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Guest KirbyKat

Has anyone considered that all of this dry erase board stuff is a distraction to the team. Here you have a team that is going to the playoffs, something that has not been done since 1993, and instead of talking about the accomplishments of this excellent group of players and coaches, we are talking FIRST AMENDMENTS and WHETHER OR NOT TO SUPPORT A BOND ISSUE OVER DRY ERASE BOARDS. Ok, they don't want you to have the dry erase boards. Tell you what... boycott the game. Really show em. All your doing is taking away from the effort and playoff possiblities of a memorable ball club.

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No, I think we just screamed and were overall pretty obnoxious verbally, but didn't use a dry erase.  Kids these days are much more in touch with their emotions, like to write it instead of yelling it I guess.  Dr. Phil and Oprah working on us I guess. 

Yep , we were pretty rowdy at the games, to the opposing team and the zebras.  The dome was a tough place to play in back then.

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Has anyone considered that all of this dry erase board stuff is a distraction to the team. Here you have a team that is going to the playoffs, something that has not been done since 1993, and instead of talking about the accomplishments of this excellent group of players and coaches, we are talking FIRST AMENDMENTS and WHETHER OR NOT TO SUPPORT A BOND ISSUE OVER DRY ERASE BOARDS. Ok, they don't want you to have the dry erase boards. Tell you what... boycott the game. Really show em. All your doing is taking away from the effort and playoff possiblities of a memorable ball club.

First off. Thanks Mr. Mosley if you got this unlocked for us. I am not sure what exactly you did. Second, Hey Banner. This is Trace. But I would personally like to apologize to the administrators of this forum for my inappropriate comments about Dr. Soileau and the other adminstrators at NHS. But to my response to the above comment, we in no way want to take away anything that this team has accomplished. They are on pace to be one of the best teams in school history. But the players really have nothing to do with this and I am not sure if more than 5 of them even know about the board being taken up. I don't think this is much of a distraction. the problem lies with students having everything fun taken away from them. They basically can't be more than  1/2 second late to class without getting detention, aren't allowed to dress themselves now, and lastly they aren't allowed to even bring a dry erase board to a basketball game. I think the students have had enough and are finally taking a stand. If they don't do something now when will it ever end?

P.S. Joseph, if I can get a Dome Dummie shirt before the game tomorrow let me know because I want one. Tell Alec to text me if I can. He has my number.

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Give it up!! Ok, first of all and most important, lets support our team! If the rules say no board permitted, (probably from the officials--not only school, but the ones on the court) then follow the rules, wear your "Dome Dummies" shirts, make lots of noise, and support the boys! What good are you to them if you get escorted out. I have been to many games, in many sports, where there are certain things not allowed into the games,...football- no air horns, soccer-red card for just about anything.. golf- courtesy, quiet please....no big deal. I think its awesome that students at NHS are such great fans and supporting our team, lets not take this away from the boys attention.

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Acquired a shirt. Dry erase board tommorow. I just hope im not the only one. If so, owell, Atleast i can say i had the balls to do it.

Where did you get your shirt? Mr. Pitts can you get me one?

You are talking to the wrong person.  I do not know anything about the shirts, nor have I had anything to do with any t-shirts. 

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So everyone knows this is a parent who has now had two discussions since yesterday with the administrators on this matter.  While this might have started out as a wipe board that the kids were having a lot of fun with, this has now turned into an authority issue for the administrators.  There is a lack of understanding why this has become such a talked about subject and why the actions of the administration are misunderstood.  My personal opinion is that there has not been one consistent message issued to the student body and parents on the subject.  So my take on the message I received is wear your Dome Dummy shirts to the game, they are not approved for school wear even though they have been worn for the last 3 months.  Anyone who wants to get them approved for school wear should see Mr. Kieschnick at the school administration office.  Be loud and cheer in a positive upbeat manner for the Dogs.  Do not bring a wipe board to the game.  Anyone with a wipe board will not be allowed entrance. If a board is spotted during the game, the officials will be asked to stop the game until the offender leaves with the board.  There will be extra security officer at the game for wipe board management.  It has been deemed that the wipe board creates havoc and has become a security issue at games.  The potential to incite conflict exists because of the messaging on the board.  Again, in my opinion this is now an authority issue that has evolved to control.  The potential downside for anyone bringing a board to the game is that they will be sent to the alternative campus for at least 10 days since there is now a direct mandate that wipe boards not be allowed.  The greater potential is that the game be stopped or the off court activity affect our team's play in a negative manner.  The truth is that the Dome Dummy group wants to support basketball team in the same manner that they have supported other Nederland sports.  It is exciting to have a team headed to playoffs.  For everyone who reads this post just remember that the objective tonight is to support the team and abandon any personal agendas that one might have that are counterproductive to cheering our team to a win.  My opinion is that the administration would love to make an example of someone over this wipe board issue which is not worthy of any further consideration and for which an amazing amount of time and energy has already been spent.  I wish that this had been addressed months ago so that at this point in time all the Nederland fans would be talking about is what a great job the coaches and basketball team has done.  That is the bottom line.  Further, everyone who blogs on this site needs to know that they posts are being analyzed to get a feel for issues in the community and there is discussion about who posts what by the school administrators.  It is your First Amendment right to freedom of speech to post.  This is a public forum, a blog site, only the opinion of those who chose to post here. Opinions only!  That being said you should always remember that words spoken or written can be harmful in ways you might never consider, and that some things should not be posted here on this site.  So, everyone remember that the objective is to cheer for the Bulldog basketball team, not to make a stand over wipe boards.  Thanks for reading.  Judy Banner

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So everyone knows this is a parent who has now had two discussions since yesterday with the administrators on this matter.  While this might have started out as a wipe board that the kids were having a lot of fun with, this has now turned into an authority issue for the administrators.  There is a lack of understanding why this has become such a talked about subject and why the actions of the administration are misunderstood.  My personal opinion is that there has not been one consistent message issued to the student body and parents on the subject.  So my take on the message I received is wear your Dome Dummy shirts to the game, they are not approved for school wear even though they have been worn for the last 3 months.  Anyone who wants to get them approved for school wear should see Mr. Kieschnick at the school administration office.  Be loud and cheer in a positive upbeat manner for the Dogs.  Do not bring a wipe board to the game.  Anyone with a wipe board will not be allowed entrance. If a board is spotted during the game, the officials will be asked to stop the game until the offender leaves with the board.  There will be extra security officer at the game for wipe board management.  It has been deemed that the wipe board creates havoc and has become a security issue at games.  The potential to incite conflict exists because of the messaging on the board.  Again, in my opinion this is now an authority issue that has evolved to control.  The potential downside for anyone bringing a board to the game is that they will be sent to the alternative campus for at least 10 days since there is now a direct mandate that wipe boards not be allowed.  The greater potential is that the game be stopped or the off court activity affect our team's play in a negative manner.  The truth is that the Dome Dummy group wants to support basketball team in the same manner that they have supported other Nederland sports.  It is exciting to have a team headed to playoffs.  For everyone who reads this post just remember that the objective tonight is to support the team and abandon any personal agendas that one might have that are counterproductive to cheering our team to a win.  My opinion is that the administration would love to make an example of someone over this wipe board issue which is not worthy of any further consideration and for which an amazing amount of time and energy has already been spent.  I wish that this had been addressed months ago so that at this point in time all the Nederland fans would be talking about is what a great job the coaches and basketball team has done.  That is the bottom line.  Further, everyone who blogs on this site needs to know that they posts are being analyzed to get a feel for issues in the community and there is discussion about who posts what by the school administrators.  It is your First Amendment right to freedom of speech to post.  This is a public forum, a blog site, only the opinion of those who chose to post here. Opinions only!  That being said you should always remember that words spoken or written can be harmful in ways you might never consider, and that some things should not be posted here on this site.  So, everyone remember that the objective is to cheer for the Bulldog basketball team, not to make a stand over wipe boards.  Thanks for reading.  Judy Banner


  I agreed with the beginning of your post until you spoke of what we should and should not post. I'm not sure who you are but we can post anything we like as long as it is within the guidelines of this forum.  I could also care less that the school administrators are viewing my post.

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Man I can remember back in the day, Silsbee would cheer like crazy when the announcer called out our players and when the announcer calls out other teams players we would have pages to the news paper and hold them up over our faces and holler out "who cares" or "so what" or "go home" among other things. Man those where the days and not one administrator said a word.

heyyy jus to let you know we did that firstt.. uhmm silsbee and about 3 other schools stole that from us... i HATE imitators mannnn...

Man, leave it to a jealous HJ fan to try and make this into a Silsbee/HJ thread. All he was saying was what they would do at games. Who cares who did what first.

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As a parent of one of the seniors playing their last game in the dome tonight, I want to thank Mrs. Banner for her post.  Especially, in encouraging fans not to take away from this night for this entire playoff bound team but especially the seniors.  They have earned the right to have the dome full of raucous, yelling fans tonight.  We need to return our focus to supporting them.

Now to the heart of the subject of this thread.  I had a conversation today with the principal at NHS.  Since, I don't presume to talk for anyone but myself, i asked if he minded if I shared some of our conversation on this thread.  He had no problem with me doing so and that is with the knowledge that I do not agree entirely with his decision.  So I am going to present as much information as I was given:

Principal provided information:

1.) There have been recurring incidents where inappropriate comments have been written on the board that had been verbally addressed and that in at least one instance led to a fight outside of the opponents gym.

2.) Referees have previously stated it was not a good idea to have the dry erase board at games.

3.) All t-shirts must be approved by Asst. Superintendent for wear during school hours.  I specifically asked why they had been wearing them at school for weeks?  I told him the timing looked suspect and he understands why it does.  He stated he didn't realize they were wearing them at school until this week.  The t-shirts can be worn to the game.

4.) Students have been given examples of appropriate things to yell such as "Miss it!", "Air Ball," etc. They can bring in pre-made posters as well.

5.)  The issues in 1 and 2 were not brought to his attention until this week.

6.)  He understands the perceptions that some of this has created but wishes that people would contact him with questions instead of relying on rumor and innuendo.

I voiced the following points:

1.)  I feel this issue has been mishandled, not only by he and the administration but also by students and adults to include myself.  It has been blown way out of proportion.  The biggest problem, as it usually is, has been the failure to communicate effectively.    

2.)  The adults had a chance to teach the students how to work together with those in control to find a solution.  

3.)  Some of the posts got way to personal on here instead of staying on the specific issue.  It's too easy sometimes to come on here and hide behind a screen name.  

4.)  Hold the specific student accountable; not every dome dummy was involved in a fight nor did they all write inappropriate comments.

5.)  I don't understand how the t-shirts were worn at school and dry erase board used for the past two months without this decision being made earlier.  The last game of the season.  

Ultimately, I do not agree with the decision to completely ban the dry erase board for the last game, but I do have a better understanding of it.  However, the decision needs to be abided by and let this team have their time in spotlight.  There are other ways to show your spirit, a dry erase board is only one way, come out and find away to do so.  Let's make them pull out both side s of the upstairs at the dome.  

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COME SUPPORT THE DOGS FRIDAY NIGHT!!!  tonight is a big night for the nederlan bulldogs the poeple on that basketball team has earned the sopt in the playoffs. Tonight is the seniors night this is their last home game there needs to be so many people in that place that it is impossible to stop the cheering and yelling. Bring as many boards as possible dont let anybody stop this night frim happening. its gotta happen for the kids playing they have never seen that place packed before so lets pack it in for their last home game.

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NHS83LU87 - Very good post.  I for one, appreciate your time and energy in speaking with the principal.  As in similar situations in the past, the untimely or total lack of communication between the administration and those involved (and vice versa)  seems to be the main cause for this mess.

GO DAWGS....There may not be boards at the game, but there's gonna be a mess of supporters cheering you on to victory!!!!

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Honestly people who are the adults here?  Obviously the boards are not allowed for a reason.  I would bet students abused the use of them and wrote something inappropiate and displayed it from the stands. Talk about making things a big deal out of nothing. This is small potatoes people!!

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I am also a parent and appreciate the post by Mrs Banner and by NHS83LU87.  I  hope everyone is reading these boards and know how proud we are of our students.  Coach English and the Basketball team have been improving each year and have worked very hard to get to this point.  Nothing should be taken away from our senior players.  This is their night to shine.  It is their last year and they need to stay focused for tonight. 

I am also very proud of our student fans.  I don't agree with how the administration handled the student fan section but now we have some explanation.  I know most of these boys and they are all good kids and should not be punished.  We want them at the games to support their friends and fellow students on the court.

Let's all pack the dome and show all students our support.

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WOW...it sounds like BinLaden and Co. are going to the game with WMD's , rather than a group of good, enthusiastic young fans to support their team, friends and classmates. ::)

Sounds like a power trip from authorities to me.  Lighten up, will ya?

LOL...I am lightened up..that was a touch of sarcasm... ;)

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