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Lumberton fans, this is your victory thread

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i just wanted to let everybody know that these words im about to type came straight from Johnny Dishon's mouth after the game, "good game guys, yall have a great team, good luck in THE PLAYOFFS" its good to know that players around here still show respect when the fans and parents dont always show it good luck to all

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yaaaa boie!!!! It feels REALLY good to win that game! i really hope this will help people relize that the NEW lumberton raiders are for real this year and will come out ready to play as hard as we can EVERY game! GRATZ to all my fellow teamates! i love all you guys like you were my family!!!!

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Congrats on beating a 3a team that is down compared to previous Bridge City football teams. BC couldnt defend against the pass at all. Wait till you play teams with good athletes in the secondary. Sorry to say but neither one of these teams probably wont make the playoffs this year

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My hats off to two very talented football teams. You guys are dogging the defenses. Could it be that we saw two good offenses???

The Cards have more talent than i gave them credit for and Dishon is probably the best athelete in SE Texas. He is like Houdini when he has the ball. That guy is amazing! Barring any major injuries they will make the playoffs.

The Raiders coaches called a great game and the boys, all of them, made plays when they needed to make them. For us to continue to be successful we must stop dropping balls, having penalties and putting the ball on the ground. Luckily for us our defense kept getting it back;)

The Raiders certainly earned some RESPECT tonight.

This will not be our biggest win of the year! Wait and see:)

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The Raiders certainly earned some RESPECT tonight.

This will not be our biggest win of the year! Wait and see:)

After all the crowing from Lumberton, I would certainly hope that a 4 point preseason win over a 3A school is not the end of it..............

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Guest ECBucFan

Way to go Raiders!!! I am really proud of your sucess so far, keep up the good work! :D You got a winner in Coach C., and as Lumberton continues to grow....wow, what a bright future lies ahead. :D

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