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Gonna disagree with y'all on Homeland Security being one of Bush's better moves. All this did was lump several Gov. agencies into one and POURED tax dollars into this new stew pot. While some of this money appears to be well spent, (i.e. the Coast Guard being better equipped) you only have to look at FEMA to find the financial messes and gross mismanagement (under Bush!). The Border Patrol and Immigration services have not improved either. The DHS is another "big brother" organization that is eroding the liberties of all American. Not all bad, but certainly not all good. I don't see it as a good marker for GWB to hang his legacy on.

Lumping all these agencies into one completed the communications that was missing before. Some say 9/11 could have been prevented if everyone would have communicated. It's not a perfect system, but better than we had. FEMA we could debate. Although, I agree it needs some tweaking, I think some people want FEMA to be a save all, do all, and I disagree. Local governments are in charge of disaster relief, then FEMA should step in afterwards.

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[, I think some people want FEMA to be a save all, do all, and I disagree. Local governments are in charge of disaster relief, then FEMA should step in afterwards.

Amen, brother!


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

"Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good".

Translation: When facts don't meet my agenda, I will blame the history books.........but it's all good!


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"



Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"


I can't understand how some of you people let Bush and Cheney pull you off track to think Sadaam was the enemy?

Pretty simple dove. Sodom had WMDs, Sodom hates the Jews, the Jews are our allies which makes Sodom our enemy also. Had he hit the Jedws with a WMD, you have WWIII, and I don't think you can comprehend what that entails. what seems to be the part you don't get? You need to look up what it takes to be a true ally and not a pansy.


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

I couldn't have made it any more simple than I did. At that time, the equation was something like this:

No slavery = No Ratification = No Constitution = Weak, disorganized USA = Probable British Invasion = No USA

Slavery = Ratification = Constitution = Strong, centralized USA capable of beating off British invaders (which we did in the War of 1812)

It's as simple as that. Sure, it was morally wrong, but sometimes things don't go as well as we'd like them to. Occasionally, we have to make a few concessions on a few issues. In the end, slavery was abolished and it's still useless to argue a 220+ year-old decision.

Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"


I can't understand how some of you people let Bush and Cheney pull you off track to think Sadaam was the enemy?

We had reason to believe that Sadam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction within the borders of Iraq as early as 1998. This was a clear violation of the treaty Iraq signed with the United States and the United Nations after the first Gulf War. President Bush was taking care of an issue that President Clinton refused to take care of. I support our decision to go into Iraq; however, I do believe that this war has been handled badly. Much like in Vietnam, we let politics get involved in a war that didn't need politics. We should have kept the promises we made to the Iraqi people at the beginning of the war, and I truly believe that President Bush did his best to keep those promises (i.e. infrastructure upgrades, schools, hospitals, etc.), but it's not easy to run a war when you've got some prominent members of Congress that won't cooperate and keep calling in the media every time they have a score to settle.

Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

You truly believe that there's a 140 year-old conspiracy to cover up facts about slavery in our history books? Where's your evidence?

Gonna disagree with y'all on Homeland Security being one of Bush's better moves. All this did was lump several Gov. agencies into one and POURED tax dollars into this new stew pot. While some of this money appears to be well spent, (i.e. the Coast Guard being better equipped) you only have to look at FEMA to find the financial messes and gross mismanagement (under Bush!). The Border Patrol and Immigration services have not improved either. The DHS is another "big brother" organization that is eroding the liberties of all American. Not all bad, but certainly not all good. I don't see it as a good marker for GWB to hang his legacy on.

Lumping all these agencies into one completed the communications that was missing before. Some say 9/11 could have been prevented if everyone would have communicated. It's not a perfect system, but better than we had. FEMA we could debate. Although, I agree it needs some tweaking, I think some people want FEMA to be a save all, do all, and I disagree. Local governments are in charge of disaster relief, then FEMA should step in afterwards.

Agreed. DHS isn't perfect, but it increased efficiency, improved security, and played a pivotal role in keeping a post-9/11 America safe.

Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"

And the bad part about that is the fact that the world would have screamed had Israel been attacked by Iraq and we had had a chance to stop it. It's kind of funny how that works.


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

I couldn't have made it any more simple than I did. At that time, the equation was something like this:

No slavery = No Ratification = No Constitution = Weak, disorganized USA = Probable British Invasion = No USA

Slavery = Ratification = Constitution = Strong, centralized USA capable of beating off British invaders (which we did in the War of 1812)

It's as simple as that. Sure, it was morally wrong, but sometimes things don't go as well as we'd like them to. Occasionally, we have to make a few concessions on a few issues. In the end, slavery was abolished and it's still useless to argue a 220+ year-old decision.

Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"


I can't understand how some of you people let Bush and Cheney pull you off track to think Sadaam was the enemy?

We had reason to believe that Sadam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction within the borders of Iraq as early as 1998. This was a clear violation of the treaty Iraq signed with the United States and the United Nations after the first Gulf War. President Bush was taking care of an issue that President Clinton refused to take care of. I support our decision to go into Iraq; however, I do believe that this war has been handled badly. Much like in Vietnam, we let politics get involved in a war that didn't need politics. We should have kept the promises we made to the Iraqi people at the beginning of the war, and I truly believe that President Bush did his best to keep those promises (i.e. infrastructure upgrades, schools, hospitals, etc.), but it's not easy to run a war when you've got some prominent members of Congress that won't cooperate and keep calling in the media every time they have a score to settle.

Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

You truly believe that there's a 140 year-old conspiracy to cover up facts about slavery in our history books? Where's your evidence?

Gonna disagree with y'all on Homeland Security being one of Bush's better moves. All this did was lump several Gov. agencies into one and POURED tax dollars into this new stew pot. While some of this money appears to be well spent, (i.e. the Coast Guard being better equipped) you only have to look at FEMA to find the financial messes and gross mismanagement (under Bush!). The Border Patrol and Immigration services have not improved either. The DHS is another "big brother" organization that is eroding the liberties of all American. Not all bad, but certainly not all good. I don't see it as a good marker for GWB to hang his legacy on.

Lumping all these agencies into one completed the communications that was missing before. Some say 9/11 could have been prevented if everyone would have communicated. It's not a perfect system, but better than we had. FEMA we could debate. Although, I agree it needs some tweaking, I think some people want FEMA to be a save all, do all, and I disagree. Local governments are in charge of disaster relief, then FEMA should step in afterwards.

Agreed. DHS isn't perfect, but increased efficiency, improved security, and played a pivotal role in keeping a post-9/11 America safe.

Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"

And the bad part about that is the fact that the world would have screamed had Israel been attacked by Iraq and we had had a chance to stop it. It's kind of funny how that works.

Not to mention Isreal don't take any crap...(can I say that here?).....Anyway, they have a goos armed forces and would not be afraid to use it.


Boy this thread sure has gotten off topic.

Makes you uncomfortbale doesn't it?

Put this on your bucket list......

1.  Never attempt to be a psychologist, tarot reader, etc...

Why would I be uncomfortable?  LOL

i was just noting how the thread had went awry. 


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"


I can't understand how some of you people let Bush and Cheney pull you off track to think Sadaam was the enemy?

I can't understand how some of you people let Moore and Penn pull you off track to think Sadam was our friend?


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

"Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good".

Translation: When facts don't meet my agenda, I will blame the history books.........but it's all good!

Translation:  I am willing to not just accept what I am told and think outside the box.  My agenda is to not think that it's ok that these things happened because it was just accepted, our country would have never been, people in other countries like Africa were doing it, so it should be all good.  Why do you blame the history books?  History books have tended to undermine the tragedies of slavery (at least the ones that I remember reading), but no GREED and LACK OF COMPASSION FOR THEIR FELLOW MAN are to blame.  You are a funny little man.  (I guess!)


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm.

Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews  with a WMD??????

Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock?

One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop.

I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!"

I do think at some point he had wmd, but what I find hard to believe is that with our technology...we could find him in a rathole, but no wmds.  Where did they all go?  Not much of a rocker.  Thanks, though.  I would imagine that I was working and he was a sick, demented individual and the world is a better place without him.  That greeting was a double whammy...it was from President Bush...both of them.


Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better.  I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... ::)

Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for.  And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less.

You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall.  And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh?

Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings.  In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on.

I really don't need the history lesson.  Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history.  They couldn't afford...LOL.  You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD.  There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that.  Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors.  It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone. 

Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it!

About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. 

Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured.  I believe there is a slight difference in the two.  My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts.  Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good.

I don't know what his legacy will be.  Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense?  9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for.  I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not.  I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities.  I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. 

"Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good".

Translation: When facts don't meet my agenda, I will blame the history books.........but it's all good!

Translation:  I am willing to not just accept what I am told and think outside the box.  My agenda is to not think that it's ok that these things happened because it was just accepted, our country would have never been, people in other countries like Africa were doing it, so it should be all good.  Why do you blame the history books?  History books have tended to undermine the tragedies of slavery (at least the ones that I remember reading), but no GREED and LACK OF COMPASSION FOR THEIR FELLOW MAN are to blame.  You are a funny little man.  (I guess!)

I didnt blame the history books, you do. You said, "Sadly, many facts have never been published in books". That's was a point you made to support your statements. History books are hopefully factual. If you want compassion read a romance novel. Again, we have to accept what happened in the past.....it's factual. Hopefully we will learn from it. I will never teach my son to fly a kite(with a metal key attached) in a lightning storm.........got that from a history book.   ;)

I'm going to be shallow again and call you a left winger.........you had to resort to calling me a little man   ;D

I'm enough of a man not to get in a name calling contest with you.


Back on topic. The best thing Bush did was eliminate the enslavement of the Iraqi people by Sodom Insane (spelled incorrectly intentionally).

yea, I got off topic. Yea, no more torture chambers, mass killings by the leader of the country you live in, their daughters wont get raped by Sodom Insanes sons..............

I predict Bush will not go down like the left intends.  It will backfire just like Pelosi!


I wish we could have said that the best thing he did was to find binladen and deal with him for 9/11.

Funny that someone posted that they were finished with another poster because of their lack of compassion with car bombs in another country, but yet I'm told to read a romance novel.  I have honestly never read a romance novel.  

It is probably a wise thing not to allow him to fly kites with metal attached.  Not really comparable to slavery, but I kind of see a parallel (ever so slight).

If I am left-winger for not thinking that slavery was just historical, nothing more...then I will be one because you told me I was.  We have all come so far and thanks to those in control of the rest of us because if they hadn't allowed us to have the freedoms we have now...I wouldn't have been able to vote or be considered an equal.   ::)


I wish we could have said that the best thing he did was to find binladen and deal with him for 9/11.

Funny that someone posted that they were finished with another poster because of their lack of compassion with car bombs in another country, but yet I'm told to read a romance novel.  I have honestly never read a romance novel.  

It is probably a wise thing not to allow him to fly kites with metal attached.  Not really comparable to slavery, but I kind of see a parallel (ever so slight).

If I am left-winger for not thinking that slavery was just historical, nothing more...then I will be one because you told me I was.  We have all come so far and thanks to those in control of the rest of us because if they hadn't allowed us to have the freedoms we have now...I wouldn't have been able to vote or be considered an equal.  ::)

OK, completely honest here. Educate me if I off on this point. I have never been poor. I was never raised poor. BTW, poor meaning homeless, on government assistance. I'm not rich by any means. However my father was poor. He was raised on a 18' houseboat in Lousiana till he was about 14. His father semi abused him. He had my Father drive a boat 8 miles up a river, drop him off and he had to drive it back by himself. He waited 8 hours for his father to return. Oh yea, he was 8 years old at this time.  His Dad was a trapper.

Even though my father was poor I was not. I have NO CLUE what it is to possibly not eat one day. He tells me stories of his younger years that I can't imagine that happening to me. All his stories did was to convince me not to ever be in that situation.

Now, slavery..........it was bad, but no one on this forum lived it. So, why keep bringing it up?


I wish we could have said that the best thing he did was to find binladen and deal with him for 9/11.

Funny that someone posted that they were finished with another poster because of their lack of compassion with car bombs in another country, but yet I'm told to read a romance novel.  I have honestly never read a romance novel.  

It is probably a wise thing not to allow him to fly kites with metal attached.  Not really comparable to slavery, but I kind of see a parallel (ever so slight).

If I am left-winger for not thinking that slavery was just historical, nothing more...then I will be one because you told me I was.  We have all come so far and thanks to those in control of the rest of us because if they hadn't allowed us to have the freedoms we have now...I wouldn't have been able to vote or be considered an equal.   ::)

OK, completely honest here. Educate me if I off on this point. I have never been poor. I was never raised poor. BTW, poor meaning homeless, on government assistance. I'm not rich by any means. However my father was poor. He was raised on a 18' houseboat in Lousiana till he was about 14. His father semi abused him. He had my Father drive a boat 8 miles up a river, drop him off and he had to drive it back by himself. He waited 8 hours for his father to return. Oh yea, he was 8 years old at this time.  His Dad was a trapper.

Even though my father was poor I was not. I have NO CLUE what it is to possibly not eat one day. He tells me stories of his younger years that I can't imagine that happening to me. All his stories did was to convince me not to ever be in that situation.

Now, slavery..........it was bad, but no one on this forum lived it. So, why keep bringing it up?

Maybe because my gr-grandfather Avery Bias was born a slave and millions more like him.

Maybe because my gr-grandfather Avery Bias was born a slave and millions more like him.

And the next generation will be the gr-gr-grandfather...then the next will be the gr-gr-gr-grandfather, then the next......

No matter how many generations you look at (and it has been about 7 generations or almost 150 years ago), when do you move on? 200 years? 300?


Maybe because my gr-grandfather Avery Bias was born a slave and millions more like him.

And the next generation will be the gr-gr-grandfather...then the next will be the gr-gr-gr-grandfather, then the next......

No matter how many generations you look at (and it has been about 7 generations or almost 150 years ago), when do you move on? 200 years? 300?



Maybe because my gr-grandfather Avery Bias was born a slave and millions more like him.

And the next generation will be the gr-gr-grandfather...then the next will be the gr-gr-gr-grandfather, then the next......

No matter how many generations you look at (and it has been about 7 generations or almost 150 years ago), when do you move on? 200 years? 300?

Strategy of a typical left winger....

Use the past (no matter how far back)

to justify their socialistic agenda, and maybe even get free stuff from the government.


I wish we could have said that the best thing he did was to find binladen and deal with him for 9/11.

Funny that someone posted that they were finished with another poster because of their lack of compassion with car bombs in another country, but yet I'm told to read a romance novel.  I have honestly never read a romance novel.  

It is probably a wise thing not to allow him to fly kites with metal attached.  Not really comparable to slavery, but I kind of see a parallel (ever so slight).

If I am left-winger for not thinking that slavery was just historical, nothing more...then I will be one because you told me I was.  We have all come so far and thanks to those in control of the rest of us because if they hadn't allowed us to have the freedoms we have now...I wouldn't have been able to vote or be considered an equal.   ::)

OK, completely honest here. Educate me if I off on this point. I have never been poor. I was never raised poor. BTW, poor meaning homeless, on government assistance. I'm not rich by any means. However my father was poor. He was raised on a 18' houseboat in Lousiana till he was about 14. His father semi abused him. He had my Father drive a boat 8 miles up a river, drop him off and he had to drive it back by himself. He waited 8 hours for his father to return. Oh yea, he was 8 years old at this time.  His Dad was a trapper.

Even though my father was poor I was not. I have NO CLUE what it is to possibly not eat one day. He tells me stories of his younger years that I can't imagine that happening to me. All his stories did was to convince me not to ever be in that situation.

Now, slavery..........it was bad, but no one on this forum lived it. So, why keep bringing it up?

Maybe because my gr-grandfather Avery Bias was born a slave and millions more like him.

My ancestor, Milos Cetunic was an Athenian farmer taken slave by Darius III of Persia. 

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