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Magazine picks Vidor football to win first district title since 1978

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Why's that? They weren't bad last year and the 99% of the team is back.


But history may change this year though. Like Lumberton's 40+ years of futility, it finally came to an end. Maybe it will be for the Pirates this year.

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Everyone has their own opinion, I'm just curious as to what this one is based on.  Looking at the teams rationally, I just don't see how you can say Vidor can't beat any of them

Vidor will likely beat at least one of those teams. Will they beat enough of them for the playoffs is the question? As far as if they "can beat" one of those teams, I think they will be capable of beating any of them. Any given night............

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It's a legit pick considering how weak the district was last year.  Problem is, I think you have a number of teams this year that will see a marked improvement...ie Nederland, PNG, and Lumberton.  And, if Central picks up where they left off, it will make the district even better.  The bigger problem is that last year was Vidors time to shine, with the weak district and all, and they couldnt even make the playoffs. 

When one of the worst teams (PNG) takes the co district champion (Lumberton) into overtime, and the other co champion (Central, who went deep into the playoffs) doesnt just completely dominate one of the worst teams (again PNG), you know your district is having problems.

Sorry Vidor, I think your ship sailed off last year and left you little pirates on an abandoned island.  Think it is back to I-10, Vidor-0.  Pirates remain stranded on abandoned island again this year as the ship does not come back for them.  Vidor will remain as is "since 1978".

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I dont understand how your not giving them a fare shake with all of the experience they have coming back?

Look, I'm not taking anything away from them.  They will probably be better than a normal Vidor team, and maybe win a few games I didnt think they would, like Lumberton last year.  But, in the end, you struggled with a horrible PNG team last year.  Dont get me wrong, I think PNG had talent and left a lot on the table, so in some way it was a good showing.  However, you have a lot of experience returning from a team that did not make the playoffs in what was considered somewhat a weak district last year.

IMO, and seeing PNG this year, the district is going to be a lot more competitive this year.  I think Lumberton, Nederland, Central, and PNG will all struggle with each other.  However, I dont see these teams having hiccups against LCM, Livingston, and Ozen.  I can see all 4 of them going 2-1 against each other, whereas I could see Vidor going 2-2 or 1-3 against them.  Sorry, I just think your odd man out.

My Picks

1. Lumberton (Co)

2. PNG (Co)

3. Central

4. Nederland

5. Vidor

6. LCM

7. Livingston

8. Ozen

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I dont understand how your not giving them a fare shake with all of the experience they have coming back?

My Picks

1. Lumberton (Co)

2. PNG (Co)

3. Central

4. Nederland

5. Vidor

6. LCM

7. Livingston

8. Ozen

Totaly think that might change,,lol  ;D,,but anyway,,i ask this Question..With what you say..Do you think this District is back on the Rise..Or at least Getting thier,,And i dont just mean your Team..I mean as a whole District??

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not who you were asking the question but IMO the entire district is heading back in the right direction.

PNG- coaching change will work wonders- will be better

LCM- new coach from an established winner- will be better

Ozen- new coach that will do well- will be better

Nederland- same ol coach but with much talent coming back- will be better

Vidor- most returning starters from a decent 08 team- will be better

Central- new coach, long playoff run last year but loses a lot of those guys- probably the same

Lumberton- same coach and Anthony Beard- probably the same

Livingston- dont know much about them except their superstar from last year graduated- probably worse

overall I see a stronger, more competitive 20-4A with few if any "pushovers".

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A betting man would stay away from trying to pick a favorite in 20-4A. Too many changes and unknowns. But, I would be comfortable picking Vidor for one of the top 4 spots. Just my opinion, I honestly believe they will be in the playoffs.

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Completely different team!

Different team but the same position. A scrappy team from the year before with almost the entire team returning. It means nothing to this year's team but having a bunch of returning starters, like the 2005 Pirate team showed, is not a guarantee for the playoffs.

I would not be shocked if Vidor won district this year and certainly not shocked to see them in the playoffs. I sure don't see it as some kind of clinch though simply due to numbers.

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One advantage that Vidor has is that they run an offense that most teams rarely see, thus it is harder to prepare for in one week. That is where having so many starters back makes a big difference for them. In 2005 if I am not mistaken they were attempting to run the spread, which you see every other week.

Most of the Vidor coaches and a number of players came to watch the PNG Spring game to see what the competition is doing. Didn't see anyone else in the district there?? That tells me that the kids believe!

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If I recall right, a couple of years ago they had 20 returning starters and didn't make the playoffs.  Correct me if I'm wrong on this.  So, 99% for some doesn't mean a whole lot.  They'll have to prove it on the field.

Why's that? They weren't bad last year and the 99% of the team is back.

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Sure it's a different team.  But why would you think the result will be any differrent?  Just curious.

Does anyone remember the 2005 Vidor team that was "scrappy" and had TWENTY returning starters?

Would some one like to explain what happened then?

Different team.

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Wasn't he also the coach of the 2005 squad??  ???  ???  ???

The difference is the attitude.  The squad from 2005 is nothing compared to this squad.  They have what it takes to win and I credit that to Coach Mathews and his crew.  You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don't have a team you have nothing.

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smitty i'm srry that u don't feel that vidor will make playoffs but u will be upset this year when they do.they beat lumberton and should have beat central with a missed 20 yard feild goal and a blocked extra point to tie the game.

and the difference between this team and the 2005 team is it actually means something to them and they have their hearts in the game. yes mathuews was the coach then but the kids now have baught into what he is saying to them and with a group of kids than has been pretty dominat together all through school wich what i mean by that is jr high and freshman year they will be good this year cause they have it in their minds that they can make playoffs and go deep. u can say that jr high and freshman ball is different from varsity ball but when u get a group that has played togeher that long and believe in each other and care about their team mates they will go far.

yea they didn't do as good as they should have last seasoin when they lost to ozen wich shouldn't have happend they had 6 turnovers and still only lost by 1 td. they were mostly jr's but coach mat. has done some work with these boys and they have their mind set to make their coach proud and prove all the ppl hatting on them wrong.

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smitty i'm srry that u don't feel that vidor will make playoffs but u will be upset this year when they do.they beat lumberton and should have beat central with a missed 20 yard feild goal and a blocked extra point to tie the game.

and the difference between this team and the 2005 team is it actually means something to them and they have their hearts in the game. yes mathuews was the coach then but the kids now have baught into what he is saying to them and with a group of kids than has been pretty dominat together all through school wich what i mean by that is jr high and freshman year they will be good this year cause they have it in their minds that they can make playoffs and go deep. u can say that jr high and freshman ball is different from varsity ball but when u get a group that has played togeher that long and believe in each other and care about their team mates they will go far.

yea they didn't do as good as they should have last seasoin when they lost to ozen wich shouldn't have happend they had 6 turnovers and still only lost by 1 td. they were mostly jr's but coach mat. has done some work with these boys and they have their mind set to make their coach proud and prove all the ppl hatting on them wrong.

Look, it's not about hating on them.  Usually hated teams are teams that have a traditon of winning.  Vidor has nothing to hate on in my eyes right now.  It's all about reality.  Your team could not make the playoffs last year in a somewhat weakened district with 4 playoff spots.  You guys are saying you are proud of your effort last year.  That may well be, but that pride will not get you into the playoffs.  You have a lot of returning starters from a team that, when  you think about it, accomplished nothing.  What should lead us to believe that you will make the playoffs this year.  I for one, having seen PNG's changes, know that the district is going to be tougher this year.  Yes, you may be tougher, bringing back so many, but IMO, with the rise of the district, you will still be the odd man out.  Sorry.  Again, no hate intended, just reality.

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An easy example that I can think of is the Constitution makes him the commander-in-chief of the military. So if a president authorizes the military to do something such as Reagan authorizing the bombing of Libya in retaliation for terrorist attacks, the president cannot be sued or held to criminal charges because some civilians in Libya got killed. That is his authority as commander-in-chief and protection of the country. The Supreme Court then ruled that the president has presumed official acts immunity. A presumption under law in a case such as this means that it is assumed that the person accused, such as a president, is not guilty. The presumption is that he followed the law. The presumption does allow however for the prosecution to try and prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the presumption does not exist. The person accused does not have to prove anything. The president does not have to prove that he had immunity. The prosecution has to prove that more likely yes than no that he didn’t have immunity. So technically there’s an opening to prosecute but you start out with the presumption that the person accused is not guilty with nothing to prove. As an example, the president has wide authority in many areas including issuing some executive orders. Those are authorities as official acts. If the president was to do something like order the unjustified jailing of a political opponent in an upcoming election and order the opponent held in Gitmo to keep from campaigning, that would not be included under an official act immunity. So it is possible to overcome the presumption of immunity but it will take quite a bit of work.  The president has no immunity whatsoever that is outside of constitutional authority or an official act. As an example of the president gets drunk and manages to sneak past his Secret Service bodyguard. He gets in the car and drives DWI and kills someone. That is not covered under an official act so he could be held accountable for a homicide. So…. For constitutional authorities, the president has absolute immunity. For an official act, he has presumed immunity. Anything outside of a constitutional or official act, such as driving DWI, has no immunity. In this ruling the Supreme Court vacated the indictment because the District Court, and the Circuit Court did not even consider immunity. The Supreme Court did not clear Trump because at this point they have not even heard the evidence. All they issued was a constitutional ruling that the lower courts have to at least consider immunity under the rule that they just established. Therefore the case goes back to the prosecution to bring a case at the trial court level and try to prove that whatever Trump is accused of, it was not an official act. Certainly the DOJ could read this Supreme Court ruling and drop the case, saying that they cannot overcome immunity. I’m not going to hold my breath, waiting for the DOJ to come to that conclusion. Simply disagreeing with a president actions does not disprove immunity. I disagreed with some of the things that Biden did such as ordering vaccines for some workers. Some of that was appealed and the courts threw out some of those mandates, especially under OSHSA. I don’t think Biden could be prosecuted however for issuing an executive order to one of his federal agencies because that is probably covered under an official act immunity. Not liking it does not automatically qualified as a crime. Therefore…. Can the DOJ try to again get an indictment against Trump and try to prove in court that he is not covered by one of the immunities listed? Yes. The Supreme Court  has stated that under their ruling absolute immunity must be taken into consideration for a constitutional act and presumed immunity must be taken into consideration for an official act. Let’s just say that the DOJ pushed this case again and convince the trial court and the appeals court that Trump has no immunity and they get a criminal conviction. At their discretion, the Supreme Court can take this case up again since the trial would have been held and the Supreme Court could see how the lower courts came to their conclusion. The Supreme Court could agree that with the lower courts that there was no immunity and a conviction stands or they could say, y'all weren't paying attention to our ruling and they can throw the whole case out. If you don’t want to read all of that……  To date the ruling is, yes a former president has immunity from what he did in office and by law that must be taken into consideration under the rules that the Supreme Court just set. The rest will play out in the future. 
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