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Guest Silsbee88

I do not know the man that well, BUt I am happy to see him out, and I hope he takes his crazy ideas about education with him.

If you do not know the man, how can you make a statement in regards to his ideas about education? ??? ???


I for one do know Dr. Burns. Our kids play sports together, and I'm sorry, but I'm sad to see him go. He's a good man who strives for the best. Kirbyville has done very good academically since Burns has  been at the helm. I'm honestly in shock right now. I cant believe he would leave. I dont understand why he would want to leave, but who knows. I'm glad for him if he feels his calling is in Vidor. Personally, Kirbyville is a much better school district than Vidor, jmo, I just hope he made the right decision. I also think Hazelwood would make a great Sup. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.


Such as his desire to take curriculum from ESC 4, and try to apply it to this Area.  I have worked in ESC 20, and ESC 2, and SOme in ESC 6, as well as other states, and I have never heard of a rural area with a non-minority population try to use big-city methods and styles to get results.  If you would like to know further, you may email me personally, send me a message, and I will go into further detail.  But out of respect for you, I have taken off my proir comment, but I have been saying all year that he would go, and nobody believed me.   I am no savant, but I have been right on many things.....including 8-0 in the playoffs this year.  I will not be sad to see him go, and I know that if Mr. Hazelwood is given a chance, he will prove to be a great(er) Sup.

They don't just give out State of Texas Superintendent of the Year Awards for nothing.  You sound like a bitter whiney teacher who always complains about how things shouldn't be done but doesn't have the leadership skills to be in a position to do anything about it.  As the kids say, "Don't be drinkin' Hater-ade over Dr. Burns." 

And why wouldn't he go?  You expected Burns to stay at a 2A/3A school forever.  Moving up the ladder of success.  4A won't be his last stop either. 

Mr. Hazlewood would do a great job by the way. 


Such as his desire to take curriculum from ESC 4, and try to apply it to this Area.  I have worked in ESC 20, and ESC 2, and SOme in ESC 6, as well as other states, and I have never heard of a rural area with a non-minority population try to use big-city methods and styles to get results.  If you would like to know further, you may email me personally, send me a message, and I will go into further detail.  But out of respect for you, I have taken off my proir comment, but I have been saying all year that he would go, and nobody believed me.   I am no savant, but I have been right on many things.....including 8-0 in the playoffs this year.  I will not be sad to see him go, and I know that if Mr. Hazelwood is given a chance, he will prove to be a great(er) Sup.

Dayton works with several different ESC's... can't hardly blame them. Virtually everyone in the state is trying to improve TAKS scores because of the increasing weight they hold. (which I'm sure you are aware of). I hope Kville finds a supt. that suits their needs.

Guest jackbquick

I for one do know Dr. Burns. Our kids play sports together, and I'm sorry, but I'm sad to see him go. He's a good man who strives for the best. Kirbyville has done very good academically since Burns has  been at the helm. I'm honestly in shock right now. I cant believe he would leave. I dont understand why he would want to leave, but who knows. I'm glad for him if he feels his calling is in Vidor. Personally, Kirbyville is a much better school district than Vidor, jmo, I just hope he made the right decision. I also think Hazelwood would make a great Sup. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

Very strong statement calling out Vidor. How do you know Kirbyville is a better district? Have you been involved with both or are you just speculating because of things you have heard. If you are going to make statements referring to another school district you need to have backup. What are their TAKS scores in comparison to each other or are you talking football because Kirbyville did so well this year in football. Just curious why you think that?  

Man, I feel like Rush !!! All this over a change of Job!!!!  Last I heard this was / is the United States.  I am just stating facts as I see them. So, if all of what was written is true, great for that but hey PAPER IS PAPER!!!  What is really important is when the seniors go off to college and are successful...that is what matters...and yes there are those who don't go to college and will be successful!!! PAPER champions are worthless!!! Just because someone has a title or was voted something doesn't mean it is true.  How many of your College prof's have a Doctorate but couldn't explain the most simple ideas. 

We'll See what happens, but keep up the discussion...I am learning a great deal about the area!!!  THANKS !

JackHammer, I just reread your script, and I can't believe you are the "HATER" on my comments.  You love TO, and Randy Moss, and all the "speakers", yet you are pickin' on someone who knows what he / she is talking' about.  I am 40!! I am a man..I can take it, so bring it on.  I have been around the block a few times.  I have run a small biz, I have been to and graduated college with honors, I have traveled abroad, Have held many jobs and many hats, and at the same time.  You have not emailed me privately yet to wonder why I have these issues with the Sup., so I will be waiting if you want to know.  I have been a teacher in the past...In Texas and other states...and believe me TEXAS has work to do, and it is not teaching toward a test!  Grades are meaningless pieces of rhetoric that are important to kids only when it means they get something in return.  It was my goal when I taught to have children focus on the desire for knowledge and understanding.  Whiny ?  Well, I do not drink if that is what you mean, complaining... I'll admit I do my share, when merited, but not about others unless I have reasons.  Work is my my middle name that I use instead of my First.  I have never met a child I have not missed, but I have met coworkers, bosses, employees, and customers, that I wish to never see again.  I am glad you have such high regard for this man, but up to this point I have not seen why.....educate me if you wish, or just assume that I am an idiot....oh wait, that is what some whiny typists do.  I'll wait for your response if you wish to give me one.


Man, I feel like Rush !!! All this over a change of Job!!!!  Last I heard this was / is the United States.  I am just stating facts as I see them. So, if all of what was written is true, great for that but hey PAPER IS PAPER!!!  What is really important is when the seniors go off to college and are successful...that is what matters...and yes there are those who don't go to college and will be successful!!! PAPER champions are worthless!!! Just because someone has a title or was voted something doesn't mean it is true.  How many of your College prof's have a Doctorate but couldn't explain the most simple ideas. 

We'll See what happens, but keep up the discussion...I am learning a great deal about the area!!!  THANKS !

JackHammer, I just reread your script, and I can't believe you are the "HATER" on my comments.  You love TO, and Randy Moss, and all the "speakers", yet you are pickin' on someone who knows what he / she is talking' about.  I am 40!! I am a man..I can take it, so bring it on.  I have been around the block a few times.  I have run a small biz, I have been to and graduated college with honors, I have traveled abroad, Have held many jobs and many hats, and at the same time.  You have not emailed me privately yet to wonder why I have these issues with the Sup., so I will be waiting if you want to know.  I have been a teacher in the past...In Texas and other states...and believe me TEXAS has work to do, and it is not teaching toward a test!  Grades are meaningless pieces of rhetoric that are important to kids only when it means they get something in return.  It was my goal when I taught to have children focus on the desire for knowledge and understanding.  Whiny ?  Well, I do not drink if that is what you mean, complaining... I'll admit I do my share, when merited, but not about others unless I have reasons.  Work is my my middle name that I use instead of my First.  I have never met a child I have not missed, but I have met coworkers, bosses, employees, and customers, that I wish to never see again.  I am glad you have such high regard for this man, but up to this point I have not seen why.....educate me if you wish, or just assume that I am an idiot....oh wait, that is what some whiny typists do.  I'll wait for your response if you wish to give me one.

I'm sure they don't miss you either.  They are glad you're gone.  After reading your post in response to the Jackhammer it looks like you validated the Hammer's points.  Jackhammer hit the nail on the head when he described who you probably were.  You've bounced around jobs like a superball thrown into an empty bathroom.  You are a complainer and not leader enough to get things changed.   

You are in need of some Visene because you definitely have "I" trouble.  Heck, I counted at least 30 times where you said "I". 

Sounds like Kirbyville needs to hire you as the new Superintendent.  I'm sure everybody would rally around somebody like you. 


WOW! SUperFLY, You and the New Hammer are just great!  "me" hopes to meet you someday.  This person you are referring to has been around, cause when DUTY calls, one must move.  The person inside myself  is  laughing at or with you.  My father's oldest son is agreeing with you on the "eye's"..maybe "me" should have read it first.  My brother's uncle's oldest nephew on my mom's side is flattered that his comments on this "man" are so important to you.  One might think, that if you are truly a fan of this man, that you might be able to explain yourself.  Another would guess that with you, JackHammer and Jack The Hammer wouldn't know how to conduct yourself if we did meet.  My Grandmother's youngest son's oldest son is not a difficult person to get along with, in fact he is very agreeable.  These are the days where my brother's only brother could be a radio talk show host, and get calls from persons like yourself and have fun with the conversation....because hey, this is entertainment...or did you forget ?  Anywho, One like myself does appreciate your feedback, for this person is a fan of learning, but let me ask you...when you are in your meetings, are you the one that counts the "um's" instead of listening to all the other important stuff ?  Hey don't worry, "me" have done that to, so we have something in common!!  GOOD SHOW SNOOKA!!!

Oh Yes Hammer!!  IF you again are truly a MAN of your words, and believe in what you say..eme, or send me a message...convince me that what was said by myself is wrong, and pull me to your side....or is that too much trouble for you...kinda like many of the liberals huh?  Just too much trouble to do what is right...and intelligent.  This person would never make an opinion of you, yourself, and especially downgrade someone who he has never met me, nor he meet them....Maybe on Sunday, you may rethink how you feel, and realize that maybe, just maybe, there is some truth in these words..............................................and if not..who really cares..................not you anyway.

Hey COOP, sorry, but hey if this were Stern or Rush, or heck even Michael Savage...this would be great radio!!!


Hey, Superfly, me again....Read again what was written before you 1st comment.  You can not tell me, that disliking others is beyond you.  When "me" was in charge of a Restaurant, and my employees / coworkers were being harrassed by guys and punks, I threw them out!...Who care if they didn't come back...we didn't need their buisness.  When I had previous bosses (principals if you must know), who when seniors missed 60+ days of school, and failed my classes and others...I stood up to them, and since they didn't change their style...even though it meant losing my retirement...I stood up for principles and left!!  When my buisness took a hit finacially, I trusted someone to take care of it for me, while I went on to other endeavors...so my employees could still work and get a paycheck.....for if the buisness closed, my employees would be out $$$..so we stayed afloat for 9 months till tyeh found steady work..."me" lost some $$, but hey it is only money....my x-employees are still friends.  Oh yes, when I lived in Mexico for some time, you get to see how good we have it here in "America", so yes I am very conservative, and sorry If I feel I know best, but many feel that I am one of the good guys, I may not be Bruce Wayne, but hey, who is ?...ps  sorry for the I's again, I will work onit...if you read the previous blog, if you laughed once...then you have made my day.


Superfly might think that was funny, but I thought it was boring.  But I do agree with you on Michael Savage.  We do have some common ground.

I love Michael Savage except it's hard to get his show living out in the SE Texas sticks.  AM radio stations don't fair to well unless it's 560AM. 

"Liberalism is a mental disorder."  I hope Obama's policies fail by the way.  Why would I want liberalism to suceed? 

You can have your opinion on Dr. Burns.  I just know he was a great supporter of athletics and this is an athletic forum.  Vidor is fortunate to have him.  Just stating my opinion.  You can have your own of course and if you want to complain about standardized testing and how the education system is in shambles go ahead.  I'm not saying I don't agree with you on that case, but the Education system was in shambles way before Burns got to Kirbyville.  He's not the scapegoat as you may think.   


Hey Jack!! I knew if we would work hard enough we could find some common ground, sorry you didn't like the anti- "I" stuff, I heard a bit on radio classics a few years back..don't know if was Jack Benny or Bob Hope, but they did make it more humorous than I ever could.  I agree about the AM stations here in SOuth Texas...Horrible...it was just as bad in the valley...anywho I am glad we could come to terms...I have talked with a few others, and see your point about "sports", but I also heard a few negatives on anti-soccer from a few...anyway..thank you


... hey if this were Stern ... this would be great radio!!!

Naw, not Stern. We'd have to have some strippers and porn stars involved for this to be Stern-esque.

Or at least Eric the Midget getting ripped on by Artie. ;D


I for one do know Dr. Burns. Our kids play sports together, and I'm sorry, but I'm sad to see him go. He's a good man who strives for the best. Kirbyville has done very good academically since Burns has  been at the helm. I'm honestly in shock right now. I cant believe he would leave. I dont understand why he would want to leave, but who knows. I'm glad for him if he feels his calling is in Vidor. Personally, Kirbyville is a much better school district than Vidor, jmo, I just hope he made the right decision. I also think Hazelwood would make a great Sup. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

Very strong statement calling out Vidor. How do you know Kirbyville is a better district? Have you been involved with both or are you just speculating because of things you have heard. If you are going to make statements referring to another school district you need to have backup. What are their TAKS scores in comparison to each other or are you talking football because Kirbyville did so well this year in football. Just curious why you think that?  

I actually went to Vidor for several years, and Yes I think Kirbyville is a better district. Sorry. But I have experienced both schools personally. I'm not sure of Vidors TAKS Scores, but Kirbyville is a "Recognized Campus" and has been for several years!

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