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i look at it this way,sports is a after school thing you (MUST PASS TO PLAY ) and its up to the teacher's to see and do there best to get every kid to (PASS and MAKE GOOD GRADS). no matter if thay play sports are not. if the teachers cant do this  the school board must take action agnest some of the teachers and thay will not do that i dont think.the school board is only after one thing   and we all have read about it . if i am out of line on this post tell me 

It's the teacher's responsibility to provide every student with the best opportunity for them to succeed in the classroom.  It is NOT "up to the teachers" to see that every kid passes.  There are a lot of variables mixed into each kids situation.     

I wholeheartedly agree...NOONE can MAKE these kids pass.  And, yes, there are a variety of reasons why these kids don't pass.  What I think that a lot of people on the outside (heck on the school board) miss is IF YOU CAN'T GET AND KEEP THE KIDS IN SCHOOL...THEY SURE AREN'T GOING TO MAKE THE GRADES.  And, unfortunately, there are many kids who go to school because of a extracurricular activity.  Yes, they have to pass, but if they're not there...you get my point.  If a kid playing volleyball, track, baseball, softball, basketball, football, singing in the choir, playing in the band, participating in UIL math, science, prose, poetry, journalism, etc, etc, etc. is MOTIVATED by their participation in ANY extracurricular event to ATTEND SCHOOL...they are there.  They are in school and class and has a better chance of doing what it takes to pass class and TAKS.  Is it sad, yes, but is it the truth...sometimes. 

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My point was that you are one voice on a board, takes 4 to pass anything and you do not hire, fire coaches or teachers.  That is the responsibility of the supt.  My point was that if people were really fed up with the situation they had an opportunity to do something about it and they chose to stay home.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  You can make a kid go to school, but you can't MAKE him learn.  They have to WANT to learn.  And if WANTING to learn because they MUST pass in order to participate, then why do some people fight that?  Just as S4L said....if the extracurricular activities is what gets a kid to school, then why is the school board so tunnel visioned?  They can't see the forest for the trees because of having their head misplaced.  Stop trying to bring the extracurricular activities down in HOPES that kids will want to come and learn on their own.  It's not going to happen in this day and age.  Stop fighting it and the other will come....make it a pleasant place for all to be (including the educators) and it will be successful.  But the more the school board shows their distaste/dislike of the athletic program/extracurricular activities, the more problems there are going to be. 

Kudos for Ricky Jacobs for always supporting the kids in every way.  I remember when a couple of other school board members supported ALL aspects of the kids at WOS, but they have gone by the wayside now for whatever reason.  It is sad, very sad.  I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror and think they did the right thing by not attending the athletic banquet.  The super is the one that is the most surprising.  He was scheduled to make a presentation of an award that HE created (no matter how unfair it seemed to be because he didn't single out "most strike outs" in baseball or softball, or "fastest time" in track or holes in one in golf or slams in tennis...you get my drift.)  That's what the MVP award is all about anyway, but he wants to create some kind of special award and then he doesn't show up to make the presentation.  He "acts" like he is for ALL kids, yet he has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the band program and is the ONLY band that traveled for basketball games, which is unheard of.  Even the band members didn't want to travel for basketball games, but do you think the superintendent card about that?  Nope!  You can micromanage to a fault.  Be the superintendent and let those you have entrusted to run programs be the one to run those programs.


  What are the prime priorities, duties, and responsibilities of a school board and it's elected members?  What authority does a school board member really have?   

   "Face reality as it IS...not as it was or as you want it to be."


this might sound strange to some.all i here about is the decline in students at WOISD ,but the school board is still building  larger and better elem school and  knocking down the front of wo-s building . i would like to know where are all the students comming from to fill up these class rooms. i feel sure that all this construction is free lmao at the school board. well coach hooks and his staff now i see why  the board has cut out the bushing  tell me agan if i am out of line on this one.to u guys on the school board what is the next suprise are you going to give  us  ,i know  now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  does not mean enything to you  just keep suprising  us  WHATS NEXT maybe a new bus barn


this might sound strange to some.all i here about is the decline in students at WOISD ,but the school board is still building  larger and better elem school and  knocking down the front of wo-s building . i would like to know where are all the students comming from to fill up these class rooms. i feel sure that all this construction is free lmao at the school board. well coach hooks and his staff now i see why  the board has cut out the bushing  tell me agan if i am out of line on this one.to u guys on the school board what is the next suprise are you going to give  us  ,i know  now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  does not mean enything to you  just keep suprising  us   WHATS NEXT maybe a new bus barn

WOS is not "adding" new campuses because of numbers, they're replacing old outdated buildings. 

I'm not in the district so I don't know all of the details, but weren't those renovations and new constructions a part of the bond that was passed last year?  The construction shouldn't be a "surprise" to anyone.



Hey W, I liked the band at the basketball games....and our "special" awards too. Like basketball has or ever will be on a pedestal in West Orange lol. It was good to have a bone or two thrown our way. Now let's get some new uniforms and our bus back. ;D


:D A new concession stand.  ::)


Rumor has it that this new concession stand or stands are costing like $1,000,000.  Hope that that is just a rumor.

I didn't attend the last board meeting, but I did read through the agenda and saw where the board was discussing new buses.  I was a bit confused because I thought that the buses were sold and contracted out.  Last I know of was Student First, but I've heard that someone new took over.

Anyway, I don't think that anyone is surprised at the new elementary.  I think what the poster was questioning was why build a new elementary with numbers declining.  I, personally, don't have a problem with the elementary or updates.  And, I personally don't think that WO-S will shrink much more (in the near future).  There are many reasons for the declining numbers, but I think that the largest factor is the fact that there just isn't much land to develop in the WO-S school district like many other areas.  Hopefully, the new construction on the East Side will help. 

The truth remains that academics IS/SHOULD BE the primary reason why kids attend school.  The sad reality is that there are some kids who probably wouldn't even attend school, let alone pass classes if it weren't for extracurricular events.  Trust me...I LOVE athletics (especially Mustang sports), but anyone who knows me knows that I think academics is the KEY. 


whats this about the school board is going to start to make people pay for parking  for the games what a sad thing.

:o :o

WOS is having to get back in the school bus business. They sold all of their buses years ago and went with Laidlaw, courtesy of one of our former business managers.  It was supposed to save money.  NOw, Laidlaw (or whatever their current name is) has dropped WOCCISD and the district is having to buy some buses before next year.  2 mil is what I heard the cost is.

As far as the bond issue goes, renovations on the athletic fields was supposed to be a part of the bond issue that passed.  Nothing's been done.  Let's hope they don't decide to start during football season, but I wouldn't put it past them to try something like that.  Just can't put my finger on what the problem is with the school board and the athletic dept.  Why the dislike in the last few years?


I think that this is a question that many would like resolved.  Of course, with the election results...doesn't look like that will be answered any time soon.  There just needs to be a balance and understanding that we are WO-S.  We are not any other school district...just WO-S.  We have certain issues that others around us don't have and being a member of this community and school district should enlighten them to that fact.  If it doesn't, then there is something wrong. 

You're not going to please everyone, but that pleasing people shouldn't be the bottom line...making sure our kids get their education should be and for some kids... extracurricular activities (including athletics) may be the x-factor that gets them to walk through those halls everyday and into the classroom with the drive to make the grades that allow them to participate in that/those extracurricular activities and their graduation from a great school.


this might sound strange to some.all i here about is the decline in students at WOISD ,but the school board is still building  larger and better elem school and  knocking down the front of wo-s building . i would like to know where are all the students comming from to fill up these class rooms. i feel sure that all this construction is free lmao at the school board. well coach hooks and his staff now i see why  the board has cut out the bushing  tell me agan if i am out of line on this one.to u guys on the school board what is the next suprise are you going to give  us  ,i know  now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  does not mean enything to you  just keep suprising  us   WHATS NEXT maybe a new bus barn

Hey skipper, the school district is WOCCISD. This may not seem important but it very well can be when running for a school board position. The money for the schools is from a bond that we voted on. So the taxpayers are paying for all of the improvements. You ask what's next, a bus barn may be on the way. We have to have a place to put our new buses. I really just want to know do we have a 2 million dollar deficit or a 2 million dollar surplus. The answer seems to change to suit the decisions being made. When they cut the busing they said we had a 2 million dollar deficit. Now that we are buying buses it's a 2 million dollar surplus. I guess saving that $16,000 on the busing it made a 4 million dollar difference in the budget?


whats this about the school board is going to start to make people pay for parking  for the games what a sad thing.

maybe that would offset the cost of busing the kids.... It would be cool if they were doing it for that purpose but I'm probably giving them way too much credit.


whats this about the school board is going to start to make people pay for parking  for the games what a sad thing.

I personally don't have a problem with paying to park. You pay to park everywhere else and if the money goes to good use then whats another $3 or so to park? Usually 5 or 6 home games at the most, at $3 that's less than $20 a season. What a bargain to watch Mustang football. If people are going to complain about paying to park then it's no wonder the bond for the football field didn't pass. We have so many people flapping their gums about being Mustang supporters and loving the Mustangs but ask them for a $1 and you've crossed the line. Anyone want to know whats wrong with WOS? We can start by taking a good look in the mirror.


whats this about the school board is going to start to make people pay for parking  for the games what a sad thing.

I personally don't have a problem with paying to park. You pay to park everywhere else and if the money goes to good use then whats another $3 or so to park? Usually 5 or 6 home games at the most, at $3 that's less than $20 a season. What a bargain to watch Mustang football. If people are going to complain about paying to park then it's no wonder the bond for the football field didn't pass. We have so many people flapping their gums about being Mustang supporters and loving the Mustangs but ask them for a $1 and you've crossed the line. Anyone want to know whats wrong with WOS? We can start by taking a good look in the mirror.

  Nice post td!

  I don't really think it's a bad idea to charge a few dollars to park in the lots at the school for a football game.  If you choose not to...then you can park down the street and walk.  If you knew for sure where the money was going to end up then people would be more at ease with paying to park. 

  This is the way I see it...feel free to shoot holes in it. (I'm sure you can)  The school sets a budget in each department including athletics.  The athletic budget is "X" amount per year.  If the "school" charges for parking then most likely that will not be given to the athletics department ON TOP of budgeted money.  It may actually work in reverse to say to the board that next year the athletic budget doesn't have to be as big because of the new intake from the parking lots.  BUT, what if the parking lots are run as a "booster club" function?  Doesn't the booster club decide how raised money is allocated? 


Part of the problem, from what I understand the booster club is not for the athletic department, correct me if I am wrong here.

It's the "Athletics Booster Club"...how can it not be for athletics?    ???


Part of the problem, from what I understand the booster club is not for the athletic department, correct me if I am wrong here.

It's the "Athletics Booster Club"...how can it not be for athletics?    ???

I'm affiliated with the Baseball Booster club and we are for baseball. I know it's a crazy idea but we thought we would go out on limb and do something different.  ;D

I'm not sure about the "Booster Club" and what they are for or against.


I know two years ago, there was an athletic booster club who was active at football games, but not too many parents to help.  Regardless, it was for athletics...not any one particular program.  I am not sure about last year.  I know that the PTA gets money from the concession stand at football games, which I think should be rotated. 


I know two years ago, there was an athletic booster club who was active at football games, but not too many parents to help.  Regardless, it was for athletics...not any one particular program.  I am not sure about last year.  I know that the PTA gets money from the concession stand at football games, which I think should be rotated. 

I think it should be rotated too. From offense to defense.

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