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Setx Moderators

Guest etbu

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Much howling on here today about the mods that run this site and please hear me out.

1. First this site is funded by private money.

2. Mods spend alot of time giving us good stuff.

3. If you don't like it don't let the door hit you in the backside. (You cant bc I have tried.8)

4. If you can do it better get your own site.

Real simple fellers they do the best they can BUT they spend a tremendous amount of time here. They do have the best interest of kids at hand. You cannot tell me that people on this section Ruth, TVC, Gabe and Coop are mean spirited people. Get a life and Thanks to the guys that make it happen.  ;D

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etbu is right on the money with this. Something else though, the moderators job is to keep you and me from getting out of hand as well as maintain the integrity of the site, that in no way means that they don't have a right to their own opinions, so don't get bent out of shape when they express it. This site is for people who love and support their favorite sport(s) which obviously includes the mods. Good Job guys, keep up the good work.

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etbu is right on the money with this. Something else though, the moderators job is to keep you and me from getting out of hand as well as maintain the integrity of the site, that in no way means that they don't have a right to their own opinions, so don't get bent out of shape when they express it. This site is for people who love and support their favorite sport(s) which obviously includes the mods. Good Job guys, keep up the good work.

Excellent post.  These guys should not have to walk the razors edge as moderators.  We all have opinions and a forum is where they are discussed. There job is to MODERATE, not sit back with no comment or opinion.

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i must have hurt someones feelings someone tied a bug to my computer on this site

on my other computer that is.  every time i get on this site from my other computer

it shuts down my computer. let me just say i love this site its the best sports site

on the web i need it like my morning coffee this and Gabe are the only local places

you can get local happenings sence the (Enterprise) went to Houston, and being

from a small town we just don't get the coverage that the bigger towns get

most of the big towns have their own news papers where they can get news of their team

so thanks so much for this site. (Evadale Rebels Fan)

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etbu is right on the money with this. Something else though, the moderators job is to keep you and me from getting out of hand as well as maintain the integrity of the site, that in no way means that they don't have a right to their own opinions, so don't get bent out of shape when they express it. This site is for people who love and support their favorite sport(s) which obviously includes the mods. Good Job guys, keep up the good work.

It's interesting that you say that, because a while back a poster got on me because I was posting my opinion in favor of my favorite team.  He stated that, since I was a Mod, then, I should remain neutral.  That's simply not going to happen.  We are entitled to our opinion, just like everyone else on here.  We just keep an eye on things so that all of our friends on here...DON'T KILL EACH OTHER!  LOL

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