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PNGISD to file with Attorney General

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Has anyone heard of any of the LCM applicants being fired or reprimanded for applying for a job. If any of the LCM applicants lose their jobs, then they probably are better off not being at that school anyway. Not sure why a school would fire someone for wanting to better themselves.

How many LC-M applicants are head coaches? Being an assistant looking for a job is a lot different then being a head coach looking. To me, the list does not matter. When they get down to finalist, then I will be interested.

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There IS a difference between private industry and public employees.  When tax dollars are involved there is a different set of rules.  That's why school boards make the final decisions.  Because this way they are accountable to the taxpayers. 

The part about losing ones job, is a red herring by the school board.

Don't live in PN-G but this topic has been interesting since the old coach stepped down.  If one of the candidates is concerned about losing his job then he's probably in the wrong job anyway IMO.  Anyone standing in the way of anyone trying to better their situation is probably not someone you want to be working for in the first place.

I don't have a dog in this hunt either, but its not really about someone getting fired for looking, that doesn't happen too often.  But your current employer and the kids and parents of your current program are all going to look at you differently knowing that you were looking.  Businesses do NOT release the names of their applicants...heck the best people wouldn't APPLY if they did!   These applicants are trying to improve their position in life, put yourself in their place...would you want your current employer to know you are looking for greener pastures????   Its all a moot point anyway, since schools are government entities and HAVE to release the info...doesn't mean I have to like it or its right though. 

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What's funny is it takes a minimum of 45 days for the AG to give an official opinion, which that time they will have already hired....

Guess what...Even if I get the list next year, it will be released.

No disrespect Coop, but what would be the point?

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Lets say you worked at a sports radio station, or were a tv weather man, or even an insurance agent.

And there was this great job out there that paid twice what you were making.  It would be great for your family if you could get that job.  The only thing is if your current boss finds out you applied you are fired which would be catastophic for your family.

You people are facilitating the catastrophic part.  Mind your own business and at least wait for a finalist list.

This world is about people.  Do this for the families of these men that are applying.

Sadly, this is part of working for a state agency.

I work for the state, and you can see what I make, what extra duties I am assigned, what degrees I hold. You can even see if I have ever been arrested, and if they really pushed it, my traffic tickets. I really wonder sometimes if it is worth it. :-[

BTW: I have never been arrested. But I work with a man who has been on Mistaken Identity. It still shows up on his records, and he spent some time trying to get it out of the system.

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I stand by the fact I have never heard a board giving out the full list of candidates. I have seen finalists every time with FOI requests but not the full first candidates for the simple fact of coaches names being hurt by applying.

I do not feel the board is hiding anything but think this has been the way things work for many years. I have been in the journalism business a short time I know but this is a first I have ever seen.

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We always ask for them and it's never been a problem until now.

LC-M releases applicants; PN-G not so fast

By Chad Cooper, Sports Editor

The Examiner

Port Arthur Memorial, Port Neches-Groves and Little Cypress-Mauriceville will have a new football coach in place before the school year is over. Memorial is in the process of accepting applications as is LC-M, whose deadline was today. LC-M has released their list that included 51 applicants.

Of those, some names of interest are Randy Crouch (WO-S offensive coordinator; former LC-M assistant), Jeff Harrell (Texas High assistant athletic director/offensive line; former LC-M assistant), Josh Rankin (FW Haltom HS, former LC-M grad/assistant) and Mike Stewart (Orangefield offensive coordinator/ LC-M grad/assistant).

The district is also seeking input from their community by taking a 15 question survey regarding the new coaching search at www.lcmcisd.org. The new coach will make $68,026-$80,596.

PN-G on the other hand is keeping quiet. Despite deadline for entry on Jan. 9 and a slew of Freedom of Information requests, superintendent Lani Randall was quoted in the Port Arthur News saying the district would likely seek an opinion from the Texas Attorney General.

The Freedom of Information states information sought must be promptly released according to the availability or, if not available, they have 10 days to do so. The Texas Attorney General’s office released in ruling 2000-0035 that a public school could not keep secret the applications of coaches. An opinion from the Texas Attorney General would take a minimum of 45 days, well beyond Feb. 10, which is the date they district wants to recommend a name to the board.

PN-G School Board President Rusty Brittain was also quoted in The News and mentioned what happened to coach Jeff Jagodzinksi at Boston College. It was announced that Jagodizinksi, the head coach at BC, had applied for the same job for the NFL’s New York Jets but was fired by Boston College for doing so.

Applying for a job at the high school level is nowhere near the level of applying for a position from a school in the ACC to the NFL.

The public and most importantly, the tax payers of the PN-G school district deserve to know who they applicants are for the job.

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two quick examples of full diclosure. LCM -San Angelo. The only thing that makes this situation unusual is the way PNG is handling it. With any research they would have found that this is common practice at the high school level. Even if they don't have anything to hide it makes it look like they do. I personaly don't think they are hiding any thing, after all it's been about 15 years since they have hired a HC. But come on you know your going to have to release the names, so come on and do it and let the disscusions begin

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Rusty Brittain, the PN-G ISD board president, told The Enterprise on Tuesday there was reservation about releasing the names to the public for the fear that one of the candidates might lose their job for pursuing the position.

are you people really loosing that much sleep over this job position.. just be patience, remember its a virtue

I understand about the patience part BUT The PNGISD receives both state and federal funds. By receiving both, the PNGISD HAS to answer to anyone who lives in the State of Texas. This is especially true for the taxpayers of that school district. I do not live in the district nor do I have a dog in the hunt but as a taxpayer I have the RIGHT to know the list if I want to. If I were a resident of PN or Groves I would be ticked that somebody is censoring what information  is coming out of my school district. This leads to yet another question , "What else are they hiding?" The Board says they are worried about repercussions that could arise from that information getting out (i.e. coaches losing their jobs). That is one of the worst excuses I have ever heard. Texas is a "right to work state". It would take a act of Congress to fire a coach who applied for the AD position. We all saw that when it came to Matt Burnett......the board couldn't fire him because he is classified as a teacher. He was simply reassigned. Also, teachers are, get this, STATE employees!!! Yes, a governmental entity! WOW! So, why all the secrecy? What's in the basement that they don't want you (the taxpayers) to know? What a slap in the face......one word comes to mind. Arrogance. The Board and all involved in the hiring process have lost sight of who they work for and who they are representing. They have to answer to the taxpayers....they are legally bound to do so!

   I can only guess that either, A: the board doesn't want another school district to snatch up their candidate  or  B: They want to "low ball" the potential candidates by not letting them get in a negotiation of a salary with another district.  

   With all the censorship that is coming from just a few select individuals, I can understand the media's frustration. The media are supposed to be our eyes and ears and part of their job is to hold people responsible. They ask the questions that we want to know, such as, "Who all applied for the AD job?"     I have talked to numerous coaches and they ALL say that they are aware of their name getting out when they are applying for another job. It's no big deal to them. They understand. It's called a "public school system" for reason. So, again, we ask ,"Who all applied?"The silence is deafening from the Reservation.

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They may gain nothing, but it is the law. 

The preamble to the public information act of Texas says it best...

The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.

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They may gain nothing, but it is the law. 

The preamble to the public information act of Texas says it best...

The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.

TOUGH to argue with this and I have to agree.  The taxpayers have the right to know whatever they want when it comes to the public school system.  Personally I don't have a dog in the fight either but I'd like to see who the potential candidates are just out of curiosity...I'd want to know if I was a resident of the school district.

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someone explain what the taxpayers of PNG gain by releasing the names ?

The tapayers have everything to gain. Wouldn't you like to have a say-so in who coaches your team and kids? The Board members are in their positions to LISTEN to what their CONSTITUENTS want, not vice versa. To answer another question by adminbaberuth. In your honest opinion, IF the names were released would you or wouldn't you read the paper or watch tv to see who the applicants were? And in your honest opinion, don't you think IF the names were released that particular newspaper article or television story would be highly watched?  The media gains nothing except to give the people what is probably the most talked about situation out there at this particular time.  To png-n-d-n fan. Well said, my friend. Well said.

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It's hard to understand why people can't respect a district and the electedboards process that they apparently feel is in the best interest of the district and all of those involved. Albeit they now have a legal obligation to reveal the candidates.

It's funny that through the many years of area Superintendent vacancies, I don't recall any fully disclosed lists of applicants or any legal action to obtain it.

Priorities?  ???

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someone explain what the taxpayers of PNG gain by releasing the names ?

The tapayers have everything to gain. Wouldn't you like to have a say-so in who coaches your team and kids? The Board members are in their positions to LISTEN to what their CONSTITUENTS want, not vice versa. To answer another question by adminbaberuth. In your honest opinion, IF the names were released would you or wouldn't you read the paper or watch tv to see who the applicants were? And in your honest opinion, don't you think IF the names were released that particular newspaper article or television story would be highly watched?  The media gains nothing except to give the people what is probably the most talked about situation out there at this particular time.  To png-n-d-n fan. Well said, my friend. Well said.

Wouldn't you like to have a say-so in who coaches your team and kids?

no, what do i know about running an athletic program?

IF the names were released would you or wouldn't you read the paper or watch tv to see who the applicants were?

i would, but if i went and talk to my neighbors on both sides they wouldn't know who the high school coach was, and we have coach nuemann.

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someone explain what the taxpayers of PNG gain by releasing the names ?

I wouldnt want someone in the community who doesnt know crap about athletics and coaching football to have a say in anything.  I am so sick of hearing tax payers, take your 2 dollars that go toward his salery and keep it.  Hell I am sure the coach will be a tax payer to.  I have an idea maybe he can go and watch you work at your job once a week and sit on the side and act like he knows what buttons to push.

The tapayers have everything to gain. Wouldn't you like to have a say-so in who coaches your team and kids? The Board members are in their positions to LISTEN to what their CONSTITUENTS want, not vice versa. To answer another question by adminbaberuth. In your honest opinion, IF the names were released would you or wouldn't you read the paper or watch tv to see who the applicants were? And in your honest opinion, don't you think IF the names were released that particular newspaper article or television story would be highly watched?  The media gains nothing except to give the people what is probably the most talked about situation out there at this particular time.  To png-n-d-n fan. Well said, my friend. Well said.

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Once again, as an employee than works on the taxpayer dollar, I think the public has a right to know.....If the names are hidden, how do we not know it is one of those " Brother-in-Law" deals. Not what you know, but who you know....Other than a Master's, what are the requirements that are asked of the new AD? I have seen some ISD's requirements for School Supt. and they are really out there. Requirements like must attend every athletic event, must join the local Chamber of Commerce, Lion's Club, Rotary etc., must attend worship services regularly.( I didn't think they could do that, but they do.), must be involved with the local festival ( Heritage, Pecan, BBQ, catfish, etc.

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Once again, as an employee than works on the taxpayer dollar, I think the public has a right to know

Since the taxpayers are bailing out everyone in this economy, do I need to know Philpott's applicant list for their next General Manager or my local bank's president salary. Since the media is even asking for bailout funds, should we file an FOI to uncle larry at kfdm for his applicant list for his sports department.

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Once again, as an employee than works on the taxpayer dollar, I think the public has a right to know

Since the taxpayers are bailing out everyone in this economy, do I need to know Philpott's applicant list for their next General Manager or my local bank's president salary. Since the media is even asking for bailout funds, should we file an FOI to uncle larry at kfdm for his applicant list for his sports department.

Look, my life to a certain extent is an open book. When I first hired on, it wasn't. The rules have changed. >:( If I knew what I knew today, I wouldn't be in this field so save my life.) I would leave, but I am now 52 years old, and would have a heck of a time finding a new job. Plus, I would give up 25 years of paying into the retirement system.

My understanding if I were to apply to another employer in my field would have to give my name to my present employer, if asked. ( If both were government entities.)

All I am says is this. I don't care for the rules, but I and my employer follows them, why is PNG so special?

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