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KDOSullivan.......there are fans like that in EVERY district....always some bad apples.  I moved from northeast Texas to PNG, in the early 80's, not because of the football team or sports, but because, I feel PNG is the BEST school in Texas academically...period.  My son was a former Indian Spirit, my daughter an Indianette, and yes, my wife and I and kids ALL bleed purple.  However, never, would any of us put down a team or player from another school, unfortunately, that happens.  I'm sorry you had to hear or experience that....but believe me, MOST PNG fans are not like that. Back to the issue at hand, the list of name, final four, whatever, will come out.  I think we should just be patient and wait and see. 

Not 30-40 in a group yelling that...The other school's police escort had to put them on their buses and get them out there. These are not hoodlums. These are your everyday guys you see at the plants.

Look I have family in PNG. My wife is from PNG. Now that she has moved out and looks back, she sees there is something wrong. Loyalty is good, but this blind loyalty, is spooky.

I love my high school's team,and love it when they go to the playoffs, but I can't think of anyone in my town ever threatening bodily injury against a high school kid because they had won a game.

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If you applied for a job, would you want it put in the paper everybody else that applied for that job, along with your name?  What if you got hired, and people thought you weren't as qualified for the job or you wouldn't do as well of a job as another guy on the list?  How would you feel about that?

Been told for years there are "better people than me out there" from my constituents. Welcome to the world of public service.

Public service?  Everybody is a "public servant" aren't they?  I mean if you really get down to it.  What do you do for a living?

Why is THAT important to you? Are you going to try and figure out who I am so you can get me fired?

What if I was a PNG teacher? Would I be before the board on Monday?


I too would like to know the names of the applicants and their background. I would like to know what coaches are interested in coming to PNG. However, what purpose would it serve other than to satisfy my curiosity. I'm sure there is an underlying reason behind this decision. It is the decision of the board for whatever reason. When the new coach/AD is named he will have just as much chance as if he and the other applicants were named in advance of the hiring. If he produces a winning team and does a good job of trying to get his players some kind of scholarship then he will be just fine.


The board should release the list of applicants because it is the LAW.  What kind of message are we sending our kids when our elected leaders knowingly and purposely ignore the law?  Is the school board going to allow students to ignore the rules they don't like?  As for applicants getting fired over applying for other jobs, didn't Nederland's coach just get a big raise after applying for another job? 


I don't "have a dog in this hunt", so, it really doesn't matter to me if the names are released or not. I am basically neutral on PN-G and their affairs. But I will say this: The whole thing has morphed into some sort of a sad joke. Flipping channels around midnight, I ran across a rebroadcast of 4's news. James Ware held up to the camera a list released from PN-G WITH THE NAMES BLACKED OUT.

Now its just getting silly. This ain't helping PN-G's image, IMHO.  

And Ware is a PNG guy. He needs to support PNG >:(

I was just kidding around, but if it's hurting the so called image, atleast put something positive for us. ;D

Now that is funny.....How could he keep his credit as a reporter if he did? Seems like Channel 4 is picked up in Vidor, LCM, Ozen, Central, Lumberton homes, not just PNG...Sheeez.... ;D


Too many of you PNG people are protecting what PNG's Board should have already done, which is release the names. It just looks underhanded when things are left in the dark. Look, once again, I am not thrilled about it either, but when you can file a petition and find out how many sick days I have used, (and they were mine to use.) PNG needs to step up and name the applicants.

I am not a lawyer, but can the AG fine PNGISD for not releasing the names? Can the AG's Office start an investigation? Can charges be filed?

What purpose would this serve?  Please answer me.  It makes no sense.....is it so posters can get on here and trash candidates and PNG as well?  It doesn't serve ANY PURPOSE to release the names.  And again, the folks from other schools are more "up in arms" about this list than PNG folks.  Are you afraid one of YOUR coaches may have applied?  Do you have a dog in the fight?  What gives......PNG fans are laughing at you guys for getting so upset about this.  We're the ONLY ones that should want the list revealed and we're not balking the decision of the board.  Go figure, getting the Attorney General involved, bringing up the FOI clause.  You guys have waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hand to be worrying about this. This is ridiculous....I hope PNG NEVER releases the list, but only announce the coach they hired.......that way, the guy will have a fighting chance........this is ridiculous.

Plain and simple it is the law. I could go to the admin building and resquest the salarys of every employee at PNG and they have to release it, I may have to pay a fee for it. It is the Open records. You can defend the Board all you want but the law is the law. It is a state funded school district does not matter what you think and feel.


It is the Law and they will have to release it. Here's the deal...The AG said they had to release it last week and PN-G filed a letter saying they thought it was best they didn't. The hiring is 23 days away (Feb 10), the AG Office has 45 days to tell them they have to release it, my gut feeling says they will release it before Feb. 10 as soon as the AG's office tells them they have to.


It is the Law and they will have to release it. Here's the deal...The AG said they had to release it last week and PN-G filed a letter saying they thought it was best they didn't. The hiring is 23 days away (Feb 10), the AG Office has 45 days to tell them they have to release it, my gut feeling says they will release it before Feb. 10 as soon as the AG's office tells them they have to.

Ok, so validate your reasons for releasing the names?  What purpose, other than folks getting on here and attacking the candidates with pros and cons.  I still feel that there are several folks afraid that some of their coaches have applied and want to know.  Lo and behold on those coaches if this is true.  They will probably be "railroaded" out of town.  Again, I think its great that PNG is trying to protect those coaches that have applied by supporting them in thier endeavors to better themselves.



Because people want to see it and they are Curious. Every Media outlet in SE Texas has now applied for the list. A ton of PN-G people i know that live in PN also want to know. 8)

Ok, what purpose will this serve. We, the people, are not in the decision making process.  Even though there are PNG folks that want to see it, they voted in the board, and will wait on them to make a decision.  As for other folks, outside of PNG, them being "curious" seems more like "fear" of possibly losing a coach, or that PNG will get a top notch coach that will come in, turn our program around, and put us back on top.  Still, no validation.  The list, final four, whatever, will be released in due time.


Because people want to see it and they are Curious. Every Media outlet in SE Texas has now applied for the list. A ton of PN-G people i know that live in PN also want to know. 8)

Ok, what purpose will this serve. We, the people, are not in the decision making process.  Even though there are PNG folks that want to see it, they voted in the board, and will wait on them to make a decision.  As for other folks, outside of PNG, them being "curious" seems more like "fear" of possibly losing a coach, or that PNG will get a top notch coach that will come in, turn our program around, and put us back on top.  Still, no validation.  The list, final four, whatever, will be released in due time.

Plain and simple it does not matter what the purpose is they are required by law to release it if asked.


Why do we (PN-G) have to not want to release it? Most other schools do!

We are not in the minds and the hearts of the board.  WE voted them in and put our TRUST in them and their decision making process for the betterment of our district.  This is getting redundant......I still see NO validation of releasing the list other than folks can haggle back and forth over the candidates.  We have absolutely no effect on the board and their decision.  We gave them the control when we voted for and elected them.  I applaud the PNG board for their stance and hope the list will NOT be released.  The board has our BEST interest at heart.  The eight people that will decide on the candidate are qualified and will put the district first, you can bet on that.



After some deliberation regarding releasing the names, I have decided that the list should be kept confidential. All those outside of the reservation should not have any opinion in this decision or hiring process. You don't live here !!! We do !  I voted and I have placed my trust in OUR elected officials ! If I don't like their decision then it is in my interest to vote them out of position and put someone in that I feel would better serve my positions. Heck I may even run for the school board if I want too !  I think the anticipation is killing more people outside of PNG than inside !  What do you, that live outside our district have at stake in this situation ? Is it that your very concerned over who is hired ? nervous about what PNG will do to your team in the season ? What fear(s) do you have in this that causes you to be so upset and concerned over who PNG hires or who is on the list ?

I have 5 kids in PNGISD ! My son who is in the 8th grade is so excited over a new coach he can barely think of baseball which is his second love next to PNG football. He and I have some great conversations over what can happen in the new year for PNG ! He is excited and I think hundreds of other kids who play ball in the PNG area are excited as well.

My above paragraph may cause some ill feelings but I don't care. I live in this district, and those of you who don't live in this district should focus your attention on your own programs and bash it !!! Pick it apart and be a stand sitting coach and commentator !!! for your own team !!! Oh and by the way I have a friend who coaches outside of this area and he told me the names of several coaches who have applied for the PNG position who he knows personally !!!


After some deliberation regarding releasing the names, I have decided that the list should be kept confidential. All those outside of the reservation should not have any opinion in this decision or hiring process. You don't live here !!! We do !  I voted and I have placed my trust in OUR elected officials ! If I don't like their decision then it is in my interest to vote them out of position and put someone in that I feel would better serve my positions. Heck I may even run for the school board if I want too !  I think the anticipation is killing more people outside of PNG than inside !  What do you, that live outside our district have at stake in this situation ? Is it that your very concerned over who is hired ? nervous about what PNG will do to your team in the season ? What fear(s) do you have in this that causes you to be so upset and concerned over who PNG hires or who is on the list ?

I have 5 kids in PNGISD ! My son who is in the 8th grade is so excited over a new coach he can barely think of baseball which is his second love next to PNG football. He and I have some great conversations over what can happen in the new year for PNG ! He is excited and I think hundreds of other kids who play ball in the PNG area are excited as well.

My above paragraph may cause some ill feelings but I don't care. I live in this district, and those of you who don't live in this district should focus your attention on your own programs and bash it !!! Pick it apart and be a stand sitting coach and commentator !!! for your own team !!! Oh and by the way I have a friend who coaches outside of this area and he told me the names of several coaches who have applied for the PNG position who he knows personally !!!

Good Post!


Too many of you PNG people are protecting what PNG's Board should have already done, which is release the names. It just looks underhanded when things are left in the dark. Look, once again, I am not thrilled about it either, but when you can file a petition and find out how many sick days I have used, (and they were mine to use.) PNG needs to step up and name the applicants.

I am not a lawyer, but can the AG fine PNGISD for not releasing the names? Can the AG's Office start an investigation? Can charges be filed?

What purpose would this serve?  Please answer me.  It makes no sense.....is it so posters can get on here and trash candidates and PNG as well?  It doesn't serve ANY PURPOSE to release the names.  And again, the folks from other schools are more "up in arms" about this list than PNG folks.  Are you afraid one of YOUR coaches may have applied?  Do you have a dog in the fight?  What gives......PNG fans are laughing at you guys for getting so upset about this.  We're the ONLY ones that should want the list revealed and we're not balking the decision of the board.  Go figure, getting the Attorney General involved, bringing up the FOI clause.  You guys have waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hand to be worrying about this. This is ridiculous....I hope PNG NEVER releases the list, but only announce the coach they hired.......that way, the guy will have a fighting chance........this is ridiculous.

I'm going to make a call to my contact in the CIA to find out who KDOS REALLY is!!!! ;D


After some deliberation regarding releasing the names, I have decided that the list should be kept confidential. All those outside of the reservation should not have any opinion in this decision or hiring process. You don't live here !!! We do !  I voted and I have placed my trust in OUR elected officials ! If I don't like their decision then it is in my interest to vote them out of position and put someone in that I feel would better serve my positions. Heck I may even run for the school board if I want too !  I think the anticipation is killing more people outside of PNG than inside !  What do you, that live outside our district have at stake in this situation ? Is it that your very concerned over who is hired ? nervous about what PNG will do to your team in the season ? What fear(s) do you have in this that causes you to be so upset and concerned over who PNG hires or who is on the list ?

I have 5 kids in PNGISD ! My son who is in the 8th grade is so excited over a new coach he can barely think of baseball which is his second love next to PNG football. He and I have some great conversations over what can happen in the new year for PNG ! He is excited and I think hundreds of other kids who play ball in the PNG area are excited as well.

My above paragraph may cause some ill feelings but I don't care. I live in this district, and those of you who don't live in this district should focus your attention on your own programs and bash it !!! Pick it apart and be a stand sitting coach and commentator !!! for your own team !!! Oh and by the way I have a friend who coaches outside of this area and he told me the names of several coaches who have applied for the PNG position who he knows personally !!!

So you think it is ok for the school board to break a State law? Like I have said it does not matter what anyone thinks it is the law and the AG has ruled it that way.


After some deliberation regarding releasing the names, I have decided that the list should be kept confidential. All those outside of the reservation should not have any opinion in this decision or hiring process. You don't live here !!! We do !  I voted and I have placed my trust in OUR elected officials ! If I don't like their decision then it is in my interest to vote them out of position and put someone in that I feel would better serve my positions. Heck I may even run for the school board if I want too !  I think the anticipation is killing more people outside of PNG than inside !  What do you, that live outside our district have at stake in this situation ? Is it that your very concerned over who is hired ? nervous about what PNG will do to your team in the season ? What fear(s) do you have in this that causes you to be so upset and concerned over who PNG hires or who is on the list ?

I have 5 kids in PNGISD ! My son who is in the 8th grade is so excited over a new coach he can barely think of baseball which is his second love next to PNG football. He and I have some great conversations over what can happen in the new year for PNG ! He is excited and I think hundreds of other kids who play ball in the PNG area are excited as well.

My above paragraph may cause some ill feelings but I don't care. I live in this district, and those of you who don't live in this district should focus your attention on your own programs and bash it !!! Pick it apart and be a stand sitting coach and commentator !!! for your own team !!! Oh and by the way I have a friend who coaches outside of this area and he told me the names of several coaches who have applied for the PNG position who he knows personally !!!

You do not "get it." Because the Law says you release the names. I really do not care. But you can't pick and chose what Laws you follow. What next? You just pick what laws you want to follow?


Breaking the Law ? No they are not ! they are allowed to follow what the laws have allowed. They have every right to ask for a official ruling. If it takes an additional 45 days then so be it. By then we will have hired our new Coach and it will all be water under the bridge by then.


Too many of you PNG people are protecting what PNG's Board should have already done, which is release the names. It just looks underhanded when things are left in the dark. Look, once again, I am not thrilled about it either, but when you can file a petition and find out how many sick days I have used, (and they were mine to use.) PNG needs to step up and name the applicants.

I am not a lawyer, but can the AG fine PNGISD for not releasing the names? Can the AG's Office start an investigation? Can charges be filed?

What purpose would this serve?  Please answer me.  It makes no sense.....is it so posters can get on here and trash candidates and PNG as well?  It doesn't serve ANY PURPOSE to release the names.  And again, the folks from other schools are more "up in arms" about this list than PNG folks.  Are you afraid one of YOUR coaches may have applied?  Do you have a dog in the fight?  What gives......PNG fans are laughing at you guys for getting so upset about this.  We're the ONLY ones that should want the list revealed and we're not balking the decision of the board.  Go figure, getting the Attorney General involved, bringing up the FOI clause.  You guys have waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hand to be worrying about this. This is ridiculous....I hope PNG NEVER releases the list, but only announce the coach they hired.......that way, the guy will have a fighting chance........this is ridiculous.

I'm going to make a call to my contact in the CIA to find out who KDOS REALLY is!!!! ;D

  ;D ;D ;D


Breaking the Law ? No they are not ! they are allowed to follow what the laws have allowed. They have every right to ask for a official ruling. If it takes an additional 45 days then so be it. By then we will have hired our new Coach and it will all be water under the bridge by then.

And you know good and well what the AD's Office is going to say....So go ahead and get it over with....


Too many of you PNG people are protecting what PNG's Board should have already done, which is release the names. It just looks underhanded when things are left in the dark. Look, once again, I am not thrilled about it either, but when you can file a petition and find out how many sick days I have used, (and they were mine to use.) PNG needs to step up and name the applicants.

I am not a lawyer, but can the AG fine PNGISD for not releasing the names? Can the AG's Office start an investigation? Can charges be filed?

What purpose would this serve?  Please answer me.  It makes no sense.....is it so posters can get on here and trash candidates and PNG as well?  It doesn't serve ANY PURPOSE to release the names.  And again, the folks from other schools are more "up in arms" about this list than PNG folks.  Are you afraid one of YOUR coaches may have applied?  Do you have a dog in the fight?  What gives......PNG fans are laughing at you guys for getting so upset about this.  We're the ONLY ones that should want the list revealed and we're not balking the decision of the board.  Go figure, getting the Attorney General involved, bringing up the FOI clause.  You guys have waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hand to be worrying about this. This is ridiculous....I hope PNG NEVER releases the list, but only announce the coach they hired.......that way, the guy will have a fighting chance........this is ridiculous.

I'm going to make a call to my contact in the CIA to find out who KDOS REALLY is!!!! ;D

LOL...maybe he's an applicant and wants to see who the others are and evaluate his chances!   ::) ::) ::)


After some deliberation regarding releasing the names, I have decided that the list should be kept confidential. All those outside of the reservation should not have any opinion in this decision or hiring process. You don't live here !!! We do !  I voted and I have placed my trust in OUR elected officials ! If I don't like their decision then it is in my interest to vote them out of position and put someone in that I feel would better serve my positions. Heck I may even run for the school board if I want too !  I think the anticipation is killing more people outside of PNG than inside !  What do you, that live outside our district have at stake in this situation ? Is it that your very concerned over who is hired ? nervous about what PNG will do to your team in the season ? What fear(s) do you have in this that causes you to be so upset and concerned over who PNG hires or who is on the list ?

I have 5 kids in PNGISD ! My son who is in the 8th grade is so excited over a new coach he can barely think of baseball which is his second love next to PNG football. He and I have some great conversations over what can happen in the new year for PNG ! He is excited and I think hundreds of other kids who play ball in the PNG area are excited as well.

My above paragraph may cause some ill feelings but I don't care. I live in this district, and those of you who don't live in this district should focus your attention on your own programs and bash it !!! Pick it apart and be a stand sitting coach and commentator !!! for your own team !!! Oh and by the way I have a friend who coaches outside of this area and he told me the names of several coaches who have applied for the PNG position who he knows personally !!!

You do not "get it." Because the Law says you release the names. I really do not care. But you can't pick and chose what Laws you follow. What next? You just pick what laws you want to follow?

Next thing you will know is that the School board will start closing the board meetings because thay want to. And the PNG'ers will say well we dont have to let anyone know what is going on in the meetings wetrust our board.

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