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Guest JoesBros

I thought Gabe was the King of Orange County?? You should have some pull to get this game back going


I thought Gabe was the King of Orange County?? You should have some pull to get this game back going

If they don't play this game, Van's column will be nice compared to what my fingers will type up.


It's Coach MAHAFFEY...not Mahassey! I can't belive no one has corrected that yet?

H-F once had respect from others in our district and area?? Seriously?? When?? Please tell me...my kids have been involved in H-F sports for years out here and I never remember anyone giving H-F any respect. It seems like the only time the media shows up is when something bad happens...just saying. How many teams in our district do you know that face the opposing team during their school song to pay respect to that school at the end of a football game...win or lose? NONE in this district except for H-F...that was Mangan's rule...respect the teams you play. H-F baseball players also shake the hands of the umpire's after a game, win or lose...an ump has even posted that on here about this team. However, you never hear anyone else praising these kids for that.

Fishy out in H-F? Why? Because these kids are finally fighting and standing up for themselves to prove they have what it takes to be competive after years of being put down by other districts...laughed at by other districts? An AD that was standing up for them due to beligerant BC fans, before the game was called last night?

It's funny how no one from BC wants to talk about their behavior at the game last night. Deliberately blowing a whistle as HF pitcher would throw a pitch or a HF batter would swing...purposely to distract the player...come on now, grow up. Yes, the AD said something and it got ugly and BC didn't seem to want to drop it. Yes, some of our fans had whistle's too...they were told not to blow them to distract, only to celebrate something good...and they followed those rules.

The AD said game over?? Really now? Since when did an AD have that power? Why has no one mentioned that it was ACTUALLY the umpires who wanted to call the game based on UIL rules? This was my understanding of what actually happened. The umpires wanted to call the game based on UIL rules, Landry and Mahaffey state the district rules...the umps are not aware of the district rules and argue UIL rules, therefore, from what I understand, the AD calls the meeting with UIL and district officials. Seems to me the question should be which trumps which, UIL over District rules or District rules over UIL??? Again, therefore the meeting to determine which way this will go. Some of you people seem to have your information wrong...do you only have one source or what?? I mean maybe I am the one who is wrong, but this is how it was explained to me, more than once....just saying.

To my knowledge, everyone out here in HF wants to finish the game and wished they could have finished it last night while BOTH teams had their momentum going...it made for a GREAT game. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating and the lightening got to be too much, so the UMPIRES called the game based on lightening activity.

Whatever happens...win or lose, BC, HF, and OF are all in the playoffs and it will be exciting to see how well 21-3A represents this area!  :)


And I am being honest when I say I have watched for even HF players names. We have all said the players have nothing to do with this so both sides keep the names out.


I believe this is about $$$

When the HJ/HF game was made up, the umpires had to be paid agian for a game, and mileage.  I know in other sports, there were issues about $$, so if that is the case, the issue is bigger than who wins or loses a baseball game..


I have been reading this thread and have had no desire to respond; however, after the absurd post by HFmom, I feel the need to do just that.  

Apparently HFmom doesn't know the true meaning of sportsmanship.  EVERYtime a BC player is already on base or in the batter's box and will be returning to defense, a teammate brings him his hat/glove and carries their helmet/bat back to the dugout.  Your interpretation of someone throwing a bat towards the dugout to be picked up and someone throwing a bat down in frustration is grossly misrepresented.  You, of all people, should know the difference.  After all you witness it at every HF game!!

I cannot believe that you had the audacity to call out a BC player when your HF player told the BC fans "F" y'all".   You know it happened and your first base coach did nothing about it.  The player you chose to call out just so happens to be one of the most respected ball players in this district, if not all of Southeast Texas (unlike any of your players).  This particular player is going to go places your ball players can only dream about.  Sounds to me like there's a jealous mother in HF.  Why else would you call out a BC player?  And you wonder why HF gets no respect.  After Friday night, you will never have it.  

I find it amusing that you think everyone is picking on poor little HF when there's a confrontation everytime HF plays a team in the district.  Sounds to me like HF is the common demoninator.  HF has lost all respect from every team in the district and rightly so.

BC's whistle blowing has been done for 9 games and no one had a problem with it until HF.  You mentioned BC blew the whistle while your boys were batting, right?  Well, wouldn't that be the same time the BC pitcher was pitching?  Where's the discrimination in that?

Your AD was there with an agenda after losing to the BC girls softball team.   It was evident at the softball game and he brought it with him to the baseball game.

And yes, you are wrong about the rules.  You don't have a clue.  


I believe this is about $$$

When the HJ/HF game was made up, the umpires had to be paid agian for a game, and mileage.  I know in other sports, there were issues about $$, so if that is the case, the issue is bigger than who wins or loses a baseball game..

Are you saying that the umpires should use their own money to drive back to the park and spend another couple of hours with no additional pay?????  It's not about a few extra dollars for officials. If it were me I would not spend my time and gas for nothing. We as Umpires do scrimmages for free and no mileage.


It's Coach MAHAFFEY...not Mahassey! I can't belive no one has corrected that yet?

H-F once had respect from others in our district and area?? Seriously?? When?? Please tell me...my kids have been involved in H-F sports for years out here and I never remember anyone giving H-F any respect. It seems like the only time the media shows up is when something bad happens...just saying. How many teams in our district do you know that face the opposing team during their school song to pay respect to that school at the end of a football game...win or lose? NONE in this district except for H-F...that was Mangan's rule...respect the teams you play. H-F baseball players also shake the hands of the umpire's after a game, win or lose...an ump has even posted that on here about this team. However, you never hear anyone else praising these kids for that.

Fishy out in H-F? Why? Because these kids are finally fighting and standing up for themselves to prove they have what it takes to be competive after years of being put down by other districts...laughed at by other districts? An AD that was standing up for them due to beligerant BC fans, before the game was called last night?

It's funny how no one from BC wants to talk about their behavior at the game last night. Deliberately blowing a whistle as HF pitcher would throw a pitch or a HF batter would swing...purposely to distract the player...come on now, grow up. Yes, the AD said something and it got ugly and BC didn't seem to want to drop it. Yes, some of our fans had whistle's too...they were told not to blow them to distract, only to celebrate something good...and they followed those rules.

The AD said game over?? Really now? Since when did an AD have that power? Why has no one mentioned that it was ACTUALLY the umpires who wanted to call the game based on UIL rules? This was my understanding of what actually happened. The umpires wanted to call the game based on UIL rules, Landry and Mahaffey state the district rules...the umps are not aware of the district rules and argue UIL rules, therefore, from what I understand, the AD calls the meeting with UIL and district officials. Seems to me the question should be which trumps which, UIL over District rules or District rules over UIL??? Again, therefore the meeting to determine which way this will go. Some of you people seem to have your information wrong...do you only have one source or what?? I mean maybe I am the one who is wrong, but this is how it was explained to me, more than once....just saying.

To my knowledge, everyone out here in HF wants to finish the game and wished they could have finished it last night while BOTH teams had their momentum going...it made for a GREAT game. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating and the lightening got to be too much, so the UMPIRES called the game based on lightening activity.

Whatever happens...win or lose, BC, HF, and OF are all in the playoffs and it will be exciting to see how well 21-3A represents this area!  :)


Guest bleed orange

I thought there was a lot of drama in girl sports. Boy's baseball has them beat. This is funny.  ;D  Put on the gloves and get it over with.  ;D


I have been reading this thread and have had no desire to respond; however, after the absurd post by HFmom, I feel the need to do just that.  

Apparently HFmom doesn't know the true meaning of sportsmanship.  EVERYtime a BC player is already on base or in the batter's box and will be returning to defense, a teammate brings him his hat/glove and carries their helmet/bat back to the dugout.  Your interpretation of someone throwing a bat towards the dugout to be picked up and someone throwing a bat down in frustration is grossly misrepresented.  You, of all people, should know the difference.  After all you witness it at every HF game!!

I cannot believe that you had the audacity to call out a BC player when your HF player told the BC fans "F" y'all".   You know it happened and your first base coach did nothing about it.  Sounds to me like there's a jealous mother in HF.  Why else would you call out a BC player?  And you wonder why HF gets no respect.  After Friday night, you will never have it.  

I find it amusing that you think everyone is picking on poor little HF when there's a confrontation everytime HF plays a team in the district.  Sounds to me like HF is the common demoninator.  HF has lost all respect from every team in the district and rightly so.

BC's whistle blowing has been done for 9 games and no one had a problem with it until HF.  You mentioned BC blew the whistle while your boys were batting, right?  Well, wouldn't that be the same time the BC pitcher was pitching?  Where's the discrimination in that?

Your AD was there with an agenda after losing to the BC girls softball team.   It was evident at the softball game and he brought it with him to the baseball game.

And yes, you are wrong about the rules.  You don't have a clue.  

Let me get this part out of the way...I do apologize for "calling" out a kid on the team. In hind sight I should not have done that, and in all honesty I was not doing it to be rude or to put that kid down...I even said so in my post. He is a great athlete and I respect him for that. The moderator took it out of my post and I have no problem with that and again, I apologize for this misinterpertation of the context. I was simply trying to point out that HF kids are not the only ones who get frustrated, and yes this kid was frustrated and I would guess mostly at himself, as most of the time, that is where the frustration lies. His reaction Friday night was in NO way different than the action of the HF kid who was thrown out for doing the same thing...we could argue that he was throwing his bat toward the dugout as well, so obviously your interpretation of what goes on at HF games is grossly misrepresented.

As far as the kid that said "F y'all" to the BC fans or team in the dugout...do I need to remind you that the kid was hit in the head and went down? He had a horrible time getting up and gathering his wits, he probably should have come out of the game. He thought the fans and the BC team was laughing at him. I am not making excuses for him, but I will tell you this kid is NOT the type of kid who would ever say that to anyone and since the game, he has been diagnosed with a concussion and is out for a week, so I would think that he was probably not in the right frame of mind at that time or he never would have been that rude (and something was said to him and he has been punished because of it).  If you were at that game, then you saw how hard of a time he was having to pull it together.

Jealous mom?? lol No, not at all, I don't even have a child playing at this time, I just know the kids and love the sport.

The whistle blowing...I was also at the BC/HF game that was played in BC and I do not recall the whistle's being blown then. The difference in them blowing it when HF was batting vs. HF pitching, it's called TIMING! Explain to me how a pitcher can release the ball at the same time a batter swings...wouldn't that be swinging too early?? It's all about timing in baseball and that is how the whistle was being used to distract HF. And just to let you know, BC fans are not the only ones who have been told by the umps to put away a noise maker that was causing distractions. OF complained about some type of noise maker HF had and those fans were told to put it away and did, without ANY confrontations.

I wasn't at the softball game, so I have no idea what agenda you are speaking of, but maybe you are right about that, I don't know but to say I don't know the rules?? Really now...did I even state that fact? I think all I said was that there was a difference in the UIL rules and the district rules, and yes, that is a fact. I simply commented that the question was which rule over ruled the other, I mean do you know? I'm not being rude or sarcastic, I'm being serious...do you know which would over rule the other? Apparently, neither the umpires or our AD knew, and I do know that an AD could not over rule UIL and/or District rules, hence the meeting.

Again, I am sorry for "calling" out a BC player. I do regret that and no matter what you think, I wasn't puposely doing that. If I had a kid that played, and he or she was called out on the forum, I would be upset too, and cannot apologize enough for my lack of judgement.


I wasn't at the softball game, so I have no idea what agenda you are speaking of, but maybe you are right about that, I don't know but to say I don't know the rules?? Really now...did I even state that fact? I think all I said was that there was a difference in the UIL rules and the district rules, and yes, that is a fact. I simply commented that the question was which rule over ruled the other, I mean do you know? I'm not being rude or sarcastic, I'm being serious...do you know which would over rule the other? Apparently, neither the umpires or our AD knew, and I do know that an AD could not over rule UIL and/or District rules, hence the meeting.

I would think the district rule would overrule the rule used by the UIL simply because if it didn't then why would the UIL let the districts set their own rules for this kind of situation. If the UIL rule would be the one used then there would be no point in the districts setting their own rules in the first place.


Funny thing is, the rain and lightning had been going on all game, but as soon as HF gets ahead again, OH, game is called, imagine that................and no one's mad because we weren't ahead, we had come back all night to go ahead so that didn't scare anybody, but apparently it did your AD, he had to call it then so you could hopefully win, lol.

>:(  Alright...it was the Umpires that called the game not the AD...an AD doesn't decide whether to call the game or not, its the Umpires!!!!


I wasn't at the softball game, so I have no idea what agenda you are speaking of, but maybe you are right about that, I don't know but to say I don't know the rules?? Really now...did I even state that fact? I think all I said was that there was a difference in the UIL rules and the district rules, and yes, that is a fact. I simply commented that the question was which rule over ruled the other, I mean do you know? I'm not being rude or sarcastic, I'm being serious...do you know which would over rule the other? Apparently, neither the umpires or our AD knew, and I do know that an AD could not over rule UIL and/or District rules, hence the meeting.

I would think the district rule would overrule the rule used by the UIL simply because if it didn't then why would the UIL let the districts set their own rules for this kind of situation. If the UIL rule would be the one used then there would be no point in the districts setting their own rules in the first place.

Well, that makes sense and I guess we all find out on Monday. Thanks for the input!


???  i'm confused now.  HF needs to make up their mind.  an earlier post stated the reason the player used the language he did was because Landry taught him that.  now it's being said he used that language because he was hit in the head.  could it be that maybe it's just a lack of respect on the player's part?  nah, couldn't be that.  HF never disrespects....


???  i'm confused now.  HF needs to make up their mind.  an earlier post stated the reason the player used the language he did was because Landry taught him that.  now it's being said he used that language because he was hit in the head.  could it be that maybe it's just a lack of respect on the player's part?  nah, couldn't be that.  HF never disrespects....

See now I'm not the same person that blamed Landry for the foul language, so don't even compare that quote to mine. You don't even know that kid, I do and had it been someone else other than him, I might not even argue with you, but this kid is NOT the type of kid to speak to adults or anyone else for that matter in that way. And I clearly said I was not making excuses for him, just stating a fact about the kid.


Funny thing is, the rain and lightning had been going on all game, but as soon as HF gets ahead again, OH, game is called, imagine that................and no one's mad because we weren't ahead, we had come back all night to go ahead so that didn't scare anybody, but apparently it did your AD, he had to call it then so you could hopefully win, lol.

Ok...the AD did not call the game it was the umpires...Mangan might have given his opinion on the situation but it is not ultimately his decision, that choice lies with the umpires!!!

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