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I am talking about truth in HISTORY...Dumb country boy.

Everyone has their own opinion of Slavery and text books. Here is an article about White Slavery that is not taught in History books.

The Truth About Slavery

The history of America and of Western Civilization is not being taught as it should be in our schools and universities today. Historical facts are suppressed, and what is taught is distorted in such a way as to advance the world government agenda, with all inconvenient historical facts, knowledge of which might cause our young people to question that agenda, purposely left out.

It is a tragedy of monumental proportions that our schools have been converted into "liberal" brainwashing institutions, though I do feel a sense of encouragement when I read that more and more real Americans are taking their children out of the public schools and teaching them at home.  Nevertheless, because America is, or was until recently, a predominantly White nation, one of the primary ways that national disintegration is promoted by the destroyers of nations in this country is by the inculcation of White guilt for Black slavery.

By recounting and emphasizing again and again the real and imagined sufferings of Black people under slavery, the White student is made to feel that his ancestors were cruel, morally retarded, and evil. They are made to feel that they owe Black people a nearly infinite compensation, since, they are taught, Black people's problems today are the legacy of hundreds of years of slavery for which White people are responsible. They are taught that the relative prosperity which we enjoy today was achieved largely by exploitation of Black slaves. Is it any wonder that thousands of our young people join Jesse Jackson in chanting "Hey Hey Ho Ho, Western Culture's Gotta Go"? Is it any wonder that they all too often reject our European cultural heritage and embrace all forms of alien styles of music, dancing, dress, grooming and slang, from Jamaican "rasta" to "gangsta rap"? Is it any wonder that White teenagers are committing suicide in higher numbers every year? They have received, in our public schools and colleges, not a "liberal education," but an education by liberals. They have been taught very well indeed - taught that they and their ancestors and their traditions and their natural feelings are worthless and an obstacle to be overcome.

Now these liberal lies are easily countered by facts. The primary fact that must be emphasized is that many hundreds of thousands of White people were slaves in early America. In fact, White slavery was not only extremely common, but until the late 18th century it was far more common than Black slavery here. Also little known is the fact that living and labor conditions for Black slaves, bad as they often were, were usually far better than those for White slaves.

At this point, many of you are probably saying "White slaves? What in the world is he talking about? Sure, there were White indentured servants and apprentices in colonial America, and maybe sometimes they were treated badly, but actual White slavery - that's something that disappeared with the Romans and the Vikings. And to compare White indentured servants to Black slaves is the worst sort of racist distortion of history!"

Some of you are probably saying or thinking exactly that, and quite frankly to most of us the idea of White slavery in early America is hard to accept, schooled as we are by the controlled media and the liberal-dominated public schools.

Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of millions of our enslaved forefathers. 200 years of White slavery in America have been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory of the American people.

Writer Elaine Kendall asks "Who wants to be reminded that half - perhaps as many as two-thirds - of the original American colonists came here, not of their own free will, but kidnapped, shanghaied, impressed, duped, beguiled, and yes, in chains - ? ...we tend to gloss over it... we'd prefer to forget the whole sorry chapter."

Apparently you can't "HANDLE THE TRUTH".  Why resort to name calling? Do you have so much hate you have to name call? Did your father while he was teaching you not to hate, forget about name calling a form of hate?  I can post all your comments if I wanted, filled with hate and racism. You should look in the mirror before you start calling people dumb.

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Thats all he has is name calling.  What else can an ignorant bigot do.  That type of person cannot win a debate on intellect so he must scream and call names.  Its funny to watch the show.


Thats all he has is name calling.  What else can an ignorant bigot do.  That type of person cannot win a debate on intellect so he must scream and call names.  Its funny to watch the show.



Guest DickVitale

Oh and ignorant bigot is NOT name calling...Like I said...we can meet up somewhere, and we will see if you have the nads to say ANYTHING to my face...anything...Dont dish it if you cant take it...BTW I have more college degrees than you have college hours, tigerboy... ;)...Think about that one..and I am not a darn racist, for the last time...Anybody that challenges the great SE Texas good ole boy system is NOT a racist...You have to give respect to get it....If you notice, I dont take the same tone on here with everyone...Those that respect me, I respect back..Those that attack me, I attack twice as hard...Pick your poison.


Oh and ignorant bigot is NOT name calling...Like I said...we can meet up somewhere, and we will see if you have the nads to say ANYTHING to my face...anything...Dont dish it if you cant take it...BTW I have more college degrees than you have college hours, tigerboy... ;)...Think about that one..and I am not a darn racist, for the last time...Anybody that challenges the great SE Texas good ole boy system is NOT a racist...You have to give respect to get it....If you notice, I dont take the same tone on here with everyone...Those that respect me, I respect back..Those that attack me, I attack twice as hard...Pick your poison.

Where would you like to meet?  Call the place brotha.  You are a racist bigot.  Nice of you to mention respect because you've given none.  

Guest DickVitale

Matters not...brotha. I respect those that respect others opinions and you people think that anyone that does not agree with you and does not look like you is racist or a bigot...I dont care if you THINK I am, those that truly know me, know better.


Matters not...brotha. I respect those that respect others opinions and you people think that anyone that does not agree with you and does not look like you is racist or a bigot...I dont care if you THINK I am, those that truly know me, know better.

First thing you can do is quit saying "you people".  You have taken the view that anyone not sharing your view is a racist.  However, I have seen by your own words that you are a racist bigot. 


Matters not...brotha. I respect those that respect others opinions and you people think that anyone that does not agree with you and does not look like you is racist or a bigot...I dont care if you THINK I am, those that truly know me, know better.

You sure don't seem to respect ours. Several post you group southeast texas as a group and racist. You can't put everyone in a bucket and get respect. I have NO respect for you, simply because of your name calling. I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you. Simple fact and I did so without threatening to beat you up   ;)

Guest DickVitale

Boy, this conversation would be so different in person....You people ON HERE (which is what I always mean when I say that) are cowards...historically too...cowards...Hippy, you think I care if you can trust me? You dont have to respect me over the web, but I guarantee, in real life, it would be a different case...Which is why I call you cowards. Now we can agree to disagree and leave it at that...its over, because it has gotten personal.


None of this is worth fisticuffs over.  However, I am always up for a good debate between people with differeing views.  I am chooisng to believe that is what Dickie V wants - because no good comes from physical violence.  Dr. King felt that way too.


Boy, this conversation would be so different in person....You people ON HERE (which is what I always mean when I say that) are cowards...historically too...cowards...Hippy, you think I care if you can trust me? You dont have to respect me over the web, but I guarantee, in real life, it would be a different case...Which is why I call you cowards. Now we can agree to disagree and leave it at that...its over, because it has gotten personal.

It would be the same, I would still not respect you. I don't believe in violence to prove a point. That is what your brain is for!


Come on guys be good  ;D

Don't make me lock it up.

Can we get back to listing what GWB did and what we like and don't like without it turning into anything reguarding race?

Guest DickVitale

Please respect me hippyboy.... ::) ::) You are NOBODY....I could care less what you think.

Ruckdad, I respect what you are saying and totally agree that it should not come to that. I agreed to drop it but others on here would like to continue it for whatever reason. I can move on to the next topic.


From a good article..........I could respond to the NOBODY remark, but I have a hard time debating someone with a lack of common sense.  ;)

George W. Bush was pegged as a hate figure even before being sworn in. Yet he resisted

bitterness, stuck to principle and became what history will judge to be one of our better presidents.

ex-President Bush, on the other hand, has taken at least as much personal abuse, yet his

graciousness seldom fails. While the 37th president acidly told the press, “You won’t have Nixon to kick

around anymore,†the 43rd told the reporters at his final presidential press conference Monday that they

were “just people trying to do the best they possibly can.†That’s charitable in the extreme: Every step of the way, the establishment press has been eager to see this president fail. And unlike Nixon, who so disappointed his supporters on the right that he was challenged for the GOP nomination in 1972, Bush stuck to the conservative principles on many if not most issues, including income and investment tax cuts, the invasion of two terror states and the appointment of Supreme Court justices.

  Bush came to the plate with two strikes against him. He was falsely accused of stealing the 2000 election and hit the ground in the middle of a recession. Then came the first attack on the homeland since Pearl Harbor. In the face of the threat to both the U.S. and the free world, the commander in chief made war against governments that sponsored terrorism and cut taxes to revitalize the post-9/11 economy.

Guest DickVitale

Hippyboy, your man crush on George W. does not move me...He screwed this country with is greed...end of discussion...New topic please.


Hippyboy, your man crush on George W. does not move me...He screwed this country with is greed...end of discussion...New topic please.

Hey Einstein,

  I have never claimed to know everything, but if you want to discuss something other than President Bush, I KINDLY suggest you find a different thread. If the subject reads "What is the best thing Bush did during his presidency?", one could probably assume it would include President Bush.


Hippyboy, your man crush on George W. does not move me...He screwed this country with is greed...end of discussion...New topic please.

At least that is what the sheep are brainwashed into believing...


The DEMOCRATIC congress was in charge of oversight of the mortgage companies, which basically started all this mess.


GW was not in charge of AIG.

Greed was the cause of this current mess, but it was due to lack of oversight on the part of the executive and legislative branches of the government.

I was so mad Bush did the first bailout of the banks, then Obama continued the insanity.

To believe Bush was at fault for everything is just not right.

BOTH PARTIES were responsible for this calamity.


Repubs to blame. Not enough govt. intervention to stop the greed in our capitalistic society.

As a consumer, we all get screwed including the poor repubs and demos.

Of course you would say the Repubs are to blame.  Democrats never do anything wrong in your mind unless its when they go along with Repubs.  :D

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