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Thank you for your insight.  I said some things yesterday that were incorrect.  I have my master's in administration (though I am not a practicing administrator) and was going off my memory and what I had spoken to some others about.  However, I spoke to our campus principal this morning.  I gave him the scenario as if it were one of our student athletes.  This is what he told me would happen in our school:

-The district is not required to take any action and would not since it happened more than 300 feet from the school campus.

-However, the athletic department would be REQUIRED to act on it because this type of act is outlined in our athletic policy manual (something that I believe all school districts have)

-In our athletic manual, it states that any misdemeanor REQUIRES that student athlete to be removed from ALL athletics immediately for one calendar year and cannot be reinstated until certain requirements have been met.

You do realize that a traffic violation is a misdemeanor?  Have all your kids with misdemeanors been suspended?

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Guest nostradamus

It is more clearly defined to dealing with drugs....

Guest nostradamus
Only drug misdemeanors?  So theft is not on the list?

I did not say that........I said that our policies are more clearly defined than just "misdemeanors".



Wow, I just finished reading over 200 post. This subject obviously is near and dear to most bloggers. Since I am a country bumpkin and this also is near and dear to an old grandma...I had to jump in this feet first.

This young man can and should have a chance at a bright future and it appears that he has talent and has been given carte blanc if he chooses to take the opportunities. I honestly don't read where one blogger wants this young man to fail, be tared and feathered, shut out from his future, etc. We honestly have no idea how the administration plans to carry out in teaching this young man accountability EXCEPT what they have divulged. Every school has their policies that are revised yearly. There are TEA guidelines, there are UIL guidelines. What I do know and agree with is that - like it or not - athletics on a high school campus is an honor. They are first and foremost there to obtain an education to become productive citizens. Sports participation is earned. Passing grades, good behavior etc are a must. A coach does not want the team to be distracted by bad behavior, nor does he and his staff want to babysit a player that may "wander" at an away game and continue his bad behavior while representing thier school. That athletic policy is put into place by administration to protect and enable their coaching staff the tools to enforce and demand good behavior and focus.

I personally believe many of the bloggers have spoken out against BISD because of situations in the past that have caused them to mistrust their word. Again, it will be interesting in several months after basketballs are back in the rack for a few months - to see what really was carried out. We can only surmise.

I have a son that was raised like the rest of my children. Held accountable for his actions immediately. If he messed up, I as a parent told the coach "He sits". But not everyone has those same values. I still have one left in the high school level and she has played sports since the age of 4. My rules still apply. My son continued to make bad choices, started with "weed" as the hippy pointed out is harmless. That weed immediately changed him from the son I knew into a boy that found bad crowds where he could get it and other stuff, he was not motivated to perform at top level, his very best, he slept for hours - the night became his friend. He kept on spiraling (and during this time I would touch love him, my parents would coddle him, then they would listen to me, so on, so forth). For 10 years he just kept screwing up. He hit rock bottom when he got caught with just enough stuff to be considered distributing. He is married, has a great job now, two babies - but guess what - he still is answering to the law for his screw up. He wasted many years and it will be several more before he is out from under this cloud. And he was a Willie. So does my heart bleed for this kid. OMG yes!!!

No matter what the law or TEA sets forth as guidelines, Teachers, administrators etc should always care enough to say "Young man, Young woman, winning a game is great... but not at the expense of your future. I/We will help you grow past this bad situation - but you have to learn that choices bite" Not every parent team would agree with my way - not all parents will be strong and hold their child accountable behind close doors or in public. Thats why we have a police station in every town, thats why Schools have to be a part of keeping that athlete on the straight and narrow. That athlete will be a winner when basketball, football, etc is no longer part of their world.

Now, my children graduated from HJ. Yes, there is drugs, alcohol etc in our small area. Its way  easier for a small school to "police" it quicker - but I can honestly tell you this and probably will cause some to get angry. IF everyone of our programs held their athletes accountable and not sweep things under the rug like our basketball coaches - we would be winning trophys in those sports as well. Several years ago, we could not brag about this. But leadership has improved with integrity. We have a boy that walks the streets to this day, that was a start 6 - 7 years ago on the basketball team that allow drugs to take over his world. It breaks my heart - he could have gone all the way. Kids believe they are infallable. Thats why adults have to teach, encourage, help them (thru tough love and accountability) that they matter.

An added note. The statement said over and over "You SE texan this and that..." Well sir, If SE Texans did not blog and share information, you would have several hours a day to think of something else to do. We have learned a lot from this blog. And big enough to make right. Stop making excuses or feeling like we all want kids that mess up to just fail and go away... You are soooooo very wrong. Obviously our worlds are different. Show me one incident where an athlete was allowed to just negatively act out and no accountability was implemented and he or she are productive today. Your excuses only endear you to that problem kid and the school where he attends. Are you going to assist those parents when they have to continue getting him/her out of trouble until the light comes on? No - you won't. I know this - because there was not one person that had the stamina to stick with my family as my son spiraled. There comes a time when coaches, teachers, adm and do gooders have to move on with their lives.



Wow, I just finished reading over 200 post. This subject obviously is near and dear to most bloggers. Since I am a country bumpkin and this also is near and dear to an old grandma...I had to jump in this feet first.

This young man can and should have a chance at a bright future and it appears that he has talent and has been given carte blanc if he chooses to take the opportunities. I honestly don't read where one blogger wants this young man to fail, be tared and feathered, shut out from his future, etc. We honestly have no idea how the administration plans to carry out in teaching this young man accountability EXCEPT what they have divulged. Every school has their policies that are revised yearly. There are TEA guidelines, there are UIL guidelines. What I do know and agree with is that - like it or not - athletics on a high school campus is an honor. They are first and foremost there to obtain an education to become productive citizens. Sports participation is earned. Passing grades, good behavior etc are a must. A coach does not want the team to be distracted by bad behavior, nor does he and his staff want to babysit a player that may "wander" at an away game and continue his bad behavior while representing thier school. That athletic policy is put into place by administration to protect and enable their coaching staff the tools to enforce and demand good behavior and focus.

I personally believe many of the bloggers have spoken out against BISD because of situations in the past that have caused them to mistrust their word. Again, it will be interesting in several months after basketballs are back in the rack for a few months - to see what really was carried out. We can only surmise.

I have a son that was raised like the rest of my children. Held accountable for his actions immediately. If he messed up, I as a parent told the coach "He sits". But not everyone has those same values. I still have one left in the high school level and she has played sports since the age of 4. My rules still apply. My son continued to make bad choices, started with "weed" as the hippy pointed out is harmless. That weed immediately changed him from the son I knew into a boy that found bad crowds where he could get it and other stuff, he was not motivated to perform at top level, his very best, he slept for hours - the night became his friend. He kept on spiraling (and during this time I would touch love him, my parents would coddle him, then they would listen to me, so on, so forth). For 10 years he just kept screwing up. He hit rock bottom when he got caught with just enough stuff to be considered distributing. He is married, has a great job now, two babies - but guess what - he still is answering to the law for his screw up. He wasted many years and it will be several more before he is out from under this cloud. And he was a Willie. So does my heart bleed for this kid. OMG yes!!!

No matter what the law or TEA sets forth as guidelines, Teachers, administrators etc should always care enough to say "Young man, Young woman, winning a game is great... but not at the expense of your future. I/We will help you grow past this bad situation - but you have to learn that choices bite" Not every parent team would agree with my way - not all parents will be strong and hold their child accountable behind close doors or in public. Thats why we have a police station in every town, thats why Schools have to be a part of keeping that athlete on the straight and narrow. That athlete will be a winner when basketball, football, etc is no longer part of their world.

Now, my children graduated from HJ. Yes, there is drugs, alcohol etc in our small area. Its way   easier for a small school to "police" it quicker - but I can honestly tell you this and probably will cause some to get angry. IF everyone of our programs held their athletes accountable and not sweep things under the rug like our basketball coaches - we would be winning trophys in those sports as well. Several years ago, we could not brag about this. But leadership has improved with integrity. We have a boy that walks the streets to this day, that was a start 6 - 7 years ago on the basketball team that allow drugs to take over his world. It breaks my heart - he could have gone all the way. Kids believe they are infallable. Thats why adults have to teach, encourage, help them (thru tough love and accountability) that they matter.

An added note. The statement said over and over "You SE texan this and that..." Well sir, If SE Texans did not blog and share information, you would have several hours a day to think of something else to do. We have learned a lot from this blog. And big enough to make right. Stop making excuses or feeling like we all want kids that mess up to just fail and go away... You are soooooo very wrong. Obviously our worlds are different. Show me one incident where an athlete was allowed to just negatively act out and no accountability was implemented and he or she are productive today. Your excuses only endear you to that problem kid and the school where he attends. Are you going to assist those parents when they have to continue getting him/her out of trouble until the light comes on? No - you won't. I know this - because there was not one person that had the stamina to stick with my family as my son spiraled. There comes a time when coaches, teachers, adm and do gooders have to move on with their lives.

This is the best post of the entire thread. Thanks for your words of wisdom, Mommahawk.

IF everyone of our programs held their athletes accountable and not sweep things under the rug like our basketball coaches - we would be winning trophys in those sports as well.

If I am reading this right you are accusing the HJ basketball coaches of "sweeping things under the rug"??

Guest DickVitale

That WAS a great post Mammahawk, but my statements about SE Texans have nothing to do with individuals, but, in my experience with SOME people in this area, specifically on these sites, there is a throw him to the wolves mentality among many here when athletes make mistakes and are not punished as THEY see fit.  Thats just not the climate where I am from. Lots of people here HATE to see programs thrive that are not in their neighborhood, and want to always accuse certain programs of cheating, cover ups, etc. They does not happen where I am from...If your program is good, they simply try to beat you not make excuses why they can't, as it happens here often times...Once again, that was a wonderful post, ma'am.


IF everyone of our programs held their athletes accountable and not sweep things under the rug like our basketball coaches - we would be winning trophys in those sports as well.

If I am reading this right you are accusing the HJ basketball coaches of "sweeping things under the rug"??

Absolutely not. You misread or I mistyped. I am saying that if the other sports were ran like the basketball was - we would have to buy a new trophy case. Is that clearer?

Guest scottpellegrin93

yeah he shouldnt get to play the rest of the season thats bs


Wonder how long it will take him to screw up at Baylor and lose his scholarship?  He probably didn't learn a lesson during his high school years so we'll be hearing about him on the news along with the rest of the nation.  But of course it will be someone else's fault because he can't be held accountable for his own actions, not this day and age!! 

This just sickens me to read comments like this about a KID..I mean he is just a KID. Sounds like your bitter that you didnt get your chance to recieve that DODGEBALL scholarship to that Junior College when you graduated.. Like the kids say you must be a HATER...

I don't hate the kid, I hate the game.  The game of not having to account for your actions because you have received a God-given talent and don't appreciate it enough to do the right thing.  They don't see that they're flushing away the opportunity of a lifetime because they would rather sneak around doing illegal misdeeds.  Hopefully this young man will learn from this and take it with him, but if the consequences aren't very severe he'll be like the rest of the athletes that think they can get away with anything and everything.  And then they think a simple "I'm sorry" fixes everything.

And Bobcat05, I certainly did play Dodgeball, AND received a scholarship to a Junior College.  We also happened to win 2 National Titles my Junior and Senior years...but the most important thing I received was an education for which I am PROUD to say I can read and write and am productive in society.  (BTW [email protected]'s I before E EXCEPT after C when trying to spell "receive"...and it should be you're not your for "Sounds like your bitter")

MommaHawk....that was, without a doubt, the Best post!!!


HOLD IT! How in the world can you guys and the Enterprise try to implicate that Marquis Savaet knew ANYTHING about the arrest? It was AWAY from campus and you KNOW the team was not going to tell the coach that this happened..No way! Savaet is a stand up guy, and if he said he did not know about it, he DID NOT KNOW...To even BRING up game forfeiture is RETARDED...But this IS SE Texas so that does not surprise me...YES what he did was dumb and he SHOULD pay the consequences IN A COURT OF LAW! It did not happen at school, so why should that affect anything that has to do with school? College is TOTALLY different...YES in college he would have been suspended, but that is a different set of circumstances. As a college athlete you represent your institution 24/7 and that is understood...This is PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL! SE Texans AMAZE me sometimes.... :(

Some of you are just sooooooo eager to say its BISD's fault, when in actuality this was that kid's and his parents responsibility, along with law enforcement authority in ORANGE COUNTY....Thats where it ends...some people.

Just curious....but as a signee does this student not represent baylor already?

Guest DickVitale

He is still a high school senior..... ::).....Let it go, man.....just let it go.

Guest DickVitale

Yes. He and his twin brother Phillip turn 18 soon though I believe.  That question was asked on an earlier thread.

Guest DickVitale
:D...I don't remember if it was even this one or the other....But either way....no way, man!! :D
Guest DickVitale

Correction: He is ALREADY 18...Just got confirmation....My bad. 8)


Dickey V, it sounds to me like you don`t like the folks from SE Texas very much. Maybe leaving would be the next option??? As to the question in this thread, it really doesn't`t matter if Ozen knew or not, the UIL/TEA will step in and rule on this if it warrents, suspension or forfits of games? I hope for Willie`s sake that he has learned that choices that you make will determine the rest of your life. Like it or Not.


Correction: He is ALREADY 18...Just got confirmation....My bad. 8)

Thanks, I was thinking he was already 18.

:D...I don't remember if it was even this one or the other....But either way....no way, man!! :D


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