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Seems to me that someone who is two heart beats away from being President would know more about the torture and the war on terror than she is now saying.

This was an interesting article on msnbc about Pelosi's current delima.

This is the hidden content, please

She has put both her feet in her mouth and now IMO is to a point of no return.

I think if the democrats maintain the house in the next election there may be an effort to remove her from the speaker's position.

Should be interesting to see how the soap opera of life that is DC will spin this one.

What do you guys think...

Did Pelosi know more than what she is leading on, or is she white as a sheet?

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Seems to me that someone who is two heart beats away from being President would know more about the torture and the war on terror than she is now saying.

This was an interesting article on msnbc about Pelosi's current delima.

This is the hidden content, please

She has put both her feet in her mouth and now IMO is to a point of no return.

I think if the democrats maintain the house in the next election there may be an effort to remove her from the speaker's position.

Should be interesting to see how the soap opera of life that is DC will spin this one.

What do you guys think...

Did Pelosi know more than what she is leading on, or is she white as a sheet?

Most already know my opinion.  I have a lot more trust in the CIA than in Nancy.  I think what this boils down to is this.

1.  She was getting pressure from the Dem's to find any way to tarnish the republicans and Bush.

2.  They figured bring out the torture and try to show the American people they broke the law.

3.  Prosecute enough republicans and Obama gets another 4 years.

The problem is, Democrats and Republicans both agreed with those techniques. If she would of said she knew and had changed her mind (like what might have happened), she would be ok, but so would the Republican party.  INSTEAD, she lied and tried to pretend that she had no clue. She was called on it and her story has changed several times.  Now shes stuck, she has to keep her story OR admit shes a liar. I'm pretty sure her credibility is gone and we will have a new speaker. This was a failed attempt by the Democratic party to secure Obama for another 4 years.


Seems to me that someone who is two heart beats away from being President would know more about the torture and the war on terror than she is now saying.

Which statement?

The one where she was clueless or the one where she had heard about it but had not been briefed or the one where she had been briefed by a staffer or the one where she knew what "may" be done but thought nothing of it and the CIA then lied to her because there is no way that she would have known.

Of course, Obama's head of the CIA, Clinton Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, came out and said they have documentation that she knew and that there was no cover up by the CIA.

I suppose that only Nancy told the truth and everyone is just against her, including the Obama administration.  ::)


Just wondering...how do you feel about many former dictators torture techniques on others, namely Americans?  I guess that's why I just don't agree with trying to lead other countries to follow suit behind us, but it's ok if we participate in these kinds of activities since we're doing it to keep our country safe.  I just don't think that we can credibly/fairly want others to model themselves after us when we are doing the same things that we are preaching against.  Dunno...


Honestly, how truthful is ANY politician? 

Truthful like how?

Do you mean that politicians will spin things their way or maybe they will not tell the parts that they don't want you to hear? Yeah, maybe. A couple of Democratic backers in this forum have spent time blasting Bush for being untruthful (not proven, just blasting). So is that the answer? They all do it.

Being politically truthful as in, I will only say what I want you to hear, is one thing. Covering up evidence is another.

Pelosi was one of the ringleaders in calling for investigations and jail time for many Republicans not only for waterboarding but for suggesting it or knowing about it. After all to some extent, she is correct that it is against federal law to know of a felony and not report it. She claims that the waterboarding was a felony torture crime.

Great stuff Nancy.. call for all of those evil Republicans to be jailed. The only problem for her now that she has called for jail time for anyone that knew... it looks like she knew. If that is true (and it is sure getting deep for her), it leads to two things that I can think of. First, it makes her a criminal and available for prosecution and prison time. Second, it makes her an extreme hypocrite. Anyone want to bet that soon she will come out with some statement like waterboarding was not a crime after all, now that she has looked into it or something similar to deflect the heat away from her?

While I fully expect politicians to spin things their way or dodge questions or talk all around the answers without saying anything, I don't expect them to outright lie and/or commit crimes.

Richard Nixon was not a bad president. He won (even during the Watergate scandal) by two of the largest electoral landslides in history. He opened up trade and a more peaceful existence with China and ended the Vietnam War. I have never seen where it was shown that he orchestrated the Watergate breakin but he sure as heck covered it up once it was discovered that it was his employees that did it. That made him a felon, not for the fact that he told them to break in but for the fact that he lied to cover up what he knew. The Democrats and many Republicans didn't let him off of the hook and forced him to resign or be impeached and removed from office. Well it appears as though Queen Nancy just got caught with her hand in the same cookie jar. With a Democratic Congress and President, I don't expect much in the way of actual charges against her. The President won't appoint a special and independent prosecutor (or if he does, it will shock me). I do think the heat "might" get bad enough for her to lose her Speaker of the House position but that is yet to be seen. The way the Democrats usually circle the wagons, they might cover for her long enough to hope that a bigger faux pas is on the horizon to take the heat off of her.

For her sake, it had better come fast as the Obama administration through CIA Director Panetta has come out and said that she is not telling the truth. Heaven forbid if the Democrats caught a leading Republican in a lie right now. They would be on it like a bunch of rabid dogs.

The clock is ticking Nancy. I'll bet she isn't sleeping well tonight.


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.  8) ;D


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

That guy needs to stick to golf comentary.  Another Chicken Hawk response from an Irishman no less.  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......


They all say what they think the people want to hear, and then do what they want. Not a dimes worth of difference between any of them and thats from the top to the bottom. All bought and paid for. jmo


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D

Thats really your response?? I guess I messed you up when I post facts.


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D

Thats really your response?? I guess I messed you up when I post facts.

Posting about car bombs going off on the other side of the world quite frankly doesn't move me.  Frankly, I wish Obama could leave the 'Stans but that's a discussion for another day.  If those people want to continue to blow each other up so they can follow some archaic form of Islam is fine with me.  The like it, I love it.....


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D

Thats really your response?? I guess I messed you up when I post facts.

Posting about car bombs going off on the other side of the world quite frankly doesn't move me.  Frankly, I wish Obama could leave the 'Stans but that's a discussion for another day.  If those people want to continue to blow each other up so they can follow some archaic form of Islam is fine with me.  The like it, I love it.....

Dude, I'm done with you!  Those car bombs killed children.............


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D

Thats really your response?? I guess I messed you up when I post facts.

Posting about car bombs going off on the other side of the world quite frankly doesn't move me.  Frankly, I wish Obama could leave the 'Stans but that's a discussion for another day.  If those people want to continue to blow each other up so they can follow some archaic form of Islam is fine with me.  The like it, I love it.....

Dude, I'm done with you!  Those car bombs killed children.............

If you asked the average person in both Real and not so Real America, my position may be in the majority if people were honest......


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D

Thats really your response?? I guess I messed you up when I post facts.

thetragichippy, some people are just looking to blame someone else for the world's problems. It's sad that the man who protected us is taking the blame for doing his job.


"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death." - David Feherty

I think that about sums it up for me as well.   8) ;D

  Anyway, she's about as truthful as Cheney......

Well then that makes it ok, huh? When does one stand on one's own two feet and stop pointing fingers? She has gotten herself into the same place as Obama....between a rock and a hard place. Bush's poilicies are looking better all the time. Maybe now, the ''fickle finger of fate'' will be pointed in the right direction.

Those policies in 'Not so Real America' still stink.  I could care less what she knew and when she knew it.  It wasn't Pelosi who said "we need to go to the dark side....." and it darn sure wasn't NP who gave the torture orders, okayed the memos---pre writing of them.  All Dick 'The Penquin' Cheney---former Vice Chicken Hawk.  Pelosi, as well as other Dems at the time, went along so they wouldn't seem 'soft' on terror in 'Real America'

Like I said earlier, when GWB gave the orders for the CIA to go into Afganistan----teaming up with the 'Northern Alience'(which had the help of Iran btw), they did good running the Taliban(remember them? they took credit for 9/11)out of Afganistan.  Then the NeoCons step in and Conned us all....

A car bomb ripped through a packed street in Pakistan's city of Peshawar TODAY and killed 11 people, including women and children, near an ice cream shop and Internet cafe Saturday, officials said.

The blast exploded in the densely populated Kashkal area of Peshawar, the northwest city where people have sought shelter after escaping a Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in three districts further north.

For those of you that think the war is over and that America is safe is living in a fantasy world.  Bush has a lot to do why those car bombs are exploding in Peshawar and not in our own backyard! For some of you, it's going to take another 9/11 to make you understand that.

Making excuses for Pelosi shows how far the left will go to protect it's own. You do realize she said she did not know, then she kinda knew. Do you really believe that?????    Pathetic!

Well you seem to be speaking for all the Chicken Hawks on this board.  Get off the keyboard and do something about it.  Go enlist and say you want to go to the Stands ASAP to protect 'Real America'

To be honest, I sometimes wear a 7.25 inch size tin hat.  Since Pakistan has no oil(that we know of), there won't be another hit here.  No need for the Carlyle group and others to use the Shock Doctrine to set up shop in Pakistan.....  ;D ;D

Thats really your response?? I guess I messed you up when I post facts.

thetragichippy, some people are just looking to blame someone else for the world's problems. It's sad that the man who protected us is taking the blame for doing his job.

You would think that 9/11 never happened based on some of these post. We can talk on forums like this (unless the thread is deleted  ;D ) because we are free.  We are free because we FOUGHT for our freedom. Obama is going back to Bushes policy's for a reason........THEY WORKED. Think about it, Military tribunals, NOT releasing the pictures, tapping our reserve......and the list WILL go on!

BTW PNGkid..........great post here lately.......


War will never cease...not everywhere. 

Pelosi is how far from the presidency?  I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have.  How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? 

And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world.  It's really not that new of a concept.


War will never cease...not everywhere. 

Pelosi is how far from the presidency?  I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have.  How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? 

And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world.  It's really not that new of a concept.

Yea, it was Bushes fault. Funny how Obama is changing his mind on a lot of security issues...... acting a little like Bush.  Bush was not as dumb as the left plays him. For a dumb guy, he sure got a lot of things done.  ;)


War will never cease...not everywhere. 

Pelosi is how far from the presidency?  I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have.  How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? 

And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world.  It's really not that new of a concept.

Yea, it was Bushes fault. Funny how Obama is changing his mind on a lot of security issues...... acting a little like Bush.  Bush was not as dumb as the left plays him. For a dumb guy, he sure got a lot of things done.   ;)

Correction: played him. They can't play President Bush for dumb when President Obama starts doing the same things President Bush did while in office. Oh, wait, they're liberals. They don't have to make sense. Nevermind, then. :D


War will never cease...not everywhere. 

Pelosi is how far from the presidency?  I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have.  How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? 

And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world.  It's really not that new of a concept.

Yea, it was Bushes fault. Funny how Obama is changing his mind on a lot of security issues...... acting a little like Bush.  Bush was not as dumb as the left plays him. For a dumb guy, he sure got a lot of things done.   ;)

Correction: played him. They can't play President Bush for dumb when President Obama starts doing the same things President Bush did while in office. Oh, wait, they're liberals. They don't have to make sense. Nevermind, then. :D


Oh and how correct you are about Bush not being dumb...he scarily smart.  Left.  Right.  Left. Right.  Someone doesn't agree with your views and you crown them liberals or lefties.  Can you say shallow?


War will never cease...not everywhere. 

Pelosi is how far from the presidency?  I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have.  How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? 

And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world.  It's really not that new of a concept.

Yea, it was Bushes fault. Funny how Obama is changing his mind on a lot of security issues...... acting a little like Bush.  Bush was not as dumb as the left plays him. For a dumb guy, he sure got a lot of things done.   ;)

Correction: played him. They can't play President Bush for dumb when President Obama starts doing the same things President Bush did while in office. Oh, wait, they're liberals. They don't have to make sense. Nevermind, then. :D


Oh and how correct you are about Bush not being dumb...he scarily smart.  Left.  Right.  Left. Right.  Someone doesn't agree with your views and you crown them liberals or lefties.  Can you say shallow?

I'm not sure why you would call that shallow. I would say bush was far right and Obama is far left. There are some people who views are in the middle.  Most people that are liberal (left wing) admit it proudly, same for the right. Shallow would be not caring or wanting to know about fact and history.......

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