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Nederland Bond

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I'm leaning to support the bond. My kids who have small children and just starting a family and who went through the school system are opposed. They tell me they made it through ok but with small children, mortgage and economy how will they afford the additional taxes.

20-40 i see will be against, 41-60 for it, 65 and older against.

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Guest Brubaker

How come our roofs are in such terrible shape when we just went through many major hurricanes. Did we get screwed on roof repairs are what? If we can't maintain our buildings now what makes you think we can 20 years from now. Sounds like we need to cut fat at the top and put some more money in the maintenance budget.

Okay, now you're making a point, Vote No for the Kids... is not a point.  Your point may be poor, but at least it's a point.  Good job.

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Guest Brubaker

I'm leaning to support the bond. My kids who have small children and just starting a family and who went through the school system are opposed. They tell me they made it through ok but with small children, mortgage and economy how will they afford the additional taxes.

20-40 i see will be against, 41-60 for it, 65 and older against.

If for nothing else, do it to support the biggest investment you have... your home value.  Thing of it is, a new state of the art football stadium and new schools will attract people to come to our community.  It's simple, if people want to come in, people compete for homes on the market and prices go up... if people don't want to come in... nobody competes and your biggest investment goes down.  Most of these anti bonders seem to be concerned about the money, and I don't blame em, but I think they are missing the big picture.  Just my opinion.

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I'm leaning to support the bond. My kids who have small children and just starting a family and who went through the school system are opposed. They tell me they made it through ok but with small children, mortgage and economy how will they afford the additional taxes.

20-40 i see will be against, 41-60 for it, 65 and older against.

If for nothing else, do it to support the biggest investment you have... your home value.  Thing of it is, a new state of the art football stadium and new schools will attract people to come to our community.  It's simple, if people want to come in, people compete for homes on the market and prices go up... if people don't want to come in... nobody competes and your biggest investment goes down.  Most of these anti bonders seem to be concerned about the money, and I don't blame em, but I think they are missing the big picture.  Just my opinion.

i agree with you bru. we have stay competitive to get the best students we can and that's why i'm going to support. the football stadium doesn't do anything for me, i will still go to the games no matter the condition. we already have one of the baseball fields in southeast texas, so i'm happy about that.

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Guest Brubaker

I'm leaning to support the bond. My kids who have small children and just starting a family and who went through the school system are opposed. They tell me they made it through ok but with small children, mortgage and economy how will they afford the additional taxes.

20-40 i see will be against, 41-60 for it, 65 and older against.

If for nothing else, do it to support the biggest investment you have... your home value.  Thing of it is, a new state of the art football stadium and new schools will attract people to come to our community.  It's simple, if people want to come in, people compete for homes on the market and prices go up... if people don't want to come in... nobody competes and your biggest investment goes down.  Most of these anti bonders seem to be concerned about the money, and I don't blame em, but I think they are missing the big picture.  Just my opinion.

i agree with you bru. we have stay competitive to get the best students we can and that's why i'm going to support. the football stadium doesn't do anything for me, i will still go to the games no matter the condition. we already have the one the baseball fields southeast texas, so i'm happy about that.

It doesn't do anything for me either, but it's a big deal for a community and attracting the best kids and families.  Would UT be the same if they tore down Darryl K Royal and played in a rathole??? People identify and take pride in their athletic programs, this is America, that's not going to change.  PNG will have the upper hand in that regard, look for them to close the gap on Nederland... and their is a gap in talent no matter what people want to believe.  Look at the results of the last 4-5 track meets at all levels... track meets = athletes, put that with solid coaching and you get Neumann's record over Burnett.  It's more comforting to blame it on the coach though.

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Whether it's correct or fair, schools/education is competitive. When every bordering district has approved bond elections the result is you end up with the worst facilities in the intire area for many years to come. Not a desired label. Some call it keeping up with the Jones but reality is its keeping up with the times. The comparable condition of a district's facilities can be a determining factor in attracting quality teachers, students, business and future home development. I hope Nederland decides they can afford to pass the bond.

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The repairs had to be done.  Would you rather had waited and see if we passed the bond?  Also, brand new buildings will reduce the maintenance costs and stress on the crews. Its a lot easier to maintain a new building than try to patch together 50 year old buildings.

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Ok, I think we are talking about two different districts.  PNGbandkid said something about roof leaks, as far as I know, the repairs in Nederland held after Rita and I don't think they had alot of damage after IKE.  As far as the budget goes, I am not sure what it is but it is probably posted on the NISD site under Board meetings.

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I'm leaning to support the bond. My kids who have small children and just starting a family and who went through the school system are opposed. They tell me they made it through ok but with small children, mortgage and economy how will they afford the additional taxes.

20-40 i see will be against, 41-60 for it, 65 and older against.

65 older, why would they be against the bond, it does not affect them?

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Motivation - The reason for an action...

Excerpt from:

This is the hidden content, please

A financial catastrophe for the government school system means that our highly trained education professionals and all that they have wrought will be socially and politically delegitimized. This, in turn, will finally allow us to have a genuine discussion, not about "school reform", but about education reform.


And perhaps, just perhaps, Christians and churches will begin to assume again the responsibility for education that they so foolishly abandoned generations ago.



Help Paul The Bond Slayer


The Continuing Collapse is never without solutions, and indeed there is something everyone of us can do accelerate the greatly desired collapse of the corrupt and decaying government school system.


School bond levies are a major source of the cashflow that highly trained education professionals use to buy the support of their special interest friends. Killing those levies will accelerate the demise of the government school system. But how can we do this systematically without a large investment of time?


Fortunately, all we need to do is let Paul Dorr (aka "Paul The Bond Slayer") know if we have a bond election coming up in our area. Paul The Bond Slayer has defeated about $1.2 billion in bonds so far and can increase that number substantially if he can get more information about where school bond elections are being held.


So, all you need to do is let The Continuing Collapse or Paul The Bond Slayer know about the bond election in your area, and The Bond Slayer will take it from there.

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Sad.  Really sad.  I ran into a friend and local business owner in one of OUR COMMUNITY businesses.  Looks like CARE is out to pressure business in Nederland ISD to get in line...or else!  My friend explained that they support the bond and placed a yard sign to show their support.  A few days later CARE came knocking and pressured them to remove the sign with veiled threats of retribution.  My friend supports the bond and plans to vote yes, and the threat of being targeted by CARE is a difficult business risk.  Remember, this friend owns a business and pays taxes to NISD.  They understand the benefits of a YES vote, and recognize the real damage of a no vote.

This is textbook

This is the hidden content, please
.  FIGHT BACK!  This is our community.  Get involved with the YES group
This is the hidden content, please

If you sense the emotion in this post, that's because this kind of this is sickening and has no place in Nederland.

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Guest Brubaker

People need to find out who is campaigning for the school board seat under the support of Paul Dorr and CARE... then vote accordingly.  Be an informed voter, I've seen disconnects in peoples candidate support and their support for the bond... this is THE issue for the bond in my view, just asking for people to be informed.

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People need to find out who is campaigning for the school board seat under the support of Paul Dorr and CARE... then vote accordingly.  Be an informed voter, I've seen disconnects in peoples candidate support and their support for the bond... this is THE issue for the bond in my view, just asking for people to be informed.

I agree with you.  I will not vote for anyone who supports this dorr fellow... I am going to look into this.

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No excuse to rip the taxpayer off.  You don't build a new house because the roof leaks.  You repair it and move on.  Next!

Just thought I'd offer something into the record:

Look at PN-G's so-called "renovations" under our bond. You know what they were? Roof repairs for every school in the district except the middle schools, and only partial roof repairs at the high school (only the sections set to remain were repaired, understandably). At PNE, the new roof is already leaking, and we've got fresh mildew growing in the instrument room at the high school from last weekend's rain. At Taft, there is a room that has been nicknamed the "waterfall room" because water pours down the windows every time it starts to sprinkle. This comes only weeks after the roof repairs were affected. We're in the same boat over here. These buildings are just being "rehabilitated" every few years, and, as we all know, you can only fix the leaks in the hull so many times before the boat finally sinks.

Well Smitty what do have to say about that?

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Don't scare the people.  It's not sinking.  Think about what you are saying.  When/if it fails, then you are saying we have a sunk school district.  Wrong!

Should be a pretty simple arguement since we have an example of that strategy in the PNGISD which has not proven successful.  I think staying away from the Jones' would be prudent... but CARE and Smitty would have us try to keep up with the Jones' and plug holes in a sinking ship. 

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This is for all the pro-bonders:  How about letting this board know what personal relation -- or members of your family -- you or they have, if any, to the NISD school district.  Either being employed by or offer services to by you or any family members.

1.8 million dollar press box, tell me this is not true, please!

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It was not directed to you, per se.  I just used yours.  Yours had a small area; I didn't want it to big to take away from the important question.   

This is for all the pro-bonders:  How about letting this board know what personal relation you have, if any, to the NISD school district.  Either being employed by or offer services to.

1.8 million dollar press box, tell me this is not true, please!

Not sure why you picked my post to ask this question but I have zero connection to the NISD school district other than I live in Nederland and my wife is a high school teacher there. So, if this was directed at me, why the question? I am very much in favor of the bond, I have some concerns like everyone does, but I am still 97% behind it and will vote for it. So why the question smitty?

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Guest Brubaker

Don't scare the people.  It's not sinking.  Think about what you are saying.  When/if it fails, then you are saying we have a sunk school district.  Wrong!

Should be a pretty simple arguement since we have an example of that strategy in the PNGISD which has not proven successful.  I think staying away from the Jones' would be prudent... but CARE and Smitty would have us try to keep up with the Jones' and plug holes in a sinking ship. 

This isn't a scare tactic.  There is a point of diminishing/no/negative return on an investment.  In my view, we are reaching/have reached that point with the service we've gotten from our facilities.  Whether you plug the holes with a minimal "repair" focused bond that has proven to be unsuccessful in other similar situations, or you truly address the situation with new facilities... no matter, the ship is sinking or nothing would need to be done.  It's all about how you right the ship.  I have one opinion, you have another, but we woudn't be talking if the ship weren't sinking, and yes eventually it will join Davy Jones if the RIGHT thing isn't done... what is the right thing is what we are discussing.  Agree?  or should we agree to disagree??? 

I am not employed by nor do I provide services to the district... just looking to protect my investment in my home.

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Guest Penny

I've read the information, considered as much as I could, and I have a sign in my yard supporting the bond.  In my line of work, I deal with similar situations everyday, so feel comftorable with my decision.  I don't think comments one way or the other are going to sway the personalities involved here, pick a position and vote.  That's what I would encourage everyone to do.  Funny thing to me, is there are likely people ranting on this board who won't even vote.

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You may be right.  Everyone needs to vote, or they can't complain later.  Complain now, one way or the other, vote, then let the process work itself out. 

I've read the information, considered as much as I could, and I have a sign in my yard supporting the bond.  In my line of work, I deal with similar situations everyday, so feel comftorable with my decision.  I don't think comments one way or the other are going to sway the personalities involved here, pick a position and vote.  That's what I would encourage everyone to do.  Funny thing to me, is there are likely people ranting on this board who won't even vote.

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Bru, I appreciate your truthful answer.

Don't scare the people.  It's not sinking.  Think about what you are saying.  When/if it fails, then you are saying we have a sunk school district.  Wrong!

Should be a pretty simple arguement since we have an example of that strategy in the PNGISD which has not proven successful.  I think staying away from the Jones' would be prudent... but CARE and Smitty would have us try to keep up with the Jones' and plug holes in a sinking ship. 

This isn't a scare tactic.  There is a point of diminishing/no/negative return on an investment.  In my view, we are reaching/have reached that point with the service we've gotten from our facilities.  Whether you plug the holes with a minimal "repair" focused bond that has proven to be unsuccessful in other similar situations, or you truly address the situation with new facilities... no matter, the ship is sinking or nothing would need to be done.  It's all about how you right the ship.  I have one opinion, you have another, but we woudn't be talking if the ship weren't sinking, and yes eventually it will join Davy Jones if the RIGHT thing isn't done... what is the right thing is what we are discussing.  Agree?  or should we agree to disagree??? 

I am not employed by nor do I provide services to the district... just looking to protect my investment in my home.

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You may be right.  Everyone needs to vote, or they can't complain later.  Complain now, one way or the other, vote, then let the process work itself out. 

I've read the information, considered as much as I could, and I have a sign in my yard supporting the bond.  In my line of work, I deal with similar situations everyday, so feel comftorable with my decision.  I don't think comments one way or the other are going to sway the personalities involved here, pick a position and vote.  That's what I would encourage everyone to do.  Funny thing to me, is there are likely people ranting on this board who won't even vote.

Problem is you can't vote for it smitty........

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