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We are the World, We are the children, We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start CHILLIN'...................

All we are saying....Is give peace a chance....

Now that is hillarious... seriously...too good.

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We are the World, We are the children, We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start CHILLIN'...................

All we are saying....Is give peace a chance....

Now that is hillarious... seriously...too good.



most of the flag & older kids would have been outside playing anyway on sat. except the kids who have over protective parents that baby them,make excuses for them when they lose or do bad,want special rules so their kids have a chance to compete with the kids who practice & work hard to be good, & give all the kids trophies at the end of the season.football is a tough sport at any level,if you dont like it dont play.


most of the flag & older kids would have been outside playing anyway on sat. except the kids who have over protective parents that baby them,make excuses for them when they lose or do bad,want special rules so their kids have a chance to compete with the kids who practice & work hard to be good, & give all the kids trophies at the end of the season.football is a tough sport at any level,if you dont like it dont play.

You hit the nail on the head kf'89. Enough said!!


thats kinda harsh kf'89..you must be an idiot...you must of been a nintendo kid mama's boy that stayed indoors and wasn't worth a hoot at sports...these kids dont need to be playing in these conditions...it was very very hot saturday...


Look, I agree it was hot. But the kids can play football in that heat. As long as the coaches sub them sufficiently. My problem is that there needs to be more adequate shelter on the sidelines for them to cool down a bit before getting back out there. I do believe that the 10 min quarters are excessive. But as someone said, that is to get the kids their 10 plays. I have coached on all levels middle school to varsity...and I believe with the conditions we have...10 min. quarters are to much.

Although, I coached a game in Nederland Sat. at 1:30. (In black jerseys) We had shelter on the sideline, a 10x10 ,a whole ice chest of towels and rags iced down, and plenty of water. I took all the precautions of the kids in mind, and still my son said..."Dad, why did you take me out of the game so much?"

I'm all for early games or night games. But until this situation is resolved. Some big tents, portable fans and other such thing would be great. The only thing that matters is, WHAT'S BEST FOR THE KIDS!!!!

Guest yankee fan

most of the flag & older kids would have been outside playing anyway on sat. except the kids who have over protective parents that baby them,make excuses for them when they lose or do bad,want special rules so their kids have a chance to compete with the kids who practice & work hard to be good, & give all the kids trophies at the end of the season.football is a tough sport at any level,if you dont like it dont play.

My kid would have been outside playing,but not w/ pads and a helmet on. It was really hot!!! I would like to see all these dads that are saying tough up...play in that heat w/ pads and helmets. These kids were sweating and their faces were beat red and they were playing their hardest. You people are so cold hearted. We are talking about young kids not H.S. boys. I keep reading all the rude comments about people being whiney bc it was hot. It was hot and im sure if something would happen to a kid bc of the heat. You would feel like crap.

They did play a good game our kids didnt do what they were supposed to do missed blocking assignments and the delay of game, i was on the chain gang and some of the comments i heard from the Lumb coaches i wont put on here ill give it to the proper people and see what they want to do with it. I got burnt out there, my son stripped down to just his pants out there and poured water all over himself, did good seen him get through the line acouple of times but no help, and the arm tackling after what we worked on, it shows that we only practiced 3 days this last week ??? oh well to Vidor we go, and raider white as long as my sons an Indian i have plenty to smack about. :-*

New Indian

I’m the head coach of the Lumberton Junior White Team so if you have evidence of any coach from our side acting in an inappropriate manner let me know and I’ll be sure to address it. But keep in mind we had a professional cameraman recording our game and picked up most of the sideline activity as well. One thing that sticks out on the film is when I had to call the head referee over to get control of the chain gang about their comments. It doesn’t surprise me to find out you were one of them. 

Some of the things you may have heard while on our side are our coaches shooting down the New Indian theories and comments. You can’t take that personally because our coaches didn’t know your identity and certainly not aware you were on our sideline. You have to understand that we use your posts on this site as motivational tools. By the time our teams meet my boys are ready to rip your heads off and it’s unfortunate your boys have to pay for your comments but they have for the second year in a row.

Lets just leave at "Good Game"


They did play a good game our kids didnt do what they were supposed to do missed blocking assignments and the delay of game, i was on the chain gang and some of the comments i heard from the Lumb coaches i wont put on here ill give it to the proper people and see what they want to do with it. I got burnt out there, my son stripped down to just his pants out there and poured water all over himself, did good seen him get through the line acouple of times but no help, and the arm tackling after what we worked on, it shows that we only practiced 3 days this last week ??? oh well to Vidor we go, and raider white as long as my sons an Indian i have plenty to smack about. :-*

New Indian

I’m the head coach of the Lumberton Junior White Team so if you have evidence of any coach from our side acting in an inappropriate manner let me know and I’ll be sure to address it. But keep in mind we had a professional cameraman recording our game and picked up most of the sideline activity as well. One thing that sticks out on the film is when I had to call the head referee over to get control of the chain gang about their comments. It doesn’t surprise me to find out you were one of them. 

Some of the things you may have heard while on our side are our coaches shooting down the New Indian theories and comments. You can’t take that personally because our coaches didn’t know your identity and certainly not aware you were on our sideline. You have to understand that we use your posts on this site as motivational tools. By the time our teams meet my boys are ready to rip your heads off and it’s unfortunate your boys have to pay for your comments but they have for the second year in a row.

Lets just leave at "Good Game"

We were told that the visiting team would have to run the chains anyway. What was he doing on your sidelines if that's true. We WOS played the purple team and we had to have someone run the chains.


Look, I agree it was hot. But the kids can play football in that heat. As long as the coaches sub them sufficiently. My problem is that there needs to be more adequate shelter on the sidelines for them to cool down a bit before getting back out there. I do believe that the 10 min quarters are excessive. But as someone said, that is to get the kids their 10 plays. I have coached on all levels middle school to varsity...and I believe with the conditions we have...10 min. quarters are to much.

Although, I coached a game in Nederland Sat. at 1:30. (In black jerseys) We had shelter on the sideline, a 10x10 ,a whole ice chest of towels and rags iced down, and plenty of water. I took all the precautions of the kids in mind, and still my son said..."Dad, why did you take me out of the game so much?"

I'm all for early games or night games. But until this situation is resolved. Some big tents, portable fans and other such thing would be great. The only thing that matters is, WHAT'S BEST FOR THE KIDS!!!!

Good post...and pretty much sums up my feelings...some good ideas there.


i had a long good response to ya raider44 but... in short..everyone has their opinions...and i dont agree with you...at the high school level yes....at 9-10 years old no.

there should be a set limit on temperatures.... its very dangerous regardless of how tough you think it makes the 6 year old flag kids on saturdays. ( Even a time limit or longer mandatory half time..something)

Next lightning storm and a game gets cancelled..lets give em all long steel rods and have em hold those while they play..that'll toughen em up. ( More kids die from heat related illness's every year than the same amount of lighting strikes over 10 years) and besides..you said it best..we do live in SOUTHEAST TEXAS for pete's sake..we should act like we have a brain and let it reflect in our decisions when dealing with our kids safety.

Im all for a mercy rule in youth sports...i actually think the 10 run rule is a great rule in little league baseball...we are here to protect these kids physically and mentally.

The kiddos playing 3-5 baseball games on Sunday..should have been sitting in Church.. THATS whats wrong with the world today.

This isnt Marine Boot Camp...it's junior league football... does em no good to be tough and all at 9-10 if they end up hating the game and dont choose to play in high school.... and I'll leave it to a man named Faircloth to prepair my boys for two-a-days. They are ten..im pretty sure it doesnt take 6 years to get in shape for two a days .

hey but to each his own...your intitled to your opinion...like me  mine..i tend to go overboard with safety stuff...im a fireman/medic by trade and have dealt with plenty of kids with heat injuries...scary thing when dealing with kids. they crash fast.


Wow, didn't realize what a can of worms this would open. I'm just saying in my opinion as a guy who has been a hi school, semi pro, pee wee ref for the last 10 years it seems that if 10 minutes is too long for 14-15 yr old kids that have been through 2 a days and on a year round work out program and play late in the evening it's probably too long for the little fellas that play at hi noon. I know when we get mid way throught the 4th quarter in most instances, I don't see the competive fire the their eyes anymore. The majority of them are ready to call it a day. Oh well, this point will be moot in about 8 weeks when it cools off to 85!!!!!! If I was the Grand Pooba of the league, we'd play 7 minutes quarters with every kid having to play 1 quarter but that's just me...Good luck to you all this year......


They did play a good game our kids didnt do what they were supposed to do missed blocking assignments and the delay of game, i was on the chain gang and some of the comments i heard from the Lumb coaches i wont put on here ill give it to the proper people and see what they want to do with it. I got burnt out there, my son stripped down to just his pants out there and poured water all over himself, did good seen him get through the line acouple of times but no help, and the arm tackling after what we worked on, it shows that we only practiced 3 days this last week ??? oh well to Vidor we go, and raider white as long as my sons an Indian i have plenty to smack about. :-*

New Indian

I’m the head coach of the Lumberton Junior White Team so if you have evidence of any coach from our side acting in an inappropriate manner let me know and I’ll be sure to address it. But keep in mind we had a professional cameraman recording our game and picked up most of the sideline activity as well. One thing that sticks out on the film is when I had to call the head referee over to get control of the chain gang about their comments. It doesn’t surprise me to find out you were one of them. 

Some of the things you may have heard while on our side are our coaches shooting down the New Indian theories and comments. You can’t take that personally because our coaches didn’t know your identity and certainly not aware you were on our sideline. You have to understand that we use your posts on this site as motivational tools. By the time our teams meet my boys are ready to rip your heads off and it’s unfortunate your boys have to pay for your comments but they have for the second year in a row.

Lets just leave at "Good Game"

I had a good talk with DL after the game. He is a lifelong friend and  I am also a coach for PNGYFA. Personally, I wish people associated with our league WOULD NOT get on this site and run their mouths about YOUTH FOOTBALL, especially if you are on the sidelines and involved in the game. I can assure you that DL made no excuses for the loss on Saturday other than that you guys are better at this point. Please don't let the one OUTSPOKEN person on these boards influence your feelings toward our association. We definitely took our lumps as a whole last weekend. We will get it straightened out. Good luck to all of you over in Lumberton. You have some strong teams top to bottom.


Today was really busy for me shooting stuff but I'm going to try and get some of these games for my shows.

Ash, looks like the game you need to be at next week is the Jr. BC vs. WOS White 1pm in BC. Heck, I coach another game that day and I wish I could make it...

BC-  41              WOS-W-  54

Ned Gold-  6          PNG-P-  0

P.S. If you do, could you shot it from the Endzone and send me a copy???  ;)

I'll see what I can do, but I usually move along the sidelines when a shoot.

BC has a nice new press box 10 ft up at midfield with a coach's nest covered roof. Perfect to scout and film your games. We will even let TD up there but we will charge him.  lol     Going to work on it some more  good luck to everyone.

Seems like the Refs are allways looking for a way to go home early,you would think at $50 per game per Ref....

i had a long good response to ya raider44 but... in short..everyone has their opinions...and i dont agree with you...at the high school level yes....at 9-10 years old no.

there should be a set limit on temperatures.... its very dangerous regardless of how tough you think it makes the 6 year old flag kids on saturdays. ( Even a time limit or longer mandatory half time..something)

Next lightning storm and a game gets cancelled..lets give em all long steel rods and have em hold those while they play..that'll toughen em up. ( More kids die from heat related illness's every year than the same amount of lighting strikes over 10 years) and besides..you said it best..we do live in SOUTHEAST TEXAS for pete's sake..we should act like we have a brain and let it reflect in our decisions when dealing with our kids safety.

Im all for a mercy rule in youth sports...i actually think the 10 run rule is a great rule in little league baseball...we are here to protect these kids physically and mentally.

The kiddos playing 3-5 baseball games on Sunday..should have been sitting in Church.. THATS whats wrong with the world today.

This isnt Marine Boot Camp...it's junior league football... does em no good to be tough and all at 9-10 if they end up hating the game and dont choose to play in high school.... and I'll leave it to a man named Faircloth to prepair my boys for two-a-days. They are ten..im pretty sure it doesnt take 6 years to get in shape for two a days .

hey but to each his own...your intitled to your opinion...like me  mine..i tend to go overboard with safety stuff...im a fireman/medic by trade and have dealt with plenty of kids with heat injuries...scary thing when dealing with kids. they crash fast.


Wow, didn't realize what a can of worms this would open. I'm just saying in my opinion as a guy who has been a hi school, semi pro, pee wee ref for the last 10 years it seems that if 10 minutes is too long for 14-15 yr old kids that have been through 2 a days and on a year round work out program and play late in the evening it's probably too long for the little fellas that play at hi noon. I know when we get mid way throught the 4th quarter in most instances, I don't see the competive fire the their eyes anymore. The majority of them are ready to call it a day. Oh well, this point will be moot in about 8 weeks when it cools off to 85!!!!!! If I was the Grand Pooba of the league, we'd play 7 minutes quarters with every kid having to play 1 quarter but that's just me...Good luck to you all this year......


Today was really busy for me shooting stuff but I'm going to try and get some of these games for my shows.

Ash, looks like the game you need to be at next week is the Jr. BC vs. WOS White 1pm in BC. Heck, I coach another game that day and I wish I could make it...

BC-  41              WOS-W-  54

Ned Gold-  6          PNG-P-  0

P.S. If you do, could you shot it from the Endzone and send me a copy???  ;)

I'll see what I can do, but I usually move along the sidelines when a shoot.

BC has a nice new press box 10 ft up at midfield with a coach's nest covered roof. Perfect to scout and film your games. We will even let TD up there but we will charge him.  lol     Going to work on it some more  good luck to everyone.

I may just find my way up there. Not to film though. I don't think we have anyone that even films our games. If both of us are going to be up there you may want to do some reinforcing of the coaches nest.  ;D


Today was really busy for me shooting stuff but I'm going to try and get some of these games for my shows.

Plenty  of support Dennis, Rusty and myself have teasted the weight limit its all good. At the same time. With Hollywood Rick 

Ash, looks like the game you need to be at next week is the Jr. BC vs. WOS White 1pm in BC. Heck, I coach another game that day and I wish I could make it...

BC-  41              WOS-W-  54

Ned Gold-  6          PNG-P-  0

P.S. If you do, could you shot it from the Endzone and send me a copy???  ;)

I'll see what I can do, but I usually move along the sidelines when a shoot.

BC has a nice new press box 10 ft up at midfield with a coach's nest covered roof. Perfect to scout and film your games. We will even let TD up there but we will charge him.  lol     Going to work on it some more  good luck to everyone.

I may just find my way up there. Not to film though. I don't think we have anyone that even films our games. If both of us are going to be up there you may want to do some reinforcing of the coaches nest.  ;D


That sounds good then. I don't even know enough about football to even begin to know what to scout. I can't do anything but follow the ball.


I had a good talk with DL after the game. He is a lifelong friend and  I am also a coach for PNGYFA. Personally, I wish people associated with our league WOULD NOT get on this site and run their mouths about YOUTH FOOTBALL, especially if you are on the sidelines and involved in the game. I can assure you that DL made no excuses for the loss on Saturday other than that you guys are better at this point. Please don't let the one OUTSPOKEN person on these boards influence your feelings toward our association. We definitely took our lumps as a whole last weekend. We will get it straightened out. Good luck to all of you over in Lumberton. You have some strong teams top to bottom.

I don’t know DL well, but we’ve had several games over the past couple of years and know he wouldn’t think I’m accusing him of anything. He’s always been a standup guy that takes his losses just like he takes his wins… A smile a firm handshake and “Good Game†is what you get and believe me I’ve been on both ends several times.

There are some on this site that can’t keep their opinions to themselves, but we wouldn’t hold that against DL or PNG. Good luck to you and with any luck we hope to see you weeks 9 – 11  :)


I can't help but notice that the moderators cleaned the posts up a little. I have to say that I am going to miss the humor NewIndian and SportNut bring to the day so don't censor them out completely. They are like the Archie Bunkers of this site... You don't agree with much of what they say but you don't want to see their shows get cancelled either. 


I can't help but notice that the moderators cleaned the posts up a little. I have to say that I am going to miss the humor NewIndian and SportNut bring to the day so don't censor them out completely. They are like the Archie Bunkers of this site... You don't agree with much of what they say but you don't want to see their shows get cancelled either. 

I am all for good fun and a little trash talking.But the arguing,and all the personal attacks is what I was referring to. I am all for predictions,and  I told you so's..but just person to person attacks is what we dont need here..especially when a person signs in and has one post and then cancels his account because he is a coward.. newindian is a unique individual..well....I will leave it at that..I have to practice what i preach.. ;)
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