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Guest tigersvoice

He was arrested for possession of a controlled substance (drugs)!!!!!  He should be kicked off the team, out of school and sent to jail.  Time that someone teaches these young kids that this type of stuff will not be tolerated!!!!!  I would bet anything that Ozen officials and coaching staff knew about this several games ago also!!!!!

well obviously bisd doesnt think so and neither does ozen administration or coaches if they knew about whats done is done the kid has learned his lesson and its over he'll be dealt with by the state the rest of this nonsense your talking about is unnessecersary

If this is dealt with anything less than being kicked off of the team it is ridiculous.  Players get kicked off of major college teams for less than this.  If they let him play they are showing the reasons kids continue to make mistakes in life and it is because they are never taught.  POOR POOR judgement by the coaching staff here.  I know the type of man Art Briles is and if this were to have happened at Baylor he would have been shipped out so fast he would not have known which way was coming and which way was going.

I wonder what his scholarship status at Baylor is now?

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Guest stevenash

Very reflective of our overall society, which, in my opinion has become "too tolerant" and "too compassionate".  Sorry, but "give the kid a break" is not the answer here.  That will only encourage anyone else who has an interest in doing something simliar to proceed with the knowledge that " I am just a kid " or "I didn't know this was wrong" or "The coach, A.D., Principal, and Superintendent were not aware" will get him out of the problem.  There are rules and requirements put in place well before any violations took place and the violations of those rules have required consequences.  The rules and requirements have little, if any value, if they are not going to be complied with.  Very poor reflection on entire BISD if this issue is not dealt with immediately and appropriately.  If this same player "spears" an opponent on the football field, would he have the penalty waived because he is only 18 years old or "didn't know that this type of action was not permitted"?


Very reflective of our overall society, which, in my opinion has become "too tolerant" and "too compassionate".  Sorry, but "give the kid a break" is not the answer here.  That will only encourage anyone else who has an interest in doing something simliar to proceed with the knowledge that " I am just a kid " or "I didn't know this was wrong" or "The coach, A.D., Principal, and Superintendent were not aware" will get him out of the problem.  There are rules and requirements put in place well before any violations took place and the violations of those rules have required consequences.  The rules and requirements have little, if any value, if they are not going to be complied with.  Very poor reflection on entire BISD if this issue is not dealt with immediately and appropriately.  If this same player "spears" an opponent on the football field, would he have the penalty waived because he is only 18 years old or "didn't know that this type of action was not permitted"?

Again I'm not saying that the kid shouldnt be punished what Im saying is that he shouldnt be crucified on a thread about him making wrong decisions and the coach saying that he knew nothing about it, again he cant punish himself and unless you know for a fact the the Coach did know about this incident leave it alone. He will be punished by the state that is coming automatically weather by fine, probation or some type of community service. Now again if this matter was handled by the parents and they chose not to notify the Coach and Administrators b/c it was an incident that didnt happen on campus then thats their business. However if the Coach did know about it then you have an argument... But unless you were there when the Jefferson family notified the school of the incident stop asking for the kid and the program to be reprimanded further...


These highschool players are just kids and dealing with kids you must understand that they aren't perfect and do make mistakes... How many of you adults have made are still make wrong mistakes in life and are jumping on kids like they come from story book lifestyles, I ask how many times have you guys have had a drink or two and got behind a wheel or better than that how many of you guys take a drink while behind the wheel and hope you dont get stopped by the cops. My point is give the kid a break. Was it his fault that he wasnt supended from the team or even a game no, has anybody ever thought that maybe the Coach really didnt know "NO".. I'm not defending anyone, but this incident didnt happen in Beaumont so who's to say his parents didnt bail him out on their own, disciplined their own child on their own, and b/c it was family business never told the Coach or BISD administrators... This is this kids future we're talking about, we've all made mistakes in like, he obviously knew that he was in the wrong and b/c his Coach either didnt know or chose not to punish him you cant blame the kid for playing... "What Would You Do, Suspend Yourself"

I understand your point to a certain extent but playing basketball on any high school basketball team much less Ozens is a privelege.  Athletes are held to the highest standard.  There are rules and regulations that must be followed.  I am willing to say if this were the 4th kid off of the bench this would have been treated much differently. Kids need to be taught lessons and having his parents bail him out and discipline him under the radar is not the way to do it.  He will never learn a lesson this way.  Like I said before if this were to happen at Baylor his FUTURE would be gone so letting it fly under the radar here is NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO FOR THE KID.  If he is disciplined correctly here maybe he won't SCREW up his future when he gets to Baylor.  Because once he is there.........this will only happen once and he will be back in Beaumont!!!!

Guest tigersvoice

These highschool players are just kids and dealing with kids you must understand that they aren't perfect and do make mistakes... How many of you adults have made are still make wrong mistakes in life and are jumping on kids like they come from story book lifestyles, I ask how many times have you guys have had a drink or two and got behind a wheel or better than that how many of you guys take a drink while behind the wheel and hope you dont get stopped by the cops. My point is give the kid a break. Was it his fault that he wasnt supended from the team or even a game no, has anybody ever thought that maybe the Coach really didnt know "NO".. I'm not defending anyone, but this incident didnt happen in Beaumont so who's to say his parents didnt bail him out on their own, disciplined their own child on their own, and b/c it was family business never told the Coach or BISD administrators... This is this kids future we're talking about, we've all made mistakes in like, he obviously knew that he was in the wrong and b/c his Coach either didnt know or chose not to punish him you cant blame the kid for playing... "What Would You Do, Suspend Yourself"

I don't see anyone laying blame on the young man for anything other than making a poor choice/decision.  No one is making an issue out of his playing after the incident.  The issue seems to be HOW MUCH did the BISD system know about the incident and WHEN did they know it.  This is going to be get very interesting.


Very reflective of our overall society, which, in my opinion has become "too tolerant" and "too compassionate".  Sorry, but "give the kid a break" is not the answer here.  That will only encourage anyone else who has an interest in doing something simliar to proceed with the knowledge that " I am just a kid " or "I didn't know this was wrong" or "The coach, A.D., Principal, and Superintendent were not aware" will get him out of the problem.  There are rules and requirements put in place well before any violations took place and the violations of those rules have required consequences.  The rules and requirements have little, if any value, if they are not going to be complied with.  Very poor reflection on entire BISD if this issue is not dealt with immediately and appropriately.  If this same player "spears" an opponent on the football field, would he have the penalty waived because he is only 18 years old or "didn't know that this type of action was not permitted"?

Again I'm not saying that the kid shouldnt be punished what Im saying is that he shouldnt be crucified on a thread about him making wrong decisions and the coach saying that he knew nothing about it, again he cant punish himself and unless you know for a fact the the Coach did know about this incident leave it alone. He will be punished by the state that is coming automatically weather by fine, probation or some type of community service. Now again if this matter was handled by the parents and they chose not to notify the Coach and Administrators b/c it was an incident that didnt happen on campus then thats their business. However if the Coach did know about it then you have an argument... But unless you were there when the Jefferson family notified the school of the incident stop asking for the kid and the program to be reprimanded further...

You are missing the point.  No one is bashing the kids.  When you participate on an Athletic team your outside activities become inside activities.  A University of Oklahoma Basketball player was just suspended from the program for recieving a DUI.  Do you think if his mom and dad bailed him out of jail and no one told the coach then they would have just overlooked it. NO.  The coaches did know about it Tuesday night and they still played him so your point about the parents telling them is thrown out the window.  You are arguing a bad point here.  We are talking about drugs!!!!

Guest DickVitale

HOLD IT! How in the world can you guys and the Enterprise try to implicate that Marquis Savaet knew ANYTHING about the arrest? It was AWAY from campus and you KNOW the team was not going to tell the coach that this happened..No way! Savaet is a stand up guy, and if he said he did not know about it, he DID NOT KNOW...To even BRING up game forfeiture is RETARDED...But this IS SE Texas so that does not surprise me...YES what he did was dumb and he SHOULD pay the consequences IN A COURT OF LAW! It did not happen at school, so why should that affect anything that has to do with school? College is TOTALLY different...YES in college he would have been suspended, but that is a different set of circumstances. As a college athlete you represent your institution 24/7 and that is understood...This is PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL! SE Texans AMAZE me sometimes.... :(

Some of you are just sooooooo eager to say its BISD's fault, when in actuality this was that kid's and his parents responsibility, along with law enforcement authority in ORANGE COUNTY....Thats where it ends...some people.

Guest DickVitale

Oh they knew about it.......do not think that they did not know about it!!!!  Absolutely ridiculous that nothing has been done about it!!!!!!!

Oh that would NEVER happen at HJ, right Lazeek? No way those kids would EVER fool around with marijuana there right?  ::).....If that happened there, the Enterprise would have NEVER even thought about printing it....Bridge City, Lumberton, PNG, or Nederland either.


HOLD IT! How in the world can you guys and the Enterprise try to implicate that Marquis Savaet knew ANYTHING about the arrest? It was AWAY from campus and you KNOW the team was not going to tell the coach that this happened..No way! Savaet is a stand up guy, and if he said he did not know about it, he DID NOT KNOW...To even BRING up game forfeiture is RETARDED...But this IS SE Texas so that does not surprise me...YES what he did was dumb and he SHOULD pay the consequences IN A COURT OF LAW! It did not happen at school, so why should that affect anything that has to do with school? College is TOTALLY different...YES in college he would have been suspended, but that is a different set of circumstances. As a college athlete you represent your institution 24/7 and that is understood...This is PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL! SE Texans AMAZE me sometimes.... :(

Some of you are just sooooooo eager to say its BISD's fault, when in actuality this was that kid's and his parents responsibility, along with law enforcement authority in ORANGE COUNTY....Thats where it ends...some people.

Imagine that DV coming to the defense of Ozen and a Ozen player!!! ::) ::) ::)


Oh they knew about it.......do not think that they did not know about it!!!!  Absolutely ridiculous that nothing has been done about it!!!!!!!

Oh that would NEVER happen at HJ, right Lazeek? No way those kids would EVER fool around with marijuana there right?  ::).....If that happened there, the Enterprise would have NEVER even thought about printing it....Bridge City, Lumberton, PNG, or Nederland either.

Actually it has happened and the AD, Principal and school board handled it accordingly.  BTW the player in question was dismissed from the team that he/she played on.  That is the way it should be handled!!!

Guest DickVitale

I am for whats right, and what the Beaumont paper did was irresponsible in attacking Savaet like that....

Oh and its SOOO funny that your incident that you are speaking of NEVER became public like this one has....wonder why? In SE Texas, one would NEVER KNOW... ::) ::)

Guest baseball25

Dickie V imagine that always taking up for ozen lol....just like calvin murphy always taking up for OJ simpson... I mean come on now use your head a little bit.....THE COACH KNEW ABOUT THIS SITUATION, how can you sit here and say he didn't.......


I am for whats right, and what the Beaumont paper did was irresponsible in attacking Savaet like that....

Oh and its SOOO funny that your incident that you are speaking of NEVER became public like this one has....wonder why? In SE Texas, one would NEVER KNOW... ::) ::)

It was never made public because it was handled the right way and not something that someone tried to sweep under the rug!!!!!!

Guest baseball25

Thank you lazeek...........thats all ozen tries to do is to keep everything on the DOWNLOW.....

Guest DickVitale

Because I KNOW Marquis Savaet....If he knew, he would have SAID he knew...He REALLY had no idea about it. Like I said, I am not taking up for the kid, other than his right to be treated like any other SE Texas teen that has done something stupid....Be fair....Marquis Savaet's knowledge of the situation should have never been the issue since it was off campus, OUT OF COUNTY, and therefore no one was truly responsible for reporting the incident to him other than the kid and his family...

Guest nostradamus

Dicky, come on man, HJ has been in the news and blasted for an incident with a coach and that coach was removed immediately and he was WHITE!!!  So give up on the race card.  You know better.

You also know that EVERY high school and EVERY district has policy in place regarding every type of crime regardless of on campus or off when pertaining to their students.  Everything from misdemeanors to felonies are addressed in ISD handbooks.  And you also know that EVERY Athletic Department has an additional handbook that addresses athletes behavior.  Everything from dress code to misdemeanors and felonies are addressed in these books with very clear cut guidelines as to what the consequences are for each rule broken.  Districts MUST have these to cover themselves for liability purposes.  When it comes to misdemeanors and felonies, on or off campus is a NON ISSUE.  If a student commits a criminal act then the school has the BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY to deal with at the campus level.

I am not saying anyone did or didn't know.......only those involved know that for sure.  Bottom line is a crime was committed, the crime was admitted to, and a student-athlete was arrested.  There are guidelines in place for this action and they should be followed.  The article even states that misdemeanors (according to BISD handbook) are punishable by placement in District AEP.......and I can assure you that it is a UIL/TEA rule that ANY student placed in an alternative educational setting may not participate in extracurricular activities.

Guest DickVitale

Nostradamus, I AM aware of that rule BUT what about JOE BLOW (no pun intended) getting busted on a weekend for marijuana possesion and returns to school and no one in administration is notified of it? Does Willie Jefferson get punished because of WHO he is? And the key point is it IS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CAMPUS ADMINISTRATION concerning the penalty....If the campus admin says that they will allow law enforcement to handle it (which I am sure is going to happen) then there is NOTHING that can be done about it...As I said, I just think it was wrong to attack Marquis on the part of Enterprise.  Truth is, I thinnk that the kid SHOULD be dealt with and SWIFTLY, but don't blast him publically and let JOE BLOW from PNG, or BC, or Lumberton get a pass, because it was "handled" internally...



Please....Be rational here. Suspended, kicked off? Yes.

I remember my alma mater had a turd player years back, (Clay knows who I am talking about). This kid was always in trouble and had the cuffs put on once or twice and he still played. Set records too.

Guest DickVitale

Always depend on Coop to TELL IT LIKE IT IS!! ;) Be careful bro, you might get the HJ folks STEAMED at you for letting that one out!! :D


Dicky, come on man, HJ has been in the news and blasted for an incident with a coach and that coach was removed immediately and he was WHITE!!!  So give up on the race card.  You know better.

You also know that EVERY high school and EVERY district has policy in place regarding every type of crime regardless of on campus or off when pertaining to their students.  Everything from misdemeanors to felonies are addressed in ISD handbooks.  And you also know that EVERY Athletic Department has an additional handbook that addresses athletes behavior.  Everything from dress code to misdemeanors and felonies are addressed in these books with very clear cut guidelines as to what the consequences are for each rule broken.  Districts MUST have these to cover themselves for liability purposes.  When it comes to misdemeanors and felonies, on or off campus is a NON ISSUE.  If a student commits a criminal act then the school has the BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY to deal with at the campus level.

I am not saying anyone did or didn't know.......only those involved know that for sure.  Bottom line is a crime was committed, the crime was admitted to, and a student-athlete was arrested.  There are guidelines in place for this action and they should be followed.  The article even states that misdemeanors (according to BISD handbook) are punishable by placement in District AEP.......and I can assure you that it is a UIL/TEA rule that ANY student placed in an alternative educational setting may not participate in extracurricular activities.

Great post and very well said!!


Nostradamus, I AM aware of that rule BUT what about JOE BLOW (no pun intended) getting busted on a weekend for marijuana possesion and returns to school and no one in administration is notified of it? Does Willie Jefferson get punished because of WHO he is? And the key point is it IS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CAMPUS ADMINISTRATION concerning the penalty....If the campus admin says that they will allow law enforcement to handle it (which I am sure is going to happen) then there is NOTHING that can be done about it...As I said, I just think it was wrong to attack Marquis on the part of Enterprise.  Truth is, I thinnk that the kid SHOULD be dealt with and SWIFTLY, but don't blast him publically and let JOE BLOW from PNG, or BC, or Lumberton get a pass, because it was "handled" internally...

It is the job of the Enterprise, Examiner and any local news channel to report what is news....regardless of whether someone has a problem with it or not...........Nobody complained when the HJ coached was released last month did they?

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