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Toledo Bend?

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I was up at Toledo Bend for the 4 Th. It was way too hot for me to fish but my son in law did night fishing Friday night and Saturday night. He fished deep water trying to catch a big one. He caught a 9 or 10 pounder and missed two more big ones but he does not know how big. He was fishing with his nephew who is about 12 or 13 years old. Needless to say the boy was excited. That was on Friday night. Saturday he and his brother and the same boy went back. This time no luck. No strikes or anything.

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We tried worms up and down the bank everywhere, and threw almost everything we could find around boat houses... Couldn't get a single thing to bite... The only luck we did have was around 9:30-10 in the morning and we ran into some schooling bass in a cove but they would take it and then let it go... Very unfortunate, the first time I've ever been up and there and not caught atleast something...

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I have had some success in the hot summer flipping jigs w/pork trailer SLOWWWWWWW in thick mat hydrilla near a creek channel.As for color my favorite is and has been black/blue but others will work 1/2-3/4 oz.Bass experts claim past 10' all colors look dark  in the bass's eyes,but you gotta almost hit them in the head at times and the bite will be very soft so a sensitive heavy rod w/backbone will help-20 lb/line minimum w/good abrasive qualities.Good luck and happy fishing.

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I just recently moved my trailer from Toledo.  I was near mill creek on the south end of the lake. If I were going this month, here is what I would try.

Early AM:  Fish points in 4-8 ft of water. Topwater and spinners. By 10:00am, move to 10-12ft Texas rig or wacky, slow it down. I would also try deep crank baits with a slow retrieve. The bass should be going fairly shallow in the early mornings to feed and then moving to deep water. when fishing shallow, make sure there is deep water fairly close to the shallow your fishing. If none of that worked, go near Texas island and find the beach. Anchor in about 6 ft of water, get a beer, jump in and relax. Hopefully its a full moon so you can night fish with top waters!

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I just recently moved my trailer from Toledo.  I was near mill creek on the south end of the lake. If I were going this month, here is what I would try.

Early AM:  Fish points in 4-8 ft of water. Topwater and spinners. By 10:00am, move to 10-12ft Texas rig or wacky, slow it down. I would also try deep crank baits with a slow retrieve. The bass should be going fairly shallow in the early mornings to feed and then moving to deep water. when fishing shallow, make sure there is deep water fairly close to the shallow your fishing. If none of that worked, go near Texas island and find the beach. Anchor in about 6 ft of water, get a beer, jump in and relax. Hopefully its a full moon so you can night fish with top waters!

Many years ago when I actually bass fished, I would do the early morning (like just as the sun is peaking over the horizon) and had good success on topwaters. Many times just tossing out the lure and letting it sit there for a minute or so before twitching it. By about 9:00AM, it was time to move off of the water and wait for the evening fishing.

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