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I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct?
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Aren't we all?

I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct?


Aren't we all?

I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct?

All you need to know right here at your finger tips, and you didn't have to ask your buddies with CARE for the info.

This is the hidden content, please


I bet you have more buddies on the bond commitee than I do on CARE.  Which is zero for me.  I believe I've already made that clear.

;D  ;D

I'll look over the site you have here.  Without looking, though, I know the athletic budget is more than $155,000.  ::)

Aren't we all?

I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct?

All you need to know right here at your finger tips, and you didn't have to ask your buddies with CARE for the info.

This is the hidden content, please


Why dont you look at it like this, If you send a kid to Nederland school district, they are getting a quality education for about 5 to 7 dollars an hour. Total annual budget divided by total student hours in class.......I think the school district does just fine.

Guest L212

I think the a lot of people on this thread are misinterpreting what happened Saturday.  The voters of NISD voted against THIS bond.  That doesn't mean they don't support the children or teachers or that they don't want nice facilities.  It just means they didn't support THIS bond.  The new school board needs to find out what the voters will approve and make the appropriate adjustments. I think they're going to have to take out everything having to do with athletics.  Many people look at sports as just extracurricular activities and not that important and do not want their taxes raised for nicer athletic facilities.  I also think they may need to build new schools one or two at a time.  I know this means new bonds every 10 years or so but smaller bonds are easier to swallow.  As someone pointed out earlier, the school  board needs to learn from this election if they're ever going to get the money they want.  I don't think they can come back with essentially the same bond when only 850 out of about 12,000 people 18 or over in the NISD supported this bond enough to come out and vote for it.  That means that only about 8% of the people in NISD old enough to vote actually voted for the bond. I'm guessing at the population but this should be close.


James, you will never convince Smitty, even if it is laid out in black and white.

We have Football at 3 schools 7 or 8 teams. We have volleyball at the 3 schools 7 or 8 teams, we have track at 3 schools, we have softball, baseball with multiple teams, soccer, power lifting, corss country, basketball at 3 schools, I know I missing some other sport. So what is your point Smitty??? So if it is 155,000 or 255,000 it is peanuts for all of our kids to participate in something that build team work, character, disciplne, etc... By the way, I read the document and it is $155,000.


Unless I'm reading a different doc, I've already seen a figure over $400,000.  But that doesn't tell the whole story.  I'm still looking.  

By the way, did see a maintenance budget of over $6,000,000?!  I'll keep looking.  I suggest the the pro-bonders keep seeking the truth also.   ;D

James, you will never convince Smitty, even if it is laid out in black and white.

We have Football at 3 schools 7 or 8 teams. We have volleyball at the 3 schools 7 or 8 teams, we have track at 3 schools, we have softball, baseball with multiple teams, soccer, power lifting, corss country, basketball at 3 schools, I know I missing some other sport. So what is your point Smitty??? So if it is 155,000 or 255,000 it is peanuts for all of our kids to participate in something that build team work, character, disciplne, etc... By the way, I read the document and it is $155,000.


Yes, just like I'm not going to convince you.  But we were right this time and you was wrong.  So, go over it.  I guess that would be my point.  Clear enough for you?

James, you will never convince Smitty, even if it is laid out in black and white.

We have Football at 3 schools 7 or 8 teams. We have volleyball at the 3 schools 7 or 8 teams, we have track at 3 schools, we have softball, baseball with multiple teams, soccer, power lifting, corss country, basketball at 3 schools, I know I missing some other sport. So what is your point Smitty??? So if it is 155,000 or 255,000 it is peanuts for all of our kids to participate in something that build team work, character, disciplne, etc... By the way, I read the document and it is $155,000.


I bet you have more buddies on the bond commitee than I do on CARE.  Which is zero for me.  I believe I've already made that clear.

;D   ;D

I'll look over the site you have here.  Without looking, though, I know the athletic budget is more than $155,000.   ::)

Aren't we all?

I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

O,K, so you don't know the answer and you are looking for accurate information, correct?

All you need to know right here at your finger tips, and you didn't have to ask your buddies with CARE for the info.

This is the hidden content, please

That 155,00 was a bad attempt at a joke so I deleted it, so is the 20,000 number. It went over your head. Anyway all the information you need is included in this package.

I wouldn't give CARE too much credit.  For example, Shaw had a better performance than Bruney on KBTV.  If the election had been really close, maybe.  But it was 4 to 1.  With those kind of numbers, it's not a stretch to think the bond would have failed without CARE's involvement.

Besides, from my perspective anyway, the media push was about even on both sides.  I'd even give a slight edge to the pro-bond crowd.  The superintendent had a series of articles on either the PA News or Beaumont Enterprise.

I recall clearly the first time I heard about the bond.  My first response was "Wow, that seems awfully high to me."  When I asked this person if he thought that would pass, he said, "Oh, yeah.  It should pass easily."

Now what was that sentiment based on?  The wishes of the Board and the Committee?  It certainly wasn't based on an understanding of what the voters would approve.

The tragedy of this debacle is we've wasted time.  I've read the LANWalton report.  They probably have it just about right, IMO.  Guess what.  It doesn't matter.  Bismarck had it right.  Politics is the art of the possible.  Castigating 3200 voters for looking out for their perceived best interests isn't going to get the job done.  Quite the opposite, I'd say.

Sure, some people will vote no every time.  Those people aren't even in the game.  But I heard a lot of people say they'd support a bond, just not THIS bond.  Find out what those people will support.


Smitty, you said 3200 people disagree with me; no, 3200 people think the status quot in Nederland, when it comes to education and facilities, are just fine and dandy. All I know is, when I'm out at athletic events or talk to any of my Nederland friends, I hear about how great their schools are and great their stadium is and they're both adequate, but their is always room for improvement. I guess the status quot is going to have be good enough for the foreseeable future in Nederland.


Username, I you have some points (not very good ones).The superintadent promoted the bond as good as Bruney did, not very good. There will be a bond, we will see what happens.

Money talks!!!


For the Love of God............Please let it go...........its over...............

When they rework the bond, everyone can go insane again but until then

stick a frickin fork in it!


I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

smitty come on now, I think you need to find yourself a good woman to get your mind off of this topic.  We all understand you know all the answers and we don't.  You are aganist athletics, and the administration of nederland.  We get it


We won, you lost.  Get over it!  Stop whining.

I'm looking for a total figure.

James, my friend, I don't see a figure.

Smitty I know the budget for the athletic department, so what is your point?

I told you 20,000 less than last year. Am I right about that smitty?

smitty come on now, I think you need to find yourself a good woman to get your mind off of this topic.  We all understand you know all the answers and we don't.  You are aganist athletics, and the administration of nederland.  We get it


One funny post bond election story:  Nederland has been known to have signs stolen during campaigns.  Well, a local business individual had a large "Vote No" sign put up in his yard.  He is on one of the main streets in Nederland.  He had bets around town how long it would be before someone stole it.  As the days went by, nothing.  Until Saturday morning, the day of the election.  Around 3:00 in the morning, guess what, his sign got stolen.  A man got out with clippers and clipped whatever it was holding the sign to the stakes.  And the most funny part, is that this individual is associated with the Nederland ISD.  Let's see: trespassing, theft.  Amazing. 

What?  You want to know how this business owner knows when it happened and who it was?  He had a camera rolling all the time.  He has it all on film.  The only question is what to do with this info.  Ha!  What a hoot.


If I felt the way you do about everyone in Nederland I would move to some other great city more to your taste. I wouldn't want those sorry people educating my kids, they may infect them or something. If there is anything I can do to help like renting you a moving van, let me know ;D


Ah, still talking in cliches.  No substance is what lost it for ya'll.  I also noticed you didn't want to tackle the one about the pro-bonder stealing the sign.  But I give you this, you are full of chiches.  You let me know if you need a moving van for all those chiches.  ;D

PS - Or did you not know that Nederland is known for having campaign signs stolen?

If I felt the way you do about everyone in Nederland I would move to some other great city more to your taste. I wouldn't want those sorry people educating my kids, they may infect them or something. If there is anything I can do to help like renting you a moving van, let me know ;D


One funny post bond election story:  Nederland has been known to have signs stolen during campaigns.  Well, a local business individual had a large "Vote No" sign put up in his yard.  He is on one of the main streets in Nederland.  He had bets around town how long it would be before someone stole it.  As the days went by, nothing.  Until Saturday morning, the day of the election.  Around 3:00 in the morning, guess what, his sign got stolen.  A man got out with clippers and clipped whatever it was holding the sign to the stakes.  And the most funny part, is that this individual is associated with the Nederland ISD.  Let's see: trespassing, theft.  Amazing. 

What?  You want to know how this business owner knows when it happened and who it was?  He had a camera rolling all the time.  He has it all on film.  The only question is what to do with this info.  Ha!  What a hoot.

I heard they recovered the stolen sign. It was found being used as a classroom divider at the High School. See, CARE is already helping reduce our needs in the classrooms. Thanks

We won, you lost.  Get over it!  Stop whining.

"We won, you lost  THE KIDS LOST!  Get over it!  Stop whining."

Smitty, I know that in five years from now when the kids across the track are attending new schools you will be the first one to visit all the Bulldog students in the ancient elementary schools and tell them we can keep on patching the roofs and maintain our buildings and you don't need to attend a new school because I was a penny pincher and didn't want to pay for you to have a better education.

Granted this bond would have done better if they would have taken out the athletic facility expenditures, but still.

You are gloating over not wanting to invest in the children of your community!

You must enjoy the company with all of the other ogres who live under the bridge.


Ha!  I like that.

One funny post bond election story:  Nederland has been known to have signs stolen during campaigns.  Well, a local business individual had a large "Vote No" sign put up in his yard.  He is on one of the main streets in Nederland.  He had bets around town how long it would be before someone stole it.  As the days went by, nothing.  Until Saturday morning, the day of the election.  Around 3:00 in the morning, guess what, his sign got stolen.  A man got out with clippers and clipped whatever it was holding the sign to the stakes.  And the most funny part, is that this individual is associated with the Nederland ISD.  Let's see: trespassing, theft.  Amazing. 

What?  You want to know how this business owner knows when it happened and who it was?  He had a camera rolling all the time.  He has it all on film.  The only question is what to do with this info.  Ha!  What a hoot.

I heard they recovered the stolen sign. It was found being used as a classroom divider at the High School. See, CARE is already helping reduce our needs in the classrooms. Thanks


First of all, you don't have a dog in this hunt.  Second, that must be a pretty big bridge to hold 3,200 (79%) of us.  Friend, 79% is a landslide of embarrasing proportions.  The only ones that should take a look in the mirror are those that tried to cram this bad bond issue down Nederland's throat.  If one doesn't learn from their mistakes, then they are surely to repeat them.  And that's fine with us.

Oh, by the way, I guess everyone knows that Nederland ISD opened for business Monday morning and continued with their excellent education.  I know it shocks some of you, but Nederland will continue to do good without the bonds.  And this is for you, PURPLE 4 Ever, PN-G would have also.

We won, you lost.  Get over it!  Stop whining.

"We won, you lost  THE KIDS LOST!  Get over it!  Stop whining."

Smitty, I know that in five years from now when the kids across the track are attending new schools you will be the first one to visit all the Bulldog students in the ancient elementary schools and tell them we can keep on patching the roofs and maintain our buildings and you don't need to attend a new school because I was a penny pincher and didn't want to pay for you to have a better education.

Granted this bond would have done better if they would have taken out the athletic facility expenditures, but still.

You are gloating over not wanting to invest in the children of your community!

You must enjoy the company with all of the other ogres who live under the bridge.

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