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The following school districts have notified the Texas Education Agency or their regional Education Service Center of their closing plans as affected by the Swine Flu.

District                Region District Closed Y/N Date Closed    Reopening             

Cleburne              11               Y                4/29/09       5/04/09   

Comal                  13              Y                 4/29/09       5/11/09   

Fort Worth           11               Y                4/30/09         5/11/09   


Marion                 13              Y                 5/01/09            5/11/09   

Navarro                   13               Y                 5/01/09            5/11/09   

Navasota                 6                Y                 5/01/09             5/11/09   

New Braunfels          13               Y                 4/29/09             5/11/09   

New Diana                7                Y                 5/01/09             5/11/09   

Rio Grande City      1               Y                 4/27/09          Not Available   

Universal City       13               Y                 4/25/09              5/4/09   

Seguin                    13               Y                 5/01/09               5/11/09   

Weslaco               1               Y                 4/30/09             Not Available     


Anderson-Shiro      4                y                 5/1/09               5/4/09

NYOS                      13               y                  5/1/09               5/11/09

Richards                   6                y                  5/1/09               5/11/09

Slidell                       11              y                  5/1/09               5/11/09   

This page last updated May 1, 2009 11:08 AM

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Saw a press conference with the Cleburne super that said they will only open on May 4th if the tests from those four cases came back negative.  To be honest, I don't see it happening.  They should know more today IF they get the results back.  It seems that all of the samples being sent to the CDC are causing a back up, which is delaying test results.


Yeager Elementary in the Cypress Fairbanks School District......5th Houston Area school to close

"Cy-Fair officials on Thursday night announced today’s closing. Officials said they plan to reopen on Monday, pending approval from health leaders."


Add Lewisville ISD and Ponder ISD to the list.  I believe they are closed until May 11.

Cleburne is up to 9 probable cases so in all likelihood they will be closed until May 11 as well.


I just read where Laredo ISD has closed ALL of their campuses until May 18.

This has to be the dumbest shi    t I have ever heard. This is a border town with well over 100,000 students. The borders are still open. Where do you think many of these kids will go with their 2 plus weeks of freedom???

Isnt Mexico ground zero in regards to Swine flu??

If we are truly trying to protect our kids and our society from a pandemic wouldnt we keep them in school longer, including weekends  so we know where they are, what they are doing, and whom they are in contact with??

  We have now just given them the TOTAL freedom to go whereever they want to with no tabs being kept on them.

It appears to me that there is a whole bunch of adults that want a little R&R and want to look good in the eyes of the uninformed.

This could be one of the dumbest moves ever if this flu is truly as bad as some officials say it is.

Now all these young people from 9 different 5A districts can gather at malls, parties and cross the border to party or visit friends & family with no tabs.



Sorry but I took this as offensive.....if you didn't mean it.......that's how it came off!!

I just read where Laredo ISD has closed ALL of their campuses until May 18.

This has to be the dumbest shi    t I have ever heard. This is a border town with well over 100,000 students. The borders are still open. Where do you think many of these kids will go with their 2 plus weeks of freedom???

Isnt Mexico ground zero in regards to Swine flu??

If we are truly trying to protect our kids and our society from a pandemic wouldnt we keep them in school longer, including weekends  so we know where they are, what they are doing, and whom they are in contact with??

  We have now just given them the TOTAL freedom to go whereever they want to with no tabs being kept on them.

It appears to me that there is a whole bunch of adults that want a little R&R and want to look good in the eyes of the uninformed.

This could be one of the dumbest moves ever if this flu is truly as bad as some officials say it is.

Now all these young people from 9 different 5A districts can gather at malls, parties and cross the border to party or visit friends & family with no tabs.


"This has to be the dumbest shi    t I have ever heard. This is a border town with well over 100,000 students. The borders are still open. Where do you think many of these kids will go with their 2 plus weeks of freedom???"

You tell us with all of your knowledge where do you think they will go??  My guess would be to WORK!!  By the way, Laredo does not have over 100,000 students..........that would be larger then Fort Worth.........Laredo alone has 24,963 students......

"Isnt Mexico ground zero in regards to Swine flu??"

Mexico is being viewed as the epicenter but it does not mean that if you touch the dirt on the other side of the Rio Grande you will be infected..........If you've ever looked at a map....Mexico is a decent size country......

"If we are truly trying to protect our kids and our society from a pandemic wouldnt we keep them in school longer, including weekends  so we know where they are, what they are doing, and whom they are in contact with??"

Your kids go home to you right.......who are you in contact with......should everyone know that information.....who's keeping tabs on you so I can know who you are working with and where they have been and who they have been in contact with..........where do you go when they are at school.....do you go out to eat.......who are all of these people you hang around............what do you do in your private life........come on we need to know so we can make sure that everyone is safe...........branch out further and surely you can see how ridicules i could make this...........

"We have now just given them the TOTAL freedom to go whereever they want to with no tabs being kept on them."

Here is what started to offend me as an American of Mexican decent:

Who is the  WE vs the THEM.........the only way you sound here is racial....I've read your post over and over and that is the only sound it makes........

TOTAL freedom to go whereever they want to with no tabs being kept on them.

read that 100 times..............................hmmm sounds like what AMERICA should be!!

"It appears to me that there is a whole bunch of adults that want a little R&R and want to look good in the eyes of the uninformed."

"This could be one of the dumbest moves ever if this flu is truly as bad as some officials say it is."

"Now all these young people from 9 different 5A districts can gather at malls, parties and cross the border to party or visit friends & family with no tabs."

There are 13 district in Region 11(located in North Central Texas and borders Oklahoma to it's north) that have closed along with one of the largest districts being Fort Worth.......using the info provided Region 1(located along the southern tip of Texas along the Rio Grande) has approx/166,000 students that are out

Region 11 has approx/170,000 studnets who are out (larger number then Region 1)..........who's going to be keeping tabs on them??  Where might they go with their FREEDOM??

166+170= 336

476(total kids out across the state[the WHOLE STATE] - 336 = 140,000 other students across the state that are out...............Who's keeping tabs on them...where might they go with all of their FREEDOM??

This could be one of the dumbest and most racial posts on this site....ever.....I know kids that have to go to school and put up with other kids...(who probable come from a household like yours)........who move to the other end of the hall...or will say don't touch me because you might have the flu........based only by their ethnicity........

So,Crawl back in your bunker in North East Texas......and when you think you have something important to say......................thank again..........then just let it go!!!


Explain to me how this is racial?

The CDC reccommended districts close down IF they have any reported or suspected cases of Swine Flu.

On the front of the Laredo website it states that they are closing down until May 14, but they have NO reported cases on swine flu.

Laredo is a border town. They are literally blocks from Mexico. Do you honestly believe some students or adults will not venture into Mexico given a 2 week vacation?

You must be joking.

If this was Duluth Minnesota and ground zero for swine flu or SARS was Canada it would be the exact same situation.

This has nothing to do with race. It just happens that the breakout orginated in Mexico. I am TRULY sorry for that. Our government advised against going to Mexico, until this passes. Yet we will give kids bordering Mexico 2 weeks off of school. Why??

Again there with no reported casesin Laredo ISD. So why would you give the people you are trying to protect total freedom??

Wouldnt it be better to keep an eye on these students, watch over these students and protect them. When in school you know where they are.

  If Oklahoma was ground zero, would it be smart to close a school district that bordered Oklahoma for two weeks if there were no reported cases in that district??

  I promise you this post had NOTHING to do with race. It has to do with stupidity. Stupidity by adults.

I did not mean to offend you or any other Hispanic American. I just believe that this was a TOTALLY stupid move. And if you are TRULY trying to protect our youth this is the opposite of what should of been done based on the fact that there were NO reported cases in Laredo ISD.


Alvord ISD----(Region 11) "In Alvord ISD, the health and safety of our students is always a top priority.  In light of receiving reports today of two students with Type A influenza, the Wise County Health Authority has directed us to close our schools beginning Monday, May 4, 2009 and to return to school on Monday, May 11, 2009.

We do not have any Swine Flu in Alvord ISD.   We are sorry for the inconvenience but are trying to do the best we can to protect our students and staff."


Bill Branum


Anderson-Shiro ISD-----(Region 6)"As previously announced, there are no probable or suspected cases of swine influenza in ASCISD." Closed since 5/1/09

Boyd ISD-----(Region 11)"Boyd ISD will be closed today and tomorrow. While the district has no reported cases of swine flu, all district buildings will be disinfected."

Bridgeport ISD-----(Region 11)"No swine flu cases have been reported in Bridgeport ISD or in Wise County."

Chico ISD-----(Region 11)"Chico ISD has had no confirmed cases of Swine flu since the recent outbreak in Central Texas.  The nearest confirmed cases are in the Richardson School District"

Decatur ISD-----(Region 11)"Decatur ISD has no confirmed reports of any Swine Flu cases"

Denton ISD----(Region 11)"No swine flu cases have been reported in Denton ISD or in Denton County. The Stage I plan is just a heightened awareness to help district staff"

Lake Dallas ISD------"Even though Lake Dallas ISD has zero(0) confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus we are following the safest course of action for our children and community by closing all of the Lake Dallas ISD schools until May 12, 2009."

Liberty ISD----(Region 4)"To date, there are no cases of Swine Flu in Liberty ISD."

Ponder ISD----(Region 11)"While there is no immediate known cases or threats of swine influenza in Ponder ISD, the district is working closely with state and Denton County public health officials."

Slidell ISD-----(Region 11)"Slidell Independent School District said Thursday it was closing schools beginning Friday after consultation with Wise County health officials. Schools will reopen May 11, the district said. Schools and buses will be cleaned and disinfected. Wise County did not have any confirmed cases of swine flu as of Thursday."

Again Region 11 is located in North Central Texas but it's ok that these districts have all closed their doors because they are not located close to the border...note they all have NO REPORTED CASES...yet they are out.....right??

Again....Mexico is a fairly large area and the majority of it's cases have been in the central part of the country close to Mexico City.......you can not get it just by entering Mexico's air space.......or touching the other side of the river....

I think we can agree on the fact that districts should not have jumped the gun............especially if the had no known cases.........but they ALL had their own areas Public Health Officials telling them what they should do.......INCLUDING LAREDO!.........

Your still calling it adult Stupidity and you are still centered on one area of the state.........If anything I hope I showed you that Laredo ISD did nothing different than many other areas of the state and apparently did what they thought best for them.....as did the Majority of these Districts in North Central Texas who also had NO KNOWN CASES............

If we continue to disagree....I understand.....like I said before you might not have meant it racial but it came off that way to me personally........that I cant expect you to understand.....

And by the way Who the HECK would want to go to CHOKElahoma.......lol


ALL these districts ignorned the advice of the CDC.

The CDC stated that school districts and large businesses should strongly consider closing if there is a documented or suspected case of swine flu.

The one thing I can guarantee you is that there was NEVER intended to be any sort of racial component to my orginal post. I am TRULY sorry that you took it as such.

When a border district closes its doors after 3 straight days of no deaths in Mexico, and many experts predicting that the swine flu may not be as great a threat as once believed why would you shut down?

  Why would you shut down when there are no cases in your district?

  Why would you shut down when the CDC has told you not to do so unless there is reported or suspected cases?

It makes no sense, and in the long run you may be putting your district and the citizens in your community at a much greater risk.

One final take and I'm done with this. When I posted this in NO way was their any racial or prejudical intent.

   Epidemiologists state for a fact that all diseases have a starting point. They try to trace a disease to a starting point or a group of people that is infected. In doing so they hope to stop the spread of the disease or find out the facts of what might have caused it.

   The starting point or orgin for the swine flu was Mexico. It could have just as easily been the US, Japan, Canada whatever, but it wasnt it was Mexico. The World Health Organization stated that all unnecessary travel to Mexico was not a good idea and not advised. The CDC stated that schools and large businesses should NOT close down unless they have or suspect someone is infected.

Yet Laredo ISD choses to shut down. This grants frredom to literally thousands of teenagers. What do they do for 2 + weeks? They are close to Mexico, border Mexico is party town, and most kids whereever they are from love to party. This has been a fact since the beginning of time. Many teens regardless of race religion or whatever feel invincible, nothing bad can happen to them, they are made of steel. Now every night for 2 weeks is going to be a Saturday night. How stupid was this move? They are living next to ground zero pertaining to swine flu.

How am I being a racist by these factual comments?

  Then, you call me to the mat on this. I am sure you are a good guy, but you stated you read my take over and over  and felt it was racially motivated.

   I only had to read your last take once and now I may feel the same about you. You made a blatant put down  of all people that live in Oklahoma. You made this as a joke. Then again, many of truths are told in jest.

  Could it be that you have race issues??


P.S. So what are these closed school districts going to do now since we are to start playing again tomorrow?


Your right....I made a joke......I made a joke to lighten the situation between us and .......I should have known....some people cant take one!!

I’m a Longhorn fan...you mentioned Oklahoma...so yes I made a Joke....And as a LONGHORN FAN....I stand by my "joke" 100%.....If your an Oklahomo supporter then I don't expect you to get it.........see that ......again......a Joke..........

"Then again, many of truths are told in jest."   Your darn right, the truth I told was I DONT LIKE OU!!!

10 lines down in your last reply.......man I was ready to PM you and say.......Hey man no hard feelings.....I just took it the wrong way......

...........but then I found out....you just........ couldn't..... let it.... go........hmmm

You mention again the starting point...the epicenter.......right next to ground zero, as you call it. YES....... reported to be......in Mexico......got it...

But not in places along the border, along the Rio Grande, where people of Laredo would be more likely to go....... the "epicenter...or as you say "ground Zero" is not right next to Laredo.......it's 560 miles from Laredo to the south. (Since I "joked about Oklahoma"...did you know it's 556 miles from Laredo to Oklahoma City: both distances are straight lines not driving)

You talk as if Laredo parents have Zero supervision over their kids...........just under 25,000 students in all of their schools.....in your original post you make it sound like 100,000 teens will be holding fiestas in Mexico City and they need to be stopped.........lol.....

Dr. Leo Cigarro HS        1618 students

Early College HS            102 students

F.S. Lara Academy (6-12) 83 students

Martin HS                  1925 students

Nixon HS                    2040 students

Total HS age              5768 

yet not all are driving age...yes they could walk to the border and be in Nuevo Laredo....... but it would take half a day to get to Mexico City, or Perote,  or even 3 1/2 hours to get to Monterrey, which south of there, is the closes case in Mexico to the Texas Border...... I dont know of any parent who would alow their high school age kid to take off on a near 4 hour trip (8 hours both ways)  It's closer to San Antonio (with more cases) then Monterrey.......boy hope they didn’t go to Sea World.........man another "Joke"

And not to mention I’m sure the same percentage of Good "do the right thing kids"......."Honors"....kids exist in Laredo, just as much as your little hick town of Carthage........and I also bet the same small percentage exists of the students who don't do the right things and stay in trouble are also there.....as well as your little hick town of Carthage......"the wettest dry city in East Texas".....

Like I said.....I cant make you understand......I don't expect to......Maybe you didn’t grow up in a neighborhood where you looked a little bit different then the rest of your neighbors......maybe you didn’t have a neighbor who would call your mother in the middle of the afternoon to ask if her kids could stop running around in your own house because it's to loud and we can hear it in ours (not apartments by the way these were houses......)

...How could I expect you to understand...because it's pretty clear to me what side of the tracks you live on in Carthage.......see I went to Panola...I had a racial nickname given to me by the coach but I was tolerant and could take a joke....I know where you....not me....you cant go at night......I lived in and around your town for 4 years......and the only Hispanic I knew was me...........

Do I have racial issues........yes,  when someone makes comments that I feel are racially biased....yes I have issues with that...........

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