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Nederland Freshman team

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Offense struggled to consistently move the ball but did produce some big plays...defense was dominant, plain and simple...WOS could not get much of anything going...all in all, I would say it was a pretty good start to the season...I wouldn't worry about the offense too much as they are learning a whole new system, so they will need time to gel...I think they will be fine come district time and if the defense continues to be in the backfield like they were last night, they won't have to do much anyway.

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Guest knoddyknod

I watched the Bulldog freshman play WOS. Offense took a little time to get rolling, but that can be attributed to learning a more advanced offensive scheme. In time, it will all come together. On the other hand, the freshman defense is a monster. I haven't seen that type of intensity in a long time. For freshman, those guys are huge and fast. Everyone was wrapping up on tackles and didn't over run the play. Every time WOS snapped the ball, Nederland was already in the back field, instantly flushing the QB out of the pocket, which consistently turned out to be a huge loss in yardage for the Mustangs. That's going to be a group of athletes coming up that everyone should watch. By the time they are playing Varsity, which for some, might be sooner, rather than later, this defense is not going to allow very much yardage from it's opponent. 

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