouldn't you be on the basketball forum?

Shouldn't you also speak of what you know instead of just saying things. A wise man once told me if you keep your mouth shut then people will only think you are an idiot but when you open your mouth you remove all doubt!!!!!!! I'm just saying.

Abraham Lincoln said that...Dang you're old  :D

Not that old yet. But he was assassinated so maybe I shouldn't quote him!  ;D


Does this mean I don't have to look out for those buses on Meeks anymore?  ;D JK

Well I don't have a horse in this race, but I will say if the buses running late will help keep a kid off of the streets and more involved in a positive activity that will serve him well past High School years, they should keep it. It seems like the reason this is even an issue is that the bus operation is contracted. If the school operated their own buses, a coach who is probably already licensed could just take them home. Would it be worth it for the school to operate a small fleet of buses to give them flexibility in operation?


WO-C board will review busing for athletes


January, 19, 2009

A citizens group is expected to appear before the West Orange-Cove school board Tuesday night to ask the district to reinstate after-school busing for middle school and high school athletes.

The board has scheduled a special meeting at 6 p.m. in the administration building, 505 N. 15th St. in Orange.

In addition, the board will discuss making students pass TAKS exams in order to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, band and drama.

Skip Moore has helped organize the West Orange-Stark Athletic Association to try to get the board to reverse its November decision to cut out the special busing. The district has provided bus rides home to many middle school and high school athletes after practices and games beginning in 1977 when Lutcher Stark and West Orange high schools combined, said WO-C Athletic Director Dan Hooks.

The board voted to cut out the busing service to save money and it stopped when the spring semester started in January.

Moore said he and others in the district are concerned for the safety of students having to walk long distances home in the dark.


WO-C board will review busing for athletes


January, 19, 2009

A citizens group is expected to appear before the West Orange-Cove school board Tuesday night to ask the district to reinstate after-school busing for middle school and high school athletes.

The board has scheduled a special meeting at 6 p.m. in the administration building, 505 N. 15th St. in Orange.

In addition, the board will discuss making students pass TAKS exams in order to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, band and drama.

Skip Moore has helped organize the West Orange-Stark Athletic Association to try to get the board to reverse its November decision to cut out the special busing. The district has provided bus rides home to many middle school and high school athletes after practices and games beginning in 1977 when Lutcher Stark and West Orange high schools combined, said WO-C Athletic Director Dan Hooks.

The board voted to cut out the busing service to save money and it stopped when the spring semester started in January.

Moore said he and others in the district are concerned for the safety of students having to walk long distances home in the dark.

Now the passing of TAKS to play a sport????? Some of these kids are beating their brains out to pass math or science as it is now. Some seniors come down to their last chance in April or take the test in the Summer to finally get their diploma. The TAKS is bad enough as it is now. Don't punish a kid because he can't pass the math portion of the TAKS. It is bad enough they can't get a diploma without the TAKS.


WO-C board will review busing for athletes


January, 19, 2009

A citizens group is expected to appear before the West Orange-Cove school board Tuesday night to ask the district to reinstate after-school busing for middle school and high school athletes.

The board has scheduled a special meeting at 6 p.m. in the administration building, 505 N. 15th St. in Orange.

In addition, the board will discuss making students pass TAKS exams in order to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, band and drama.Skip Moore has helped organize the West Orange-Stark Athletic Association to try to get the board to reverse its November decision to cut out the special busing. The district has provided bus rides home to many middle school and high school athletes after practices and games beginning in 1977 when Lutcher Stark and West Orange high schools combined, said WO-C Athletic Director Dan Hooks.

The board voted to cut out the busing service to save money and it stopped when the spring semester started in January.

Moore said he and others in the district are concerned for the safety of students having to walk long distances home in the dark.

So if I get this straight, currently, if you maintain a "c" average during school you can participate in extracurricular activities. At the end of the year if you fail the TAKS test, you repeat the same grade. While repeating the same grade if you maintain a "c" average you can participate in extracurricular activities.  

If they make them have to pass TAKS, that means the student could be out an entire year.

Do other Districts already have this in place?


WO-C board will review busing for athletes


January, 19, 2009

A citizens group is expected to appear before the West Orange-Cove school board Tuesday night to ask the district to reinstate after-school busing for middle school and high school athletes.

The board has scheduled a special meeting at 6 p.m. in the administration building, 505 N. 15th St. in Orange.

In addition, the board will discuss making students pass TAKS exams in order to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, band and drama.

Skip Moore has helped organize the West Orange-Stark Athletic Association to try to get the board to reverse its November decision to cut out the special busing. The district has provided bus rides home to many middle school and high school athletes after practices and games beginning in 1977 when Lutcher Stark and West Orange high schools combined, said WO-C Athletic Director Dan Hooks.

The board voted to cut out the busing service to save money and it stopped when the spring semester started in January.

Moore said he and others in the district are concerned for the safety of students having to walk long distances home in the dark.

Now the passing of TAKS to play a sport????? Some of these kids are beating their brains out to pass math or science as it is now. Some seniors come down to their last chance in April or take the test in the Summer to finally get their diploma. The TAKS is bad enough as it is now. Don't punish a kid because he can't pass the math portion of the TAKS. It is bad enough they can't get a diploma without the TAKS.

Respectfully,  shouldn't there be some sort of academic assessment for graduation? We did not have TAKS when I graduated, but we had to achieve certain credits to graduate. I hated Chemistry and to this date do not know how I passed.

But if the kids are having to beat their brains out to pass math or science, maybe that extra time in sports should be applied to studying.   :-\


WO-C board will review busing for athletes


January, 19, 2009

A citizens group is expected to appear before the West Orange-Cove school board Tuesday night to ask the district to reinstate after-school busing for middle school and high school athletes.

The board has scheduled a special meeting at 6 p.m. in the administration building, 505 N. 15th St. in Orange.

In addition, the board will discuss making students pass TAKS exams in order to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, band and drama.

Skip Moore has helped organize the West Orange-Stark Athletic Association to try to get the board to reverse its November decision to cut out the special busing. The district has provided bus rides home to many middle school and high school athletes after practices and games beginning in 1977 when Lutcher Stark and West Orange high schools combined, said WO-C Athletic Director Dan Hooks.

The board voted to cut out the busing service to save money and it stopped when the spring semester started in January.

Moore said he and others in the district are concerned for the safety of students having to walk long distances home in the dark.

Now the passing of TAKS to play a sport????? Some of these kids are beating their brains out to pass math or science as it is now. Some seniors come down to their last chance in April or take the test in the Summer to finally get their diploma. The TAKS is bad enough as it is now. Don't punish a kid because he can't pass the math portion of the TAKS. It is bad enough they can't get a diploma without the TAKS.

Respectfully,  shouldn't there be some sort of academic assessment for graduation? We did not have TAKS when I graduated, but we had to achieve certain credits to graduate. I hated Chemistry and to this date do not know how I passed.

But if the kids are having to beat their brains out to pass math or science, maybe that extra time in sports should be applied to studying.   :-\

In a few years, the state is going to an end of year exam schedule, but for now we are stuck with TAKS.

Many of the kids are now in TAKS Math or Science classes now. For some of the kids, you can throw just so much math at them and they just "don't get it."


This will get ugly if they TAKS thing goes thru.....

You are so right, Chad, it will get ugly. I know of no local school district that requires a student to pass TAKS to participate in extra-curricular activities. My wife is a school teacher of twenty years and she does not know of any local school that does that.


This School board is a joke! They have got to go.

Vote, vote, vote. It's our most precious freedom and sometimes the least used. I'm not saying you don't vote either. It's the solution though.

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