AggiesAreWe Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 I do find it hard to believe that you did not attend the meeting. :
shorttexas1 Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 I agree AAW!!!! He and the AD as well. He did not say he did not attend the meeting... He said that he has not heard anything yet!
Guest DickVitale Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 It was a BOARD MEETING...No one attended except the board... :...We (district reps, AD and myself) meet tommorrow when I return from Moose's funeral. We will be just fine, either way....If it does not go our way, life goes on...Its not that me anyway. Keep fishing, AAW.
Lazeek Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 It was a BOARD MEETING...No one attended except the board... :...We (district reps, AD and myself) meet tommorrow when I return from Moose's funeral. We will be just fine, either way....If it does not go our way, life goes on...Its not that me anyway. Keep fishing, AAW. Fishing is not what he did......he went catching!!!!
AggiesAreWe Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 It was a BOARD MEETING...No one attended except the board... :...We (district reps, AD and myself) meet tommorrow when I return from Moose's funeral. We will be just fine, either way....If it does not go our way, life goes on...Its not that me anyway. Keep fishing, AAW. Fishing is not what he did......he went catching!!!! I did no fishing whatsoever. These fish jumped into my boat!!
AggiesAreWe Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Go ahead and downplay it BO. It would be very typical of you. :
Guest DickVitale Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 You want me to provide you with info that I dont have yet? I am not downplaying ANYTHING, I am telling you that your "sources" are full of _ _ _ _, and thats coming from the GUY INVOLVED, not second hand hater/guessers....Like I said, no matter WHAT happens, we will move forward...Now what?
AggiesAreWe Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Okay BO. I have my info, and others here on the site do to. I am willing to let you come on here Wed. and let us know what happened. I am curious to see if it is the same that I already know about. I can post the e-mail with the date provided, no problem.
Lazeek Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Cricket, Cricket, Chirp, Chirp, Cricket, Cricket
Guest DickVitale Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 I just find it hard to believe that YOU know more true and correct information about MY PLAYERS eligibility statuts than I DO, based on your little messy grapevine.....I will be fine NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, but I am not in agreement with how you and your little messy cronies are handling this...WE MEET TOMORROW, so how do YOU know TODAY? ??? ??? ??? MIND BLOWING. I hope to see you in Port Arthur tomorrow, maybe you can shed some light to me about it then...
Lazeek Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Your tune seems to have changed.............last week you were quoted as saying that nothing would happen and that you were Mr. Untouchable and now you are quoted as saying that YOU and your PLAYERS will go on and be fine. Which is it?
Guest DickVitale Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 I am saying that NO MATTER WHAT happens LIFE WILL GO ON....I do not suspect that it will go any other way, but if it what? THATS what I am saying. There is NO WAY for me to lay low with you people because I keep being dragged into all of this foolishness...For what? If everything turns out as I plan, great....If not, fine....I adjust and we move on...Thats how it goes.
AggiesAreWe Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 And if(when) it does go south on you, will you be innocent of any of this wrong doing?
Guest DickVitale Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Wrong doing? I have not been accused of ANY wrong doing here!..This is not about even about ME or how they got to my school, its about FOREIGN STUDENT PAPERWORK...What the heck have I done wrong?....I am REALLY done with this conversation at this point.
Lazeek Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Wrong doing? I have not been accused of ANY wrong doing here!..This is not about even about ME or how they got to my school, its about FOREIGN STUDENT PAPERWORK...What the heck have I done wrong?....I am REALLY done with this conversation at this point. Not what the bluebirds are saying!!!
shorttexas1 Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 OK! This is my question... Why do you all want to see him fail so badly? Over a message board beef? Over internet misunderstandings? Over the BS we discuss in a chat room? This is real life folks, aside from a message board thread. Why would you all want to see him fail in his life? Especially if you don't know him personally. This thing called SETXSPORTS.COM is fun and games, I take it with a grain of salt. But because you do not like his internet personality you want him to fail in REAL life? You want to know who he is as a person? Well this is the truth, he is not a racist. When I am with him plenty of white professionals and friends sit and talk and smile with this guy. He is spirited with alot of pride. He has integrety. He is a good and loyal friend. And he is passionate to a flaw. I have asked him numerous amounts of times to stop enteraining the personal attacks, but his pride and spirit wont allow him. That is why I started taking up for him, hoping that he would settle for that, AND BACK DOWN FROM REBUTTLES. Now, I just got off the phone with him and he told me that it has nothing to do with him or his players. If he is lying to me then so be it. He must have a reason to, and I am not mad about it at all. I will still support him if is he is. I personally hope that these issues don't effect him, and my friend you are in my prayers.
Lazeek Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 I never want to see anyone fail. He has dug this hole for himself with his big headed, pompous, conceited, haughty, egotistic, conceited, overconfident, proud, superior and arrogant remarks that he continues to make on this site. This also includes the racist remarks that he continues to make on here. He has made a very poor name for himself on this board. I know that his response will be that the does not care what "us" SE Texas people think, but he should. Nobody has ever questioned him as a coach on this board. He knows the game more than me and more than likely 95% of the people on this board. But his attitude has ruined the family name. Short you are a better person than me. I personally would not stand up for him nor defend him. Is it because he is black........HECK NO!!!! It is because of his attitude. I have plenty of black friends and several family members that are black. I know that he and I are alike in several facets of life........We both love to start stuff on here, we both think that we are never wrong, we both are big headed, etc. But myself nor anyone in my family can respect a man that has the attitude that he does. I am sorry if you feel that I am wrong for that, but as the DV has said many times.......IT IS WHAT IT IS!!! As far as "coach bashing" goes it does not exist with him. Nobody and I mean nobody on this board views him as a coach.............because NOT ONE COACH would ever act the way that he does on here!!! 100% of what he gets is brought on by himself!!! I wish him the best in what he has done, what he is doing and whatever lies before him in the future.
Lazeek Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 It will be made public soon enough. Be patient my friend!!!
BLUEDOVE3 Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 Maybe if he shuffled you'd appreciate him more.
Lazeek Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 Maybe if he shuffled you'd appreciate him more. What?
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