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Guest DickVitale

As Dave Chappelle put it in his sketch as Black Bush...."I'm tryin to get that OIL!....(cough, cough)" 8)

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Guest DickVitale

It has to do with the greedy nature of the people who "founded" this country...Question...Do you really think that Cristopher Columbus discovered this land? And they have a holiday to celebrate this clown!  ::) wow...I questioned this even as far back as elementary school, because I was taught the truth..The truth that they did not want us to know....How this land was stolen!....Another topic for another thread....anyway, thats what I meant... 8)

Like I said...Conspiracy theories..Where is the proof? 

PROOF? The proof is that THERE ARE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN IRAQ!!!! Are you kidding me, man?  ???

Guest DickVitale

Its a shame that a positive thread can't even be on here.

Is there some way to block people out in our profile's. 

The smell of turd permeates.  :D

Another racist statement by yet another racist SE Texan.....But they wont say it in person now will they? ::) ::) How is having an opinion NOT positive. IN MY OPINION, George W did NOTHING positive for this country......He was all about SELF...The rich getting richer..Embarrassment to Texas because he was SO DUMB... :(


I was talking about the oil...but yes I agree there aren't any WMD.

You don't like Bush some people do, you telling them that they are wrong, is JUST like you telling them its WRONG they don't like Obama.  

Guest DickVitale

I don't like George W because of what he has DONE.....Whats the reason for FOX NEWS hatred of Obama? in less than 150 days in office? I'm listening......... ::)....Go ahead think about it...I'll wait.... ::) ::)

Guest DickVitale

Because he does not look like them...Thats my humble opinion and I could be wrong....I just cannot think of any other reason why they would be so blatantly against him...I mean, honestly, CNN is partial to Obama, but they don't HATE McCain.


After careful consideration, and urging from my better half, I am no longer going to post on these message boards.  It used to be a  fun way to pass time, or chat with others about sports while watching them on the tube.  I would tell her about the things that were said and we would have an occasional giggle about it, but now things are starting to get way out of hand.  People that I have never even spoken with, nor seen, have things to say negatively about me personally and my career, and that, I do not like.  The problem with that is, most of them don't even know me and have nothing to lose by saying whatever they want about me, while I am being portayed as this self centered, egotistical, racist, jerk and thats not who I am at all.  Not even a little bit.  I am about to embark on a new chapter in my professional career and need not to participate in things that place me in such a negative light.   I will only keep my account to check SE Texas scores and such and to possibly send and respond private messages to people that I actually know on this site.  I will not even pay attention to the topics on here.  It was fun while it lasted, but now I have to be more responsible about my public image.



That didn't last long



I thought that you were done with threads that had Dove and DV???? :D :D :D

Ah the never ending quest to stomp out ignorance.  There may be hope for the Dove but the Dick has no hope.  ::)

Guest DickVitale


Yeah I know, just sick of the guy on my jock, thats all. I started to delete it, but said screw it...ANYWAY, please get back to the topic..Its a good one.


There were plenty of people concerned about WMDs in Iraq long before W got involved:

President Clinton (1998): "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."

Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, (February 1998): "Iraq is a long way from here, but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."

Al Gore (2002) said, "We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."

Senator Ted Kennedy (2002) said, "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."

Senator John Kerry, Democratic presidential frontrunner said (2002), "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." In January 2003, Kerry added, "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. . . . He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. . . . And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real."

Furthermore, Saddam did have WMDs as late as 1998.  The UN was doing inspections of his arms and munitions and Saddam was not cooperating.  Clinton - for 8 years - did nothing as Saddam spit in the face of the UN inspectors.  Then a president with a back bone decided it was time to do something.



Clinton sat back and watched the USS Cole get bombed, killing Americans and DID NOTHING!

Then Obama within his first 100 days SETS THE MAN FREE that masterminded the bombing.

Must be pretty nice being a Bush hater...

Just like the sheep in animal farm...

gullible enough to follow anything read to them...

"democrats good, bush bad..."


I like to call these kinds of people, sheeple.

You can hear them go "baaaa, baaaa...." everytime they come out of the house. They are waiting for the shepherd (federal government) to come get them together in a flock so they can do as they are told like sheep. When it comes to self defense, they (like the sheep) wait for the protection of the sheep dog or in the sheeple's case, the government in the form of the police.

The sheeple for the moment have the upper hand. The government is going to bail them out, the government is going to individually protect them, the government is going to provide housing, the government is going to tell companies how to sell products to them and it will all be okay. Until......... the bills come rolling in, which may not be very long from now. There is already some trouble brewing with America's bond standing in the world due to its massive debt that was just incurred from the "stimulus" package. We will soon have taxes on every drink, each bullet, every glass of water, every piece of candy.... but income taxes won't be raise right, so it won't be a tax on the middle class. Anyone that believes that, repeat after me..... Baaaa, Baaaaa, Baaaa, .........

I guess the sheeple believe that. It will all come crashing down soon enough. Obama has within four months figured out that he can't release the pictures that he claimed that he would. He has also figured out that he can't release the Gitmo detainees like he claimed that he would. So has he become a conservative in some areas or is it that he has learned that once he got into the job, he has found it is easy to criticize from the outside when you don't have the same facts to look at.

Carter made the same mistake in 1977 when he took office. The world isn't the same as it appeared from Plains, GA. Probably like Obama though, he stubbornly stuck to his economic policies and left office with one of the worst economies that this country has ever seen with high unemployment (the highest since the Great Depression until this month), way higher interest rates (prime interest rate reached 21% in 1980 from the Carter economy) and much higher inflation (13.5% in 1980) with a Democratic Congress and President. Unfortunately, I am sure that we are in for the same deal in this administration.

Baaaa..... Baaaaa .... Obaaaaaamaaaaa..... Obaaaaaamaaaaa......


#1 He did WHATEVER WAS NEEDED to keep our country safe!

#2 Despite the HUGE amount of hate that was thrown his way, he seemed to have huge shoulders and didn't care what the media was saying.  He knew what was right and was directed by that.

#3 The Supreme Court Justices he appointed were home runs

#4 Taxes were kept lower, and during the first six years of his administration we had perhaps the greatest expanding ecomony in current history.

To me his failures...

Didn't have enough regulation on banks and mortgage companies (although democrats share the blame for this in the congressional committees that over saw these things)

To me the biggest failure was his failure to secure the Mexican border

And the terrorist came across the Mexican border ::)

The best thing Bush did was keep this country from being attacked again. I love how Sadaam Insane's two sons...udoo and poo poo were killed in a fire fight. They looked nothing like they did when alive. Sadaam looked appropriate with a noose around his neck. Good for him. The Taliban learned what a daisy cutter is and how well it can implode a mountain. Obama Bin Laden is probably dead. We haven't seen any ''in your face'' propaganda from him lately. I hope he died of kidney failure. I hear it's pretty painful. Or maybe he's under tons of rock in Afghanistan. Zarkawi (sp.) is dead too. Woo Hoo!!!

I guess now that someone is going to tell me how shameful I should feel about my attitude, and how I should be more politically correct and not hurt anyone's feelings. Nope. I'm glad Bush was president for 9/11. Otherwise we would be apologizing to the Saudis for having two skyscrapers in their way.


The best thing Bush did was keep this country from being attacked again. I love how Sadaam Insane's two sons...udoo and poo poo were killed in a fire fight. They looked nothing like they did when alive. Sadaam looked appropriate with a noose around his neck. Good for him. The Taliban learned what a daisy cutter is and how well it can implode a mountain. Obama Bin Laden is probably dead. We haven't seen any ''in your face'' propaganda from him lately. I hope he died of kidney failure. I hear it's pretty painful. Or maybe he's under tons of rock in Afghanistan. Zarkawi (sp.) is dead too. Woo Hoo!!!

I guess now that someone is going to tell me how shameful I should feel about my attitude, and how I should be more politically correct and not hurt anyone's feelings. Nope. I'm glad Bush was president for 9/11. Otherwise we would be apologizing to the Saudis for having two skyscrapers in their way.

Unbelievable! But as I think about the history of this country, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised of this type of callous attitude towards human beings. Especially since they had nothing to do with the attacks in NY. You need prayer; and real bad.
Guest DickVitale

Typial SE Texas thought.... ::) ::)

That was a well thought out remark......... typical

That generally means, "I have no other comeback against the facts so I'll have to make some silly quip".

Exactly.  Notice how not one of them have refuted what you posted.

Why argue with the brainwashed Bush followers?....Waste of time...Thats the SE Texas way..  Once again if you folks think that the economic situation that we are in is not a DIRECT result of your boy George W., then you are dumber than I thought you were. HOW can you go back to the Clinton years and attepmt to blame THEM? Our economy was BOOMING during those years! Bush was a BULLY....Just like your forefathers were BULLIES back in their day...Thieves, liars, and backstabbers! ALL OF THEM....Sad. Wanna refute that fact? Didn't think you would. Just thought they could just TAKE what they wanted...JUST LIKE GEORGE W.

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