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Guest Living 4 Friday Nights

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Why does she "grab the tee and run off?" I don't see how that is "getting it done"...

I agree, you need 11 on the field. I know its not the way you want a kick off to go, but the kicker could be the one to keep the returner from scoring. I think its great she can kick, but if she isn't on the field to help the rest of the time she is not "getting it done.

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Even though she may not hang around after a K/O to try & stop a 220 lb. speedster headed her way, it sounds like she has plenty of support from her coach, teammates, and community. I don't see the harm in her running off the field after a kick. If it was my daughter, I wouldn't want her out there trying to make tackles either.

Evidently, the Rams needed a kicker and she did a better job of kicking than any of others who may have tried out.

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Guest ECBucFan

Don't see the harm??? Do you think it good, or fair for 10 to try to stop 11, time and time again? What about TEAMWORK? Can you really be helping your team if you are "running away" in the middle of a play? Folks, that ain't "getting it done"!

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Those are all good and valid points, however they are also calculated risks that the coach is comfortable with. The coach allowed her on the team b/c of her kicking ability, and that is the capacity in which she is being used. I'm sure if she kicks one or two game-winning FG's, her teammates won't mind that she wasn't on the field for K/O returns.

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Last year at the Vidor vs Barbers Hill freshman game' date=' the Vidor kicker kicked the ball off and it went pretty deep, he grabs the tee and runs off the field, and the returner went all the way for the score (if he wouldve stayed on, he wouldve made the TD saving tackle) , that TD ended up being the game winner, funniest thing ive ever seen even as a fellow Pirate :lol:[/quote']

Point driver home.

This is from the "Something Funny or Amazing Post"

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