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She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.

yes and they were utterly tasteless in their attacks on her for having that baby.  

I don't agree with Obama on most of the issues but to me his kids are off limits.  He's got two beautiful girls and they should be left alone.  That wasn't the case with Palin's kids. 

And no, SFA-- her keeping the baby as well as welcoming her oldest daughter does not put her family values down the drain. It shows the high famliy values that she has. 

Oh, so now it's ok because she's who she is.  Where were the warm fuzzies and high family values at when we were referring to children born out of wedlock were called bastards, or the kids who don't choose their parents and maybe couldn't afford to go to college were called simpletons (just in masses of course)...  I honestly don't recall anything being said about Trig...but, I didn't stay glued to the t.v. either.  Things that make you go.... ummmm........

Well, not really because it seems that the kids who make mistakes who come from broken/poorer families are not referred to as having high family values...just the ones whose parents can afford to help them with their child and help them get through school in order to make a better life for the both of them.  Ahhh....I see!


hey my neg Karma has jumped another 13points.  Thanks Stang!

Call me stupid...I mean....something, but besides the fact that I haven't been on here since this morning and have been doing housework and stuff with the kiddos.  Wish I could take credit for it (well, not really because I don't really get my kicks out of pushing that darned button)...besides, how often can you push the button?  13?  Wow...if I were smiting you, I wouldn't be the only busy finger-on-the-button on here.  :o :-*


She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.

yes and they were utterly tasteless in their attacks on her for having that baby.  

I don't agree with Obama on most of the issues but to me his kids are off limits.  He's got two beautiful girls and they should be left alone.  That wasn't the case with Palin's kids. 

And no, SFA-- her keeping the baby as well as welcoming her oldest daughter does not put her family values down the drain. It shows the high famliy values that she has. 

Oh, so now it's ok because she's who she is.  Where were the warm fuzzies and high family values at when we were referring to children born out of wedlock were called bastards, or the kids who don't choose their parents and maybe couldn't afford to go to college were called simpletons (just in masses of course)...  I honestly don't recall anything being said about Trig...but, I didn't stay glued to the t.v. either.  Things that make you go.... ummmm........

Well, not really because it seems that the kids who make mistakes who come from broken/poorer families are not referred to as having high family values...just the ones whose parents can afford to help them with their child and help them get through school in order to make a better life for the both of them.  Ahhh....I see!

I'll explain it to you one more time. A bastard is a child born out of wedlock. If Palin's kid had a child born out of wedlock, it would be a bastard. Not name calling, that's the definition. Deal with it.

On the simpleton...that wasn't directed at the kids whose parents couldn't afford college. It was directed at the simpletons who would then be able to get degrees when they weren't qualified because you wanted to LOWER the entrance fees. Get it straight or don't try and quote me. Your inconsistencies lessen any credibility. Have you ever gone through a drive-through, you were the only one in line, placed your order and they got it wrong? That's a simpleton. They're everywhere. Deal with it.

Coop, can you take the karma thingy off my profile. There's some juveniles on here playing stupid games. It doesn't bother me, it would just take away some of their fun.


She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.

yes and they were utterly tasteless in their attacks on her for having that baby.  

I don't agree with Obama on most of the issues but to me his kids are off limits.  He's got two beautiful girls and they should be left alone.  That wasn't the case with Palin's kids. 

And no, SFA-- her keeping the baby as well as welcoming her oldest daughter does not put her family values down the drain. It shows the high famliy values that she has. 

Oh, so now it's ok because she's who she is.  Where were the warm fuzzies and high family values at when we were referring to children born out of wedlock were called bastards, or the kids who don't choose their parents and maybe couldn't afford to go to college were called simpletons (just in masses of course)...  I honestly don't recall anything being said about Trig...but, I didn't stay glued to the t.v. either.  Things that make you go.... ummmm........

Well, not really because it seems that the kids who make mistakes who come from broken/poorer families are not referred to as having high family values...just the ones whose parents can afford to help them with their child and help them get through school in order to make a better life for the both of them.  Ahhh....I see!

I'll explain it to you one more time. A bastard is a child born out of wedlock. If Palin's kid had a child born out of wedlock, it would be a bastard. Not name calling, that's the definition. Deal with it.

On the simpleton...that wasn't directed at the kids whose parents couldn't afford college. It was directed at the simpletons who would then be able to get degrees when they weren't qualified because you wanted to LOWER the entrance fees. Get it straight or don't try and quote me. Your inconsistencies lessen any credibility. Have you ever gone through a drive-through, you were the only one in line, placed your order and they got it wrong? That's a simpleton. They're everywhere. Deal with it.

Coop, can you take the karma thingy off my profile. There's some juveniles on here playing stupid games. It doesn't bother me, it would just take away some of their fun.

Please don't try and quote me because I never said to lower tuition...I stated that they needed to re-cap it, like it used to be.  I would deal with it, but I have much more important things to do than what you're wanting me to do.  Hope that doesn't offend.

And, coop, if you take his off, please take mine off because it has taken a nose dive (by more than 200) in about the last month.  I'm not crying because I really don't care and IT REALLY DOESN'T BOTHER ME.  What's the age limit on here?  I know that my son has posted...oh well, he wouldn't be considered a juvenile.  A young man/adult, but not juvenile.  Oh, never mind!  I see that my earlier comment is proving myself true...thanks for the reinforcement.  Here's some love for you though...  :'(  :-* :-*.  See, I kissed it and made it all better!  8)


I don't see the big deal in it really. If it was a stupid move on her part, she will get no support and will be a non issue in the 2012 election.

All the speculation in the world today (which is what forums are about, so no problem) won't matter when people start going to the polls during the primaries almost three years from now. If it was that bad of a move, she won't even come close to the Republican nomination ..... assuming she even decides to run. Some Democrats seem to believe (or hope) that the future election for the Republicans will ride on Palin, so they can already claim victory.


I agree with a lot of Palins views, but she does not express herself as well as she should to be on a national platform. I DO believe she has been treated with more harshness than any other canidate, male or female on this level. Politics is a game where the opponent may be discredited, but there was no fair play here at all. Folks in the media went after her and her family in a way that I've not seen before and I hope to never see again.

Heck our President can't express himself without a teleprompter.  He couldn't even have a real town hall meeting.  The people he called on were from the DNC!

Even Helen Thomas (who is as liberal as they come) was tearing into him for controlling the media. Said its never been this bad. 

Another teleprompter post.    ::)     He smoked every candidate thrown at him in debates, of any type.  Criticize him for his policies if you think it is necessary, but to say that he isn't a good public speaker, well that's just silly.


She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.

Please don't try and quote me because I never said to lower tuition...I stated that they needed to re-cap it, like it used to be.  I would deal with it, but I have much more important things to do than what you're wanting me to do.  Hope that doesn't offend.

And, coop, if you take his off, please take mine off because it has taken a nose dive (by more than 200) in about the last month.  I'm not crying because I really don't care and IT REALLY DOESN'T BOTHER ME.  What's the age limit on here?  I know that my son has posted...oh well, he wouldn't be considered a juvenile.  A young man/adult, but not juvenile.  Oh, never mind!  I see that my earlier comment is proving myself true...thanks for the reinforcement.  Here's some love for you though...  :'(  :-* :-*.  See, I kissed it and made it all better!   8)

OMG, you really are a juvenile. I mean what's next? na na na na na na?? (Here it comes folks)

Your credibility with politics is nil. You speak out both sides of your mouth. One time you are OFFENDED (nice try throwing that at me, you are the sensitive one) with name calling, then you defend 85 and what he said to the kid. So you really don't have a stance, you just want to type and have people read it. Is it self-empowering?

I haven't touched your karma, mainly because I don't care.


She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.

Please don't try and quote me because I never said to lower tuition...I stated that they needed to recap it, like it used to be.  I would deal with it, but I have much more important things to do than what you're wanting me to do.  Hope that doesn't offend.

And, coop, if you take his off, please take mine off because it has taken a nose dive (by more than 200) in about the last month.  I'm not crying because I really don't care and IT REALLY DOESN'T BOTHER ME.  What's the age limit on here?  I know that my son has posted...oh well, he wouldn't be considered a juvenile.  A young man/adult, but not juvenile.  Oh, never mind!  I see that my earlier comment is proving myself true...thanks for the reinforcement.  Here's some love for you though...  :'(  :-* :-*.  See, I kissed it and made it all better!   8)

OMG, you really are a juvenile. I mean what's next? na na na na na na?? (Here it comes folks)

Your credibility with politics is nil. You speak out both sides of your mouth. One time you are OFFENDED (nice try throwing that at me, you are the sensitive one) with name calling, then you defend 85 and what he said to the kid. So you really don't have a stance, you just want to type and have people read it. Is it self-empowering?

I haven't touched your karma, mainly because I don't care.

LOL.  Well, actually you were the one who was crying over the karma thing.  To voice my opinion and believe in what I believe in without someone trying to oppress me...that's self-empowering, but I empower myself daily, so it's not that big of a deal.  And, sure you don't care...just like you don't care about your karma, huh?  

Thank goodness I don't need your opinion about my political credibility.  Remember, sometimes...just because you say it is or isn't so, does not mean it either way.  Remind me again how I talked out of both sides of my mouth.  Question?  How does one speak with their mouth and only speak out of one side of it?  Is it kind of like ventriloquism?  Just wondering.   :-*

Anyway, just to let everyone know...I am exiting the site now and therefore will not be available to provide karma for anyone.  I thought maybe baddog and bearbryant might be able to sleep a tad bit better!  Good night.  


She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.

yes and they were utterly tasteless in their attacks on her for having that baby.  

I don't agree with Obama on most of the issues but to me his kids are off limits.  He's got two beautiful girls and they should be left alone.  That wasn't the case with Palin's kids. 

And no, SFA-- her keeping the baby as well as welcoming her oldest daughter does not put her family values down the drain. It shows the high famliy values that she has. 

Oh, so now it's ok because she's who she is.  Where were the warm fuzzies and high family values at when we were referring to children born out of wedlock were called bastards, or the kids who don't choose their parents and maybe couldn't afford to go to college were called simpletons (just in masses of course)...  I honestly don't recall anything being said about Trig...but, I didn't stay glued to the t.v. either.  Things that make you go.... ummmm........

Well, not really because it seems that the kids who make mistakes who come from broken/poorer families are not referred to as having high family values...just the ones whose parents can afford to help them with their child and help them get through school in order to make a better life for the both of them.  Ahhh....I see!

When people make mistakes, they deal with the consequences. For the mistakes I believe you're referring to, if a person actually deals with the consequences and keeps the child rather than have the child pay with its life for the mistakes of that person, that person has family values, in my opinion, regardless of that person's parents' take on the situation or that person's income bracket. I don't care what income bracket a person is in, if a person makes a mistake of which a child is a direct result, that child doesn't deserve to pay with its life for its parents' mistakes.

And regardless of the word's frequent, inappropriate use, "bastard" is defined as the child of unmarried parents. It was reduced to a cuss word because calling a person the child of unmarried parents used to be an insult; however, that does not change its definition. All baddog was doing was pointing that out.


Let me address some of these responses from the Right of this forum as best as I can.

I still stand by my claim that SP is a dimwit.  There are plenty of intellengent women and men on the Right and SP is way out of their league.  She made a trip to Kosovo this year and I'm willing the bet that a) she couldn't find the country on a map, and b)she didn't know that Kosovo was once part of Yugoslavia and became such in the late 90s.  There's 2 movements on the Right that concern me:  The influx of what I like to call "Flat Earthers" i. e. those who don't believe in evolution and won't debate the science in an open forum with those who do.  Those people are being appointed to the Texas Education Board or whatever it's called and I just hope my youngest graduates before statements like the Earth and everything on it has only been around for 6000 years end up in text books.  The 2nd movement on the Right that concerns me is some group who call themselves "The Family"  They believe if they are chosen by God as King David was, they can commit Sin as long as they rule with a Theocratic order.  Samford and even Hilary Clinton are members.  Of course SP believes that people will seek refuge in Alaska after the rapture or something crazy like that.  The anti intellectualism of the Republicans-----moving more toward a Theocracy makes them no better than the ruling Mulas in Iran....

You can sugarcoat Bristol's out of wedlock child all you want.  If that was a 5th cousin of BHO twice removed, the Right would've been all over that.  Infidilety and knocked up teenagers take all the credibility from the Right trying to preach moral values to the country.  Especially when it's found out the very same people wanting to run off WJC for the Monica affair were cheating on their wives at that time.  Newt G. is a prime example of a walking/talking hypocrite.  Ensen and Samford were others.  The Right just needs to stick to the small goverment argument and leave Religion in the church where it belongs......

And even after all this typing, SP's I. Q. hasn't moved upward one iota.....


i'm sure that Barrak Hussein Obama has many many out of wedlock cousins.  

Great posts bandkid... You make much more sense than some of these adults on here.  You've got a bright future ahead of you.  

P.S.  Another 4 points on the negative Karm..  Stangs on a roll.  I guess she thinks it hurts me or something.  Silly liberal.


i'm sure that Barrak Hussein Obama has many many out of wedlock cousins.  

Great posts bandkid... You make much more sense than some of these adults on here.  You've got a bright future ahead of you.  

P.S.  Another 4 points on the negative Karm..  Stangs on a roll.  I guess she thinks it hurts me or something.  Silly liberal.

You missed the whole point BB.  But continue to hate on the President.  Continue to be a fan of the anti-intellectuals.......


i'm sure that Barrak Hussein Obama has many many out of wedlock cousins.  

Great posts bandkid... You make much more sense than some of these adults on here.  You've got a bright future ahead of you.  

P.S.  Another 4 points on the negative Karm..  Stangs on a roll.  I guess she thinks it hurts me or something.  Silly liberal.

i'm pretty sure non-mods can only smite the same person once an hour, unless that's been changed. (and no, i'm not smiting anyone, although i've taken a few today as well)


Let me address some of these responses from the Right of this forum as best as I can.

I still stand by my claim that SP is a dimwit.  There are plenty of intellengent women and men on the Right and SP is way out of their league.  She made a trip to Kosovo this year and I'm willing the bet that a) she couldn't find the country on a map, and b)she didn't know that Kosovo was once part of Yugoslavia and became such in the late 90s.  There's 2 movements on the Right that concern me:  The influx of what I like to call "Flat Earthers" i. e. those who don't believe in evolution and won't debate the science in an open forum with those who do.  Those people are being appointed to the Texas Education Board or whatever it's called and I just hope my youngest graduates before statements like the Earth and everything on it has only been around for 6000 years end up in text books.  The 2nd movement on the Right that concerns me is some group who call themselves "The Family"  They believe if they are chosen by God as King David was, they can commit Sin as long as they rule with a Theocratic order.  Samford and even Hilary Clinton are members.  Of course SP believes that people will seek refuge in Alaska after the rapture or something crazy like that.  The anti intellectualism of the Republicans-----moving more toward a Theocracy makes them no better than the ruling Mulas in Iran....

You can sugarcoat Bristol's out of wedlock child all you want.  If that was a 5th cousin of BHO twice removed, the Right would've been all over that.  Infidilety and knocked up teenagers take all the credibility from the Right trying to preach moral values to the country.  Especially when it's found out the very same people wanting to run off WJC for the Monica affair were cheating on their wives at that time.  Newt G. is a prime example of a walking/talking hypocrite.  Ensen and Samford were others.  The Right just needs to stick to the small goverment argument and leave Religion in the church where it belongs......

And even after all this typing, SP's I. Q. hasn't moved upward one iota.....

Do you actually know for a fact that Sarah Palin couldn't find Kosovo on a map or are you inferring that?

Guest tigersvoice

I don't even remember what this thread is about except that it has something to do with Govenor Palin of Alaska.  So, hoping that I'm not getting this thread locked, I'll espouse on the Lady from Alaska.  I was vaguely aware that there was a female in the gubernatorial office in Alaska before the national election of 2008.  Then she was thrust upon the scene as the VP running mate of John McCain.  That vetting job was shallow, biased and incomplete.  The lady is LOVELY - but she was hurried into a position that was way over her head and for which she did not possess the qualifications.  Let me say here that I think she is at least as qualified as Joe Biden to be the VP.  It's just that her gaffes were made out to be monumental, unqualified, stupid responses while Joe's were just reported as: "Well, that's ol' Joe for ya'."  And who did this to Ms. Palin.  Well, as we see, John McCain has turned out NOT to be a party friend or a friend of any sort.  In fact John can't put enough distance between himself and Sarah for him to get comfortable these days.  And then there was the media.  Aah, how we all love for the self-appointed cavalry/media to come charging in to tell us what we should be thinking and how we should be voting and while we are at it let's stomp on the pretty thing from Alaska before she gains any more attention.  Naive is not a deep enough word to describe Sara Palin's attitude towards the media in the presidential race of 2008.  I'm no politician, but there's no way in you know where that I'm letting Katie Couric within 800 yards of me for an interview unless Katie bought the only ticket that I had for sale that put several dollars into my campaign chest.  Sarah thought that the female kindred spirit would come out in her talks with Katie.  What came out was, well, Katie Couric.  Ms. Palin actually thought that the networks, the papers, the everything reporting everything were going to treat her fairly.  And did they?  It's rhetoric, you don't have to answer.  So, after getting throughly embarrassed on the national scene, not to mention also getting a good butt kicking, Ms. Palin goes home to Alaska to be the Gov' and Mr. McCain goes back to Washington to be a Senator - all the while trying to get Sarah Palin, Saturday Night Live and Chris Matthews (who, by the way, has something running down his leg) out of his memory.  I bet the Senator would rather dream of his 5 year POW experience than recall the 2008 Presidential

campaign and election.  And now, and I'm certain that you all are grateful, for my last point regarding the lovely Ms./Gov. Palin.  Maam, as we say in Southeast Texas, you have screwed the pooch!  What were you thinking when you announced that you were cutting and running with over a year left on your initial gubernatorial term?  Do you really believe that people are going to be that sympathetic with you, no matter if the cause of your decision is your family, as to overlook the weakness in just bolting and running when the going gets tough?  I've never been to Alaska and don't know much about the Alaskan people.  But I know that they MUST BE a HARDY lot to choose to live there when there is so much warmth in other parts of our great nation.  I can envision them enduring hard times with a resolve that would make most of our nation just plain envious and I don't think that the Alaskan populace is going to like what you have done.  Nor, for that matter, do I think the national Republican constituancy is going to understand or embrace your

choice.  Ms. Palin, I for one thought you were truly a breath of fresh air on the political scene in 2008.  I shivered with you when they were beating on you.  I lit up when you were lighting up those crowds.  But I'm afraid you have had your one chance (unless you are a descendant of Richard Nixon, of course) in the national spotlight and you misplayed it.  Have a nice quiet life Ms. Palin and my best to your family.    


I don't even remember what this thread is about except that it has something to do with Govenor Palin of Alaska.  So, hoping that I'm not getting this thread locked, I'll espouse on the Lady from Alaska.  I was vaguely aware that there was a female in the gubernatorial office in Alaska before the national election of 2008.  Then she was thrust upon the scene as the VP running mate of John McCain.  That vetting job was shallow, biased and incomplete.  The lady is LOVELY - but she was hurried into a position that was way over her head and for which she did not possess the qualifications.  Let me say here that I think she is at least as qualified as Joe Biden to be the VP.  It's just that her gaffes were made out to be monumental, unqualified, stupid responses while Joe's were just reported as: "Well, that's ol' Joe for ya'."  And who did this to Ms. Palin.  Well, as we see, John McCain has turned out NOT to be a party friend or a friend of any sort.  In fact John can't put enough distance between himself and Sarah for him to get comfortable these days.  And then there was the media.  Aah, how we all love for the self-appointed cavalry/media to come charging in to tell us what we should be thinking and how we should be voting and while we are at it let's stomp on the pretty thing from Alaska before she gains any more attention.  Naive is not a deep enough word to describe Sara Palin's attitude towards the media in the presidential race of 2008.  I'm no politician, but there's no way in you know where that I'm letting Katie Couric within 800 yards of me for an interview unless Katie bought the only ticket that I had for sale that put several dollars into my campaign chest.  Sarah thought that the female kindred spirit would come out in her talks with Katie.  What came out was, well, Katie Couric.  Ms. Palin actually thought that the networks, the papers, the everything reporting everything were going to treat her fairly.  And did they?  It's rhetoric, you don't have to answer.  So, after getting throughly embarrassed on the national scene, not to mention also getting a good butt kicking, Ms. Palin goes home to Alaska to be the Gov' and Mr. McCain goes back to Washington to be a Senator - all the while trying to get Sarah Palin, Saturday Night Live and Chris Matthews (who, by the way, has something running down his leg) out of his memory.  I bet the Senator would rather dream of his 5 year POW experience than recall the 2008 Presidential

campaign and election.  And now, and I'm certain that you all are grateful, for my last point regarding the lovely Ms./Gov. Palin.  Maam, as we say in Southeast Texas, you have screwed the pooch!  What were you thinking when you announced that you were cutting and running with over a year left on your initial gubernatorial term?  Do you really believe that people are going to be that sympathetic with you, no matter if the cause of your decision is your family, as to overlook the weakness in just bolting and running when the going gets tough?  I've never been to Alaska and don't know much about the Alaskan people.  But I know that they MUST BE a HARDY lot to choose to live there when there is so much warmth in other parts of our great nation.  I can envision them enduring hard times with a resolve that would make most of our nation just plain envious and I don't think that the Alaskan populace is going to like what you have done.  Nor, for that matter, do I think the national Republican constituancy is going to understand or embrace your

choice.  Ms. Palin, I for one thought you were truly a breath of fresh air on the political scene in 2008.  I shivered with you when they were beating on you.  I lit up when you were lighting up those crowds.  But I'm afraid you have had your one change (unless you are a descendant of Richard Nixon, of course) in the national spotlight and you misplayed it.  Have a nice quiet life Ms. Palin and my best to your family.     

Man, Thats the best post I have read in a long time. It was long, but a very entertaining and factual read.

Good Job Tigersvoice!!


I don't even remember what this thread is about except that it has something to do with Govenor Palin of Alaska.  So, hoping that I'm not getting this thread locked, I'll espouse on the Lady from Alaska.  I was vaguely aware that there was a female in the gubernatorial office in Alaska before the national election of 2008.  Then she was thrust upon the scene as the VP running mate of John McCain.  That vetting job was shallow, biased and incomplete.  The lady is LOVELY - but she was hurried into a position that was way over her head and for which she did not possess the qualifications.  Let me say here that I think she is at least as qualified as Joe Biden to be the VP.  It's just that her gaffes were made out to be monumental, unqualified, stupid responses while Joe's were just reported as: "Well, that's ol' Joe for ya'."  And who did this to Ms. Palin.  Well, as we see, John McCain has turned out NOT to be a party friend or a friend of any sort.  In fact John can't put enough distance between himself and Sarah for him to get comfortable these days.  And then there was the media.  Aah, how we all love for the self-appointed cavalry/media to come charging in to tell us what we should be thinking and how we should be voting and while we are at it let's stomp on the pretty thing from Alaska before she gains any more attention.  Naive is not a deep enough word to describe Sara Palin's attitude towards the media in the presidential race of 2008.  I'm no politician, but there's no way in you know where that I'm letting Katie Couric within 800 yards of me for an interview unless Katie bought the only ticket that I had for sale that put several dollars into my campaign chest.  Sarah thought that the female kindred spirit would come out in her talks with Katie.  What came out was, well, Katie Couric.  Ms. Palin actually thought that the networks, the papers, the everything reporting everything were going to treat her fairly.  And did they?  It's rhetoric, you don't have to answer.  So, after getting throughly embarrassed on the national scene, not to mention also getting a good butt kicking, Ms. Palin goes home to Alaska to be the Gov' and Mr. McCain goes back to Washington to be a Senator - all the while trying to get Sarah Palin, Saturday Night Live and Chris Matthews (who, by the way, has something running down his leg) out of his memory.  I bet the Senator would rather dream of his 5 year POW experience than recall the 2008 Presidential

campaign and election.  And now, and I'm certain that you all are grateful, for my last point regarding the lovely Ms./Gov. Palin.  Maam, as we say in Southeast Texas, you have screwed the pooch!  What were you thinking when you announced that you were cutting and running with over a year left on your initial gubernatorial term?  Do you really believe that people are going to be that sympathetic with you, no matter if the cause of your decision is your family, as to overlook the weakness in just bolting and running when the going gets tough?  I've never been to Alaska and don't know much about the Alaskan people.  But I know that they MUST BE a HARDY lot to choose to live there when there is so much warmth in other parts of our great nation.  I can envision them enduring hard times with a resolve that would make most of our nation just plain envious and I don't think that the Alaskan populace is going to like what you have done.  Nor, for that matter, do I think the national Republican constituancy is going to understand or embrace your

choice.  Ms. Palin, I for one thought you were truly a breath of fresh air on the political scene in 2008.  I shivered with you when they were beating on you.  I lit up when you were lighting up those crowds.  But I'm afraid you have had your one chance (unless you are a descendant of Richard Nixon, of course) in the national spotlight and you misplayed it.  Have a nice quiet life Ms. Palin and my best to your family.    

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