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Fedor Emelianenko's camp: Affliction's demise opens UFC's door – if terms are ri

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Guest baseball25

It's a years-old discussion, and one that is at times maddening.

Widely regarded as the world's top heavyweight fighter, Fedor Emelinanko has proven to be the one commodity the UFC hasn't been able to land, and the strained relations between UFC president Dana White and the Russian's management have often been anything but amicable.

But with the collapse of Emelianenko's recent fighting home, Affliction Entertainment, his manager, Vadim Finkelchtein, says negotiations with the UFC are again underway.

"This the moment of truth that the UFC has talked about," Finkelchtein stated in a recent release issued by his company, M-1 Global. "Fedor and I are here in the States. If they want to come out and fly here, we are ready to conduct negotiations."

With M-1 Global's recent announcement of the Aug. 28 event, "M-1 Breakthrough," many MMA observers have speculated Emelianenko may appear on the company's first edition of the "new premium fight series."

Finkelchtein said his fighter is looking at a number of options.

"We are now with Fedor in the U.S., and we hope to make a decision about his next fight within the next few days," Finkelchtein stated. "There are many business meetings and negotiations planned with all the major promotions. We will explore the possibility of Fedor fighting (Josh) Barnett and will even look into whether the fight can take place as soon as August (since Barnett has not been suspended)."

While the excitement surrounding the long-awaited matchup between Emelianenko and Barnett certainly took a step back with "The Babyfaced Assassin's" recent positive drug test result, it would still be a bout between two of the world's best heavyweights. But with Brock Lesnar's impressive win at UFC 100 and White's apparent commitment to bringing the Russian into his organization, fans will most certainly be clamoring for Emelianenko to sign with the UFC.

While Finkelchtein's latest statement seems to lend some hope for that result, the terms of a potential contract may still prove impossible for the UFC to consider.

"Of course, it still doesn't imply we are ready to accept any conditions they'll throw at us," Finkelchtein said. "We want to talk to the UFC about having Fedor compete against some of their fighters, but only within the framework of co-promotional efforts with M-1 Global."

Guest baseball25

I am tired of Fedor and his rediculous terms!  This deal will not happen and if Dana does co-promote I will be pissed that he gave in to these f**King babies!  I think the UFC is doing fine without him.  No need to increase his popularity just to have him leave after a few fights so he can resume fighting cans. If Fedor does not care about fighting in the UFC then why should we? Lets forget about it and move on. There are a lot of free agents out there that would be perfect for the UFC, that are not pre madonnas. And shame on Fedor for letting his management do this, he has a mouth and a body, he should man up and say what he really wants. Another Fedor ---------. Please man. I am tired of you folks worshiping Fedor like he is the second coming of Jesus. I don't need you to tell me how much I know. I have been a hardcore fan since I remember anything and I have never seen a dodger like Fedor. He wants to come to the UFC but want co-promotion with M1. That's not very smart if you ask me. Save me your BS. Hope I'm wrong but I don't see Fed heading to UFC.  There will always be a stipulation his team simply cannot accept.  They will always negotiate terms they know the UFC will never accept.  They want no part of the talent in the UFC.  If they don't work a deal that will prove the speculation correct.  As long as they avoid the UFC he will retire the questionnable best rather than the proven best.I know Fedor has a lot of fans, and I have been trying to be respectful for them. But any jack*** who reads that statement about co-promotion and still sides with Fedor needs to go and join Fedor's Harem. Fedor is not the 2nd coming of Jesus. I repeat, Fedor is not f'ing Jesus. So stop worshiping him dudes. All I ask Fedor is to show up and fight 3 times in the UFC and then go wherever hell he wants to go. Come. Win the belt if you can. Defend it twice and then vacate it and go defend your WAMMA or M1 belt. Who cares. But no. That's too much for Fedor.

Fedor wants to fight Rogers, who he can easily beat on the ground. Or Lashley. Or Tank Abbot? haha. Fedor is a joke if he doesn't sign with UFC for a couple of fights. I hate it everytime you say something about Fedor, you are "misinformed" Give me an f'ing break. You don't have to be a Fedor lover to be an MMA fan. Fedor is not an MMA artist. He is a fraud and a Mafia boy. He has dodged UFC enough.

P.S. don't tell me UFC needs Fedor. UFC just pulled 1.5 M PPV buys. He ain't needed


I am tired of Fedor and his rediculous terms!  This deal will not happen and if Dana does co-promote I will be pissed that he gave in to these f**King babies!  I think the UFC is doing fine without him.  No need to increase his popularity just to have him leave after a few fights so he can resume fighting cans. If Fedor does not care about fighting in the UFC then why should we? Lets forget about it and move on. There are a lot of free agents out there that would be perfect for the UFC, that are not pre madonnas. And shame on Fedor for letting his management do this, he has a mouth and a body, he should man up and say what he really wants. Another Fedor ---------. Please man. I am tired of you folks worshiping Fedor like he is the second coming of Jesus. I don't need you to tell me how much I know. I have been a hardcore fan since I remember anything and I have never seen a dodger like Fedor. He wants to come to the UFC but want co-promotion with M1. That's not very smart if you ask me. Save me your BS. Hope I'm wrong but I don't see Fed heading to UFC.  There will always be a stipulation his team simply cannot accept.  They will always negotiate terms they know the UFC will never accept.  They want no part of the talent in the UFC.  If they don't work a deal that will prove the speculation correct.  As long as they avoid the UFC he will retire the questionnable best rather than the proven best.I know Fedor has a lot of fans, and I have been trying to be respectful for them. But any jack*** who reads that statement about co-promotion and still sides with Fedor needs to go and join Fedor's Harem. Fedor is not the 2nd coming of Jesus. I repeat, Fedor is not f'ing Jesus. So stop worshiping him dudes. All I ask Fedor is to show up and fight 3 times in the UFC and then go wherever heck he wants to go. Come. Win the belt if you can. Defend it twice and then vacate it and go defend your WAMMA or M1 belt. Who cares. But no. That's too much for Fedor.

Fedor wants to fight Rogers, who he can easily beat on the ground. Or Lashley. Or Tank Abbot? haha. Fedor is a joke if he doesn't sign with UFC for a couple of fights. I hate it everytime you say something about Fedor, you are "misinformed" Give me an f'ing break. You don't have to be a Fedor lover to be an MMA fan. Fedor is not an MMA artist. He is a fraud and a Mafia boy. He has dodged UFC enough.

P.S. don't tell me UFC needs Fedor. UFC just pulled 1.5 M PPV buys. He ain't needed

baseball are you ok....it sounds like youre about to stroke out! simmer down, who cares if he ever signs, it wont put money in our pockets either way! look on the bright side there will be a ton of crazy fights coming up and by fedor not signing lesnar gets to keep his belt a little while longer!  ;D

Guest baseball25

I'm pissed,  very pissed I want to see the best fights out there, and Fedor being a little pansy and can't make his own decisons and it gets old, I am to the point now that FEDOR is scared of LESNAR if he was a competitor and a athlete he would want that fight bad, but he's not he doesn't want it bad enough....to be the UFC champ you got to BEAT the UFC Champ and it isn't going to happen..


I'm pissed,  very pissed I want to see the best fights out there, and Fedor being a little pansy and can't make his own decisons and it gets old, I am to the point now that FEDOR is scared of LESNAR if he was a competitor and a athlete he would want that fight bad, but he's not he doesn't want it bad enough....to be the UFC champ you got to BEAT the UFC Champ and it isn't going to happen..

heck, im just happy we might get to see mousasi in the ufc.


I tend to have to agree with baseball on this one. Fedor is financially well enough off that he does not need the money so if he is really interested in being known truly as the best, and he has easily defeated the competition in the other organizations he has fought in, then why does he not just make the move to UFC?

I mean I am not going as far as saying he is scared of Lesnar or anyone else for that matter but I will say that as long as he stays out he can always use the allure of Fedor being the #1 PFP fighter tag people have put on him. But if he fights and loses then he for sure loses that appeal.

He is slowly doing more damage to his rep than he is helping it by continuing to do business like this. I for one hope either he dumps M-1 as his representation or Dana takes look at his demands and tells them to take a hike. The UFC has done fine without Fedor and will continue to do so because now they can spin it against his camp saying he is asking for too many concessions. etc.

But then again, Dana could sign him and we could all be wrong!

Guest baseball25

I know he's not scared but I think he doesn no he could get that L on his record very easy if he went to the UFC, he's the joe calzaghe of Boxing because joe never wanted to fight BHOP and RJ in there prime so he decides to do it when there over 40 lol, so I guess FEDOR wants to wait untill the natural is 50 and lesnar is 38 lol


I know he's not scared but I think he doesn no he could get that L on his record very easy if he went to the UFC, he's the joe calzaghe of Boxing because joe never wanted to fight BHOP and RJ in there prime so he decides to do it when there over 40 lol, so I guess FEDOR wants to wait untill the natural is 50 and lesnar is 38 lol

i think he mauls both couture and lesnar.... but i think lesnar has a MUCH better chance to upset him than couture does. two years ago that wouldve been the biggest fight in mma history but now i think its just another easy w on fedors record.

Guest baseball25

Man do you realize what Kind of athlete lesnar is, if he gets fedor on the ground he will do just like what he did to mir in the 2nd fight and mir is 255 and fedor is 230, all lesnar has to do is get fedor on the ground and more than likely he will get him on the ground too, LESNAR is a freakish athlete and freakish athletes usually win, the guy moves like  a cat at 265 pounds and is strong as a ox, I mean look how easy he held mir down and he's 255, I am not saying lesnar will win but its a 50-50 because of lesnar strenght and athletic ability, and as for the NATURAL u can never say never with him, Randy actually fought Lesnar good in the first round but LESNAR strenght and athletic ability caught up with him, and he said it perfect he goes LESNAR is a Big son of a bit-- and is strong as hell, it would be FEDOR toughest fight ever and he wouldn't maul lesnar I think your the only person that thinks that...I mean  the only thing that will BEAT LESNAR IS EXPERIENCE, but LESNAR is getting better and better


Man do you realize what Kind of athlete lesnar is, if he gets fedor on the ground he will do just like what he did to mir in the 2nd fight and mir is 255 and fedor is 230, all lesnar has to do is get fedor on the ground and more than likely he will get him on the ground too, LESNAR is a freakish athlete and freakish athletes usually win, the guy moves like  a cat at 265 pounds and is strong as a ox, I mean look how easy he held mir down and he's 255, I am not saying lesnar will win but its a 50-50 because of lesnar strenght and athletic ability, and as for the NATURAL u can never say never with him, Randy actually fought Lesnar good in the first round but LESNAR strenght and athletic ability caught up with him, and he said it perfect he goes LESNAR is a Big son of a bit-- and is strong as heck, it would be FEDOR toughest fight ever and he wouldn't maul lesnar I think your the only person that thinks that...I mean  the only thing that will BEAT LESNAR IS EXPERIENCE, but LESNAR is getting better and better

i agree, lesnar is a monster and it would be an extremely tough fight! on the other hand, fedor has been in the ring with monsters before... and you cant compare mir and fedor they are on much different levels, theres no comparison. lesnar is nowhere near fedors level,YET. fedor didnt get where he is today by not having skills and the ability to impose his will on others. you talk about fedor as if hes an unproven rookie to mma. lesnar has 5 fights under his belt, one inwhich he lost to an overrated mir. noone has tested lesnars ground game,his ability to take a leg kick,check a leg kick, take a head kick,etc,etc... we will see in the next year to year and a half.

i really think carwin,crocop, and a few others on the upcoming tuf have the ability to take lesnars belt before fedor gets the opportunity. like i said, its gonna take someone who can avoid being taken down and has nice strikes. lesnar doesnt have standup defense, VERY limited striking ability, and no sub defense, but he does have strength,size, and gnp.

also, youre quick to compare like opponents and predict a fight by that... kinda like when fedor beat arlovski and rodgers beat arlovski in less time to you this deminished fedors win somehow and was proof rodgers could beat fedor... i think its funny this logic is only used by a selective few when they think it makes their point.  ;D i dont agree with this like opponent logic at all, but for craps and giggles lets look at herring who is a like opponent between fedor and lesnar. watch both fights, lesnar couldnt finish him,fedor almost killed him! again, i dont buy this garbage at all but ive seen this logic listed on a few other threads and thought id throw this out there.   jmo  ;)

Guest baseball25

Fedor is on a different level but you know MIR did dominate Nogeria, something that fedor couldn't do, but if you look at Lesnar last 4 fights  Frank Mir,  Randy Couture,  Heath Herring,   Frank Mir,  they are a whole lot harder than Fedor  last 4fights, I mean Fedor hasn't fought a tough opponent since cro crop and that was 2005 and cro crop tanked in the UFC but hopefully he will get his crap together and don't say  arvloski and tim sylvia were tough fights lol UFC sent them home packing, I mean looking at Fedor opponents there isn't one guy that matches Lesnar strenght and athletic ability, Lesnar is just going to get better if Fedor is going to fight him he better fight him early in his career, Because GREAT ATHLETES GET BETTER at what there doing, FEDOR has never been in with a MONSTER like LESNAR ATHLETIC ABILITY AND STRENGHT I can tell you that rightnow and you know that, I mean you say he isn't at FEDOR level yet, I mean heck Lesnar isn't at Randy Coutore Level but he is just so much more Bigger,stronger, and more athletic than coutore and thats why he won, any fight that lesnar fights everyone is more overall skilled and at another Level but LESNAR is a FREAK of NATURE thats the difference, and just think when he gets that experience and gets to that Level..Remember just like in any other sport, Faster,stronger,Bigger,quick feet, and being more athletic usually wins and thats what lesnar has over all of his opponents and the cat is just going to grow as a fighter, and there is only one way to find out and that is FEDOR VS LESNAR and FEDOR needs to grow some nuts and be his own man and sign with the UFC..


Fedor is on a different level but you know MIR did dominate Nogeria, something that fedor couldn't do, but if you look at Lesnar last 4 fights  Frank Mir,  Randy Couture,  Heath Herring,   Frank Mir,  they are a whole lot harder than Fedor  last 4fights, I mean Fedor hasn't fought a tough opponent since cro crop and that was 2005 and cro crop tanked in the UFC but hopefully he will get his crap together and don't say  arvloski and tim sylvia were tough fights lol UFC sent them home packing, I mean looking at Fedor opponents there isn't one guy that matches Lesnar strenght and athletic ability, Lesnar is just going to get better if Fedor is going to fight him he better fight him early in his career, Because GREAT ATHLETES GET BETTER at what there doing, FEDOR has never been in with a MONSTER like LESNAR ATHLETIC ABILITY AND STRENGHT I can tell you that rightnow and you know that, I mean you say he isn't at FEDOR level yet, I mean heck Lesnar isn't at Randy Coutore Level but he is just so much more Bigger,stronger, and more athletic than coutore and thats why he won, any fight that lesnar fights everyone is more overall skilled and at another Level but LESNAR is a FREAK of NATURE thats the difference, and just think when he gets that experience and gets to that Level..Remember just like in any other sport, Faster,stronger,Bigger,quick feet, and being more athletic usually wins and thats what lesnar has over all of his opponents and the cat is just going to grow as a fighter, and there is only one way to find out and that is FEDOR VS LESNAR and FEDOR needs to grow some nuts and be his own man and sign with the UFC..

i agree, im ready to see that fight!

Guest baseball25

I watch some fights of overeem tonight and Lesnar would dominate that dude, he is way to little to be in the ring with lesnar...


I watch some fights of overeem tonight and Lesnar would dominate that dude, he is way to little to be in the ring with lesnar...

i dont know, overeems a beast... hes improved alot since fighting lhw.  who did you watch him fight?

Guest baseball25

Paul Buentello and  Gary Goodridge, I mean he's good but he's to little to fight a big guy like Lesnar 265 and overeem 230, Overeem is a better fit at 205 in my opinion, he hasn't fought a legit athletic heavyweight yet either, could he beat carwin,velesquez,coutore,nogeria, I don't think, but he matches up good with both nogeria and coutore because of size, but I don't seem him beating carwin or Lesnar, I would love to see him in the lightheavyweight divison though..

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