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If you could describe the perfect program what would it consist of and how would it be run. Please be constructive and coaches don't take it personal. The next question I have is would you try out for the Impact Gold if they moved to the Golden Triangle and why or why not.

I would appreciate getting answers to these questions and not responses to others answers.

Guest bigcat

Mr. Verde, Maybe Some thing to look at doing, is getting as many girls and parents together, and having a discussion on what it would take to get a true Gold team together. Have like a town hall meeting. You can be the speaker, let the girls ask Questions, and address their concerns.  This could be a start.  Maybe a lot of good could come from this.


By the way there doesn't have to be just 1 great team here. I think the mission is to get the best out of our all of our area. We have to provide great instruction and guidance no matter what the ability is and that needs to be for all that want it. We have to have a better system and better prepared coaches and more commitment from kids and family. It needs to be a system for most not just a few.


The add on would be for some of the girls that have realized their dreams to come and share their experiences like Jess did in the other post. Instead of hearing from just us old people.


This is great idea. We would love to attend (my kid and I) There would be more to learn from this group than I could even imagine.

We tried something similar a few years ago. we invited every coach from every team to join in a discussion among ourselves as well as guest speakers such as Verde, Parson...maybe even JT....I cant remember who all. The point of discussion at that time was to figure out how and why organizations like Spring Klien are successful.

Interest was shown in continueing those type gatherings....it just never happened. Shortly after we started GTS Gold using some of the ideas from that meeting.


If you could describe the perfect program what would it consist of and how would it be run. Please be constructive and coaches don't take it personal. The next question I have is would you try out for the Impact Gold if they moved to the Golden Triangle and why or why not.

I would appreciate getting answers to these questions and not responses to others answers.

The perfect team....

Pitching coach

catchers coach

hitting coach


all of which are experienced and successful in what they do as instructors.

this team would compete in all of the top showcases to allow opportunity to show the skills taught them by this coaching staff.

A meeting would be held in conjuction with practices to teach the PLAYERS and PARENTS what their roll is in getting recruited.

Yes we would tryout for Impact Gold.....we are actually going to tryouts in Spring Klien....and yes my DD's coach is aware of us doing this. In fact he encouraged it. he felt it would be a good experience for her whether it be good or bad. either way, she will learn something about herself.


Sometimes there are girls who can play at the top level but the parents just cant afford the cost of being on a top team.When my oldest daughter was playing soccer,select soccer the cost was 1200.00 for the year and that was just the beginning.Manny fine soccer players could not play because of the cost.The next year the UIL said it was OK to offer these athletes scholarships.Is this something that softball can do,are teams doing this now on a one one one situation


Everybody wants to be good even the best and almost all say they are willing to do whatever it takes but few have what it takes to take that chance. Few are willing to make a strong enough commitment to live their dream. You have to be willing to dive in the deep end. You have to be willing to take a chance where others are not. If this was easy everybody would be doing it. I am willing to help as always. I have been a assistant on teams that have qualified for ASA Gold and been the head coach also. I can even sit in the stands and watch. As most people know I still coach because I have a love for the game, my kid is married and giving me grandbabies right now. I will step up, down or sideways to help. I just don't know if our area is ready for this but I am willing to do whatever needs to be done to help the kids if they want it bad enough even if that means staying out of it. I have made scarifices before for the good of the team and will do again.


The thing that seems to throw up the biggest red flag about these topics to me is that the discussion boards always end up split. It's either a forum where one group talks or another where the opposite group talks.


We need to be able to come together as a community, not as a team, before anything can happen. Put your difference aside and let yourself, your kids, and your town make a name for this good ole boom town area.

I am definately in to do WHATEVER is needed to make this area grow! I came back home after graduation on purpose. I am almost finished with getting my teaching certificate and I want to stay around here to give back to the wonderful community that gave me so much growing up.

Lets get this ball rolling.....everyone on the bus!


Hello everyone

I am the Head Coach for the Texas Cobras Gold based out of Humble and I feel the need to respond to this post.  Last summer was our first as a Gold team and we had some success. I believe the girls and their parents need to find the best fit for them depending on what their goals are. A team like mine is similiar to a mid-major college program, we are going to get kids that the big programs turn down, I don't like that but it is what it is. That means as a coach I have to work harder than those other programs, to improve myself as a coach and also to make the right contacts with college coaches. A couple of years ago I became freinds with Pat Murphy of Alabama and he has helped me tremendously, answering my emails and giving me advice and introducing me to several coaches in the business. We got to play Impact Gold one time this summer and we beat them, we got to play Houston Power Gold (Glowacz) one time and we beat them, played Texas Hawks twice and beat them twice; I am not infering that we are anywhere close to these teams but we do feel like we can coach and we believe in doing it the right way. I just wish we could get some players to play for us that sit on those teams benches all summer. Do you want your kids to play at the top level or sit on the bench all summer as I saw many kids do this past summer.

Best wishes to everyone at their tryouts!


If you could describe the perfect program what would it consist of and how would it be run. Please be constructive and coaches don't take it personal. The next question I have is would you try out for the Impact Gold if they moved to the Golden Triangle and why or why not.

I would appreciate getting answers to these questions and not responses to others answers.

Back to the first question...

The perfect program would be a program under a leadership that would never recognize itself as perfect.  Because as soon as it does, another program will show up just to beat it.


I have to agree with Blazer5 the girls have to find the program that suits them best. We will continue to try to help our kids reach the next level and we have been successful so far doing that. As far as one team in our area. It's a good idea, but there has to be places for the other kids to go that don't fit in with this team. I don't care who coaches the team, don't care what name its under, but I do care about leaving other girls out in the cold looking for a team, that can play at the next level, just because they don't agree with the philosophies of the one "Super" team. Once again, I do agree that there needs to be one "Super" team as long as the players on that team are getting what they need in the process. I also agree with Blazer5 on the fact that its not a good idea to see kids pick up on teams like Impact that carry so many kids and sit on the bench the majority of the time.

  When I first started reading this thread it sounded like some kind of a "witch Hunt". Not sure if that's what it was intended for , but if it was, then I'm done.

  We also compare our area to the Houston area. They do have some very elite teams in the area. But I wonder how it would go there if they tried to make just 2 or 3 teams instead of the 4 or 5 that they currently have?? I don't know just asking the question. I do have a feeling it would end up just like it is in our area now.

  As for our team, we do not tell girls they can't tryout for anyone else. Matter of fact we usually encourage them to go tryout for others. However, most of our kids come to us because they "Fit" in with what we are doing, (financially and ability, and attitude wise).

  Once again I agree with the one team aspect, just don't know if it will ever happen in this area with the different levels of commitment we have in the area.


I hope no one sees the beginning of this being thread being a witch hunt from me. I am however challenging us to be critical of what we are doing. My words were program not team. One great team for the area would only benefit a few. A program could help and develop many.  There doesn't need to be just one choice but the program should have common goals and common standards. Do you believe that the overall coaching in our area meets the standards to compete at a national level. Are we educated enough, do we know how to? That's not to be critical its so we can be aware and make adjustments. Our kids deserve that. If I don't recognize my failures and weakness then won't tomorrow just be ground hog day.


funny thing about this question is ... if you ask 10 coaches in this area ,they will tell you they can contribute to the sucsess of a team like this  ??? Ask the same ten coaches and all will have diffrent opinions of who is the most talented players. That is why there is so many watered down teams in the area . What truely makes a coach the best for the job . I bet UT thought they had the right coach for the job in Softball  ??? ::) Every area has many versions of what they think is the best. and who makes the decision they are notthe best  ??? . I will put this all in a nut shell . Do you honestly think that the parents and coaches from Houston Power. California RR and German Town thought a HS team from Nederland would knock them out of the IFA Nationals ,the answer is a huge  no ,matter a fact the coaches snubbed there noses at us and the coaches  seemed to think we were a joke. well they are not laughing now . Can you do this year in, year out, Heck  NOOOO. I live in the real world and realize this was a once in a lifetime shot . But it just shows  even the big dogs don't know everything it takes to win . Would one great team from this area be great yes ,but will it ever happen ,probably not .but hey you cant knock someone for dreaming  ;) Who is the best Pitching coach in the area?

who is the best batting coach ?

who is the best catching coach ?

who is the best recruiter?

best catcher ,best pitcher ,best outfielder . I promise in a area poll everyone would not argree on the same person that is why this task is so tough  ???  Again I think this is a fantastic idea but it just has huge hurdles to overcome ???


#1 Recruiting knowledge!

#2 Team Leaders that are not players parents.

1) We moved to a Houston team specifically for recruiting. We were overwhelmed by the lack of information we have in this area as far as the recruiting process goes. (Or that was ever shared with us by any of our teams.) We have the talent to have many very competitive teams, but to be honest these college coaches are not looking at win/ loss records. They are summing up your childs talent, work ethic, academic scores, team spirit and attitude. Your child has to be willing to put the time and effort into contacting the coaches. Coaches from all divisions too. Sending resume's, giving tournament information and game times and follow up emails are extremly important parts of the process. The softball camps are the best chance of college coaches seeing your girls and getting to know them. Not just tournaments. 

2) It is my opinion that the girls are much happier when they do not have to worry about  parent/player issues. A coaching team that is there because they see talent and something special in each of their girls is amazing. The payoff is getting the players recruited to play college ball.

So if you have a group of coaches willing to really invest time in the recuiting process, and not just on the field, I know you could build good area teams.


It is striking though that some kids winning a National Championship is no longer an accomplishment.The only way to be a quality team is if you qualify Gold now, the choices keep shrinking.

If people can not support the local teams that have had success, how do you expect to pull them all together ?


If you could describe the perfect program what would it consist of and how would it be run. Please be constructive and coaches don't take it personal. The next question I have is would you try out for the Impact Gold if they moved to the Golden Triangle and why or why not.

I would appreciate getting answers to these questions and not responses to others answers.

I don't know if there is "The Perfect Program" but I do believe there are programs that attempt to make the players perfect. Now, we all know that players will not ever be perfect, but the quest for perfection will definitely make them as good as they can possibly be. This is going to start with practice. As the great Vince Lombardi was quoted back when he coached the Packers to many Super Bowl wins, "Practice does not make perfect" but "Perfect Practice does". Find the program that expects perfect practice. Now, we all know that as kids get older they get faster and stronger. I believe many confuse this with "getting better". Saying they are better players can be true to a degree. But I have seen many kids get stronger and faster only to have other kids that are also getting quality coaching pass them by. Find the program with quality coaching. Research their credentials for success. We all know "exposure" is the key to all of this, right? This is what it's all about. What is the program going to offer me in terms of exposure. Also, will the coach ensure that you are ready when you get in front of the college coaches. First impressions last forever. Has the team performed on a consistant basis when given the opportunity to showcase their talents. Many college coaches will spend alot of their time looking at specific teams before they ever wonder over to where the lesser known teams are playing. Has the program built a reputation where they are one of the teams the college coaches go to watch? Have they been one of those teams for a while or are they an up-and-coming. Find one of those programs. You will definitely get more exposure. Lastly, you need to make sure the player in question really wants to be the best they can be. Don't look for that "program" if you are satisfied with where you are with your skill level. The good programs are going to try to make good players great. Some kids don't want to put in the time to be great. They just want to wake up one morning and somehow over nite a miracle happened and they are the best there is. Sorry, but that ain't going to happen!! The character of a player is determined by what she will do to actually be the best player she can be. Have a coach push her to be the best and welcome the challenge. During my years of coaching baseball and softball I have come to the realization that no player is ever going to be perfect, but it's sure fun watching good players become great players by trying to be perfect players. Find the program that "TRIES" to be perfect and you can't go wrong.


It is striking though that some kids winning a National Championship is no longer an accomplishment.The only way to be a quality team is if you qualify Gold now, the choices keep shrinking.

If people can not support the local teams that have had success, how do you expect to pull them all together ?

We GT Shockers Gold are a Gold team and play in the exposure tournaments and Gold Qualifiers. WE qualified for ASA Gold Nationals last year. We also played in the same National Tournament that the Intensity did. We finished a very respectable 9th place. We did not win, the Intensity did so for that week they were the best team there. Things change from week to week but no matter what, the Intensity will be the National Champs forever, it is in the books and will be there wether people like it or not. Congrads on a great tournament and being the CHAMPS. A great accomplishment for any team.

We GT Shockers Gold are a Gold team and play in the exposure tournaments and Gold Qualifiers    = ok? . WE qualified for ASA Gold Nationals last year    = ok?

not sure what angle you were going with this (please dont explain)......... They (Intensity) were the best team there and yes things do change from week to week but when it counted in the IFA National Tournament they are National Champions and will be for an entire year until someone else is crowned next year.  I don't want to hear how many times prior to that tournament everyone beat them etc.... What matters is that tournament!


It is striking though that some kids winning a National Championship is no longer an accomplishment.The only way to be a quality team is if you qualify Gold now, the choices keep shrinking.

If people can not support the local teams that have had success, how do you expect to pull them all together ?

We GT Shockers Gold are a Gold team and play in the exposure tournaments and Gold Qualifiers. WE qualified for ASA Gold Nationals last year. We also played in the same National Tournament that the Intensity did. We finished a very respectable 9th place. We did not win, the Intensity did so for that week they were the best team there. Things change from week to week but no matter what, THE INTRNSITY WILL BE THE NATIONAL CHAMPS FOREVER, IT IS IN THE BOOKS AND WILL BE THERE WETHER PEOPLE LIKE IT OR NOT.CONGRADS ON A GREAT TOURNAMENT AND BEING THE CHAMPS. A GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR ANY TEAM.              I believe I gave them credit for what they accomplished and stated that even though we are a quality Gold team we were not able to do what they did by winning the Championship. Also never said anything about prior to that tournament.

Trout was the first to say congrads and as the year went along I came to really respect his approach to teaching these ladies to reach there dreams Kelly will truely miss him . Only a few wanna be ,envious grown men and one woman had to talk trash and belittle these kids accomplishment . If it applies to you well KMA and if it don't do not be offended . Every accomplishment on this forum can be dissected and picked apart . As I said winners are that, winners and losers try to find an excuse, to why they are not winners .

Guest Sports Reporter

LMAO.  How come I got the -90 and you got the -9?  They dislike me 10 times as much as BAG?  WOW.  I like the the "if it don't apply to you" approach and especially the KMA.  Too many of them and you will get the K(ar)MA  nazi

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