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As a high school football parent, I am concerned about rumors of steriod use in high school sports.My question is a simple one. Why not test every single high school athlete for performance drugs? There are programs in SE TX that these rumors always surround, but it seems they go unattended. If there are athletes using these drugs, it's a real shame and it should be exposed. This would make them about half the athlete we think they are(example Brian Bosworth).


Adam LaRoche, Atlanta Braves 1B struggled most of the year....He was making stupid plays at 1B, like not covering the bag, not knowing how many outs and just looked aloof out in the field. This morning on Outside the Lines they did a story on him. After being diagnosed as ADD, MLB allowed him to take a ban drug, immediatley he raised his average 100 points and has slugged 20 homers in last 2 months.

Is the Ritalin drug a steriod?


Ritalin is not a steroid.What we are doing here is avoiding the question. You know what I am talking about. There are teams in this are that football & steroid use are always used in the same breath. So as a parent this concerns me for the health of our kids.


as said earlier its to exspensive for most schools to test these players and on another note I think its not as big of an issue and you make it out to be. Most of the time the rumor is much bigger than the truth.


There are teams in this are that football & steroid use are always used in the same breath. So as a parent this concerns me for the health of our kids.

If you have proof and your concerned about the kids health then you should report it.


Having played at the high school and college level, later coached at the HS level and now having a son as a player in HS I have realized with these experiences that our culture allows and below the surface promotes this sort of thing to happen.

In addition to the expense for checking for athletic enhancing drugs/dopes, the primary reason our young student athletes to even consider this self-damaging avenue of instant gratifying performance is pressure to play and play well for their coaches, parents, peers and community.

Some peers/players and adults have bought into the idea these assisting drugs won't hurt for their short HS career. BS!! These drugs are as illegal as recreational chemicals for the same biologically damaging reasons.

Our players today even with contracts to the school and team continue to us steriods/dope because unless caught by the police, their parents and school district staff will not punish them if the are a pivotal player for the team.

First of all the parents think this will be embarrassing for the family so they will not report their childs poor judgement/actions. Second the school district pays the Coach to win games and the community will not stand for a loss or losing season for an obvious lesson needed to be learned by the young students to give them a little more self-esteem and faith in themselves that they can do with out these artificial enhancers.


Alot of schools already drug test they just need to add roids to the list, and have all schools test.(it is absolutly being used in high school sports)

Guest sideline

Adam LaRoche' date=' Atlanta Braves 1B struggled most of the year....He was making stupid plays at 1B, like not covering the bag, not knowing how many outs and just looked aloof out in the field. This morning on Outside the Lines they did a story on him. After being diagnosed as ADD, MLB allowed him to take a ban drug, immediatley he raised his average 100 points and has slugged 20 homers in last 2 months.

Is the Ritalin drug a steriod?[/quote']

I believe in the report, they stated that Ritalin was a stimulant and is on the banned list as a stimulant. He is allowed to use it because he has been diagnosed as ADD.

There have been many cases of stimulants being used as well as Performance Enhancement Drugs in all areas of athletics but Stimulants would be another issue and another thread altogether.


Having played at the high school and college level' date=' later coached at the HS level and now having a son as a player in HS I have realized with these experiences that our culture allows and below the surface promotes this sort of thing to happen.

In addition to the expense for checking for athletic enhancing drugs/dopes, the primary reason our young student athletes to even consider this self-damaging avenue of instant gratifying performance is pressure to play and play well for their coaches, parents, peers and community.

Some peers/players and adults have bought into the idea these assisting drugs won't hurt for their short HS career. BS!! These drugs are as illegal as recreational chemicals for the same biologically damaging reasons.

Our players today even with contracts to the school and team continue to us steriods/dope because unless caught by the police, their parents and school district staff will not punish them if the are a pivotal player for the team.

First of all the parents think this will be embarrassing for the family so they will not report their childs poor judgement/actions. Second the school district pays the Coach to win games and the community will not stand for a loss or losing season for an obvious lesson needed to be learned by the young students to give them a little more self-esteem and faith in themselves that they can do with out these artificial enhancers.[/quote']

Well said Coaches Perspective!! :!:


We should have a drug testing policy.While it is not feasable to test everyone , random test are certainly affordable.Its insane for these young people to risk their health for 10 weeks of fame.Its also very unfair to the young men and women who work all year and improve strictly from hard work.There out there and a whole lot more prevalent than some people want to think.


I believe drug testing on any level is a violation of rights to privacy and constitutes illegal search. I do not condone drug use, but taking a drug test is to presume guilt and forces you to prove your innocence. Totally backwards. I know I stand alone because everyone wants to go after Johnny football player and level the playing field. What a farce. What about the real drug users who are caught? Are you going to help them or just discard them and hope you can sit in the stands and enjoy a drug free football game? aren't you the pillar of the community? What a nice way to treat kids who are at the stage in life where they need our guidance instead of being pushed aside.

I believe my kid has the right to attend his school without any social body conducting illegal searches without just cause....just like I don't want a cop to pull me over just because he feels like it. Think of the innocent kids who will have to go through these processes of mistrust doled out by we adults. I think that just because there is no tangible solution to the problem, then we just punish everyone so as to make sure we get the guilty parties, without so much as a whisper of concern for the innocent kids whose inalienable rights we have infringed upon.

If my kid is on drugs of any kind, I will be the first to know and will not need outside assistance. Raise your own kids and send them to school without fear of them being violated. Be a better parent.


In a perfect world I would agree with you,but we don't live in a perfect world.There are a tremendous amount of parents today that don't have a clue where their kids are at must less what they are doing there.I don't see this as an attempt to get Johnny football player.I see it as a way to insure a kids can lead a healthy productive life when they get so old and fat they can't do anything but get on these message boards.


Fantasy or not, isn't that what we, as a society, are striving for?...Utopia?

If you are not going after Johnny football player, who are you going after, little Sally in the drama club? Yeah right. Last time I checked, steroids were not a mainstream drug. Carry that "it's our duty" flag and see where we are in 20 years. We lose our valuable rights everyday and just sit back and watch.

I'm not fat.


Right or wrong if little Johnny wants to work or play at the next level he will have to take a wiz-quiz.(its not just football look on the diamond sometimes)


Thanks for clearing that up for me. Note, I said on any level.

If you really want to do something to actually stop the drug problems of this country, then we need to start bombing the poppy fields of Afghanistan and the coca fields of Columbia and Peru. Anything less than that, you are just peeing in a bottle. Let's really attack the problem first hand and quit settling for a clear conscience while watching sports.



you are on the mark with the loss of rights to protect us from ourselves (which became quite popular in the 1990s), but as stated by another responder the kids adult influences either don't care or have bought into the hype of athletic enhancers.

If anyone has children that want to make it to the next level in any sport I strongly encourage they integrate the NEW POWER PROGRAM by Dr. Michael Colgan of the COLGAN INSTITUTE. This guy has studied over 20 years on exercise physiology and 30+ years in Optimum nutrition and has work with premier Olympic, Body Builders, Football, etc. athletes of the world. No artificial enhancers just honest hard work and healthy lifestyle.

In defense of bombing the other countries product fields, half the Americans presently don't want to defend themselves against terrorism what makes you think they want to stop the flow of recreational chemicals, after all they are the reason there are illegal drug flow to start with. The end user, not he pusher, or the grower, the user.


True enough. All I am trying to do is get my perspective out there. I don't expect everyone to agree with my stance because I know how people are. We want a drug free society, but expect someone else to do things that we as parents should be aware of in the first place, even if it means giving up precious rights.


I agree with the rights thing, but just like coach says some parents arent on the job. I do know of some situations where a kid his on the fence to try drugs or not and knowing that he may not get to play or march or cheer are whatever, may help them make the right choice.(just my thougts)


I think your looking at the violation of rights all wrong.

I have to take drug test for work(right or wrong)that's the way it is!

If you have nothing to hide,what's the problem.

If your son work's really hard all year, he can't keep up with those who have to cheat just to get noticed. :evil:

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