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Guest setxgal

Select???  What is it 1978?  Do you mean Division 2 or Super Blue?  Because I've watched them play, and that seems about right.

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

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It means that there are all kinds of good players, but some are bigger, faster and better than others.  As you go from Premier to D1 to S2 to D2, the differences are pretty apparent (that's not to say that any given player could not move up a level or even two).

So am I right about the Lumberton girls being predominantly D2 and Super Blue?


Why is it i am hiding.. I do not sit on this watching and praying someone includes me in their posting.  And I have already said I do not agree with running the score up.  However the Central girls did play in front of my team against a weak memorial team.  They did and do stand around laughing about messing up.  And have no interest in doing anything soccer oriented on the field.  The team they knocked out to get the fourth place spot is obviously worst than they are.   With that said.. I say ten is too many goals to score also.  Unless you win 10 to 9.   I say passing the ball around and dribbling into the goal and knocking it back out is also just as embarrassing.  However with this team I do not believe they probably cared either way.  Only all the folks that are not invovled.  I would like to ask.  What is a fair score to beat someone that is total cr@p by.  If the number is 10 then is it okay to get that ten in the first half or should you ask your girls or guys to please only score one every eight minutes so you dont look like your running the score up.  Or maybe just slam in ten the first half and play with six girls or seven on the field the second half and hope the other team doenst notice your playing short handed.  It is in fact an argument that gets brought up on this site and on the south texas soccer portal every year when someone waste another team by a large amount.  It has already been the subject on the other soccer site that is visited by someone and several folks off this message board.  As for this lumberton girls squad.... their club group had a few Nederland ladies on the team and they should have played super two and  would have probably qualified for lower ranks of div one.  However their committment to .. other things they were involved with in their school never allowed them to be committed to a div one practice schedule and travel.  However I can say they would have beaten lower level div one teams.    Please let me know if I am suppose to be talking about something else. 


    Friendswood Fan, I usually stay our of frays such as this, but I feel compelled to enter it this time. I could choose to judge you and your character by your posts. Since I have never met you it would be unfair of me to judge your character or class based on your posts.

    That said, I must ask you if you attended the Lumberton/Central girls game Friday night? If you didn't then it would be very hard for you to judge the character and class of a team (or a coach) based on the simple posting of a final score (or any one score). Your wisdom should guide you to avoid making judgements of character or class based on such a post unless you personally observe those virtues firsthand. If you had attended the game you would have seen the same thing many fans (including myself) saw and have described in previous posts. Therefore, it would have been possible for you to have developed a better informed opinion, avoiding the "judging a book by it's cover" syndrome. 

    Also, the English language is notorious for its multiple definition words. As an old philosopher once said, "Choose wisely your words, for you will be judged by those you use." This includes incredibly confusing words such as "stout".

    Good luck to all Friendswood, Central and Lumberton soccer teams in the future.


Am i the only one who notices how FF dances around the posts he doesnt want to reply to?  Did he not see the post that had all the state finalists scores of 16 or 15 to nothing?  Still waiting for him to bash FW's and the other coaches.  He also said that the 10-0 playoff score that FW put on another team was going to be 9-0 if it werent for an own goal, however he did not recognize the post that stated Central had three own goals and three more that dribbled to the goalie harmlessly and ended up in the back of the net.  You were right Shark.  You'll get no apology from this homer.  Seems to me like he is the one hiding and waiting to reply to the posts he wants to.  Man this guy has alot of time to waste. 


I'm wondering just how many goals were headers, my understanding at one point is the coach told the girls to only use headers to score, which although I'm not an expert but it looks pretty hard to me. Also, how about posting a link to this so called report of other coaches talking about running up the score, I looked up South Texas Soccer Portal and the only article I saw about Lumberton was one referring to the Select (or whatever it's called) U11 team, now I'm pretty sure that means little girls. Back up what you are talking about.


He cant, because almost all the negative posts about lumberton were by himself.  There were a few bad posts about Friendswood parents and how brash they were.  Sounds familiar to me. Apparently, we're not the only ones that have to deal with him trolling around.  I did find these posts about Lumberton:


"its the playoffs! NO MERCY! you send a message to the next opponent!"


"Hell yeah, it's the playoffs. Put you foot on the pedal and never lift it off."


"if i put all the restrictions that i did on my team.. and they score 14.. fair enough! .. i would never EVER tell my team to STOP scoring.. i move people around.. play the bench.. socring only on headers.. two touch only, pass it back to GK before starting attack.. put the GK as a forward! i did all kinds of things. but Never say stop scoring.. if you want to tell you team to do that.. fine.. thats your thing... not mine... put its the playoffs! if people don't like lopsided scores.. tell UIL to only send the top 2 teams from each district and NOT 4! IMHO"

I believe Lumberton had more restrictions than this guy mentioned btw.  Finishing is part of everyone's practices.  Why would you not work on that aspect of the game and waste a day of practice when its only going to hurt you later in the playoffs?  Again, i believe six of those goals would not have scored on any team that didnt score on themselves or gave half a crp about being there, so no harm really done.


Awake now.    I can see several visited the south texas portal.  It is a argument that comes out about four or five times a season.  Funny part is we are all griping, and arguing about how horrible it is......... BUT NOT ONE CENTRAL FAN HAS BEEN ON Here GRIPING.. hmmmmmmm.....  Maybe they know something we dont.. that they didnt care, and dont care and that the score could have been worse but in fact Lumberton may have pulled off the score as much as they could.  But wasnt there and I dont know... 


k so friendswoodfan why in the world r u on here still.. do u enjoy bringing down people? these are just soccer players who enjoy the game and you sit here and talk crap. its ridiculous. its immature. its arrogant. so just stfu and be done with it. get over it. k thankss.


All in SE Texas bow dwon to the almighty soccer God Freindswood Fan.  We are not worthy....................Hey Freindswood fan, jump up and kiss old spot.

Guest Newbie

You know the refs could have put a stop on this one just like the coach could.  They could have called the game earlier.


Mr. Friendswood Fan

Yes, most of the young ladies are D-2 players. Is that  a reason for you to bash the players. I do not agree with a 14 to 0 score but i will not sit on the site and talk about something that i do not know about. If you do not know these people please GET-OFF. I'm trying to be as polite as i can. There is no reasons to be ugly on this site.


I wasn't being ugly, and the truth is that the only people who are doing any bashing on here are the people who are directing stuff at me. 

My original post pointed out that there is no excuse for a 14-0 drubbing of any team.  You agree with that.  Yest, in response, I have thus far been called all kinds of names, falsely accused of saying the Lumberton girls are "thick" (which I did not do), and then blamed for the fact that the English language is difficult and notorious for its "double meaning" words.  Please! 

My question about the level of club play amongst the Lumberton girls was in response to someone ( who tried to take me to task for suggesting that other teams might be faster) who posted touting the "select" soccer experience of the Lumberton girls.  Select soccer is a vague term, and my experience is that player speed is greater among the higher levels of club play. 


He cant, because almost all the negative posts about lumberton were by himself.  There were a few bad posts about Friendswood parents and how brash they were.  Sounds familiar to me. Apparently, we're not the only ones that have to deal with him trolling around.  I did find these posts about Lumberton:


"its the playoffs! NO MERCY! you send a message to the next opponent!"


"heck yeah, it's the playoffs. Put you foot on the pedal and never lift it off."


"if i put all the restrictions that i did on my team.. and they score 14.. fair enough! .. i would never EVER tell my team to STOP scoring.. i move people around.. play the bench.. socring only on headers.. two touch only, pass it back to GK before starting attack.. put the GK as a forward! i did all kinds of things. but Never say stop scoring.. if you want to tell you team to do that.. fine.. thats your thing... not mine... put its the playoffs! if people don't like lopsided scores.. tell UIL to only send the top 2 teams from each district and NOT 4! IMHO"

I believe Lumberton had more restrictions than this guy mentioned btw.  Finishing is part of everyone's practices.  Why would you not work on that aspect of the game and waste a day of practice when its only going to hurt you later in the playoffs?  Again, i believe six of those goals would not have scored on any team that didnt score on themselves or gave half a crp about being there, so no harm really done.

Uh oh, you don't know Grapevine.  It is not necessarily wise to stand on the side of the Grapevine.  If you only knew him, you would understand.  ;) hehehehehehehehehehehe


OK I understand. So let please let this go. both sides try to be nice to each other and every team out there. There is no reson to get ugly about a soccer game. there are kids  is on this thing so please let it go. 


Just to clarify here. Several of the Lumberton players are Div 1 level, and all are Super 2 level. But chose not to play up because of a variety of reasons. Playing other sports, distance to games, having a life outside soccer are a few. But I promise you that they can play the game. (Same can be said for other local players.) Just because a player is not playing in the ELITE LEVELS OF HIGH DOLLAR SOCCER does not mean they are slow and stout. What an idiotic statement.

For the Friendswood Bozo to post that they are slow and stout shows that he has never met any of them. For him to say they are classless for running up the score proves he how little he knows. The COACH controls the score in these things, not the players. Anyone who knows sports should know that fact. The players do what the coach tells them.


Guest Newbie

Coach W, that last statement got me thinking, how many Fillies players are there in the Lumberton, Nederland, PNG, and West Brook teams?


To Coach W. 

First, I prefer Krusty to Bozo.  You are dating yourself with your reference.

Second, if you had actually bothered to read my posts (what a novel idea), you would see that I have seen your girls play, and they are (IMO) relatively slow.  Some are not, but as a team they are.  You can disagree all you want, but my opinion is BASED UPON my personal observations.  I won't bother rehashing the stout issue -- I'll just presume that you would agree with a previous poster's comments about those pesky double meaning words (I myself hate the triple meaning words).

Third, I'm sorry, but if they are not playing D1 or Super 2, then they are not D1 or S2 level.  It's really neat that you, their coach think they are, and you can offer whatever excuse you want.  The bottom line is that they are D2 players -- really good D2 players, but D2 players nontheless. 

Fourth, once again if you had actually bothered to read my posts, you would see that I did not say that your girls themselves are classless.  What they did was classless, but I agree that the coach is responsible for what his or her players do in terms of running up the score.  That, in fact, is the tenor of my posts. 

Keep standing up for your girls.  Just, do us all a favor and start to read.


Freindswood Fan, I unlike a lot of people in SE Texas don't disagree that the Friendswood Lady Mustangs have been for years and will probably remain the bar at which region three, 4A soccer is set at.  I just don't like you cause I think your a pompous arrogant prick.

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