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**H-F at BC Updates..10-7 BC Wins!!**

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No. 6 I believe got ejected from inside the dugout. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter what his number was, he probably feels bad enough. It was a heated game with alot on the line and knowing the young man he wishes he had those words back so he could have contributed on the field.

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Gabriel Pruett

The Orange Leader

BRIDGE CITY — It took everything Bridge City had yet when push came to shove, the Cardinals came out on top again.

The Cardinals need a rally to defeat the Hamshire-Fannett Longhorns Tuesday and a quick, very quick, save from Matt Hicks in a 10-7 win.

Bridge City moved to 17-2-1 overall and 5-0 in the District 21-3A standings after the first half of play. The Cardinals hold a two-game lead over Orangefield and Hamshire-Fannett who are 3-2 in the standings

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I have two questions concerning the game tonight.

Third strike dropped by catcher, runner takes off to first, catcher throws ball to first and hits the runner in back and the runner was called out.  So, the runner cannot run down the baseline to first.................I am really confused on what happened and where the runner should have been running.

What happened with the player being ejected from the game and was this the player that got hit in the back while running to first. ???

I was not in this game but the rule is, A runner going to first must run within the confines of the running box that is located the last 45 feet of the baseline going to first. Now, for there to be any kind of call, he must be running outside of that running lane AND ALTER THE PLAY. Just running outside is not a violation . This is exactly where you see this call made when a catcher or maybe a pitcher fielding a bunt has to throw to first and a runner is running inside the baseline. All it takes is on foot to be outside of this running lane not your entire body. The key to whole thing is must also alter the play by running out side of the running lane.

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Guest BC boy 17

the play that changed the game was the pop up bunt with runner on first possibly could of doubled him off and a bad throw then after that BC i think scored 4 more runs

they wouldn't have gotten a double playcause the runner at first went back to the bag. but they would gotten him on second on the throw

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its was a good game congrats BC on their victory, but i don't think that #6 should of got ejected its a baseball game all people do is trash talk............ GO HORNS!!![/b]

That's what's wrong with the game. People trash talk instead of playing the game the way it was meant to be played. Congrats to BC on the win.

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Not enough is said about the arms in the outfield. Pinder in Left field threw out the runner going home, and Landry coached him,lol, good game BC, good game HF also. I'll say this for Landry,he knows when to make the right pitching decisions at the right time.  On the play at first, Pinder is really fast,and this makes the catcher hurry his throw,it was a close call,like Admin said,could have went either way,but would not have made a difference in the outcome of the game. Not worth getting thrown out of the game, please guys,let the coach argue the call,and the stands scream and yell,thats what we are there for,lol. A player yelling at the ump will never win,I mean never. Lets get ready for OF.

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You are right.................great play by the leftfielder to get the out at home!  And I couldn't agree with you more and this should apply to all players..............be disciplined enough to keep your mouth shut to umpires, let the coach scream and yell, kick dirt, whatever he chooses to do and if he gets kicked out, then the team is not directly affected.  As a parent and spectator, it gives a bad impression of a mouthy player and then that directly reflects on the whole team.  Games get emotional, but guys and girls, have enough respect for your coach to know he will argue the bad call or whatever. 

Congrats on the win BC and good luck HF with OF.

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has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

i agree with what is being said. players play ball, coaches coach, and fans cheer, scream, and holler at umps or whoever. 

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has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

i agree with what is being said. players play ball, coaches coach, and fans cheer, scream, and holler at umps or whoever. 

awww thats such a TERRIBLE  thing that the hf players say something when they think its a ball instead of a strike.if you played the game i know for a fact that everyone does it...sorry that we get umps that dont have a clue and just eject people for stupid reasons. and the players that got ejected didnt do anything for you to sit there an say that the progam doesnt have any class..you wouldnt know cause you werent in the dugout..if our players were to of done something so terrible to the ump, then you would have heard the coach say something to the player....and if # 6 did something so wrong to the ump at bc then why is it that both coachs went over there to talk to him and to say how stupid he is for making that call...im pretty sure that if that player would have done something so bad like everyone claims he did  i positive the coaches wouldnt go over there to try and argue the call..now if anyone else wants to say that that hf doesnt have any class this year then there is somehting wrong...i promise this team has made a complete turn around from the way we treated the game last year and the way we do now..and i promise that that program has alot more class then anyone else thinks 

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has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

i agree with what is being said. players play ball, coaches coach, and fans cheer, scream, and holler at umps or whoever. 

Stir much?  ;D

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I read this stuff on here bc I like baseball. I am a coach but I have umpired as well in the Chapter out of Beaumont. Those guys will toss someone very quickly and they might not even care if it was the kid who did it if it came from the dugout. Umps don't like ball, strike or out arguments bc its their judgement. The thing I see kids doing now is blurting out "Oh come on blue you suck". This is not right. I have no clue what happened at the game, wasn't there or talked to ne one who was. But when that happens it is disrespectful. The kids who say this need to be repremanded and usually are. What if the umpire said "You Suck" everytime a kid struck out or got out. Ppl would not be happy. Coaches are there to argue the calls, players are there to play no matter the conditions. If you let an umpire get in your head what will happen when you get deep in the playoffs and play a good team? They will get in your head.

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has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

i agree with what is being said. players play ball, coaches coach, and fans cheer, scream, and holler at umps or whoever. 

awww thats such a TERRIBLE  thing that the hf players say something when they think its a ball instead of a strike.if you played the game i know for a fact that everyone does it...sorry that we get umps that dont have a clue and just eject people for stupid reasons. and the players that got ejected didnt do anything for you to sit there an say that the progam doesnt have any class..you wouldnt know cause you werent in the dugout..if our players were to of done something so terrible to the ump, then you would have heard the coach say something to the player....and if # 6 did something so wrong to the ump at bc then why is it that both coachs went over there to talk to him and to say how stupid he is for making that call...im pretty sure that if that player would have done something so bad like everyone claims he did  i positive the coaches wouldnt go over there to try and argue the call..now if anyone else wants to say that that hf doesnt have any class this year then there is somehting wrong...i promise this team has made a complete turn around from the way we treated the game last year and the way we do now..and i promise that that program has alot more class then anyone else thinks 

2 things - 1 arguing balls and stikes is an AUTOMATIC ejection 2 - the ball field is an extention of the classroom, language not tolerated in the classroom isn't tolerated on the field either

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has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

I've seen most of the HF games this year, and I haven't seen the players arguing with the umps or any of them getting a warning.  When did you play them?  As has been said before, don't compare this year to years past.  There has been a changing of the guard at HF...of course sometimes it takes a while to overcome the training of the past. (language for instance)  If you are around kids much, you will know that they will get emotional and make poor decisions from time to time.  Both situations where players were ejected were in reaction to very poor calls by the ump.  I think any one in those kid's positions would have responded in much the same way.  It is not a lack of discipline in the program.

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has any other players been kicked out of a game this year? and lets limit this to the golden triangle area. HF has how many? 2 at least? sounds like we have a lack of discipline problem with this program. i know when we played HF players would argue balls and strikes and everthing else until the ump had enough and gave a kid a warning.

I've seen most of the HF games this year, and I haven't seen the players arguing with the umps or any of them getting a warning.  When did you play them?  As has been said before, don't compare this year to years past.  There has been a changing of the guard at HF...of course sometimes it takes a while to overcome the training of the past. (language for instance)  If you are around kids much, you will know that they will get emotional and make poor decisions from time to time.  Both situations where players were ejected were in reaction to very poor calls by the ump.  I think any one in those kid's positions would have responded in much the same way.  It is not a lack of discipline in the program.

So are you telling me that 3 of the 4 years landry was at Hf he went to playoffs, one year went 3 rounds and another went 21-7 was because of bad discipline by the coach? I dunno who you are and I really don't care, but you can not take anything away from him or those guys that played, now I don't know what bone you have to pick with landry, but he is one of the best things that happened to HF baseball and he's a big part of the reason "your" guys are having the success they are...

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    • Yes. May have been Jimmies. What I’m seeing is a lot more teams going back to more ‘traditional style’ offenses. These things go in cycles, and it’s very difficult for all but mega schools to consistently find QB’s who can really be effective with a true spread type offense year in and year out. I’d venture to guess most schools have an outstanding QB that can win a game almost on their own only every few years if that, and that’s what you need for the ‘high flying’ spreads. So coaches go for the O’s that they can groom the majority of kids to be successful running, and take advantage of the superstar’s skills more within that O when they get them.
    • Always a great game… with big Ned on the road to far, I’m going to attend this one. Give me PAM! Tank going to have a 3 sack game 😎😎
    • That last one cost me $50
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